How to use output variable, % symbols? Topic is solved

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How to use output variable, % symbols?

03 Jun 2018, 00:45

PixelSearch, Px, Py, 0, 0, 960, 540, 0xFF6600, 3, Fast
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox, That color was not found in the specified region.
MsgBox, A color within 3 shades of variation was found at X%Px% Y%Py%.
MouseMove, % Px, % Py , 1

Why is it that in the MsgBox command, I can use %Px% and %Py%.
But in MouseMove command I cannot use %Px% and %Py%? And must use % Px, % Py spaced exactly so? :crazy:
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Joined: 22 Dec 2013, 12:50

Re: How to use output variable, % symbols?  Topic is solved

03 Jun 2018, 04:34

note , must use brackets if you have more then 1 line ( if ... else ) , in this case after else
(didn't tested )

Code: Select all

PixelSearch, Px, Py, 0, 0, 960, 540, 0xFF6600, 3, Fast
if ErrorLevel
   MsgBox, That color was not found in the specified region.
   MsgBox, A color within 3 shades of variation was found at X=%Px% Y=%Py%.
   MouseMove, %Px%, %Py% , 1

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