run script when classnn active

Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1.1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys
Posts: 84
Joined: 22 Jun 2018, 01:13

run script when classnn active

22 Jun 2018, 01:34

Hi all,

I need help, I have an autocomplite sript, I would like if the specific classnn active the sript will only run. the The specific calssnn is a textbox in the specific window.
I couldn't do that it works.
Here are the spy datas:

Perceptive Content Viewer - Workflow - [Page 1]

ahk_class AfxMDIFrame90u

ahk_exe ImageNow.exe

ClassNN: Edit7

Thx every answer.
Posts: 1472
Joined: 05 May 2018, 12:23

Re: run script when classnn active

22 Jun 2018, 03:06

First this is run this manually to see if it detects it correctly.

"Visible: Sets OutputVar to be 1 if Control is visible, or 0 if hidden."

Code: Select all

ControlGet, outv, Visible,,Edit7, ahk_exe ImageNow.exe
msgbox, % outv

If it does then you just need to run a loop or timer and when outv = 1 run your script.

Re: run script when classnn active

22 Jun 2018, 11:06

this is the script, how can i modify it with ControlGet, outv, Visible,,Edit7, ahk_exe ImageNow.exe, becouse i am a beginner.

Code: Select all


#Warn All
#Warn LocalSameAsGlobal, Off

#MaxThreadsBuffer On

SetBatchLines, -1

WordListFile := A_ScriptDir . "\WordList.txt" ;path of the wordlist file
SettingsFile := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings.ini" ;path of the settings file

MaxResults := 20 ;maximum number of results to display
OffsetX := 0 ;offset in caret position in X axis
OffsetY := 20 ;offset from caret position in Y axis
BoxHeight := 165 ;height of the suggestions box in pixels
ShowLength := 4 ;minimum length of word before showing suggestions
CorrectCase := True ;whether or not to fix uppercase or lowercase to match the suggestion

NormalKeyList := "a`nb`nc`nd`ne`nf`ng`nh`ni`nj`nk`nl`nm`nn`no`np`nq`nr`ns`nt`nu`nv`nw`nx`ny`nz" ;list of key names separated by `n that make up words in upper and lower case variants
NumberKeyList := "1`n2`n3`n4`n5`n6`n7`n8`n9`n0" ;list of key names separated by `n that make up words as well as their numpad equivalents
OtherKeyList := "'`n-" ;list of key names separated by `n that make up words
ResetKeyList := "Esc`nSpace`nHome`nPGUP`nPGDN`nEnd`nLeft`nRight`nRButton`nMButton`n,`n.`n/`n[`n]`n;`n\`n=`n```n"""  ;list of key names separated by `n that cause suggestions to reset
TriggerKeyList := "Tab`nEnter" ;list of key names separated by `n that trigger completion

IniRead, MaxResults, %SettingsFile%, Settings, MaxResults, %MaxResults%
IniRead, ShowLength, %SettingsFile%, Settings, ShowLength, %ShowLength%
IniRead, CorrectCase, %SettingsFile%, Settings, CorrectCase, %CorrectCase%

IniRead, NormalKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, NormalKeyList, %NormalKeyList%
NormalKeyList := URLDecode(NormalKeyList)
IniRead, NumberKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, NumberKeyList, %NumberKeyList%
NumberKeyList := URLDecode(NumberKeyList)
IniRead, OtherKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, OtherKeyList, %OtherKeyList%
OtherKeyList := URLDecode(OtherKeyList)
IniRead, ResetKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, ResetKeyList, %ResetKeyList%
ResetKeyList := URLDecode(ResetKeyList)
IniRead, TriggerKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, TriggerKeyList, %TriggerKeyList%
TriggerKeyList := URLDecode(TriggerKeyList)

TrayTip, Settings, Click the tray icon to modify settings, 5, 1

CoordMode, Caret
SetKeyDelay, 0
SendMode, Input

;obtain desktop size across all monitors
SysGet, ScreenWidth, 78
SysGet, ScreenHeight, 79

