Monitor Bitcoin Price

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Monitor Bitcoin Price

15 Dec 2017, 00:29

Is there a way to get the Bitcoin price in AHK

I find some API, but dont have any clue to do that
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Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

15 Dec 2017, 05:33

Interesting to have a real graphic update onscreen , i have no clue how it varies in a day but i will check it out today :)

example gives the response and extract the value:

Code: Select all

UrlDownloadToVar(URL, response)
RegExMatch( response,"U)float.*(\d+.*)\}" ,m)

msgbox % response

msgbox % m1 "US dollar"

UrlDownloadToVar(URL, ByRef aResponse="") {
	WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	WebRequest.Open("GET", URL)
	aResponse := WebRequest.ResponseText
	WebRequest := ""
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Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

15 Dec 2017, 21:11

another way.. download the json, convert to ahk object.

Code: Select all

bc := ParseJson(getPrice())

updated 		:= bc.time.updated
USD				:= bc.bpi.USD.rate

MsgBox % "Updated On 	:	" updated "`nPrice(USD)	: 	$" USD

;webrequest for json
	bCoinURL 		:= ""
	wr				:=ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	return wr.ResponseText

;Originally by Getfree,
    SC := ComObjCreate("ScriptControl") 
    SC.Language := "JScript"
    jsCode =
    function arrangeForAhkTraversing(obj){
        if(obj instanceof Array){
            for(var i=0 ; i<obj.length ; ++i)
                obj[i] = arrangeForAhkTraversing(obj[i]) ;
            return ['array',obj] ;
        }else if(obj instanceof Object){
            var keys = [], values = [] ;
            for(var key in obj){
                keys.push(key) ;
                values.push(arrangeForAhkTraversing(obj[key])) ;
            return ['object',[keys,values]] ;
            return [typeof obj,obj] ;
    SC.ExecuteStatement(jsCode "; obj=" jsonStr)
    return convertJScriptObjToAhks( SC.Eval("arrangeForAhkTraversing(obj)") )
;       Used by ParseJson()
        obj := {}, keys := jsObj[1][0], values := jsObj[1][1]
        loop % keys.length
            obj[keys[A_INDEX-1]] := convertJScriptObjToAhks( values[A_INDEX-1] )
        return obj
    }else if(jsObj[0]="array"){
        array := []
        loop % jsObj[1].length
            array.insert(convertJScriptObjToAhks( jsObj[1][A_INDEX-1] ))
        return array
        return jsObj[1]
Posts: 72
Joined: 09 Nov 2016, 21:52

Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

16 Dec 2017, 22:19

thank you noname and imustbeamoron

The first one works fine
and the second one get some error
Line 22 SC := ComObjCreate("ScriptControl") <<<<<<<<<<Class not registered

In addition
how can I extract the JPY price from the follow ?
and is there a way create error level when not able download the information?
I was trying to understand "U)float.*(\d+.*)\}" , does this manual have all the descriptions?

noname wrote:Interesting to have a real graphic update onscreen
The real time price is good enough for my purpose :D
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Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41

Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

17 Dec 2017, 00:16

Hi, holahapi
COM object "ScriptControl" works on 32 bit processes only. It won't work if you use 64 bit AHK. But there are some another ways to use JScript for parsing JSON. I used one of them in my class to get and convert JSON string to AHK object.

Code: Select all

sJSON := JSON.GetFromUrl("")
oJSON := JSON.Parse(sJSON)
MsgBox, % "JPY: " . oJSON.bpi.JPY.rate

class JSON
   static JS := JSON._GetJScripObject()
   Parse(JsonString)  {
      try oJSON := this.JS.("(" JsonString ")")
      catch  {
         MsgBox, Wrong JsonString!
      Return this._CreateObject(oJSON)
   GetFromUrl(url)  {
      XmlHttp := ComObjCreate("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
      XmlHttp.Open("GET", url, false)
      Return XmlHttp.ResponseText

   _GetJScripObject()  {
      VarSetCapacity(tmpFile, (MAX_PATH := 260) << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)
      DllCall("GetTempFileName", Str, A_Temp, Str, "AHK", UInt, 0, Str, tmpFile)
      <public><method name='eval'/></public>
      <script language='JScript'></script>
      ), % tmpFile
      JS := ObjBindMethod( ComObjGet("script:" . tmpFile), "eval" )
      FileDelete, % tmpFile
      Return JS

   _AddMethods(ByRef JS)  {
      JScript =
         Object.prototype.GetKeys = function () {
            var keys = []
            for (var k in this)
               if (this.hasOwnProperty(k))
            return keys
         Object.prototype.IsArray = function () {
            var toStandardString = {}.toString
            return == '[object Array]'
      JS.("delete ActiveXObject; delete GetObject;")

   _CreateObject(ObjJS)  {
      res := ObjJS.IsArray()
      if (res = "")
         Return ObjJS
      else if (res = -1)  {
         obj := []
         Loop % ObjJS.length
            obj[A_Index] := this._CreateObject(ObjJS[A_Index - 1])
      else if (res = 0)  {
         obj := {}
         keys := ObjJS.GetKeys()
         Loop % keys.length
            k := keys[A_Index - 1], obj[k] := this._CreateObject(ObjJS[k])
      Return obj
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Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

17 Dec 2017, 12:26


teadrinker 's code using json parser is safer (and professional...) as syntax/format can change and regex could fail.

