HTML Click on List object after search

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HTML Click on List object after search

18 Oct 2017, 06:36

Hello again,

this time I have a problem with automation of a search & click process on OnePageCRM. I want to click a Hotkey and the clipboard will be put into the search box. This does already work. Then the enter-button is simulated so the results are shown which does also work. Not working: I want to click on the first result automatically. Another problem is the next button I want to send a click. because It does not have a Name/id. I really don´t know what I should do without having an id.

Here is the Code of the search list with one result:

Code: Select all

<div class="contact_list" id="contact-list">
        <div class="error_message" id="merge-with-blocked-contacts-error"></div>
            <div class="filter-area">
      <div class="left-menu-data">
        <span class="filtered_by">Filtered by
<span title="smits" class="strong">smits</span>
<a class="remove-filter" href="">x</a></span>
        <form class="filter_details_hidden" action="#"><input name="filter_name" class="filter_name" id="filter_name" type="hidden" value="smits">
<input name="filter_size" class="filter_size" id="filter_size" type="hidden" value="1"></form>

        <div class="list-inside">
          <span class="contacts_list_begin_marker hidden"></span>
                  <div class="short_summary list_item contact_item_row item_59e4a99736373c63582b8989 contact_item clearfix">
  <!-- 1508326268 -->
  <div class="contact_tags_data hidden">

  <div class="left-items">
      <span class="bulk">
        <input name="contactid[]" class="summary_id" id="bulk_59e4a99736373c63582b8989" type="checkbox" value="59e4a99736373c63582b8989" autocomplete="off">
        <label for="bulk_59e4a99736373c63582b8989"></label>

      <span class="starred starred-off"></span>
  <div class="middle-items without_action">
    <div class="contact" style="width: 236px;">
      <span title="Peter Smits" class="major">Peter <span class="highlighted">Smits</span></span>

  <div class="next_action">



  <div class="right-items clearfix without_action">
      <span title="My Name." class="owner">My Name.</span>

    <div class="link-company-view-area tooltip-icon hidden">
      <a class="link-company-view" href="#" rel="">0</a>
      <span class="tip-container">Account view</span>

    <p title="Lead" class="status status_f96600">
      <span class="status-name">Lead</span>

Here is the Code of the "button" I want to click:

Code: Select all

<a class="button add_button add_new_note" href="#">Add Note</a>
I would really appreciate help and If you Need some more code of some more elements I can also give you that.
"Declare variables, not war."

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