FileRead, WordList, %WordListFile%

;set up tray menu
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Click, 1
Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, ShowSettings
Menu, Tray, Add, index, Showfull
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, ExitScript
Menu, Tray, Default, Settings

;set up suggestions window
Gui, Suggestions:Default
Gui, Font, s10, Courier New
Gui, +Delimiter`n
Gui, Add, ListBox, x0 y0 h%BoxHeight% 0x100 vMatched gCompleteWord AltSubmit
Gui, -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
hWindow := WinExist()
Gui, Show, h%BoxHeight% Hide, AutoComplete

Gosub, ResetWord


OnExit, ExitSub

Gui, Settings:Submit

;write settings
IniWrite, % URLEncode(MaxResults), %SettingsFile%, Settings, MaxResults
IniWrite, % URLEncode(ShowLength), %SettingsFile%, Settings, ShowLength
IniWrite, % URLEncode(CorrectCase), %SettingsFile%, Settings, CorrectCase

IniWrite, % URLEncode(NormalKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, NormalKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(NumberKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, NumberKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(OtherKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, OtherKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(ResetKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, ResetKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(TriggerKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, TriggerKeyList

;write wordlist file
File := FileOpen(WordListFile,"w")
Length := File.Write(WordList)
File.Length := Length


;do not show settings window if already shown
Gui, Settings:+LastFoundExist
If WinExist()

Gui, Settings:Default
Gui, Font,, Arial
Gui, Font,, Century Gothic
Gui, Color, White, FFF8F8

Gui, Font, s24 cFFAAAA
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y10 w540 h45 Center, a u t o c o m p l e t e
Gui, Add, Progress, x10 y55 w540 h1 BackgroundEEDDDD, 0

Gui, Font, s14 c885555
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y73 w180 h30, RESULT LIMIT
Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y70 w80 h30 Right Number
Gui, Add, UpDown, Range1-100 vMaxResults, %MaxResults%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y113 w180 h30, TRIGGER LENGTH
Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y110 w80 h30 Right Number
Gui, Add, UpDown, Range1-10, %ShowLength%

Gui, Add, Checkbox, x10 y150 w260 h30 Checked%CorrectCase% vCorrectCase, CASE CORRECTION

Gui, Add, Edit, x10 y210 w230 h30 vNewWord
Gui, Add, Button, x240 y210 w30 h30 Disabled vAddWord gAddWord, +
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y250 w260 h40 Disabled vRemoveWord gRemoveWord, REMOVE SELECTED
Gui, Font, s8, Courier New
Gui, Add, ListView, x290 y70 w260 h220 -Hdr vWords, Words

Gui, Color, White
Gui, +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show, w560 h300, Autocomplete by Uberi

LV_Add("", "Reading wordlist...")
Sleep, 0

;populate list with entries from wordlist
GuiControl, -Redraw, Words
Loop, Parse, WordList, `n
    LV_Add("", A_LoopField)
GuiControl, +Redraw, Words

GuiControl, Enable, AddWord
GuiControl, Enable, RemoveWord

Gui, Settings:Default
Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy

Gui, Settings:Default
GuiControlGet, NewWord,, NewWord
Index := LV_Add("Select Focus", NewWord)
LV_Modify(Index, "Vis")
WordList .= "`n" . NewWord

Gui, Settings:Default
TempList := "`n" . WordList . "`n"
GuiControl, -Redraw, Words
While, CurrentRow := LV_GetNext()
    Position := InStr(TempList,"`n",True,1,CurrentRow)
    TempList := SubStr(TempList,1,Position) . SubStr(TempList,InStr(TempList,"`n",True,Position + 1) + 1)
GuiControl, +Redraw, Words
WordList := SubStr(TempList,2,-1)

#IfWinExist AutoComplete ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI

MouseGetPos,,, Temp1
If (Temp1 != hWindow)
    Gosub, ResetWord

Gui, Suggestions:Default
GuiControlGet, Temp1,, Matched
If Temp1 > 1 ;ensure value is in range
    GuiControl, Choose, Matched, % Temp1 - 1

