[ahkv2]It is to change the Class_LV_Rows to v2 version need help

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[ahkv2]It is to change the Class_LV_Rows to v2 version need help

12 Aug 2018, 04:46

Original version of address

This is LV_Rows I am editing.

Code: Select all

;					Class LV_Rows
; Author:			Pulover [Rodolfo U. Batista]
; AHK version:
;					Additional functions for ListView controls
; This class provides an easy way to add functionalities to ListViews that are not
;	supported by AutoHotkey built-in functions such as Copy, Cut, Paste, Drag and more.
; Edit Functions:
;	Copy()
;	Cut()
;	Paste([Row, Multiline])
;	Duplicate()
;	Delete()
;	Move([Up])
;	Drag([DragButton, AutoScroll, ScrollDelay, LineThick, Color])
; History Functions:
;	Add()
;	Undo()
;	Redo()
;	ClearHistory()
; Group Functions:
;	EnableGroups([Enable, FirstName, Collapsible, StartCollapsed])
;	InsertGroup([Row, GroupName])
;	RemoveGroup([Row])
;	InsertAtGroup([Count, Rows*])
;	RemoveAtGroup([Count, Rows*])
;	SetGroups(Groups)
;	GetGroups([AsObject])
;	SetGroupCollapisable([Collapsible])
;	RemoveAllGroups([FirstName])
;	CollapseAll([Collapse])
;	RefreshGroups([Collapsed])
; Management Functions:
;	InsertHwnd(Hwnd)
;	RemoveHwnd(Hwnd)
;	SetHwnd(Hwnd [, NewData])
;	GetData([Hwnd])
;	SetCallback(Func)
; Usage:
;	You can call the function by preceding them with LV_Rows. For example:
;		LV_Rows.Copy()					 <--   Calls function on active ListView.
;	Or with a handle initialized via New meta-function. For example:
;		MyListHandle := New LV_Rows()	  <--   Creates a new handle.
;		MyListHandle.Add()				 <--   Calls function for that Handle.
;	Like AutoHotkey built-in functions, these functions operate on the default gui,
;		and active ListView control. When usingle handles, SetHwnd will attempt to set
;		the selected ListView as active, but it's recommend to call Gui, Listview on
;		your script too.
;	Initializing is required for History and Group functions and in case your ListView
;		has icons to be moved during Drag().
;		Gui, Add, ListView, hwndhLV, Columns
;		MyListHandle := New LV_Rows(hLV)  <--   Creates a new handle with Hwnd.
;		Gui, Add, ListView, hwndhLV1, Columns
;		Gui, Add, ListView, hwndhLV2, Columns
;		MyListHandle := New LV_Rows(hLV1, hLV2)
;		You can also use the same handle for the Edit functions.
;		You can create more handles or pass the ListView's Hwnd to operate on different
;		lists with the same handle.
;	In order to keep row's icons you need to initialize the class passing the
;		ListView's Hwnd. For example:
;		Gui, Add, ListView, hwndhLV, Columns
;		MyListHandle := New LV_Rows(hLV)
Class LV_Rows extends LV_Rows.LV_EX
;	Meta-Functions	 Pass the Hwnd of one or more Listiviews when initializing it to
;							manage history, groups and keep row's icons during Drag().
;					   Use InsertHwnd() to add more lists and SetHwnd() to switch between them.
;	Properties:
;		ActiveSlot:	Contains the current entry position in the ListView History.
;		HasChanged:	The HasChanged property may optionally be used to check if the
;							ListView has been changed. For this you must use a handle
;							for all functions.
;						Every time a function (except Copy) is called it will be set
;							to true. The user may consult Handle.HasChanged to show
;							a save dialog and set it to False after saving.
	__New(LVname, Hwnd*)
		this.hArray := {}
		this.LVname := LVname
		If (Hwnd.Length())
			For e, h in Hwnd
				this.hArray[h] := { Hwnd: h
								  , GroupsArray: []
								  , Slot: []
								  , ActiveSlot: 1}
			,   this.hArray[h].GroupsArray.Push({Name: "Start", Row: 1})
			this.LVHwnd := this.hArray[Hwnd[1]].Hwnd
		,   this.Handle := this.hArray[Hwnd[1]]
			this.hArray["default"] := { Hwnd: ""
									  , GroupsArray: []
									  , Slot: []
									  , ActiveSlot: 1}
		,   this.Handle := this.hArray["default"]
		,   this.Handle.GroupsArray.Push({Name: "Start", Row: 1})

