Activate window after click in other monitor

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Activate window after click in other monitor

18 Jun 2018, 19:44


I'm using a touchscreen as my 3rd monitor but each time I touch something on it the window on my main monitor will lose focus so I have to Alt+Tab.
Is there any way to detect click (not swap/scroll) on the 3rd monitor and then switch back to the window on the main screen?

PS: Total noob, need to work so I can't invest time into learning AHK at the moment.

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Re: Activate window after click in other monitor

19 Jun 2018, 16:12

Try if this works. It's a bit complicated to leave all the normal functions of the mouse intact but this seems to work quite well:

Code: Select all

SysGet, MonCount, MonitorCount
SysGet, 3rdMon, Monitor, 3	; Assuming you touchscreen is monitor 3.
; The abonve command writes 3rdMonLeft, 3rdMonTop, 3rdMonRight and 3rdMonBottom 
; with the bounding coordinates of the 3rd monitor.

#If MonCount>2
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	MouseGetPos, Mx, My	; Get the new position of the mouse.
	; Check if the click was on the 3rd monitor.
	If (Mx >= 3rdMonLeft) AND (Mx <= 3rdMonRight) AND (My >= 3rdMonTop) AND (My <= 3rdMonBottom)
		; The mouse press was on the 3rd monitor, wether it was a mouse or a touchscreen click.
		OldWinHandle := WinExist("A")	; Save the old window to activate is later.
		SEND, {Blind}{Click Down}
		KeyWait, LButton
		WinActivate, ahk_id %OldWinHandle%
	} Else {
		SEND, {Blind}{Click Down}
		;MsgBox, PriMon=%PriMon%`nMonCount=%MonCount%`n`3rdMonLeft=%3rdMonLeft%`n3rdMonTop=%3rdMonTop%`n3rdMonRight=%3rdMonRight%`n3rdMonBottom=%3rdMonBottom%
~LButton Up::
Note that the mouse is not moving back to the original window. It might be possible via OnMessage() but that's to much for today.

Let me know how this works.

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