Gui, Suggestions:Default
GuiControlGet, Temp1,, Matched
GuiControl, Choose, Matched, % Temp1 + 1


CurrentWord := SubStr(CurrentWord,1,-1)
Gosub, Suggest

CurrentWord .= SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2)
Gosub, Suggest

Char := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
StringUpper, Char, Char
CurrentWord .= Char
Gosub, Suggest

CurrentWord .= SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,8)
Gosub, Suggest

CurrentWord := ""
Gui, Suggestions:Hide

Gui, Suggestions:Default

;check word length against minimum length
If StrLen(CurrentWord) < ShowLength
    Gui, Hide

MatchList := Suggest(CurrentWord,WordList)

;check for a lack of matches
If (MatchList = "")
    Gui, Hide

;limit the number of results
Position := InStr(MatchList,"`n",True,1,MaxResults)
If Position
    MatchList := SubStr(MatchList,1,Position - 1)

;find the longest text width and add numbers
MaxWidth := 0
DisplayList := ""
Loop, Parse, MatchList, `n
    Entry := (A_Index < 10 ? A_Index . ". " : "   ") . A_LoopField
    Width := TextWidth(Entry)
    If (Width > MaxWidth)
        MaxWidth := Width
    DisplayList .= Entry . "`n"
MaxWidth += 30 ;add room for the scrollbar
DisplayList := SubStr(DisplayList,1,-1)

;update the interface
GuiControl,, Matched, `n%DisplayList%
GuiControl, Choose, Matched, 1
GuiControl, Move, Matched, w%MaxWidth% ;set the control width
PosX := A_CaretX + OffsetX
If PosX + MaxWidth > ScreenWidth ;past right side of the screen
    PosX := ScreenWidth - MaxWidth
PosY := A_CaretY + OffsetY
If PosY + BoxHeight > ScreenHeight ;past bottom of the screen
    PosY := ScreenHeight - BoxHeight
Gui, Show, x%PosX% y%PosY% w%MaxWidth% NoActivate ;show window


;only trigger word completion on non-interface event or double click on matched list
If (A_GuiEvent != "" && A_GuiEvent != "DoubleClick")

Gui, Suggestions:Default
Gui, Hide

;retrieve the word that was selected
GuiControlGet, Index,, Matched
TempList := "`n" . MatchList . "`n"
Position := InStr(TempList,"`n",0,1,Index) + 1
NewWord := SubStr(TempList,Position,InStr(TempList,"`n",0,Position) - Position)


Gosub, ResetWord

PrepareWordList(ByRef WordList)
    If InStr(WordList,"`r")
        StringReplace, WordList, WordList, `r,, All
    While, InStr(WordList,"`n`n") ;remove blank lines within the list
        StringReplace, WordList, WordList, `n`n, `n, All
    WordList := Trim(WordList,"`n") ;remove blank lines at the beginning and end

    Loop, Parse, NormalKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~%A_LoopField%, Key, UseErrorLevel
        Hotkey, ~+%A_LoopField%, ShiftedKey, UseErrorLevel

    Loop, Parse, NumberKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~%A_LoopField%, Key, UseErrorLevel
        Hotkey, ~Numpad%A_LoopField%, NumpadKey, UseErrorLevel

    Loop, Parse, OtherKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~%A_LoopField%, Key, UseErrorLevel

    Loop, Parse, ResetKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~*%A_LoopField%, ResetWord, UseErrorLevel

    Hotkey, IfWinExist, AutoComplete ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
    Loop, Parse, TriggerKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, %A_LoopField%, CompleteWord, UseErrorLevel

Suggest(CurrentWord,ByRef WordList)
    Pattern := RegExReplace(CurrentWord,"S).","$0.*") ;subsequence matching pattern

