AHK COM id changes, to raise an if ID exists to raise a function else

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AHK COM id changes, to raise an if ID exists to raise a function else

15 Mar 2018, 22:45

Hello, I am a beginner when it comes to coding. I have a website that has an COM ID that changes every now and then. I am having a hard time raising an event if ID exists or not so that I can create a function.

Using facebook as an example, the COM ID "pass" exist, but if I navigate away, I should get an error message because ID no longer exists.

Code: Select all

    wb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
    wb.Visible := true
    If wb.document.GetElementById("pass") {
    	MsgBox, ID Exist
    MsgBox, ID does not exist
I have also tried an example from youtube, but that isn't working either

Code: Select all

 wb.document.GetElementById("pass") := false
    while(wb.document.GetElementById("pass") := False) {
    	if wb.document.GetElementById("pass") 
    		wb.document.GetElementById("pass") := true
    	Sleep, 500
    MsgBox, it worked

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