Refresh Chrome without activating window

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Refresh Chrome without activating window

18 Sep 2018, 17:52

This program is for playing any request people want to play in game, majority of it works, but as soon as the script clicks the video, I lose focus on my game and activates Chrome. Any help?

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Sendmode Input

; ----- Part of MENU -----
Msgbox, 4, TF2 Voice Module, Do you want to run this script?
IfMsgbox, NO

; ----- Activate Voice Chat -----
Send, {v down}

; ----- Go into chrome, paste song, search, click first song -----
ControlClick, x1102 y134, (379), ,Left, , NA
ControlSend, Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND1, {Ctrl down}{a down}{a up}{v}{Ctrl up}{ENTER}, (379)
Sleep, 3000
ControlClick, x577 y295, (379), ,Left, , NA

; ----- Chrome refreshes, losing focus on game. -----
If WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1")
WinSet, Bottom,, (379)
WinActivate, Team Fortress 2
Sleep, 3000

Msgbox, Reload

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