    ;treat accented characters as equivalent to their unaccented counterparts
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[a" . Chr(224) . Chr(226) . "]","[a" . Chr(224) . Chr(226) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[c" . Chr(231) . "]","[c" . Chr(231) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[e" . Chr(233) . Chr(232) . Chr(234) . Chr(235) . "]","[e" . Chr(233) . Chr(232) . Chr(234) . Chr(235) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[i" . Chr(238) . Chr(239) . "]","[i" . Chr(238) . Chr(239) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[o" . Chr(244) . "]","[o" . Chr(244) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[u" . Chr(251) . Chr(249) . "]","[u" . Chr(251) . Chr(249) . "]")

    Pattern := "`nimS)^" . Pattern ;match options

    ;search for words matching the pattern
    MatchList := ""
    Position := 1
    While, Position := RegExMatch(WordList,Pattern,Word,Position)
        Position += StrLen(Word)
        StringReplace, Word, Word, %A_Tab%, %A_Space%%A_Space%%A_Space%%A_Space%, All ;convert tabs to spaces
        MatchList .= Word . "`n"
    MatchList := SubStr(MatchList,1,-1) ;remove trailing delimiter

    ;sort by score
    SortedMatches := ""
    Loop, Parse, MatchList, `n
        SortedMatches .= Score(CurrentWord,A_LoopField) . "`t" . A_LoopField . "`n"
    SortedMatches := SubStr(SortedMatches,1,-1)
    Sort, SortedMatches, N R ;rank results numerically descending by score
    MatchList := RegExReplace(SortedMatches,"`nmS)^[^`t]+`t") ;remove scores

    Return, MatchList

    Score := 100

    Length := StrLen(Word)

    ;determine prefixing
    Position := 1
    While, Position <= Length && SubStr(Word,Position,1) = SubStr(Entry,Position,1)
        Position ++
    Score *= Position ** 8

    ;determine number of superfluous characters
    RegExMatch(Entry,"`nimS)^" . SubStr(RegExReplace(Word,"S).","$0.*"),1,-2),Remaining)
    Score *= (1 + StrLen(Remaining) - Length) ** -1.5

    Score *= StrLen(Word) ** 0.4

    Return, Score

SendWord(CurrentWord,NewWord,CorrectCase = False)
    If CorrectCase
        Position := 1
        CaseSense := A_StringCaseSense
        StringCaseSense, Locale
        Loop, Parse, CurrentWord
            Position := InStr(NewWord,A_LoopField,False,Position) ;find next character in the current word if only subsequence matched
            If A_LoopField Is Upper
                Char := SubStr(NewWord,Position,1)
                StringUpper, Char, Char
                NewWord := SubStr(NewWord,1,Position - 1) . Char . SubStr(NewWord,Position + 1)
        StringCaseSense, %CaseSense%

    ;send the word
    Send, % "{BS " . StrLen(CurrentWord) . "}" ;clear the typed word
    SendRaw, %NewWord%

    static Typeface := "Courier New"
    static Size := 10
    static hDC, hFont := 0, Extent
    If !hFont
        hDC := DllCall("GetDC","UPtr",0,"UPtr")
        Height := -DllCall("MulDiv","Int",Size,"Int",DllCall("GetDeviceCaps","UPtr",hDC,"Int",90),"Int",72)
        hFont := DllCall("CreateFont","Int",Height,"Int",0,"Int",0,"Int",0,"Int",400,"UInt",False,"UInt",False,"UInt",False,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"Str",Typeface)
        hOriginalFont := DllCall("SelectObject","UPtr",hDC,"UPtr",hFont,"UPtr")
    Return, NumGet(Extent,0,"UInt")

    StringReplace, Text, Text, `%, `%25, All
    FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger, FoundPos := 0
    SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
    While, FoundPos := RegExMatch(Text,"S)[^\w-\.~%]",Char,FoundPos + 1)
        StringReplace, Text, Text, %Char%, % "%" . SubStr("0" . SubStr(Asc(Char),3),-1), All
    SetFormat, IntegerFast, %FormatInteger%
    Return, Text

