Loop read edit box entries and IniWrite them with loop SOLVED Topic is solved

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Loop read edit box entries and IniWrite them with loop SOLVED

23 Sep 2017, 18:06

So, ive been fiddling with this all day. Can you incrementally/loop write variables to files?

I can read them fine and populate edit boxes per entry.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

IniRead, vReadIn, Config.inc, Variables, In, ERROR!
vReadInB := vReadIn-1


Gui, Add, Text,, BOOKMARK NAME
Loop, %vReadIn%
	IniRead, vReadName, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name, ERROR!
	Gui , Add , Edit , xm w+130 vStoreName%A_index%, %vReadName%
Gui, Add, Text, ys, BOOKMARK ADDRESS
Loop, %vReadIn%
	IniRead, vReadAddress, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address, ERROR!
	Gui , Add , Edit , w+200 vStoreAddress%A_index%, %vReadAddress%
	Gui, Add, Button, xm+250 gSave, Save
	Gui, Add, Button, x+1 gGuiClose, Cancel
Gui , Show

Gui, Submit, NoHide

Loop, %vReadIn%
IniWrite, %vStoreNameA_index%, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name
Loop, %vReadIn%
IniWrite, %vStoreAddressA_index%, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address


I just need a way to loop index read those edit boxes and save them to the file. :eh:
Last edited by theimmersion on 23 Sep 2017, 21:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Loop read edit box entries and IniWrite them with loop  Topic is solved

23 Sep 2017, 19:03

Hi theimmersion,

V: Variable. Associates a variable with a control. Immediately after the letter V, specify the name of a global variable (...)
source:associated output variable

In other words, to retrieve your associated output variable you should omit the v which is meaningful only the moment you create it as a GUI control option - just like you've correctly done it with your g-label Save btw. Besides, in this case, using pseudo-arrays (e.g. Bookmark%A_index%Address) it is necessary to use the percent sign:

Code: Select all

MyVar1 := 3
x := 1
MsgBox % MyVar%x%
see also:percent-space

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

MyIniFile := A_ScriptDir . "/test.ini" ; a file for test purposes

if not (FileExist(MyIniFile)) ; create the test if it doesn't exist
	), % MyIniFile, utf-16 ; IniRead and IniWrite rely on the external functions to read and write values. These functions support Unicode only in UTF-16 files
IniRead, OutputVarSection, % MyIniFile, Variables ; Omit the Key parameter to read an entire section
pairs := StrSplit(OutputVarSection, "`n") ; separates the string into an array of substrings using the "`n" (linefeed) as delimiter.

Gui, Add, Text,, BOOKMARK NAME

Loop % pairs.length()/2 ; loops the array
	IniRead, vReadName, % MyIniFile, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name, ERROR!
	Gui, Add, Edit, xm w+130 vStoreName%A_index%, %vReadName%

Gui, Add, Text, ys, BOOKMARK ADDRESS

Loop % pairs.length()/2
	IniRead, vReadAddress, % MyIniFile, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address, ERROR!
	Gui, Add, Edit, w+200 vStoreAddress%A_index%, %vReadAddress%

Gui, Add, Button, xm+250 gSave, Save
Gui, Add, Button, x+1 gGuiClose, Cancel
Gui, Show
return ; end of the auto-execute section

Save: ; save subroutine
Gui, Submit, NoHide
Loop % pairs.length()/2
; % StoreAddress%a_index% ---> first a_index is replaced by the index of the current iteration (for example StoreAddress1) which is itself evalauted as an expression using the percent sign
IniWrite, % StoreName%a_index%, % MyIniFile, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name
IniWrite, % StoreAddress%a_index%, % MyIniFile, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address
sleep, 2000
run % "notepad " . MyIniFile ; run notepad to check changes
my scripts
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Re: Loop IniRead edit box entries and loop IniWrite them back SOLVED

23 Sep 2017, 21:12

Jesus... i totally forgot about it. :problem: What a waste of topic space i am. :crazy:
That v and g for goto in the gui made more than enough trouble for me a while back. I just got back to making some new ahk scripts and forgot about those nig nags. xD

Big big thanks!