		Callback := this.Callback
		If (IsFunc(Callback))
			If (!%Callback%(Func, this.LVHwnd))
		If "Cut,Paste,Duplicate,Delete,Move,Drag,Undo,Redo" ~= "\b" Func "\b"
			this.HasChanged := true

		this.RemoveAt(1, this.Length())
	,   this.SetCapacity(0)
	,   this.base := ""
;	Management Functions: Set, Insert and Remove ListView Hwnd's.
;	Function:		   Handle.InsertHwnd()
;	Description:		Inserts one or more ListView Hwnd's to be managed.
;	Parameters:
;		Hwnd:		   One or more ListView Hwnd's.
;	Return:			 No return value.
		If (Hwnd.Length())
			For e, h in Hwnd
				If (this.hArray.HasKey(h))
				this.hArray[h] := { Hwnd: h
								  , GroupsArray: []
								  , Slot: []
								  , ActiveSlot: 1}
			,   this.hArray[h].GroupsArray.Push({Name: "Start", Row: 1})
;	Function:		   Handle.RemoveHwnd()
;	Description:		Removes a ListView Hwnd.
;	Parameters:
;		Hwnd:		   Hwnd of the ListView to be removed.
;	Return:			 No return value.
		If (this.hArray.HasKey(Hwnd))
			this.hArray[Hwnd].RemoveAt(1, this.Length())
		,   this.hArray[Hwnd].SetCapacity(0)
		,   this.hArray[Hwnd].base := ""
;	Function:		   Handle.SetHwnd()
;	Description:		Selects a previously inserted ListView or adds it to the handle
;							and selects it, optionally copying the data, history and
;							groups from another Hwnd.
;	Parameters:
;		Hwnd:		   Hwnd of a ListView to be selected. If the hwnd is not found, it
;							will be added to the handle and selected.
;		NewData:		Hwnd of a previously inserted ListView whose data, history and groups
;							will be copied to the one being selected.
;	Return:			 No return value.
	SetHwnd(Hwnd, NewData := "")
		If (this.hArray.HasKey(Hwnd))
			this.LVHwnd := this.hArray[Hwnd].Hwnd
		,   this.Handle := this.hArray[Hwnd]
			;~ Gui, Listview, % this.LVHwnd ;checklv
			If (NewData != "")
				If (IsObject(NewData))
					this.hArray[Hwnd].GroupsArray := NewData.GroupsArray
				,   this.hArray[Hwnd].Slot := NewData.Slot
				,   this.hArray[Hwnd].ActiveSlot := NewData.ActiveSlot
				,   this.Load()
				Else If (this.hArray.HasKey(NewData))
					this.hArray[Hwnd].GroupsArray := this.hArray[NewData].GroupsArray.Clone()
				,   this.hArray[Hwnd].Slot := this.hArray[NewData].Slot.Clone()
				,   this.hArray[Hwnd].ActiveSlot := this.hArray[NewData].ActiveSlot
				,   this.Load()
		this.hArray[Hwnd] := { Hwnd: Hwnd
							 , GroupsArray: []
							 , Slot: []
							 , ActiveSlot: 1}
		this.LVHwnd := Hwnd
	,   this.Handle := this.hArray[Hwnd]
	,   this.Handle.GroupsArray.Push({Name: "Start", Row: 1})
		;~ Gui, Listview, % this.LVHwnd ;checklv
		If (NewData != "")
			If (IsObject(NewData))
				this.hArray[Hwnd].GroupsArray := NewData.GroupsArray
			,   this.hArray[Hwnd].Slot := NewData.Slot
			,   this.hArray[Hwnd].ActiveSlot := NewData.ActiveSlot
			,   this.Load()
			Else If (this.hArray.HasKey(NewData))
				this.hArray[Hwnd].GroupsArray := this.hArray[NewData].GroupsArray.Clone()
			,   this.hArray[Hwnd].Slot := this.hArray[NewData].Slot.Clone()
			,   this.hArray[Hwnd].ActiveSlot := this.hArray[NewData].ActiveSlot
			,   this.Load()
;	Function:		   Handle.GetData()
;	Description:		Retrieves the data, history and groups of a previously inserted
;							ListView.
;	Parameters:
;		Hwnd:		   Hwnd of a previously inserted ListView. If left blank, the
;							current active ListView will be returned.
;	Return:			 An object with data, history and groups of a ListView.
	GetData(Hwnd := "")
		If (Hwnd = "")
			Hwnd := this.LVHwnd
		If (this.hArray.HasKey(Hwnd))
			return this.hArray[Hwnd].Clone()
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.SetCallback()
;	Description:		Sets a callback function where the user can take actions based
;							on the function being called called. The Callback function
;							must return true for the operation to be completed.
;	Parameters:
;		Func:		   Name of a user-defined function that should receive 2 parameters:
;							The name of the function being called and the Hwnd of the
;							current set ListView.
;	Return:			 No return value.
		this.Callback := Func
;	Edit Functions:	 Edit ListView rows.
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.Copy()
;	Description:		Copy selected rows to memory.
;	Return:			 Number of copied rows.
		this.CopyData := [], LV_Row := 0
			LV_Row := this.LVname.GetNext(LV_Row)
			If (!LV_Row)
			RowData := this.RowText(LV_Row)
		,   Row := [RowData*]
		,   this.CopyData.Push(Row)
		,   CopiedLines := A_Index
		return CopiedLines
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.Cut()
;	Description:		Copy selected rows to memory and delete them.
