Toggle that beeps when on/off

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Toggle that beeps when on/off

28 Jan 2018, 02:56

i noticed lot of people like to toggle things on and off, so i made this script today that toggles and beeps

probably been done a hundred times before if so just delete plz

Code: Select all


!y:: ;---------------------------------------alt + y
	if (banana=1)
		SoundBeep, 1000, 200
		msgbox, its off
	else if (banana=0)
		SoundBeep, 2000, 500
		msgbox, its on again
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Delta Pythagorean
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Re: Toggle that beeps when on/off

28 Jan 2018, 07:49

If you want to make this script shorter, do this:

Code: Select all

Toggle := False

; Alt + Y
	Toggle := !Toggle
	SoundBeep(Toggle ? 1000 : 2000, Toggle ? 200 : 500)
	MsgBox, % Toggle ? "its on again" : "its off"
	; MsgBox(Toggle := !Toggle ? "its on again" : "its off") ; V2

; Remove this function if in V2
SoundBeep(A, B) {
	SoundBeep, % A, % B
Short and sweet version. This allows for single line ifs, which work like this (In a nutshell):

Code: Select all

; Long ways.
If Var = Value

; Single line.
Random_Unneeded_Function(Var = Value ? A.Function() : B.Function())
The question mark ? is the IF, and the colon : is the ELSE.
Short, easy, simple.

[AHK]......: v2.0.12 | 64-bit
[OS].......: Windows 11 | 23H2 (OS Build: 22621.3296)
[DISCORD]..: tophatcat

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