Need help about time condition on stopwatch Topic is solved

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Need help about time condition on stopwatch  Topic is solved

18 Sep 2017, 17:55

Hi i need some advice about stopwatch code
this code is work perfectly for me but i need to improve something
first i need to turn text color to red when time is => 10 sec
and i need the code to ignore reset command from {f1} if time is <10 sec

can someone help me please ?

Code: Select all

; http://www.autohotke...ple-stop-watch/

#SingleInstance FORCE

SetBatchLines, -1
; Some variables
ElapsedTime := A_YYYY                                 ; initialize ElapsedTime, it will be treated as YYYY0101000000
BalanceTime := 0                                      ; initialize BalanceTime (time not counted yet)
; Tray menu
Menu, Tray, NoStandard                                ; clear the tray menu for customizing
Menu, Tray, Add, Quit, AppExit                        ; add item "Quit" to call AppExit
Menu, Tray, Default, Quit                             ; double-click on the tray icon will call "Quit"
Menu, Tray, Tip, % " AHK short-time Stopwatch "       ; add a nice tool tip
Gui, +LastFound ; Added
WinSet, TransColor, FFFFFF 100 ; Added
Gui, +ToolWindow -Caption +AlwaysOnTop                ; made some changes for relative positioning and sizing
Gui, Margin, 0, 0                                     ; http://l.autohotkey....ui.htm#Position
Gui, Font, S32 CDefault Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Text, Center vDisplayTime, 00:00
Gui, Font, S12, Verdana
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 yp w1 h1 vBtnStartStop gStartStop Default, Start`nStop
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 yp w1 h1 vBtnReset gReset, Reset

Gui, Show, , Stop Watch

if (A_TickCount - StartTime = 20000 )
    MsgBox Too much time has passed.

gosub, Reset
Gosub, StartStop

; Exit label
; BtnStartStop label
   GuiControlGet, BtnStartStop                        ; get the caption of the button
   If (BtnStartStop = "Start`nStop") {                ; if it is "Start`nStop"
      StartTickCount := A_TickCount - BalanceTime     ; initialize StartTickCount
      SetTimer, StopWatch, 10                         ; start the timer called every 10 ms to be accurate
      GuiControl, , BtnStartStop, Stop                ; set the caption to Stop
   } Else {                                           ; it should be "Stop"
      BalanceTime := A_TickCount - StartTickCount     ; memorize the balance time not counted yet
      SetTimer, StopWatch, Off                        ; stop the timer
      GuiControl, , BtnStartStop, Start`nStop         ; set the caption to "Start`nStop"
; BtnReset label
   SetTimer, StopWatch, Off                           ; stop the timer
   GuiControl, , BtnStartStop, Start`nStop            ; set the caption of BtnStartStop to "Start`nStop"
   GuiControl, , DisplayTime, 00:00                   ; initialize DisplayTime
   ElapsedTime := A_YYYY                              ; initialize ElapsedTime, it will be treated as YYYY0101000000
   BalanceTime := 0                                   ; initialize BalanceTime
   GuiControl, Focus, BtnStartStop                    ; set the focus on BtnStartStop
   GuiControl, -Default, BtnReset                     ; remove the BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON (default) style
   GuiControl, +Default, BtnStartStop                 ; set the BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON (default) style
; Timer routine
   If ((A_TickCount - StartTickCount) >= 1000) {      ; if current tickcount - StartTickCount >= 1000 (i.e. 1 second)
      StartTickCount += 1000                          ; add 1000 ms (1 second) to StartTickCount
      ElapsedTime += 1, S                             ; add 1 second to ElapsedTime
      FormatTime, DisplayTime, %ElapsedTime%, mm:ss   ; format ElapsedTime to mm:ss
      GuiControl, , DisplayTime, %DisplayTime%        ; update DisplayTime

Posts: 6564
Joined: 13 May 2014, 17:15

Re: Need help about time condition on stopwatch

19 Sep 2017, 04:32

GuiControl, Font: Changes the control's font to the typeface, size, color, and style currently in effect for its window. For example: ...

Re: Need help about time condition on stopwatch

19 Sep 2017, 17:12

BoBo wrote:
GuiControl, Font: Changes the control's font to the typeface, size, color, and style currently in effect for its window. For example: ...
Hi thank for reply
my problem is time condition, i totally have no idea what code i need to use
i try to use

Code: Select all

timers += 1
if(timers > 10)

Code: Select all

  If ((A_TickCount - StartTickCount) < 10000) 
but its doesnt seem to work

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