;	Return:			 Number of copied rows.
		this.CopyData := [], LV_Row := 0
			LV_Row := this.LVname.GetNext(LV_Row)
			If (!LV_Row)
			RowData := this.RowText(LV_Row)
		,   Row := [RowData*]
		,   this.CopyData.Push(Row)
		,   CopiedLines := A_Index
		return CopiedLines
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.Paste()
;	Description:		Paste copied rows at selected position.
;	Parameters:
;		Row:			If non-zero pastes memory contents at the specified row.
;		Multiline:	  If true pastes the contents at every selected row.
;	Return:			 True if memory contains data or false if not.
	Paste(Row := 0, Multiline := false)
		If (!this.CopyData.Length())
			return false
		TargetRow := Row ? Row : this.LVname.GetNext()
		If (!TargetRow)
			For each, Row in this.CopyData
			If ((!Row) && (Multiline))
				LV_Row := 0
					LV_Row := this.LVname.GetNext(LV_Row - 1)
					If (!LV_Row)
					For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
						If ((g.Row > 1) && (LV_Row < g.Row))
							g.Row += this.CopyData.Length()
					For each, Row in this.CopyData
						this.LVname.Insert(LV_Row, Row*), LV_Row += 1
					LV_Row += 1
				LV_Row := TargetRow - 1
				For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
					If ((g.Row > 1) && ((LV_Row+1) < g.Row))
						g.Row += this.CopyData.Length()
				For each, Row in this.CopyData
					this.LVname.Insert(LV_Row+A_Index, Row*)
		return true
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.Duplicate()
;	Description:		Duplicates selected rows.
;	Return:			 Number of duplicated rows.
		CopyData := this.CopyData.Clone()
	,   DupLines := this.Copy()
	,   this.Paste()
	,   this.CopyData := CopyData.Clone()
	,   CopyData.RemoveAt(1, CopyData.Length())
	,   CopyData := ""
	,   this.RefreshGroups()
		return DupLines
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.Delete()
;	Description:		Delete selected rows.
;	Return:			 Number of removed rows.
		If (this.LVname.GetCount("Selected") = 0)
			return false
		LV_Row := 0
			LV_Row := this.LVname.GetNext(LV_Row - 1)
			If (!LV_Row)
		,   DeletedLines := A_Index
			For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
				If ((g.Row > 1) && (LV_Row < g.Row))
		return DeletedLines
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.Move()
;	Description:		Move selected rows down or up.
;	Parameters:
;		Up:			 If false or omitted moves rows down. If true moves rows up.
;	Return:			 Number of rows moved.
	Move(Up := false)
		Selections := [], LV_Row := 0
		If (Up)
				LV_Row := this.LVname.GetNext(LV_Row)
				If (!LV_Row)
				If (LV_Row = 1)
			For each, Row in Selections
				RowData := this.RowText(Row)
			,   this.LVname.Insert(Row-1, RowData*)
			,   this.LVname.Delete(Row+1)
			,   this.LVname.Modify(Row-1, "Select")
				If (A_Index = 1)
					this.LVname.Modify(Row-1, "Focus Vis")
			return Selections.Length()
				LV_Row := this.LVname.GetNext(LV_Row)
				If (!LV_Row)
				If (LV_Row = this.LVname.GetCount())
				Selections.InsertAt(1, LV_Row)
			For each, Row in Selections
				RowData := this.RowText(Row+1)
			,   this.LVname.Insert(Row, RowData*)
			,   this.LVname.Delete(Row+2)
				If (A_Index = 1)
					this.LVname.Modify(Row+1, "Focus Vis")
			return Selections.Length()
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.Drag()
;	Description:		Drag-and-Drop selected rows showing a destination bar.
;							Must be called in the ListView G-Label subroutine when
;							A_GuiEvent returns "D" or "d".
;	Parameters:
;		DragButton:	 If it is a lower case "d" it will be recognized as a Right-Click
;							drag and won't actually move any row, only return the
;							destination, otherwise it will be recognized as a Left-Click
;							drag. You may pass A_GuiEvent as the parameter.
;		AutoScroll:	 If true or omitted the ListView will automatically scroll
;							up or down when the cursor is above or below the control.
;		ScrollDelay:	Delay in miliseconds for AutoScroll. Default is 100ms.
;		LineThick:	  Thickness of the destination bar in pixels. Default is 2px.
;		Color:		  Color of destination bar. Default is "Black".
;	Return:			 The destination row number.
	Drag(DragButton := "D", AutoScroll := true, ScrollDelay := 100, LineThick := 2, Color := "Black")
		Static LVIR_LABEL		  := 0x0002
		Static LVM_GETITEMCOUNT	:= 0x1004
		Static LVM_SCROLL		  := 0x1014
		Static LVM_GETTOPINDEX	 := 0x1027
		Static LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE := 0x1028
		Static LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT  := 0x1038
		Static LV_currColHeight	:= 0
		RestoreGroups := false

