Custom Maximize function

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Custom Maximize function

18 Oct 2014, 19:51

I have been working on a custom GUI and the Windows built-in Maximize doesn't work well with it. So I decided to write my own function for it. It seems to be working well but I would appreciate it if someone else could test this for me (preferably in a multi-monitor setup).

The example below does not have the custom GUI included for simplicity sake. If anyone has any ideas to make it better / cleaner, I'm open to ideas. I have a dual monitor setup that I have been testing on but I would like to see if it fails in different configurations. It will be used on around 20 different computers at work. Some might have 3 or 4 monitors.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
Gui, +Resize +LastFound -MaximizeBox

Gui, Add, Button,x200 y8 w60 vMaxButton gMaxIt, Maximize
Gui, Add, Button,x200 y8 w60 vRestoreButton gMaxIt, Restore
GuiControl, Hide, RestoreButton
Gui, Show, h200, Max Test


	If (Maxed = "TRUE")


	Global CurrentWinW, CurrentWinH, CurrentWinX, CurrentWinY, Maxed
	GuiControl, Hide, MaxButton
	GuiControl, Show, RestoreButton
	MonitorFound := "FALSE"
	WinGetActiveStats, CurrentWinTitle, CurrentWinW, CurrentWinH, CurrentWinX, CurrentWinY

	; Get the location of the right edge of the window.
	CurrentWinRight := (CurrentWinX + CurrentWinW)

	; Determine the middle of the window in case it is between monitors.
	MidWinX := (CurrentWinX + (CurrentWinW / 2))
	MidWinY := (CurrentWinY + (CurrentWinH / 2))

	If MidWinX = 0
		MidWinX := 1
	If MidWinY = 0
		MidWinY := 1

	; Find which monitor the window is on.
	SysGet, numDisplays, MonitorCount
	If (MonitorFound = "FALSE")
		Loop %numDisplays%
			; Get the full monitor dimensions.
			SysGet, MonitorFull, Monitor, %A_Index%
			If (MidWinX >= MonitorFullLeft)
				If (MidWinY >= MonitorFullTop)
					If (MidWinX <= MonitorFullRight)
						If (MidWinY <= MonitorFullBottom)
							CurrentMonitor := A_Index
							MonitorFound := "TRUE"
	; If monitor is not found because the left or bottom is off the screen, look for the right and top.
	If (MonitorFound = "FALSE")
		Loop %numDisplays%
			SysGet, MonitorFull, Monitor, %A_Index%
			If (CurrentWinRight >= MonitorFullLeft)
				If (CurrentWinY >= MonitorFullTop)
					If (CurrentWinRight <= MonitorFullRight)
						If (CurrentWinY <= MonitorFullBottom)
							CurrentMonitor := A_Index
							MonitorFound := "TRUE"

	; Get the monitor working area dimensions (minus taskbar, etc.).
	SysGet, MonitorWork, MonitorWorkArea, %CurrentMonitor%

	; Adjust for borders.
	WinX := (MonitorWorkLeft + 5)
	WinY := (MonitorWorkTop + 5)
	WinWidth := (MonitorWorkRight - MonitorWorkLeft) - 10
	WinHeight := (MonitorWorkBottom - MonitorWorkTop) - 10
	WinMove,,, %WinX%, %WinY%, %WinWidth%, %WinHeight%
	Maxed := "TRUE"

	Global CurrentWinW, CurrentWinH, CurrentWinX, CurrentWinY, Maxed
	GuiControl, Show, MaxButton
	GuiControl, Hide, RestoreButton
	Gui,+Resize -MaximizeBox
	WinMove,,, %CurrentWinX%, %CurrentWinY%, %CurrentWinW%, %CurrentWinH%
	Maxed := "FALSE"
Thank you. :D

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