    FoundPos := 0
    While, FoundPos := InStr(Encoded,"%",False,FoundPos + 1)
        Value := SubStr(Encoded,FoundPos + 1,2)
        If (Value != "25")
            StringReplace, Encoded, Encoded, `%%Value%, % Chr("0x" . Value), All
    StringReplace, Encoded, Encoded, `%25, `%, All
    Return, Encoded
Posts: 84
Joined: 22 Jun 2018, 01:13

Re: run script when classnn active

22 Jun 2018, 11:25

How can i modify th script with ControlGet, outv, Visible,,Edit7, ahk_exe ImageNow.exe. I am a beginner.
Here is the code

Code: Select all


#Warn All
#Warn LocalSameAsGlobal, Off

#MaxThreadsBuffer On

SetBatchLines, -1

WordListFile := A_ScriptDir . "\WordList.txt" ;path of the wordlist file
SettingsFile := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings.ini" ;path of the settings file

MaxResults := 20 ;maximum number of results to display
OffsetX := 0 ;offset in caret position in X axis
OffsetY := 20 ;offset from caret position in Y axis
BoxHeight := 165 ;height of the suggestions box in pixels
ShowLength := 4 ;minimum length of word before showing suggestions
CorrectCase := True ;whether or not to fix uppercase or lowercase to match the suggestion

NormalKeyList := "a`nb`nc`nd`ne`nf`ng`nh`ni`nj`nk`nl`nm`nn`no`np`nq`nr`ns`nt`nu`nv`nw`nx`ny`nz" ;list of key names separated by `n that make up words in upper and lower case variants
NumberKeyList := "1`n2`n3`n4`n5`n6`n7`n8`n9`n0" ;list of key names separated by `n that make up words as well as their numpad equivalents
OtherKeyList := "'`n-" ;list of key names separated by `n that make up words
ResetKeyList := "Esc`nSpace`nHome`nPGUP`nPGDN`nEnd`nLeft`nRight`nRButton`nMButton`n,`n.`n/`n[`n]`n;`n\`n=`n```n"""  ;list of key names separated by `n that cause suggestions to reset
TriggerKeyList := "Tab`nEnter" ;list of key names separated by `n that trigger completion

IniRead, MaxResults, %SettingsFile%, Settings, MaxResults, %MaxResults%
IniRead, ShowLength, %SettingsFile%, Settings, ShowLength, %ShowLength%
IniRead, CorrectCase, %SettingsFile%, Settings, CorrectCase, %CorrectCase%

IniRead, NormalKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, NormalKeyList, %NormalKeyList%
NormalKeyList := URLDecode(NormalKeyList)
IniRead, NumberKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, NumberKeyList, %NumberKeyList%
NumberKeyList := URLDecode(NumberKeyList)
IniRead, OtherKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, OtherKeyList, %OtherKeyList%
OtherKeyList := URLDecode(OtherKeyList)
IniRead, ResetKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, ResetKeyList, %ResetKeyList%
ResetKeyList := URLDecode(ResetKeyList)
IniRead, TriggerKeyList, %SettingsFile%, Keys, TriggerKeyList, %TriggerKeyList%
TriggerKeyList := URLDecode(TriggerKeyList)

TrayTip, Settings, Click the tray icon to modify settings, 5, 1

CoordMode, Caret
SetKeyDelay, 0
SendMode, Input

;obtain desktop size across all monitors
SysGet, ScreenWidth, 78
SysGet, ScreenHeight, 79

FileRead, WordList, %WordListFile%

;set up tray menu
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Click, 1
Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, ShowSettings
Menu, Tray, Add, index, Showfull
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, ExitScript
Menu, Tray, Default, Settings

;set up suggestions window
Gui, Suggestions:Default
Gui, Font, s10, Courier New
Gui, +Delimiter`n
Gui, Add, ListBox, x0 y0 h%BoxHeight% 0x100 vMatched gCompleteWord AltSubmit
Gui, -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
hWindow := WinExist()
Gui, Show, h%BoxHeight% Hide, AutoComplete