		If (this.IsGroupViewEnabled())
			RestoreGroups := true
		,   this.EnableGroupView(false)
		;~ SysGet, SM_CXVSCROLL, 2
		SM_CXVSCROLL := SysGet(2)

		If (InStr(DragButton, "d", true))
			DragButton := "RButton"
			DragButton := "LButton"

		CoordMode "Mouse", "Window"
		MouseGetPos , , LV_Win, LV_LView, 2
		WinGetPos Win_X, Win_Y, Win_W, Win_H, "ahk_id " . LV_Win
		ControlGetPos LV_lx, LV_ly, LV_lw, LV_lh, , "ahk_id " . LV_LView
		LV_lw := LV_lw * 96 / A_ScreenDPI
	,   VarSetCapacity(LV_XYstruct, 16, 0)

		While (GetKeyState(DragButton, "P"))
			MouseGetPos LV_mx, LV_my,, CurrCtrl, 2
			LV_mx -= LV_lx, LV_my -= LV_ly

			If (AutoScroll)
				If (LV_my < 0)
					SendMessage LVM_SCROLL, 0, -LV_currColHeight,, "ahk_id " . LV_LView
					Sleep ScrollDelay
				If (LV_my > LV_lh)
					SendMessage LVM_SCROLL, 0, LV_currColHeight,, "ahk_id " . LV_LView
					Sleep ScrollDelay

			If (CurrCtrl != LV_LView)
				LV_currRow := ""
				;~ Gui, MarkLine:Cancel ;checklv

			LV_TotalNumOfRows := SendMessage(LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " . LV_LView)
			;~ LV_TotalNumOfRows := ErrorLevel
			LV_NumOfRows := SendMessage(LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " . LV_LView)
			;~ LV_NumOfRows := ErrorLevel
			LV_topIndex := SendMessage(LVM_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0,, "ahk_id " . LV_LView)
			;~ LV_topIndex := ErrorLevel
		,   Line_W := (LV_TotalNumOfRows > LV_NumOfRows) ? LV_lw - SM_CXVSCROLL : LV_lw

			Loop LV_NumOfRows + 1
				LV_which := LV_topIndex + A_Index - 1
				NumPut(LVIR_LABEL, LV_XYstruct, 0, "UInt")
			,   NumPut(A_Index - 1, LV_XYstruct, 4, "UInt")
				SendMessage LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, LV_which, &LV_XYstruct,, "ahk_id " . LV_LView
				LV_RowY := NumGet(LV_XYstruct, 4, "UInt")
			,   LV_RowY2 := NumGet(LV_XYstruct, 12, "UInt")
			,   LV_currColHeight := LV_RowY2 - LV_RowY
				If (LV_my <= LV_RowY + LV_currColHeight)
					LV_currRow  := LV_which + 1
				,   LV_currRow0 := LV_which
				,   Line_Y := Win_Y + LV_ly + LV_RowY
				,   Line_X := Win_X + LV_lx
					If (LV_currRow > (LV_TotalNumOfRows+1))
						;~ Gui, MarkLine:Cancel ;checklv
						LV_currRow := ""

			If (LV_currRow)
				/* ;checklv
				Gui, MarkLine:Color, %Color%
				Gui, MarkLine:+LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +Toolwindow -Caption +HwndLineMark
				Gui, MarkLine:Show, W%Line_W% H%LineThick% Y%Line_Y% X%Line_X% NoActivate

		If (DragButton = "LButton" && LV_currRow)
			;~ Gui, MarkLine:Cancel ;checklv
			Avoid_Row1 := this.LVname.GetNext()
			while this.LVname.GetNext(Avoid_Row2)
				Avoid_Row2 := this.LVname.GetNext(Avoid_Row2)

			if LV_currRow > Avoid_Row1 and LV_currRow < Avoid_Row2 + 1
				CopyData := this.CopyData.Clone()
				Lines := this.Copy()
			,   this.Paste(LV_currRow)
				If (this.LVname.GetNext() < LV_currRow)
					o := Lines+1, FocusedRow := LV_currRow-1
					o := 1, FocusedRow := LV_currRow
				Loop Lines
					i := A_Index-o
				,   this.LVname.Modify(LV_currRow+i, "Select")
				this.LVname.Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus")
			,   this.CopyData := CopyData.Clone()
			,   CopyData.RemoveAt(1, CopyData.Length())
			,   CopyData := ""

		If (RestoreGroups)

