Modern replacement for Browse For Folder dialogs

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Modern replacement for Browse For Folder dialogs

11 Jan 2024, 10:57

dlg_folder.png (9.19 KiB) Viewed 696 times

Problem: Whenever I come across those "Browse For Folder" dialogs it was always a pain in the assholes, because there is no place to paste the folder path or select from the Quick access bar, etc. Each folder has to be expanded level by level. It is also a hazard for automation as there is no Edit1 to set. Sadly this dialog is still being used to this day by many software, even in AutoHotkey. So I decided to take care of it once and for all.

Solution: The following script will watch for "Browse For Folder" dialogs. When found, a modern folder select dialog would appear on top of it. Once confirmed, it would navigate to the provided path using RemoteTreeView which controls the folder list through memory.
The SetPathForBrowseForFolder function can also be used separately for automation.

Libraries used (for convenience, they are included in the script below):


Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33+
;@Ahk2Exe-SetMainIcon ReplaceBrowseForFolder.ico
;@Ahk2Exe-SetVersion 1.2
;@Ahk2Exe-Base Unicode 32*
;@Ahk2Exe-PostExec "MPRESS.exe" "%A_WorkFileName%" -q -x, 0,, 1
; Set tray icon
	Menu, Tray, Icon, shell32.dll, 301

#SingleInstance Force
;#Include <RemoteTreeViewClass>
;#Include <SelectFolderEx>
SetBatchLines -1

; Togglable dialog watcher in tray menu
MenuItemName := "Replace Browse For Folder"
Menu, Tray, Add, % MenuItemName, ToggleReplaceBrowseForFolder
ToggleReplaceBrowseForFolder(ItemName) {
	Static Toggle
	ReplaceBrowseForFolder(Toggle := !Toggle)
	Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, % ItemName
; Toggle on by default

; or, simply enable the dialog watcher without the tray toggle

; For testing/demo purposes
; Start up a "Browse For Folder" dialog
FileSelectFolder, SelectedFolder
If !ErrorLevel
	MsgBox % "SelectedFolder: " SelectedFolder

; Manually trigger the set path process
DialogHwnd := WinExist("Browse For Folder ahk_class #32770")
If (SelectedPath := SelectFolderEx(, , DialogHwnd))
	SetPathForBrowseForFolder(SelectedPath, DialogHwnd)

ReplaceBrowseForFolder(Params*) {
    Static EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW := 0x8002
	,      OBJID_WINDOW := 0
	,      hHook := 0
	If IsObject(Params) {
		Return hHook := Params[1] 
		? DllCall("SetWinEventHook", "Int", EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW
		, "Int", EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr"
		,  RegisterCallback(A_ThisFunc)
		, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Ptr")
		: DllCall("UnhookWinEvent", "Ptr", hHook), DllCall("CoUninitialize")
	} Else {
		hwnd := NumGet(params+0, 2*A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
		idObject := NumGet(params+0, 3*A_PtrSize, "Int")
		idChild := NumGet(params+0, 4*A_PtrSize, "Int")
		If (idObject != OBJID_WINDOW || idChild != INDEXID_CONTAINER)
		WinGetClass wndClass, % "ahk_id" hwnd
		If (wndClass != "#32770")
		WinGet CtlList, ControlList, % "ahk_id" hwnd
		If !(  InStr(CtlList, "SHBrowseForFolder ShellNameSpace Control")
			|| CtlList = "Static1`nStatic2`nSysTreeView321`nButton1`nButton2" )
		If (SelectedPath := SelectFolderEx(, , hwnd))
			SetPathForBrowseForFolder(SelectedPath, hwnd)
			WinClose % "ahk_id" hwnd