Gosub, ResetWord


OnExit, ExitSub

Gui, Settings:Submit

;write settings
IniWrite, % URLEncode(MaxResults), %SettingsFile%, Settings, MaxResults
IniWrite, % URLEncode(ShowLength), %SettingsFile%, Settings, ShowLength
IniWrite, % URLEncode(CorrectCase), %SettingsFile%, Settings, CorrectCase

IniWrite, % URLEncode(NormalKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, NormalKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(NumberKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, NumberKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(OtherKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, OtherKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(ResetKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, ResetKeyList
IniWrite, % URLEncode(TriggerKeyList), %SettingsFile%, Keys, TriggerKeyList

;write wordlist file
File := FileOpen(WordListFile,"w")
Length := File.Write(WordList)
File.Length := Length


;do not show settings window if already shown
Gui, Settings:+LastFoundExist
If WinExist()

Gui, Settings:Default
Gui, Font,, Arial
Gui, Font,, Century Gothic
Gui, Color, White, FFF8F8

Gui, Font, s24 cFFAAAA
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y10 w540 h45 Center, a u t o c o m p l e t e
Gui, Add, Progress, x10 y55 w540 h1 BackgroundEEDDDD, 0

Gui, Font, s14 c885555
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y73 w180 h30, RESULT LIMIT
Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y70 w80 h30 Right Number
Gui, Add, UpDown, Range1-100 vMaxResults, %MaxResults%
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y113 w180 h30, TRIGGER LENGTH
Gui, Add, Edit, x190 y110 w80 h30 Right Number
Gui, Add, UpDown, Range1-10, %ShowLength%

Gui, Add, Checkbox, x10 y150 w260 h30 Checked%CorrectCase% vCorrectCase, CASE CORRECTION

Gui, Add, Edit, x10 y210 w230 h30 vNewWord
Gui, Add, Button, x240 y210 w30 h30 Disabled vAddWord gAddWord, +
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y250 w260 h40 Disabled vRemoveWord gRemoveWord, REMOVE SELECTED
Gui, Font, s8, Courier New
Gui, Add, ListView, x290 y70 w260 h220 -Hdr vWords, Words

Gui, Color, White
Gui, +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show, w560 h300, Autocomplete by Uberi

LV_Add("", "Reading wordlist...")
Sleep, 0

;populate list with entries from wordlist
GuiControl, -Redraw, Words
Loop, Parse, WordList, `n
    LV_Add("", A_LoopField)
GuiControl, +Redraw, Words

GuiControl, Enable, AddWord
GuiControl, Enable, RemoveWord

Gui, Settings:Default
Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy

Gui, Settings:Default
GuiControlGet, NewWord,, NewWord
Index := LV_Add("Select Focus", NewWord)
LV_Modify(Index, "Vis")
WordList .= "`n" . NewWord

Gui, Settings:Default
TempList := "`n" . WordList . "`n"
GuiControl, -Redraw, Words
While, CurrentRow := LV_GetNext()
    Position := InStr(TempList,"`n",True,1,CurrentRow)
    TempList := SubStr(TempList,1,Position) . SubStr(TempList,InStr(TempList,"`n",True,Position + 1) + 1)
GuiControl, +Redraw, Words
WordList := SubStr(TempList,2,-1)

#IfWinExist AutoComplete ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI

MouseGetPos,,, Temp1
If (Temp1 != hWindow)
    Gosub, ResetWord

Gui, Suggestions:Default
GuiControlGet, Temp1,, Matched
If Temp1 > 1 ;ensure value is in range
    GuiControl, Choose, Matched, % Temp1 - 1

Gui, Suggestions:Default
GuiControlGet, Temp1,, Matched
GuiControl, Choose, Matched, % Temp1 + 1


CurrentWord := SubStr(CurrentWord,1,-1)
Gosub, Suggest

CurrentWord .= SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2)
Gosub, Suggest

Char := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
StringUpper, Char, Char
CurrentWord .= Char
Gosub, Suggest

