Help with automation Topic is solved

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Help with automation  Topic is solved

21 Sep 2017, 13:28

Is it possible to make a script to recognize if a web page is loaded?

I made a script (with help from here) to automate the uploading of files to a site. After every file uploaded, it sends me to this exact page that never changes, let's call this page "Success". I've set a Sleep that I feel is enough for Success to load, then it clicks a button to go back to the uploading page, looping this process until all the files are uploaded. My issue is that sometimes Success takes more than I had set, screwing it all over. I could set a even more longer Sleep time, but generally it takes only a split second to load it, but sometimes it doesn't.

Can someone guide me to what I should look into?

Code: Select all

Global MyCounterVar := 14084
Loop, 825

	Tooltip % MyCounterVar
	Sleep 81
	SendInput {Raw}2015
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Raw}%MyCounterVar%
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Raw}File n. %MyCounterVar%
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Raw}%MyCounterVar%
	Sleep, 20000
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Enter}

return ;
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Joined: 06 Mar 2017, 16:18
Location: France

Re: Help with automation

21 Sep 2017, 17:05


If it sends you to a new page this page has probably not the same title as the first one so that you can probably take advantage of the WinWait command. Below a simple example using chrome: once the Gmail link is clicked from and the browser navigates @ the MsgBox appears.

Code: Select all

run, chrome.exe
WinWait, Gmail - Google Chrome
MsgBox, success
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Joined: 21 Sep 2017, 10:31

Re: Help with automation

21 Sep 2017, 17:40

Hi A_AhkUser, both pages have the same title but not the same url (obviously).

It will show this message though, could I use it somehow?

Code: Select all

<p class="display">File uploaded successful.</p>
This is the whole script, I omitted some parts in the OP.

Code: Select all

Global MyCounterVar := 14084
Loop, 825

	Tooltip % MyCounterVar
	Sleep 81
	SendInput {Raw}2015
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Raw}%MyCounterVar%
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Raw}File n. %MyCounterVar%
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Enter}
	SendInput {Raw}%MyCounterVar%
	SendInput {Enter}
	SendInput {Tab}
	SendInput {Enter} ;this is the part where it upload the file, then load "Success"
	Sleep, 20000 ;20 seconds wait to "guarantee" that Success will load
	MouseMove, 1258, 260
	Click ;send me back to the uploading page

return ;
Posts: 1147
Joined: 06 Mar 2017, 16:18
Location: France

Re: Help with automation

22 Sep 2017, 09:01


You can use WinWaitClose (i.e. "WinaitNotExist") instead: altougth the title is nearly instantaneous updated when the page loads, it remains empty for a few miliseconds and will force WinWaitClose command to time out (note: change tab will produce the same effect since it updates the browser main title too).

Code: Select all

run, chrome.exe --app=
WinWait, Google
sleep, 2000
sendinput, {F5} ; refresh the page - same title
WinWaitClose, Google
MsgBox, success
It will show this message though, could I use it somehow?

Code: Select all

<p class="display">File uploaded successful.</p>
Actually you can take adavntage of the value of this p element, especially if it is specific to the page. However you must get a pointer to the web browser - for example creating an - IE specific - ActiveX control (see also: Basic Webpage Controls with JavaScript / COM - Tutorial)
Simple example:

Code: Select all

; Gui Add, ActiveX, w980 h640 vWB, Shell.Explorer  ; The final parameter is the name of the ActiveX component.
; WB.Navigate("")  ; This is specific to the web browser control.
wb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") ; create IE
wb.Visible := true ; show IE
wb.Navigate("") ; Navigate Google
while (WB.busy or WB.readystate <> 4) ; waits for the page to be loaded
	sleep, 300
Gui Show

!i:: ; ALT+I hotkey
WB.document.getElementByID("lst-ib").innerText := "blabla" ; SET the value of the searchbar
	MsgBox % WB.document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].outerHTML ; GET some value from the page

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