Very basic autoclclicker with random delay. Topic is solved

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Very basic autoclclicker with random delay.

21 Jul 2018, 05:45

Hello, i've looked into a decent bunch of guides right now, but i often get confused.

If you were to right a script, that whenever you press F8 clicks, than waits between 1 and 4 seconds (randomized) and than clicks again, than the loop goes back up.

How would you go over it, and is this correct?

I currently have this ;
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
sleep 1

f2:: pause


But i have no clue wheter i should use sleep rndm 100 , 400 - i don't know how i can make the program use random between 1 and 4 seconds..
can anyone please help me with this superbasic script?
Posts: 143
Joined: 24 Apr 2018, 09:16

Re: Very basic autoclclicker with random delay.  Topic is solved

21 Jul 2018, 17:14

Code: Select all

Toggle := !Toggle 
While Toggle{ 
Random, rand, 1000, 4000 ; ms
sleep %rand%

f2:: pause

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