CurrentWord .= SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,8)
Gosub, Suggest

CurrentWord := ""
Gui, Suggestions:Hide

Gui, Suggestions:Default

;check word length against minimum length
If StrLen(CurrentWord) < ShowLength
    Gui, Hide

MatchList := Suggest(CurrentWord,WordList)

;check for a lack of matches
If (MatchList = "")
    Gui, Hide

;limit the number of results
Position := InStr(MatchList,"`n",True,1,MaxResults)
If Position
    MatchList := SubStr(MatchList,1,Position - 1)

;find the longest text width and add numbers
MaxWidth := 0
DisplayList := ""
Loop, Parse, MatchList, `n
    Entry := (A_Index < 10 ? A_Index . ". " : "   ") . A_LoopField
    Width := TextWidth(Entry)
    If (Width > MaxWidth)
        MaxWidth := Width
    DisplayList .= Entry . "`n"
MaxWidth += 30 ;add room for the scrollbar
DisplayList := SubStr(DisplayList,1,-1)

;update the interface
GuiControl,, Matched, `n%DisplayList%
GuiControl, Choose, Matched, 1
GuiControl, Move, Matched, w%MaxWidth% ;set the control width
PosX := A_CaretX + OffsetX
If PosX + MaxWidth > ScreenWidth ;past right side of the screen
    PosX := ScreenWidth - MaxWidth
PosY := A_CaretY + OffsetY
If PosY + BoxHeight > ScreenHeight ;past bottom of the screen
    PosY := ScreenHeight - BoxHeight
Gui, Show, x%PosX% y%PosY% w%MaxWidth% NoActivate ;show window


;only trigger word completion on non-interface event or double click on matched list
If (A_GuiEvent != "" && A_GuiEvent != "DoubleClick")

Gui, Suggestions:Default
Gui, Hide

;retrieve the word that was selected
GuiControlGet, Index,, Matched
TempList := "`n" . MatchList . "`n"
Position := InStr(TempList,"`n",0,1,Index) + 1
NewWord := SubStr(TempList,Position,InStr(TempList,"`n",0,Position) - Position)


Gosub, ResetWord

PrepareWordList(ByRef WordList)
    If InStr(WordList,"`r")
        StringReplace, WordList, WordList, `r,, All
    While, InStr(WordList,"`n`n") ;remove blank lines within the list
        StringReplace, WordList, WordList, `n`n, `n, All
    WordList := Trim(WordList,"`n") ;remove blank lines at the beginning and end

    Loop, Parse, NormalKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~%A_LoopField%, Key, UseErrorLevel
        Hotkey, ~+%A_LoopField%, ShiftedKey, UseErrorLevel

    Loop, Parse, NumberKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~%A_LoopField%, Key, UseErrorLevel
        Hotkey, ~Numpad%A_LoopField%, NumpadKey, UseErrorLevel

    Loop, Parse, OtherKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~%A_LoopField%, Key, UseErrorLevel

    Loop, Parse, ResetKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, ~*%A_LoopField%, ResetWord, UseErrorLevel

    Hotkey, IfWinExist, AutoComplete ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
    Loop, Parse, TriggerKeyList, `n
        Hotkey, %A_LoopField%, CompleteWord, UseErrorLevel

Suggest(CurrentWord,ByRef WordList)
    Pattern := RegExReplace(CurrentWord,"S).","$0.*") ;subsequence matching pattern

    ;treat accented characters as equivalent to their unaccented counterparts
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[a" . Chr(224) . Chr(226) . "]","[a" . Chr(224) . Chr(226) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[c" . Chr(231) . "]","[c" . Chr(231) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[e" . Chr(233) . Chr(232) . Chr(234) . Chr(235) . "]","[e" . Chr(233) . Chr(232) . Chr(234) . Chr(235) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[i" . Chr(238) . Chr(239) . "]","[i" . Chr(238) . Chr(239) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[o" . Chr(244) . "]","[o" . Chr(244) . "]")
    Pattern := RegExReplace(Pattern,"S)[u" . Chr(251) . Chr(249) . "]","[u" . Chr(251) . Chr(249) . "]")