		return LV_currRow
;	History Functions:  Keep a history of ListView changes and allow Undo and Redo.
;							These functions operate on the currently selected ListView.
;	Function:		   Handle.Add()
;	Description:		Adds an entry on History. This function requires
;							initializing: MyListHandle := New LV_Rows()
;	Return:			 The total number of entries in history.
		Rows := []
		If (this.Handle.ActiveSlot < this.Handle.Slot.Length())
			this.Handle.Slot.RemoveAt(this.Handle.ActiveSlot+1, this.Handle.Slot.Length())
		Loop this.LVname.GetCount()
			RowData := this.RowText(A_Index)
		,   Rows[A_Index] := [RowData*]
		Groups := []
		For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
			Groups[e] := {Name: g.Name, Row: g.Row}
		this.Handle.Slot.Push({Rows: Rows, Groups: Groups})
		this.Handle.ActiveSlot := this.Handle.Slot.Length()
		return this.Handle.Slot.Length()
;	Function:		   Handle.Undo()
;	Description:		Replaces ListView contents with previous entry state, if any.
;	Return:			 New entry position or false if it's already the first entry.
		If (this.Handle.ActiveSlot = 1)
			return false
		this.Handle.ActiveSlot -= 1
	,   this.Load()
		return this.Handle.ActiveSlot
;	Function:		   Handle.Redo()
;	Description:		Replaces ListView contents with next entry state, if any.
;	Return:			 New entry position or false if it's already the last entry.
		If (this.Handle.ActiveSlot = (this.Handle.Slot.Length()))
			return false
		this.Handle.ActiveSlot += 1
	,   this.Load()
		return this.Handle.ActiveSlot
;	Function:		   Handle.ClearHistory()
;	Description:		Removes all history entries from the ListView.
;	Return:			 New entry position or false if it's already the last entry.
		this.Handle.Slot := []
	,   this.Handle.ActiveSlot := 1
;	Group Functions:	Set, add and remove Listview Groups.
;						These functions are based on just me's LV_EX library:
;						http://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=1256
;	Function:		   Handle.EnableGroups()
;	Description:		Enables or disables Groups in the currently selected ListView
;							initializing: MyListHandle := New LV_Rows()
;	Parameters:
;		Enable:		 If TRUE enables GroupView in the selected ListView. If FALSE
;							disables it.
;		FirstName:	  Name for the first (mandatory) group at row 1.
;		Collapsible:	If TRUE makes the groups collapsible.
;		StartCollapsed: If TRUE starts all groups collapsed.
;	Return:			 No return value.
	EnableGroups(Enable := true, FirstName := "New Group", Collapsible := true, StartCollapsed := false)
		;~ Gui, Listview, % this.LVHwnd ;checklv
		ListCount := this.LVname.GetCount()
	 ,  this.Collapsible := Collapsible
	 ,  this.EnableGroupView(Enable)
		If (Enable)
			If (!this.Handle.GroupsArray.Length())
				this.Handle.GroupsArray := [{Name: FirstName, Row: 1}]
;	Function:		   Handle.InsertGroup()
;	Description:		Inserts or renames a group on top of the specified row.
;	Parameters:
;		Row:			Number of the row for the group to be inserted. If left blank
;							the first selected row will be used.
;		GroupName:	  Name of the new group or new name for an existing group.
;	Return:			 TRUE if Row is bigger than 0 or FALSE otherwise.
	InsertGroup(Row := "", GroupName := "New Group")
		If (Row = "")
			Row := this.LVname.GetNext()
		If (Row <= 0)
			return false
		For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
			If (Row = g.Row)
				this.Handle.GroupsArray[e] := {Name: GroupName, Row: Row}
			If (Row < g.Row)
				this.Handle.GroupsArray.InsertAt(e, {Name: GroupName, Row: Row})
			If (e = this.Handle.GroupsArray.Length())
				this.Handle.GroupsArray.Push({Name: GroupName, Row: Row})
		If (!this.Handle.GroupsArray.Length())
			this.Handle.GroupsArray.Push({Name: "New Group", Row: 1})
			If (Row > 1)
				this.Handle.GroupsArray.Push({Name: GroupName, Row: Row})
		return true
;	Function:		   Handle.RemoveGroup()
;	Description:		Removes the group the indicated row belongs to.
;	Parameters:
;		Row:			Number of a row the group belongs to. If left blank the first
;							selected row will be used.
;	Return:			 TRUE if Row is bigger than 0 or FALSE otherwise.
	RemoveGroup(Row := "")
		If (Row = "")
			Row := this.LVname.GetNext()
		If (Row <= 0)
			return false
		For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
			If (Row = g.Row)
				If (g.Row = 1)
			If (Row < g.Row)
				If (e = 2)
				this.Handle.GroupsArray.RemoveAt(e - 1)
			If (e = this.Handle.GroupsArray.Length())
				If (g.Row = 1)
		return true
;	Function:		   Handle.InsertAtGroup()
;	Description:		Inserts a row at indicated position, moving groups after it one
;							row down.
;	Parameters:
;		Row:			Number of the row where to insert.
;	Return:			 No return value.
		For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
			If ((Row > 0) && (Row < g.Row))
;	Function:		   Handle.RemoveAtGroup()
;	Description:		Removes a row from indicated position, moving groups after it one
;							row up.
;	Parameters:
;		Row:			Number of the row where to insert.