Anyway here is regex adapted for the japanese yen values and a check if something goes wrong, i tried to make some errors and found keywords in the response that can be used to detect it ( like "Sorry" :D ).

You can find regex info in the link you mentioned :
You also have an online tester to try in real time :

I made a" real time update" to follow the bitcoin movement and gain/loss (update every minute) and as you can see i would be wealthy if i bought some yesterday!!

code with regex for yen:

Code: Select all

UrlDownloadToVar(URL, response)
RegExMatch( response,"U)Yen.+([\d.]+)}.*" ,m)

msgbox % response

If regexmatch(response,"fail|error|404|Sorry")
msgbox error reported see `n`n`n`n`n%response%

msgbox % m1 

UrlDownloadToVar(URL, ByRef aResponse="") {
	WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	WebRequest.Open("GET", URL)
	aResponse := WebRequest.ResponseText
	WebRequest := ""
Posts: 72
Joined: 09 Nov 2016, 21:52

Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

18 Dec 2017, 04:02

thank you teadrinker and noname

The regex tester is very helpful for me to learn about it.

It is surprise that the Jason class can get the data directly, I will use it for this one.

Posts: 72
Joined: 09 Nov 2016, 21:52

Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

19 Dec 2017, 10:01

teadrinker wrote:Hi, holahapi
COM object "ScriptControl" works on 32 bit processes only. It won't work if you use 64 bit AHK. But there are some another ways to use JScript for parsing JSON. I used one of them in my class to get and convert JSON string to AHK object.
Is it possible to get a error catch for the GetFromUrl, It stop my AHK when there are no internet connection.
Error message as follow

Code: Select all

Error:  0x800C0005 - The system cannot locate the resource specified.
Source:		msxml3.dll
Description:	The system cannot locate the resource specified.

HelpFile:		(null)
HelpContext:	0

Specifically: Send

	1438: Return
	1439: }
	1440: Return,this._CreateObject(oJSON)
	1441: }
	1443: {
	1444: XmlHttp := ComObjCreate("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
	1445: XmlHttp.Open("GET", url, false)  
--->	1446: XmlHttp.Send()  
	1447: Return,XmlHttp.ResponseText
	1448: }
	1450: {
	1451: VarSetCapacity(tmpFile, (MAX_PATH := 260) << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)  
	1452: DllCall("GetTempFileName", Str, A_Temp, Str, "AHK", UInt, 0, Str, tmpFile)  
	1454: FileAppend,<component>
      <public><method name='eval'/></public>
      <script language='JScript'></script>
	1462: JS := ObjBindMethod( ComObjGet("script:" . tmpFile), "eval" )

Continue running the script?
Yes   No   

I am using other way to checking Internet from the reference ( ... onnection/)
But I do not think it is the best solution.

Code: Select all

   GetFromUrl(url)  {
		if A_IPAddress1=
			msgbox, no internet connection
			XmlHttp := ComObjCreate("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
			XmlHttp.Open("GET", url, false)
			Return XmlHttp.ResponseText

Posts: 4326
Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41

Re: Monitor Bitcoin Price

19 Dec 2017, 14:39

Code: Select all

jsonStr := JSON.GetFromUrl("")
if (jsonStr = "")
obj := JSON.Parse(jsonStr)
      , % "upd: " . obj.time.updated . "`n`n"
        . "USD: " . obj.bpi.USD.rate . "`n"
        . "GBP: " . obj.bpi.GBP.rate . "`n"
        . "EUR: " . obj.bpi.EUR.rate

class JSON
   static JS := JSON._GetJScripObject()
   Parse(JsonString)  {
      try oJSON := this.JS.("(" JsonString ")")
      catch  {
         MsgBox, Wrong JsonString!
      Return this._CreateObject(oJSON)
   GetFromUrl(url)  {
      try  {
         XmlHttp := ComObjCreate("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
         XmlHttp.Open("GET", url, false)
         res := XmlHttp.ResponseText
      catch e  {
         MsgBox,, Microsoft.XmlHttp failed!, % "Error: " . e.message
      if !e  {
         status := XmlHttp.Status
         if (status != 200)
            MsgBox,, Failed to load data!, % "Status code: " . status
            Return res

   _GetJScripObject()  {
      VarSetCapacity(tmpFile, (MAX_PATH := 260) << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)
      DllCall("GetTempFileName", Str, A_Temp, Str, "AHK", UInt, 0, Str, tmpFile)
      <public><method name='eval'/></public>
      <script language='JScript'></script>
      ), % tmpFile
      JS := ObjBindMethod( ComObjGet("script:" . tmpFile), "eval" )
      FileDelete, % tmpFile
      Return JS

   _AddMethods(ByRef JS)  {
      JScript =
         Object.prototype.GetKeys = function () {
            var keys = []
            for (var k in this)
               if (this.hasOwnProperty(k))
            return keys
         Object.prototype.IsArray = function () {
            var toStandardString = {}.toString
            return == '[object Array]'
      JS.("delete ActiveXObject; delete GetObject;")

   _CreateObject(ObjJS)  {
      res := ObjJS.IsArray()
      if (res = "")
         Return ObjJS
      else if (res = -1)  {
         obj := []
         Loop % ObjJS.length
            obj[A_Index] := this._CreateObject(ObjJS[A_Index - 1])
      else if (res = 0)  {
         obj := {}
         keys := ObjJS.GetKeys()
         Loop % keys.length
            k := keys[A_Index - 1], obj[k] := this._CreateObject(ObjJS[k])
      Return obj

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