TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

29 Aug 2016, 06:09

You'd have to modify the script. I'd pick a hotkey that you don't mind leaving enabled (maybe ctrl-enter) and duplicate the code for ctrl-enter everywhere. That or you could replace the code for a hotkey you'll never use.

Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

18 Sep 2016, 07:41

Is there a way to include words that are copied into clipboard into wordslist?
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

20 Sep 2016, 07:10

Not automatically, no (currently, see below issue), but you can hit Ctrl-Shift-C to add a highlighted word to the wordlist.


Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

08 Nov 2016, 04:44

Is there any way to only show the box when Control and Space are pressed? I'm so used to Visual Studio's way of handling intellisense that I find automatic popups very distracting. Otherwise I love this tool, very helpful!
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

08 Nov 2016, 06:46

Hi Korka, I'm a bit confused... Visual Studio displays the popup automatically for me (at least in VS2015).

What you're saying, though, is that you don't want to see any suggestions unless you hit Ctrl-Space? Basically... words will be computed in the background and even counted, but the box will not appear unless you hit Ctrl-Space to trigger it?

Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

13 Dec 2016, 20:11


Is there a place that archives the old versions of TypingAid?

I've hard intermittent issues with v 2.22 at work whereas an older version works (v 1.19d)
I wanted to see if there were a more recent version that would also work at work.
I've looked around but I can't find somewhere that has all the various versions.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

14 Dec 2016, 07:29

2.19.5 and newer can be found here:

If you need older than than that, please let me know what version, and I can upload it for you.

That being said, please report your issues so I can fix them. 2.22.0 is way more stable than 2.19d.

Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

14 Dec 2016, 09:02

Thanks so much!
That's exactly what I needed.

I'm not sure what the issue is.

There is this one computer at work where version 2.22 doesn't seem to work.
The program loads up fine but when I start typing, I don't have the windows with the list of words that pop up.

When using version 2.19d, it seems to work fine.
When clicking on the ahk file for 2.19d, I get a message that I need to choose a program to open it and I select autohotkey that is stored on the USB drive. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.

2.22 was working for a while but stopped working for unknown reasons.

I'm not even sure if it's the program or the computer itself that is the issue.
I would think it's more the computer than the program itself.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

14 Dec 2016, 09:29

That's really weird... if you hit Ctrl-Shift-H to open the helper window, does anything appear in that when you type in your programs?
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

15 Dec 2016, 00:58

I'll try tomorrow at work and let you know.

By the way, I tried to use the newer version in several other computers at work and I've had the same problem (the newer version doesn't work and the older version does).

If it's any help:

*The USB Drive that contains TypingAid is a read-only drive
*We have an antivirus installed on all computers at work (McAfee)
*Version 2.22 is an exe file vs Version 2.19d is an ahk file that is opened with AutoHotkey.exe (when I click on the ahk file, I get a pop-up window that asks me what to program to use to open it)
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

15 Dec 2016, 06:47

*The USB Drive that contains TypingAid is a read-only drive

Well, that's probably your problem. I switched to using SQLite as the database backend a while ago. It writes to the database at times.

Do me a favor, try launching TypingAid on a drive that's NOT read only at least once (put it in its own folder) and see if it works. If it does, exit TypingAid, then copy all the files in the folder to the Thumb drive and see if it works. It might not though.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

17 Dec 2016, 01:52

The computers at my place of work will only allow the use of USB flash drive if they are encrypted.

If one chooses to encrypt, the drive can only be used at work
If one chooses not to encrypt them, the drive is a READ-ONLY drive.

Anyway, I moved the TypingAid folder on my USB drive to the PC and things worked fine.
I tried this at several stations and everything worked fine.
When I tried to start TypingAid from the USB, it wouldn't work.

I guess that was the problem.
Thanks for your help!

Incidentally, do you know what was the last version of TypingAid that does not require writing to the drive?
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

19 Dec 2016, 07:24

After starting and exiting TypingAid on the PC, did you try copying the folder back to the USB drive (for example, zip up the files and email them to yourself at home, then copy them to the USB)? That might work.