;	Return:			 No return value.
		For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
			If ((Row > 0) && (Row < g.Row))
;	Function:		   Handle.SetGroups()
;	Description:		Sets one or more groups in the selected ListView.
;	Parameters:
;		Groups:		 A list of groups in the format "GroupName:RowNumber" separated
;							by comma. You can use GetGroups() to save a valid String or
;							Object to be used with this function.
;	Return:			 No return value.
		this.Handle.GroupsArray := []
		If (!Groups.Length())
			;~ Loop, Parse, Groups, `,, %A_Space%
			Loop Parse, Groups, ",", A_Space
				Pars := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ":", A_Space)
			,   this.Handle.GroupsArray.Push({Name: Pars[1], Row: Pars[2]})
			this.Handle.GroupsArray := Groups
;	Function:		   Handle.GetGroups()
;	Description:		Returns a string or object representing the current groups in
;							the selected ListView.
;	Parameters:
;		AsObject:	   If TRUE returns an object with the groups, otherwise an string.
;							Both can be used with SetGroups().
;	Return:			 No return value.
	GetGroups(AsObject := false)
		If (AsObject)
			return this.Handle.GroupsArray.Clone()
		For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
			GroupsString .= g.Name ":" g.Row ","
		return RTrim(GroupsString, ",")
;	Function:		   Handle.SetGroupCollapisable()
;	Description:		Enables or disables Groups Collapsible style.
;	Parameters:
;		Collapsible:	If TRUE enables Collapsible style in the selected ListView.
;							If FALSE disables it.
;	Return:			 No return value.
	SetGroupCollapisable(Collapsible := true)
		this.Collapsible := Collapsible
	,   this.RefreshGroups()
;	Function:		   Handle.RemoveAllGroups()
;	Description:		Removes all groups in the selected ListView.
;	Parameters:
;		FirstName:	  Name for the first (mandatory) group at row 1.
;	Return:			 No return value.
	RemoveAllGroups(FirstName := "New Group")
		If (!this.Handle.GroupsArray.Length())
			this.Handle.GroupsArray.Push({Name: FirstName, Row: 1})
			this.Handle.GroupsArray[1] := {Name: FirstName, Row: 1}
		,	this.Handle.GroupsArray.RemoveAt(2, this.Handle.GroupsArray.Length())
;	Function:		   Handle.CollapseAll()
;	Description:		Collapses or expands all groups.
;	Parameters:
;		Collapse:	   If TRUE collapses all groups in the selected ListView. If FALSE
;							expands all groups in the selected ListView.
;	Return:			 No return value.
	CollapseAll(Collapse := true)
;	Function:		   Handle.RefreshGroups()
;	Description:		Reloads the ListView to update groups. This function is called
;							automatically in from other functions, usually it's not
;							necessary to use it in your script.
;	Parameters:
;		Collapsed:	  If TRUE collapses all groups in the selected ListView.
;	Return:			 No return value.
	RefreshGroups(Collapsed := false)
		GroupStates := []
		;~ Gui, Listview, % this.LVHwnd ;checklv
		For e, g in this.Handle.GroupsArray
			this.GroupGetState(A_Index + 9, IsCollapsed)
		,	GroupStates.Push(IsCollapsed ? "Collapsed" : "")
		ListCount := this.LVname.GetCount()
	,   this.GroupRemoveAll(), GrNum := 1
		Loop ListCount
			If (this.Handle.GroupsArray[GrNum].Row = A_Index)
				this.GroupInsert(GrNum + 9, this.Handle.GroupsArray[GrNum].Name)
			,   Styles := Collapsed ? ["Collapsible", "Collapsed"] : this.Collapsible ? ["Collapsible", GroupStates[GrNum]] : []
			,   this.GroupSetState(GrNum + 9, Styles*)
			,   GrNum++
			this.SetGroup(A_Index, GrNum + 8)
;	Internal Functions: These functions are meant for internal use but can also
;							be called if necessary.
;	Function:		   Handle.Load()
;	Description:		Loads a specified entry in History into ListView.
;	Parameters:
;		Position:	   Number of entry position to be loaded.
;	Return:			 false if entry exists, false otherwise.
	Load(Position := "")
		If (Position = "")
			Position := this.Handle.ActiveSlot
		If (!IsObject(this.Handle.Slot[Position]))
			return false
		For each, Row in this.Handle.Slot[Position].Rows
		this.Handle.GroupsArray := []
		For e, g in this.Handle.Slot[Position].Groups
		return true
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.RowText()
;	Description:		Creates an Array of values from each cell in a specified row.
;	Parameters:
;		Index:		  Index of the row to get contents from.
;	Return:			 An Array with text from the cells and the row checked status.
		Data := []
	,   ckd := (this.LVname.GetNext(Index-1, "Checked")=Index) ? 1 : 0
	,   iIcon := this.GetIconIndex(this.LVHwnd, Index)
	,   Data.Push("Icon" iIcon " Check" ckd)
		Loop this.LVname.GetCount("Col")
			Cell := this.LVname.GetText(Index, A_Index)
		,   Data.Push(Cell)
		return Data
;	Function:		   LV_Rows.GetIconIndex()
;	Description:		Retrieves the row's icon index.
;	Parameters:
;		Hwnd:		   Hwnd of the ListView.
;		Row:			1-based Row number.
;	Return:			 The 1-based icon index from specified row.
	GetIconIndex(Hwnd, Row)
		Static LVIF_IMAGE   := 0x00000002
		Static LVM_GETITEMA := 0x1005
		Static LVM_GETITEMW := 0x104B

