Script is providing inconsistent results Topic is solved

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Script is providing inconsistent results

17 Jul 2018, 15:50

Hi everyone. I am working on a script to help me enter my time and activities for work. The system is obnoxious in that you have to enter one activity per page load. The form defaults with today's date, so if you don't enter your activities each day you have to change the date in the past for each day and activity you need to enter.

I typically am 2-5 months behind on this task so I spend a lot of time doing this routine: loading the page, changing the date, submitting, changing the date to what it just was, submitting, changing the date to what it just was plus 1 day, submitting, repeat...

To speed things up my code begins with a manually copied a date (i.e. Jan-01-2018). I enter my activity and the page reloads with today's date. If I need to enter another activity for Jan-01, I activate the script and it figures out if I want to use Jan-01-2018, or if I want to advance to Jan-02-2018, based on whether or not I have the "01" highlighted. If its highlighted it pastes "02" in place of it and then copies the whole date for the next page load. The problem I'm having is that sometimes when I highlight "01" it crtl-A, ctrl-V's "01", instead of changing only the "01" to "02".

Examples in action (both times the clipboard started with "Jan-01-2018"

How its supposed to work:

How it sometimes works:

and the code:

Code: Select all

ClipSaved := ClipboardAll       ;save clipboard
clipboard := ""  ; empty clipboard
Send, ^c    ; copy the selected file
   if (Clipboard = "") {
   Clipboard := ClipSaved   ; Restore the original clipboard. Note the use of Clipboard (not ClipboardAll).
   ClipSaved =   ; Free the memory in case the clipboard was very large.
   Send, ^a^v
   } else {
        RegExMatch(clipboard,"\d+$",match)		;finds number last in clipboard string, and stores it to the value "match"
        match++  ;increases the value of "match" by 1
        clipboard:=RegExReplace(clipboard,"\d+$",match)  ;replaces the last number in clipboard string with the new value of "match"
        send ^v
        send, ^a^c

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Re: Script is providing inconsistent results

17 Jul 2018, 17:29

- I would avoid trying to click at the nth character, because its position may be affected by the widths of the other characters, which can change.
- Also, odd things can happen with clicking e.g. if you click at a certain speed, you may select a word or the entire string.
- I would put a date into memory, and use hotkeys to increment/decrement by one day, and not use the clipboard, but send text instead.
- Here's an example script:

Code: Select all

;warning: if used in the wrong place this script could overwrite important text in the program you are using
#IfWinActive, My Test File - Notepad
;uncomment the 2 lines below to start at a specific date:
;if (vDate = "")
;	vDate := 20180401 ;start at APR-01-2018
vNum := InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "q") ? 1 : -1 ;increment/decrement based on the hotkey
EnvAdd, vDate, % vNum, D
FormatTime, vDate2, % vDate, MMM-dd-yyyy
SendInput, % "^a{Text}" vDate2 ;note: {Text} requires AHK v1.1.27+
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Re: Script is providing inconsistent results

18 Jul 2018, 09:18

Thank you, that is a much better solution! How would I add a third option to increment by 0 (keep the date the same)? This is throwing an exception:

Code: Select all

;warning: if used in the wrong place this script could overwrite important text in the program you are using
;uncomment the 2 lines below to start at a specific date:
if (vDate = "")
	vDate := 20180212 ;start at APR-01-2018
vNum := InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "q") ? 1 : -1 : 0 ;increment/decrement based on the hotkey
EnvAdd, vDate, % vNum, D
FormatTime, vDate2, % vDate, MMM-dd-yyyy
SendInput, % "^a{Text}" vDate2 ;note: {Text} requires AHK v1.1.27+
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Re: Script is providing inconsistent results  Topic is solved

18 Jul 2018, 09:37

An example that handles 3 possibilities:

Code: Select all

q:: ;ternary operator 3-possibility example
vNum := InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "q") ? 1
: InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "w") ? -1
: 0
MsgBox, % vNum


;q:: ;ternary operator 3-possibility example (if/else alternative)
if InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "q")
	vNum := 1
else if InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "w")
	vNum := -1
	vNum := 0
MsgBox, % vNum
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