XPSnap V1.1 Drag window to edges (Aero Snap)

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XPSnap V1.1 Drag window to edges (Aero Snap)

29 Sep 2013, 22:14

I searched the forum for a script that mimics Windows 7 Aero Snap. I found one that uses hot keys but I wanted one that uses the mouse. So I wrote one.
Click on the window titlebar and drag to any edge. The program takes into account the position and size of the taskbar.

I posted 2 scripts. The only difference between the two is that script 1 has no new window size preview and script 2 does. I also added a hotkey to exit the program on script 2.

Let me know of any problems. I only tested it in WinXP.


Script 1 - Click titlebar and drag window to edge. Release LButton and window will resize. No new window size preview.

Code: Select all

;Usage: Click on a titlebar and drag the window to any edge of the screen. Release the button while on the edge if you want to resize the window.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea ;get dimensions of screen minus taskbar
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseGetPos,,YPosInWindow,hwnd ;is the mouse in the titlebar of the active window
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
*~Lbutton up::
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, XstopPos, YstopPos, ;get the position of the mouse when the left click is released
sleep 100 ;Internet Explorer does not resize properly without a delay
;Preserve a 3X3 area on each corner to prevent confusion whether to position window on which side
;If (YstopPos>MonitorWorkAreaTop+3) mouse is at least 3 from top edge
;If (YstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-3) mouse is at least 3 from bottom edge
;If (XstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaLeft+3)) mouse is at least 3 from left edge
;If (XstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaRight-3)) mouse is at least 3 from right edge
;If (YPosInWindow < 29) mouse is in titlebar
;Mouse is on left edge // determined by "If (XstopPos-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)<3)"
If ((XstopPos-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)<3)and(YstopPos>MonitorWorkAreaTop+3)and(YstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-3))and(YPosInWindow < 29)
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,%MonitorWorkAreaLeft%,%MonitorWorkAreaTop%,((MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)
;Mouse on Right edge // determined by "If (XstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaRight-3))"
If (XstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaRight-3))and(YstopPos>MonitorWorkAreaTop+3)and(YstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-3))and(YPosInWindow < 29)
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,((MonitorWorkAreaRight+MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),MonitorWorkAreaTop,((MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)
;Mouse is on the bottom edge // determined by "If (YstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-3))"
If (YstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-3))and(YstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaBottom+1))and(XstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaLeft+3))and(XstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaRight-3))and(YPosInWindow < 29)
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,MonitorWorkAreaLeft,(((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)+MonitorWorkAreaTop) ,MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft,((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)
;Mouse is on the top edge // determined by "If (YstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaTop+3))"
If (YstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaTop+3)) and (YstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaTop-1))and(XstopPos>(MonitorWorkAreaLeft+3))and(XstopPos<(MonitorWorkAreaRight-3))and(YPosInWindow < 29)
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,MonitorWorkAreaLeft,MonitorWorkAreaTop,MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft,((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)
Script 2 - Click titlebar and drag window to edge. Release LButton and window will resize. New window size preview.

