[function] URLDownloadToVar

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Joined: 01 Nov 2015, 13:43

[function] URLDownloadToVar

27 Dec 2015, 22:31

Alternative for URLdownloadToFile.
Faster, error processing, timeouts, referrer, proxy, cookie, UA, ...

Working example:

Code: Select all

Request:={}, i:=0
Request[++i] := ["http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"]
Request[++i] := ["http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js",,,, timeout:=0.3] ; too small
; Request[++i] := ["http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js",,,, timeout:=1.5]
Request[++i] := ["http://ajax.google-shmoogle.com"]
Request[++i] := ["http://ajax.googleapis.com/ho-ho!"]
Request[++i] := ["http://www.tingchina.com/play/yousheng/flash.asp?id=24366&inum=1&flei=恐怖惊悚&bookname=我当阴曹官的那几年&filename=001.mp3&rand=16&nexturl=play_24366_1.htm"] ; not so easy to get this page
Request[++i] := ["http://www.tingchina.com/play/yousheng/flash.asp?id=24366&inum=1&flei=恐怖惊悚&bookname=我当阴曹官的那几年&filename=001.mp3&rand=16&nexturl=play_24366_1.htm", Referer:="http://www.tingchina.com/yousheng/24366/play_24366_0.htm"]
Request[++i] := ["http://www.tingchina.com/play/yousheng/flash.asp?id=24366&inum=1&flei=恐怖惊悚&bookname=我当阴曹官的那几年&filename=001.mp3&rand=16&nexturl=play_24366_1.htm", Referer:="http://www.tingchina.com/yousheng/24366/play_24366_0.htm",,,,,,,, Charset:="gb2312"]

Loop % i ;Request.MaxIndex()
	MsgBox,, % ((answer:=UrlDownloadToVar(Request[A_Index]*))=false  ?  "Error:"  :  "Success:") " " (URL:=Request[A_Index][1]), % answer=false ? ErrorLevel : answer

UrlDownloadToVar(URL, Referer="", UserAgent="", Cookie="", TimeoutSec=-1, Proxy="", ProxyBypassList="", EnableRedirects="", URLCodePage="", Charset="") {
	; If (Error) {put explanation in ErrorLevel; return false;}
	; autors: stealzy, tuzi
	; https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=12368&p=64186
	; More about WinHttpRequest: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa383979%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

	WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	t := URLCodePage ? WebRequest.Option(2):=URLCodePage :
	t := (EnableRedirects <> "") ? WebRequest.Option(6):=EnableRedirects :
	t := Proxy ? WebRequest.SetProxy(2,Proxy,ProxyBypassList) :
	; WebRequest.SetTimeouts(ResolveTimeout:=0, ConnectTimeout:=60000, SendTimeout:=30000, ReceiveTimeout:=30000) ; time in ms
	; https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/desktop/aa384061%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
	try WebRequest.Open("GET", URL, true)
		catch	Error {
			ErrorLevel := "Wrong URL format"
			return false

	t := Cookie ? WebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Cookie", Cookie) :
	t := Referer ? WebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Referer", Referer) :
	t := UserAgent ? WebRequest.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent) :
	t := A_TickCount
	try Suc:=WebRequest.WaitForResponse(TimeoutSec+0) ; Timeout in seconds; without "+0" interpreted as string
	; if no internet access, Timeout ≈ 21-23 sec
		catch	Error {
			OutputDebug % "Error WaitForResponse: " A_TickCount - t
			ErrorLevel := "No internet access / No existing domain"
			return false
	OutputDebug % "Success WaitForResponse: " A_TickCount - t
	try HTTPStatusCode := WebRequest.Status
		catch	Error {
			ErrorLevel := "WebRequest.Status not ready = timeout expired"
			return false
	if (SubStr(HTTPStatusCode, 1, 1) ~= "4|5") { ; 4xx — Client Error, 5xx — Server Error. wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
		ErrorLevel := "Error HTTP Status Code: " HTTPStatusCode
		return false

	If (Charset="") {
		try ResponseText := WebRequest.ResponseText()
			catch	Error {
				ErrorLevel := " WebRequest.ResponseText not ready = timeout expired"
				return false
	} Else {
		ADO := ComObjCreate("adodb.stream")  
		ADO.Type := 1 
		ADO.Mode := 3
		ADO.Position := 0
		ADO.Type := 2 
		ADO.Charset := Charset    
		ResponseText := ADO.ReadText()   
	return ResponseText
Posts: 1732
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: [function] URLDownloadToVar

15 Feb 2018, 13:44

Very nice, stealzy.

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