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Script à améliorer/corriger $

Posted: 15 Jan 2018, 00:11
by Emilio9324
Voici le script, mon pote s'est fait VAC banned en l'utilisant vous savez pourquoi ? et quoi corriger ?

; Configuration

#NoEnv ;Improves performance and compatibility with future AHK updates.
#SingleInstance force ;It allows to run only one at the same time.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;Matching for window title.
#ifwinactive, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ;Active only when in PUBG.

; Variables

isMouseShown() ;To suspend script when mouse is visible.
ADS = 0 ;Var for fast aiming.
CrouchJump = 1 ;Var for crouch when jumping.
AutoFire = 1 ;Var for autofiring.
Compensation = 1 ;Var for compensation when autofiring.
compVal = 5 ;Compensation value.

; Suspends if mouse is visible

isMouseShown() ;It suspends the script when mouse is visible (map, inventory, menu).
StructSize := A_PtrSize + 16
VarSetCapacity(InfoStruct, StructSize)
NumPut(StructSize, InfoStruct)
DllCall("GetCursorInfo", UInt, &InfoStruct)
Result := NumGet(InfoStruct, 8)

if Result > 1
Return 1
Return 0
if isMouseShown() == 1
Suspend On
Suspend Off
Sleep 1

; Fast Aiming

*RButton:: ;Fast Aiming [default: Right Button]
if ADS = 1
{ ;If active, clicks once and clicks again when button is released.
SendInput {RButton Down}
SendInput {RButton Up}
KeyWait, RButton
SendInput {RButton Down}
SendInput {RButton Up}
} else { ;If not, just keeps holding until button is released.
SendInput {RButton Down}
KeyWait, RButton
SendInput {RButton Up}

; CrouchJump


; AutoFire

~$*LButton:: ;AutoFire
if AutoFire = 1
GetKeyState, LButton, LButton, P
if LButton = U
MouseClick, Left,,, 1
Gosub, RandomSleep ;Call to RandomSleep.
if Compensation = 1
mouseXY(0, compVal) ;If active, call to Compensation.
RandomSleep: ;Random timing between clicks, just in case.
Random, random, 14, 25
Sleep %random%-5

; Compensation

mouseXY(x,y) ;Moves the mouse down to compensate recoil (value in compVal var).

; Tooltips

ToolTip(label) ;Function to show a tooltip when activating, deactivating or changing values.
ToolTip, %label%, 930, 650 ;Tooltips are shown under crosshair for FullHD monitors.
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 1300 ;Removes tooltip after 1.3 seconds.
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off

; Hotkeys for changing values

*NumPad1::(ADS = 0 ? (ADS := 1,ToolTip("ADS ON")) : (ADS := 0,ToolTip("ADS OFF")))
*NumPad2::(AutoFire = 0 ? (AutoFire := 1,ToolTip("AutoFire ON")) : (AutoFire := 0,ToolTip("AutoFire OFF")))
*NumPad3::(Compensation = 0 ? (Compensation := 1,ToolTip("Compensation ON")) : (Compensation := 0,ToolTip("Compensation OFF")))
*NumPad0::(CrouchJump = 0 ? (CrouchJump := 1,ToolTip("CrouchJump ON")) : (CrouchJump := 0,ToolTip("CrouchJump OFF")))

*NumpadAdd:: ;Adds compensation.
compVal := compVal + 5
ToolTip("Compensation " . compVal)

*NumpadSub:: ;Substracts compensation.
if compVal > 0
compVal := compVal - 5
ToolTip("Compensation " . compVal)

Re: Script à améliorer/corriger $

Posted: 15 Jan 2018, 00:36
by joedf
Parce que steam détecte Autohotkey...