		VarSetCapacity(LVITEM, 6 * 4 + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0)
	,   NumPut(LVIF_IMAGE, LVITEM, 0, "UInt") ; mask
	,   NumPut(Row-1, LVITEM, 4, "Int") ; iItem
		SendMessage LVM_GETITEM, 0, &LVITEM,, "ahk_id " . Hwnd
		return NumGet(LVITEM, 5 * 4 + (A_PtrSize * 2), "Int") + 1 ; iImage
; ======================================================================================================================
; Namespace:	  LV_EX
; Function:	   Some additional functions to use with AHK ListView controls.
; Tested with:	AHK (A32/U32/U64)
; Tested on:	  Win 8.1 (x64)
; Note:		   This version has been modified to include only Group related functions, the complete
;					 library can be found at https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=1256
; Changelog:
; me	 -  added basic tile view support (suggested by toralf),
;										 added basic (XP compatible) group view support,
;										 revised code and made some minor changes.
; me	 -  initial release.
; Notes:
;	 In terms of Microsoft
;		Item	 stands for the whole row or the first column of the row
;		SubItem  stands for the second to last column of a row
;	 All functions require the handle of the ListView (HWND). You get this handle using the 'Hwnd' option when
;	 creating the control per 'Gui, Add, HwndHwndOfLV ...' or using 'GuiControlGet, HwndOfLV, Hwnd, MyListViewVar'
;	 after control creation.
; Credits:
;	 LV_EX tile view functions:
;		Initial idea by segalion (old forum: /board/topic/80754-listview-with-multiline-in-report-mode-help/)
;		based on code from Fabio Lucarelli (http://users.skynet.be/oleole/ListView_Tiles.htm).
; ======================================================================================================================
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
; In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
; ======================================================================================================================
	Class LV_EX
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_EnableGroupView - Enables or disables whether the items in a list-view control display as a group.
; ======================================================================================================================
		EnableGroupView(Enable := true)
		   ; LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW = 0x109D -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774900(v=vs.85).aspx
		   ;~ SendMessage, 0x109D, % (!!Enable), 0, , % "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   SendMessage 0x109D, (!!Enable), 0, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return (ErrorLevel >> 31) ? 0 : 1
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_GetGroup - Gets the ID of the group the list-view item belongs to.
; ======================================================================================================================
		   ; LVM_GETITEMA = 0x1005 -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774953(v=vs.85).aspx
		   Static OffGroupID := 28 + (A_PtrSize * 3)
		   this.LVITEM(LVITEM, 0x00000100, Row) ; LVIF_GROUPID
		   SendMessage 0x1005, 0, &LVITEM, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return NumGet(LVITEM, OffGroupID, "UPtr")
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_GroupGetHeader - Gets the header text of a group by group ID
; ======================================================================================================================
		GroupGetHeader(GroupID, MaxChars := 1024)
			; LVM_GETGROUPINFO = 0x1095
			Static SizeOfLVGROUP := (4 * 6) + (A_PtrSize * 4)
			Static LVGF_HEADER := 0x00000001
			Static OffHeader := 8
			Static OffHeaderMax := 8 + A_PtrSize
			VarSetCapacity(HeaderText, MaxChars * 2, 0)
			VarSetCapacity(LVGROUP, SizeOfLVGROUP, 0)
			NumPut(SizeOfLVGROUP, LVGROUP, 0, "UInt")
			NumPut(LVGF_HEADER, LVGROUP, 4, "UInt")
			NumPut(&HeaderText, LVGROUP, OffHeader, "Ptr")
			NumPut(MaxChars, LVGROUP, OffHeaderMax, "Int")
			SendMessage 0x1095, GroupID, &LVGROUP, , "ahk_id " . HLV
			Return StrGet(&HeaderText, MaxChars, "UTF-16")
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_GroupGetState - Get group states (requires Win Vista+ for most states).
; ======================================================================================================================
		GroupGetState(GroupID, ByRef Collapsed := "", ByRef Collapsible := "", ByRef Focused := "", ByRef Hidden := ""
						, ByRef NoHeader := "", ByRef Normal := "", ByRef Selected := "")
			; LVM_GETGROUPINFO = 0x1095 -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb774932(v=vs.85).aspx
			Static OS := DllCall("GetVersion", "UChar")
			Static LVGS5 := {Collapsed: 0x01, Hidden: 0x02, Normal: 0x00}
			Static LVGS6 := {Collapsed: 0x01, Collapsible: 0x08, Focused: 0x10, Hidden: 0x02, NoHeader: 0x04, Normal: 0x00, Selected: 0x20}
			Static LVGF := 0x04 ; LVGF_STATE
			Static SizeOfLVGROUP := (4 * 6) + (A_PtrSize * 4)
			Static OffStateMask := 8 + (A_PtrSize * 3) + 8
			Static OffState := OffStateMask + 4
			SetStates := 0
			LVGS := OS > 5 ? LVGS6 : LVGS5
			For Each, State In LVGS
				SetStates |= State
			VarSetCapacity(LVGROUP, SizeOfLVGROUP, 0)
			NumPut(SizeOfLVGROUP, LVGROUP, 0, "UInt")
			NumPut(LVGF, LVGROUP, 4, "UInt")
			NumPut(SetStates, LVGROUP, OffStateMask, "UInt")
			SendMessage 0x1095, GroupID, &LVGROUP, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
			States := NumGet(&LVGROUP, OffState, "UInt")
			For Each, State in LVGS
				%Each% := States & State ? True : False
			Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_GroupInsert - Inserts a group into a list-view control.
; ======================================================================================================================
		GroupInsert(GroupID, Header, Align := "", Index := -1)
		   ; LVM_INSERTGROUP = 0x1091 -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761103(v=vs.85).aspx