So, since i posted the not working one, should at least post the working one.
I hated when i find a topic that has something that could help me but the examples are missing and instead someone just says, i figured it out. xD
Mind boggling! xD

This is the currently final version of the bookmark editor/manager backend script for a Rainmeter skin of mine.
Can be re-purposed i guess.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;	theimmersion
;	I will be comenting the code as best i can and only key points that i think should be mentioned.
;	The rest should be explorable or self explanitory. :)
;	You can always ask or suggest. :)
;	Hope its useful for some people.

;	Standard procedure.
#SingleInstance, Force

;	This will be the global to set when something changes so we dont call uneeded functions.
;	Especially true if there are read and writes of files involved and with loop.
;	The files can get big and re-reading or re-writing them is pointless.
vDataChanged = 0

;	Read the configuration file for how many entries there are in a file that will be used to modify.
;	In this case, "In" stands for Item Number that is being used to render the amount of bookmarks by a different app.
;	This information will be used to add appropriate amout of entries and to populate them with the data.
;	Example: 2 Items = 2 sets of data in "Bookmars.txt". Every set contains two variables, the name and the address of the bookmark.
;	So in the "Config.inc" it looks like this:
;	[Variables]
;	In=2	<- This will be used to set the count for all loops.
;	The data that is being manipulated is in "Bookmarks.txt" and looks like this:
;	[Variables]
;	Bookmark1Name=Google
;	Bookmark1Address=www.google.com
;	Bookmark2Name=AHK
;	Bookmark2Address=www.autohotkey.com
IniRead, vReadIn, Config.inc, Variables, In, Error reading variable!


;	Add a label.
Gui, Add, Text, h20, #
;	Add X amount of numbers in a column direction.
Loop, %vReadIn%
	Gui, Add, Text, y+10 h+16, %A_index%

;	Add a label.
Gui, Add, Text, ys h20, BOOKMARK NAME
;	Add X amount of Edit boxes and populate them with data from "Bookmarks.txt".
Loop, %vReadIn%
	IniRead, vReadName, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name,
	Gui , Add , Edit , w+130 h20 vStoreName%A_index%, %vReadName%

;	Add a label.
Gui, Add, Text, ys h20, BOOKMARK ADDRESS
;	Add X amount of Edit boxes and populate them with data from "Bookmarks.txt".
Loop, %vReadIn%
	IniRead, vReadAddress, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address,
	Gui , Add , Edit , w+400 h20 vStoreAddress%A_index%, %vReadAddress%

;	Add a label.
Gui, Add, Text, ys h20, #
;	Add X amount of Buttons named in numbered order to be used for switching bookmarks around.
Loop, %vReadIn%
	Gui , Add , Button , w+20 h20 gSwitch, %A_index%

;	Adds controls and info text to tell user what the script is doing. Pretty self explanitory.
Gui, Add, Button, xm+250 h20 gSave, Save	;	Button save all the entries to "Bookmarks.txt"
Gui, Add, Button, x+1 h20 gGuiClose, Close	;	Button to close/exit script.
Gui, Add, Button, x+1 h20 gRefresh, Refresh	;	Button to re-read all the data again.

Gui, Add, Text, ys h20, SWAP				;	Label
Gui, Add, Text, w+50 h20 +Wrap vShowSwapA, 	;	Show first selected item to be swaped in text form.
Gui, Add, Button, h20 gSwitchEntries, Swap	;	Button to swap selected entries.
Gui, Add, Text, h20, 						;	White space, delimeter.
Gui, Add, Text, w+150 h20 vInfo,			;	Info of what script is doing in text form. Ex: Saved, Not saved, Error etc...
Gui, Add, Text, xp+50 ys h20, 				;	White space, delimeter.
Gui, Add, Text, w+50 h20 +Wrap vShowSwapB, 	;	Show second selected item to be swaped in text form.
Gui, Add, Button, h20 gClearSwitch, Clear	;	Button to clear the swap selections.