The last version without SQLite is 2.19.9
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

20 Dec 2016, 19:47

I missed that second part... No I didn't try that.
I'm off work for the next week for Christmas but I'll try that when I get back.

I'll let you know if it worked.

Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

15 Jan 2017, 16:32

I think could use some easy way - maybe a shortcut - to add Word Replacements "..|r|..". For example, I type "test" & select "test" & press shortcut and window appears where I can enter replacement.
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Sharing some issues, questions and ideas about TypingAid

26 Feb 2017, 19:05

I've been using typingAid for a long time, and I'd like to share some issues and questions. Maybe they can contribuite to increment the script. So, everybody feel free to comment, make suggestions and corrections (including about English mistake)

1) In the new versions, the problem related with accented characters was solved. Now the characteres are sent properly, but still there's problem in cases like the word "água" or "número". The solution I found was to use "agua claras|r|água claras" (or "numero do arquivo|r|número do arquivo"). So, accented characters in the first words of wordlist still makes the script to fail.

2) I use TypingAid to insert addresses (in portuguese), for example: Rua Alfa, 33, Bairro Neptune - CityX- StateX (Street Alfa, 33, ...)

My word list is something like:

Alfa, - Bairro Neptune - City - State
Gama, - Bairro - Mars- State

Because the only thing that changes is the street number, I insert in sending.ahk a code that moves the cursor to left until the number position: ", -"
That helps to insert the number faster.

Code: Select all

LocaldoNum =,  -

        StringGetPos, PosNumero, address,%LocaldoNum%
        StringLen, CompEnd, address
        Recuo :=  CompEnd -  PosNumero - 2 
        if (PosNumero > 0)
            Loop %Recuo%
            Send, {LEFT}
I don't know if that is the best way to do it, but it works.

I thought about using a input box to insert number, but, in this case, it would be necessary to avoid the input box when it was not needed (other lists), and I couldn't imagine a easy way to do it.

Because my list of addresseses is too big, It's annoying letting typingAid active all the time, so I put "exitApp" in sending.ahk to exit after inserting the text (sending the texts).

To reload typingAid, I used some hotkey to call it, like that:

::st ::
send, street
run, %A_ScriptDir%/typingAid/.../typingAid.ahk

In portuguese ru hotkey to rua (street), pr to praça (square); ro to rodovia (road) etc.

But, the "window" showing the loading status in the new versions disturbs (I would like to know how to desactivate it, because I believe the script loads too fast and that isn't necessary).

Also, it seems that that "loading window" doesn't appears imediately when the script iniciate, so I start typing and the "window" appears, that is what makes it really confusing/annoying.

Because of the "loading window", I made some changes in the script, to pause and pause off typingAid, instead of exit:

In sending.ahk:

Code: Select all

   global g_SingleMatch
   global g_SingleMatchReplacement
   ;Send the word
   if (g_SingleMatchReplacement[WordIndex])
      sending := g_SingleMatchReplacement[WordIndex]
      ForceBackspace := true
   } else {
      sending := g_SingleMatch[WordIndex]
      ForceBackspace := false
   ; Update Typed Count
   SendFull(sending, ForceBackspace)   
   Pause, On ;  <--------------- Inserted by me

And in typingAid.ahk:

I inserted:

Code: Select all

; to turn off/pause pause

Pause, On

Pause, Off
- I do those quick changes while I was working, so I don't know if there's a better way to do it

I remove some codes and texts I had posted, because this post was too long and making difficult to see the main questions:

- To reload the wordlist after changing it to another, do I need to reload TypingAid?