    Pattern := "`nimS)^" . Pattern ;match options

    ;search for words matching the pattern
    MatchList := ""
    Position := 1
    While, Position := RegExMatch(WordList,Pattern,Word,Position)
        Position += StrLen(Word)
        StringReplace, Word, Word, %A_Tab%, %A_Space%%A_Space%%A_Space%%A_Space%, All ;convert tabs to spaces
        MatchList .= Word . "`n"
    MatchList := SubStr(MatchList,1,-1) ;remove trailing delimiter

    ;sort by score
    SortedMatches := ""
    Loop, Parse, MatchList, `n
        SortedMatches .= Score(CurrentWord,A_LoopField) . "`t" . A_LoopField . "`n"
    SortedMatches := SubStr(SortedMatches,1,-1)
    Sort, SortedMatches, N R ;rank results numerically descending by score
    MatchList := RegExReplace(SortedMatches,"`nmS)^[^`t]+`t") ;remove scores

    Return, MatchList

    Score := 100

    Length := StrLen(Word)

    ;determine prefixing
    Position := 1
    While, Position <= Length && SubStr(Word,Position,1) = SubStr(Entry,Position,1)
        Position ++
    Score *= Position ** 8

    ;determine number of superfluous characters
    RegExMatch(Entry,"`nimS)^" . SubStr(RegExReplace(Word,"S).","$0.*"),1,-2),Remaining)
    Score *= (1 + StrLen(Remaining) - Length) ** -1.5

    Score *= StrLen(Word) ** 0.4

    Return, Score

SendWord(CurrentWord,NewWord,CorrectCase = False)
    If CorrectCase
        Position := 1
        CaseSense := A_StringCaseSense
        StringCaseSense, Locale
        Loop, Parse, CurrentWord
            Position := InStr(NewWord,A_LoopField,False,Position) ;find next character in the current word if only subsequence matched
            If A_LoopField Is Upper
                Char := SubStr(NewWord,Position,1)
                StringUpper, Char, Char
                NewWord := SubStr(NewWord,1,Position - 1) . Char . SubStr(NewWord,Position + 1)
        StringCaseSense, %CaseSense%

    ;send the word
    Send, % "{BS " . StrLen(CurrentWord) . "}" ;clear the typed word
    SendRaw, %NewWord%

    static Typeface := "Courier New"
    static Size := 10
    static hDC, hFont := 0, Extent
    If !hFont
        hDC := DllCall("GetDC","UPtr",0,"UPtr")
        Height := -DllCall("MulDiv","Int",Size,"Int",DllCall("GetDeviceCaps","UPtr",hDC,"Int",90),"Int",72)
        hFont := DllCall("CreateFont","Int",Height,"Int",0,"Int",0,"Int",0,"Int",400,"UInt",False,"UInt",False,"UInt",False,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"Str",Typeface)
        hOriginalFont := DllCall("SelectObject","UPtr",hDC,"UPtr",hFont,"UPtr")
    Return, NumGet(Extent,0,"UInt")

    StringReplace, Text, Text, `%, `%25, All
    FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger, FoundPos := 0
    SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
    While, FoundPos := RegExMatch(Text,"S)[^\w-\.~%]",Char,FoundPos + 1)
        StringReplace, Text, Text, %Char%, % "%" . SubStr("0" . SubStr(Asc(Char),3),-1), All
    SetFormat, IntegerFast, %FormatInteger%
    Return, Text

    FoundPos := 0
    While, FoundPos := InStr(Encoded,"%",False,FoundPos + 1)
        Value := SubStr(Encoded,FoundPos + 1,2)
        If (Value != "25")
            StringReplace, Encoded, Encoded, `%%Value%, % Chr("0x" . Value), All
    StringReplace, Encoded, Encoded, `%25, `%, All
    Return, Encoded

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