Autohot Key Getting Stuck On a Pop Up Topic is solved

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Autohot Key Getting Stuck On a Pop Up  Topic is solved

23 Apr 2018, 07:15

I am using AHK to enter data into a webform using the COM Element. Everything is working fine, except for when a pop up appears and the Script just gets stuck at one line. Here is a snippet of the code I am using:

Sleep, 1000
Send, ABCD+1234
Sleep, 500
Send, {Enter}

Now the pop up does open but the script gets stuck at this line wb.document.getElementByID("CONFIRM").click() and rest of the code is not executed till I close the pop up window. After that the script continues to run perfectly. No matter what I try it always gets stuck as soon as the pop up open. The pop is a Digital Signature Password Dialogue which I need to enter.

I have tried reloading the script while the pop up window is still active and after that I can use AHK to enter password.

Please if any one has any idea, please help.

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