;	Show gui, very important! xD
Gui , Show

	If (vSwitchA = "")	;	If nothing is yet selected, enable user to select essentially a row number for swaping.
		MouseGetPos,,, id, NN
		ControlGetText, vSwitchA, %NN%, ahk_id %id%
		GuiControl,,ShowSwapA, Swap: %vSwitchA%
	Else If (vSwitchB = "")	;	Select the second row to be swaped with.
		MouseGetPos,,, id, NN
		ControlGetText, vSwitchB, %NN%, ahk_id %id%
		GuiControl,,ShowSwapB, With: %vSwitchB%

ClearSwitch:	;	Clear the selection and information if user made a mis-click.
	vSwitchA := ""
	vSwitchB := ""

SwitchEntries:	;	Switch out the entires for each other by first placing all data in a temporary container.
	Gui, Submit, NoHide
	TempNameA := StoreName%vSwitchA%
	TempAddressA := StoreAddress%vSwitchA%
	TempNameB := StoreName%vSwitchB%
	TempAddressB := StoreAddress%vSwitchB%
	vSwitchA := ""
	vSwitchB := ""
	vDataChanged = 1	;	Now we changed something so we know we can enable saving.

;	We modified the "Bookmarks.txt" externally with a text editor or we swaped entries but dont want to commit-
;	and want to re-read for new edits without exiting or reloading script.
	Loop, %vReadIn%
		IniRead, vReadName, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name,
		IniRead, vReadAddress, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address,
	vDataChanged = 0	;	Now we know everything is back to original state with no changes so we disable saving.
	;	Tell the user it has been refreshed for less confusion if user didnt change anything but wasnt sure and refreshed anyway-
	;	so he knows the command worked.
;	Reload

Save:	;	Save all the data.
	If (vDataChanged = 1)	;	Check if anything is modifed first before commiting to wirting to file.
		Gui, Submit, NoHide

		Loop, %vReadIn%
			vNameData := StoreName%A_index%
			IniWrite, %vNameData%, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name
			IniRead, vReadName, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Name,
		Loop, %vReadIn%
			vAddressData := StoreAddress%A_index%
			IniWrite, %vAddressData%, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address
			IniRead, vReadAddress, Bookmarks.txt, Variables, Bookmark%A_index%Address,

		;	This is for the external app that is using data from "Bookmarks.txt" to render them on screen.
		;	This app sets the item count variable "In" that it renders in "Config.inc" and the variable sets for names and addresses in "Bookmarks.txt".
		;	Like we dont know what Rainmeter is or does. xD But can be used by any program i guess?
		;	After changes are made and saved to "Bookmarks.txt", this command will refresh the app to show the changes on screen.
		;	Remove if not used for that program.
		SendMessage, 0x111, 4001,,, ahk_class RainmeterMeterWindow
		GuiControl,,Info,Saved	;	Tell the user that we saved new data.
		vDataChanged = 0	;	We saved the changes so we revert back the state to not modified so user cant save twice, second being the same data.
		GuiControl,,Info,Not saved, nothing edited.	;	Tell user that he dint change anything so no need to write same data to file again.
;	Goto,GuiClose	;	Optional, we can either close the program after each save or we can leave it open for user to inspect one last time.

;	Close app. Also very important.
	MsgBox, Error closing script!

;	Lots of white space because i like to do stuff around the middle of my screen but if no white space here, cant scroll enough. xD
;	Im weird...
I tried to comment it as best as i can. Dont do much tutorials, hope this helps someone out. I found so many good help in random posts that had exactly what i needed.
Sometimes even had something i never knew i needed. xD

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