DLL to 2 edit fields with variables

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DLL to 2 edit fields with variables

12 Feb 2018, 15:07

Hey Guys im struggling to get the dropdownlist to place in the password field, im load text from a text file using a script AFS and is placed in a Libs Folder

Code: Select all

AccountHandler() {
	FileCreateDir, ./Accounts
	IfNotExist, ./Accounts/Main.txt

	), ./Accounts/Main.txt
	IfNotExist, ./Accounts/Test.txt

	), ./Accounts/Test.txt
	IfNotExist, ./Accounts/Test2.txt

	), ./Accounts/Test2.txt
	IfNotExist, ./Accounts/Test3.txt

	), ./Accounts/Test3.txt
FileReadLine, MainU, ./Accounts/Main.txt, 1
FileReadLine, MainP, ./Accounts/Main.txt, 2
FileReadLine, TestU, ./Accounts/Test.txt, 1
FileReadLine, TestP, ./Accounts/Test.txt, 2
FileReadLine, Test2U, ./Accounts/Test2.txt, 1
FileReadLine, Test2P, ./Accounts/Test2.txt, 2
FileReadLine, Test3U, ./Accounts/Test3.txt, 1
FileReadLine, Test3P, ./Accounts/Test3.txt, 2
I manually edit the text files to add user on first line and pass on second line,

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

#include  %A_ScriptDir%/Libs/AFS.ahk

mainUser := MainU
mainPass := MainP
testUser := TestU
testPass := TestP
test2User := Test2U
test2Pass := Test2P
test3User := Test3U
test3Pass := Test3P

Gui -MaximizeBox +OwnDialogs  
Gui Color, 0x1E1E1E
Gui Add, DropDownList, vUserChoice gUserSelect x100 y225 w220, Main (%mainUser%)||Test (%testUser%)|Test2 (%test2User%)|Test3Man (%test3User%)

Gui Add, Edit, hWndhEdit1 vUserBox x100 y250 w220 h21
DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hEdit1, "UInt", 0x1501, "Ptr", 1, "WStr", "Username") ; Hint text
GuiControlGet, UserChoice
StringReplace, UserChoice, UserChoice, ),, All
out := RegExReplace(UserChoice, "(.*?)\(")
GuiControl,, UserBox, %out%

Gui Add, Edit, hWndhEdit2 vPassBox x100 y275 w220 h21 +Password
DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hEdit2, "UInt", 0x1501, "Ptr", 1, "WStr", "Password") ; Hint text
Gui Add, Button, x150 y325 w120 h40, Login

Gui Show, w420 h400, OSPal



	Gui, Submit, nohide
	StringReplace, UserChoice, UserChoice, ),, All
	out := RegExReplace(UserChoice, "(.*?)\(")
	GuiControl,, UserBox, %out%
	;GuiControlGet, UserChoice
		if (UserChoice = Main (%mainUser%))
			GuiControl,, PassBox, %mainPass%
		else if (UserChoice = "Test (%testUser%)")
			GuiControl,, PassBox, %testPass%
		else if (UserChoice = "Test2 (%test2User%)")
			GuiControl,, PassBox, %test2Pass%
		else if (UserChoice = "Test3 (%test3User%)")
			GuiControl,, PassBox, %TestPass%

I have a few problems at the minute;
no 1 is there a better way to handle the regex as i could suse out how to remover las bracket so i have to use a Stringreplace.

no 2 and this is my main problem is that i cant get it to place password in password edit box as i think the variables throw it off.

Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated

PS befor roast remember this is my first crack at AHK

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