- Is there some way to desactivate "the "window" showing the loading status?
Last edited by nilsonrdg on 17 Sep 2017, 06:44, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sharing some issues, questions and ideas about TypingAid

27 Feb 2017, 10:17

nilsonrdg wrote:I've been using typingAid for a long time, and I'd like to share some issues and questions. Maybe they can contribuite to increment the script. So, everybody, feel free to comment, make suggestions and corrections (including about English mistake)

1) In the new versions, the problem related with accented characters was solved. Now the characteres are sent properly, but still there's problem in cases like the word "água" or "número". The solution I found was to use "agua claras|r|água claras" (or "numero do arquivo|r|número do arquivo"). So, accented characters in the first words of wordlist still makes the script to fail.
I have a version on my local working copy I've been working on and haven't had time to touch. I think it fixes these issues, though I forget! I will PM you the source code.
nilsonrdg wrote: 2) I use TypingAid to insert addresses (in portuguese), for example: Rua Alfa, 33, Bairro Neptune - CityX- StateX (Street Alfa, 33, ...)

My word list is something like:

Alfa, - Bairro Neptune - City - State
Gama, - Bairro - Mars- State

Because the only thing that changes is the street number, I insert in sending.ahk a code that moves the cursor to left until the number position: ", -"
That helps to insert the number faster.

Code: Select all

LocaldoNum =,  -

StringReplace, sending, sending,%A_Space%%A_Space%,%A_Space%%NumeroDoImovel%%A_Space%, All

      Send, %sending%

        StringGetPos, PosNumero, SendValue,%LocaldoNum%
        StringLen, CompEnd, SendValue
        Recuo :=  CompEnd -  PosNumero - 2 
        if (PosNumero > 0)
            Loop %Recuo%
            Send, {LEFT}
I don't know if that is the best way to do it, but it works.

I thought about using a input box to insert number, but, in this case, it would be necessary to avoid the input box when it was not needed (other lists), and I couldn't imagine a easy way to do it.

Because my list of adresseses is too big, It's annoying letting typingAid active all the time, so I put "exitApp" in sending.ahk to exit after inserting the text (sending the texts).

To reload typingAid, I used some hotkey to call it, like that:

::st ::
send, street
run, %A_ScriptDir%/typingAid/.../typingAid.ahk

In portuguese ru hotkey to rua (street), pr to praça (square); ro to rodovia (road) etc.

But, the "window" showing the loading status in the new versions disturbs (I would like to know how to desactivate it, because I believe the script loads too fast and that isn't necessary).

Also, it seems that that "loading window" doesn't appears imediately when the script iniciate, so I start typing and the "window" appears, that is what makes it really confusing/annoying.

Because of the "loading window", I made some changes in the script, to pause and pause off typingAid, instead of exit:

In sending:

Code: Select all

   global g_SingleMatch
   global g_SingleMatchReplacement
   ;Send the word
   if (g_SingleMatchReplacement[WordIndex])
      sending := g_SingleMatchReplacement[WordIndex]
      ForceBackspace := true
   } else {
      sending := g_SingleMatch[WordIndex]
      ForceBackspace := false
   ; Update Typed Count
   SendFull(sending, ForceBackspace)   
   Pause, On ;  <--------------- Inserted by me

and in typingAid.ahk
I inserted:

Code: Select all

; to turn off/pause pause

Pause, On

Pause, Off

- I do those quick changes while I was working, so I don't know if there's a better way to do it
Your address case is out of scope, but there's already Pause functionality in TypingAid... why not just call that?
nilsonrdg wrote: 3) Now, I'm using some script to create temporary lists from excel and other program (clipboard colecting), and using TypingAid to display and insert the content.

But there's some problems I need some help:

To reload the wordlist after changing it to another, do I need to reload TypingAid?
Yes, as it's currently coded.
nilsonrdg wrote: Is there some way to desactivate "the "window" showing the loading status?
Not via an option, but you could comment out the code.

For the rest of your questions, those seem better suited to the Ask for Help section, as they aren't specifically related to TypingAid.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2017, 16:05
Location: Brazil

Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

28 Feb 2017, 11:25

Thanks for the quick reply.

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