Code: Select all

;Usage: Click on a titlebar and drag the window to any edge of the screen. Release the button while on the edge if you want to resize the window.
;Hotkey to exit app: Control Alt e
DetectHiddenWindows, On
;Invisible Gui with border
Gui 2: -SysMenu +ToolWindow -Border
Gui 2: Color, EEAA99
Gui 2: +LastFound
WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99
Gui 2: show, x5000 w1 h1 , GuiOutline ;show off the screen, then hide
WinGet, GuiOutline,id,GuiOutline
WinHide, ahk_id %GuiOutline%
Proceed = 0 ;prevent GuiOutline from showing when clicking on the titlebar while the cursor is on an edge
break = 0 ;every release of the LButton up sets this to 1, so it has to be set to 0 every LButton down
SysGet, TitleBarHeight, 4 ;placed here in case height was changed after program started
SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea ;placed here in case taskbar was moved to different side after program started
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseGetPos,,YPosInWindow,hwnd ;is mouse in titlebar ;get window id
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
if break = 1
MouseGetPos, XPos1, YPos1,
;Hide GuiOutline if cursor is not on any edge and if mouse is in any corner
if (((XPos1>MonitorWorkAreaLeft)and(XPos1+1<MonitorWorkAreaRight))and(YPos1>MonitorWorkAreaTop and YPos1+1<MonitorWorkAreaBottom))or(XPos1=MonitorWorkAreaLeft and YPos1=MonitorWorkAreaTop)or(YPos1=MonitorWorkAreaTop and XPos1+1=MonitorWorkAreaRight)or(XPos1+1=MonitorWorkAreaRight and YPos1+1=MonitorWorkAreaBottom)or(XPos1=MonitorWorkAreaLeft and YPos1+1=MonitorWorkAreaBottom)
winhide,ahk_id %GuiOutline% ;hide GuiOutline when mouse is not on any edge
WinMove,ahk_id %GuiOutline%,,-1,-1, ;move hidden window offscreen, so when it is shown again on a different edge without releasing the Lbutton the window outline does not show for a split second on the previous edge it was shown on.
if (XPos1>MonitorWorkAreaLeft and (XPos1+1<MonitorWorkAreaRight)and(YPos1>MonitorWorkAreaTop+1)and(YPos1<MonitorWorkAreaBottom-1))
Proceed = 1 ;if the mouse starts at left or right edge and moves at least 1 and then back to the edge, GuiOutline is shown and window can resize
GetKeyState,KeyState,lbutton, P
if KeyState = D ;without this line, the GuiOutline shows up if LButton is click on the titlebar while on any edge
;Show GuiOutline on Left
If ((XPos1-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)<1)and(YPos1>MonitorWorkAreaTop+1)and(YPos1<(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-1))and(YPosInWindow < TitleBarHeight)and((XPosStart>XPos1)or(YPosStart< YPos1)or(Proceed = 1))
WinMove,ahk_id %GuiOutline%,,%MonitorWorkAreaLeft%,%MonitorWorkAreaTop%,((MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),( MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)
if break = 1 ;break when Lbutton is release
Gui 2: show, noactivate
;Show GuiOutline on Right
If ((XPos1>MonitorWorkAreaRight-2)and(YPos1 > MonitorWorkAreaTop)and(YPos1<MonitorWorkAreaBottom-2)and(YPosInWindow<TitleBarHeight)and Proceed=1)
WinMove,ahk_id %GuiOutline%,,((MonitorWorkAreaRight+MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),MonitorWorkAreaTop,((MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)
if break = 1 ;break when Lbutton is release
Gui 2: show, noactivate
;Show GuiOutline on Top
If (YPos1=MonitorWorkAreaTop)and(Proceed=1)and(XPos1>MonitorWorkAreaLeft)and(XPos1<MonitorWorkAreaRight-1)
WinMove,ahk_id %GuiOutLine%,,MonitorWorkAreaLeft,MonitorWorkAreaTop,MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft,((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)
if break = 1 ;break when Lbutton is release
Gui 2: show, noactivate
;Show GuiOutline on Bottom
If (YPos1+1=MonitorWorkAreaBottom)and(Proceed=1)and(XPos1>MonitorWorkAreaLeft)and(XPos1+1<MonitorWorkAreaRight)
WinMove,ahk_id %GuiOutLine%,,MonitorWorkAreaLeft,(((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)+MonitorWorkAreaTop) ,MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft,((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)
if break = 1 ;break when Lbutton is release
Gui 2: show, noactivate
WinSet,alwaysontop, on, ahk_id %guioutline%
*~Lbutton up::
winhide,ahk_id %GuiOutline%
break = 1
;Mouse is on the left edge and not in a corner
If (XPos1=MonitorWorkAreaLeft)and(YPos1>MonitorWorkAreaTop+3)and(YPos1<(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-3))and(YPosInWindow<TitleBarHeight)and((XPosStart>XPos1)or(Proceed=1))
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,%MonitorWorkAreaLeft%,%MonitorWorkAreaTop%,((MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)
;Mouse is on the right side and not in a corner
If (XPos1+1=MonitorWorkAreaRight)and(YPos1>(MonitorWorkAreaTop+3))and(YPos1<(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-3))and(YPosInWindow< TitleBarHeight)and((XPosStart<XPos1)or(Proceed=1))
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,((MonitorWorkAreaRight+MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),MonitorWorkAreaTop,((MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft)/2),(MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)
;Mouse is on the bottom edge and not in a corner
If (YPos1 + 1 = MonitorWorkAreaBottom) and(XPos1>(MonitorWorkAreaLeft+3))and(XPos1<(MonitorWorkAreaRight-3))and(YPosInWindow<TitleBarHeight)and((YPosStart< YPos1)or(Proceed=1))
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,MonitorWorkAreaLeft,(((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)+MonitorWorkAreaTop) ,MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft,((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)
;Mouse is on the top edge and not in a corner
If (YPos1 = MonitorWorkAreaTop)and(XPos1>(MonitorWorkAreaLeft+3))and(XPos1<(MonitorWorkAreaRight-3))and(YPosInWindow<titlebarheight)and((YPosStart>YPos1)or(Proceed=1))
WinMove,ahk_id %hwnd%,,MonitorWorkAreaLeft,MonitorWorkAreaTop,MonitorWorkAreaRight-MonitorWorkAreaLeft,((MonitorWorkAreaBottom-MonitorWorkAreaTop)/2)
Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.

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