		   Static Alignment := {1: 1, 2: 2, 4: 4, C: 2, L: 1, R: 4}
		   Static SizeOfLVGROUP := (4 * 6) + (A_PtrSize * 4)
		   Static OffHeader := 8
		   Static OffGroupID := OffHeader + (A_PtrSize * 3) + 4
		   Static OffAlign := OffGroupID + 12
		   Static LVGF_ALIGN := 0x00000008
		   Align := (A := Alignment[SubStr(Align, 1, 1)]) ? A : 0
		   Mask := LVGF | (Align ? LVGF_ALIGN : 0)
		   PHeader := A_IsUnicode ? &Header : this.PWSTR(Header, WHeader)
		   VarSetCapacity(LVGROUP, SizeOfLVGROUP, 0)
		   NumPut(SizeOfLVGROUP, LVGROUP, 0, "UInt")
		   NumPut(Mask, LVGROUP, 4, "UInt")
		   NumPut(PHeader, LVGROUP, OffHeader, "Ptr")
		   NumPut(GroupID, LVGROUP, OffGroupID, "Int")
		   NumPut(Align, LVGROUP, OffAlign, "UInt")
		   SendMessage 0x1091, Index, &LVGROUP, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_GroupRemove - Removes a group from a list-view control.
; ======================================================================================================================
		   ; LVM_REMOVEGROUP = 0x1096 -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761149(v=vs.85).aspx
		   SendMessage 0x10A0, GroupID, 0, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_GroupRemoveAll - Removes all groups from a list-view control.
; ======================================================================================================================
		   ; LVM_REMOVEALLGROUPS = 0x10A0 -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761147(v=vs.85).aspx
		   SendMessage 0x10A0, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_GroupSetState - Sets the state of the specified group (requires Win Vista+ for most states).
; ======================================================================================================================
		GroupSetState(GroupID, States*)
		   ; LVM_SETGROUPINFO = 0x1093 -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761167(v=vs.85).aspx
		   Static OS := DllCall("GetVersion", "UChar")
		   Static LVGS5 := {Collapsed: 0x01, Hidden: 0x02, Normal: 0x00, 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2}
		   Static LVGS6 := {Collapsed: 0x01, Collapsible: 0x08, Focused: 0x10, Hidden: 0x02, NoHeader: 0x04, Normal: 0x00
						 , Selected: 0x20, 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 4: 4, 8: 8, 16: 16, 32: 32}
		   Static LVGF := 0x04 ; LVGF_STATE
		   Static SizeOfLVGROUP := (4 * 6) + (A_PtrSize * 4)
		   Static OffStateMask := 8 + (A_PtrSize * 3) + 8
		   Static OffState := OffStateMask + 4
		   SetStates := 0
		   LVGS := OS > 5 ? LVGS6 : LVGS5
		   For Each, State In States {
			  If (State = "")
			  If !LVGS.HasKey(State)
				 Return false
			  SetStates |= LVGS[State]
		   VarSetCapacity(LVGROUP, SizeOfLVGROUP, 0)
		   NumPut(SizeOfLVGROUP, LVGROUP, 0, "UInt")
		   NumPut(LVGF, LVGROUP, 4, "UInt")
		   NumPut(SetStates, LVGROUP, OffStateMask, "UInt")
		   NumPut(SetStates, LVGROUP, OffState, "UInt")
		   SendMessage 0x1093, GroupID, &LVGROUP, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_HasGroup - Determines whether the list-view control has a specified group.
; ======================================================================================================================
		   ; LVM_HASGROUP = 0x10A1 -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761097(v=vs.85).aspx
		   SendMessage 0x10A1, GroupID, 0, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_IsGroupViewEnabled - Checks whether the list-view control has group view enabled.
; ======================================================================================================================
		   ; LVM_ISGROUPVIEWENABLED = 0x10AF -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761133(v=vs.85).aspx
		   SendMessage 0x10AF, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; LV_EX_SetGroup - Assigns a list-view item to an existing group.
; ======================================================================================================================
		SetGroup(Row, GroupID)
		   ; LVM_SETITEMA = 0x1006 -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb761186(v=vs.85).aspx
		   Static OffGroupID := 28 + (A_PtrSize * 3)
		   this.LVITEM(LVITEM, 0x00000100, Row) ; LVIF_GROUPID
		   NumPut(GroupID, LVITEM, OffGroupID, "UPtr")
		   SendMessage 0x1006, 0, &LVITEM, , "ahk_id " . this.LVHwnd
		   Return ErrorLevel
; ======================================================================================================================
; ======================================================================================================================
; Function for internal use ============================================================================================
; ======================================================================================================================
; ======================================================================================================================
		LVITEM(ByRef LVITEM, Mask := 0, Row := 1, Col := 1)
		   Static LVITEMSize := 48 + (A_PtrSize * 3)
		   VarSetCapacity(LVITEM, LVITEMSize, 0)
		   NumPut(Mask, LVITEM, 0, "UInt"), NumPut(Row - 1, LVITEM, 4, "Int"), NumPut(Col - 1, LVITEM, 8, "Int")
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		PWSTR(Str, ByRef WSTR)
		{ ; ANSI to Unicode
		   VarSetCapacity(WSTR, StrPut(Str, "UTF-16") * 2, 0)
		   StrPut(Str, &WSTR, "UTF-16")
		   Return &WSTR
Below is the LV_Rows test script

I want to use LV_Rows drag in ahkv2

Please help me

Code: Select all

#include Class_LV_Rows.ahk
Gui := GuiCreate()
LV := Gui.Add("ListView", "r20 w700 ", "Name|Size (KB)")
Loop Files, "c:\*.*"
    LV.Add(, A_LoopFileName, A_LoopFileSizeKB)
LVHandle := New LV_Rows(LV,LV.hwnd)
Gui.OnEvent("Close", "Gui_Close")


OnMessage(0x200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE")

WM_MOUSEMOVE(wParam, lParam, msg, Hwnd) {
    If (hwnd = LV.hwnd)

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