SetPathForBrowseForFolder(TargetPath, DialogHwnd:=0x0) {
	If !InStr(FileExist(TargetPath), "D") {
		Msgbox, 0x10, Error, % "Directory does not exist: `n" TargetPath
	PathTree := GetExplorerPathTree(TargetPath)
	If !DialogHwnd
		DialogHwnd := WinExist("A")
	Else If !WinActive(DialogHwnd) {
		WinActivate % "ahk_id" DialogHwnd
		WinWaitActive % "ahk_id" DialogHwnd
	ControlGet, hctl, Hwnd,, SysTreeView321, % "ahk_id" DialogHwnd	
	RTV := new RemoteTreeview(hctl)
	For Index, Level in PathTree
		T_Start := A_TickCount
		Loop {
			hItem := RTV.GetHandleByText(Level)
			If hItem {
			} Else If (A_TickCount - T_Start >= 60000) {
				Msgbox, 0x1004, , % "Been waiting for a minute. Abort?"
				IfMsgBox, Yes
					T_Start := A_TickCount
			} Else If !WinExist("ahk_id" DialogHwnd) {
		RTV.SetSelection(hItem, 0)
		Controlsend, , {Enter}, % "ahk_id " DialogHwnd
	Until !WinExist("ahk_id" DialogHwnd)

GetExplorerPathTree(FolderPath) {
	Shell := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
	Folder := Shell.NameSpace(FolderPath)
	PathTree := []
		PathTree.InsertAt(1, Folder.Self.Name)
	Until !(Folder := Folder.ParentFolder)
	Return PathTree

; ==================================================================================================================================
; Shows a dialog to select a folder.
; Depending on the OS version the function will use either the built-in FileSelectFolder command (XP and previous)
; or the Common Item Dialog (Vista and later).
; Parameter:
;     StartingFolder -  the full path of a folder which will be preselected.
;     Prompt         -  a text used as window title (Common Item Dialog) or as text displayed withing the dialog.
;     ----------------  Common Item Dialog only:
;     OwnerHwnd      -  HWND of the Gui which owns the dialog. If you pass a valid HWND the dialog will become modal.
;     BtnLabel       -  a text to be used as caption for the apply button.
;  Return values:
;     On success the function returns the full path of selected folder; otherwise it returns an empty string.
;     Common Item Dialog ->
;     IFileDialog        ->
;     IShellItem         ->
; ==================================================================================================================================
SelectFolderEx(StartingFolder := "", Prompt := "", OwnerHwnd := 0, OkBtnLabel := "") {
   Static OsVersion := DllCall("GetVersion", "UChar")
        , IID_IShellItem := 0
        , InitIID := VarSetCapacity(IID_IShellItem, 16, 0)
                  & DllCall("Ole32.dll\IIDFromString", "WStr", "{43826d1e-e718-42ee-bc55-a1e261c37bfe}", "Ptr", &IID_IShellItem)
        , Show := A_PtrSize * 3
        , SetOptions := A_PtrSize * 9
        , SetFolder := A_PtrSize * 12
        , SetTitle := A_PtrSize * 17
        , SetOkButtonLabel := A_PtrSize * 18
        , GetResult := A_PtrSize * 20
   SelectedFolder := ""
   If (OsVersion < 6) { ; IFileDialog requires Win Vista+, so revert to FileSelectFolder
      FileSelectFolder, SelectedFolder, *%StartingFolder%, 3, %Prompt%
      Return SelectedFolder
   OwnerHwnd := DllCall("IsWindow", "Ptr", OwnerHwnd, "UInt") ? OwnerHwnd : 0
   If !(FileDialog := ComObjCreate("{DC1C5A9C-E88A-4dde-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7}", "{42f85136-db7e-439c-85f1-e4075d135fc8}"))
      Return ""
   VTBL := NumGet(FileDialog + 0, "UPtr")
   DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetOptions, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "UInt", 0x00002028, "UInt")
   If (StartingFolder <> "")
      If !DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateItemFromParsingName", "WStr", StartingFolder, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &IID_IShellItem, "PtrP", FolderItem)
         DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetFolder, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "Ptr", FolderItem, "UInt")
   If (Prompt <> "")
      DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetTitle, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "WStr", Prompt, "UInt")
   If (OkBtnLabel <> "")
      DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + SetOkButtonLabel, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "WStr", OkBtnLabel, "UInt")
   If !DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + Show, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "Ptr", OwnerHwnd, "UInt") {
      If !DllCall(NumGet(VTBL + GetResult, "UPtr"), "Ptr", FileDialog, "PtrP", ShellItem, "UInt") {
         GetDisplayName := NumGet(NumGet(ShellItem + 0, "UPtr"), A_PtrSize * 5, "UPtr")
         If !DllCall(GetDisplayName, "Ptr", ShellItem, "UInt", 0x80028000, "PtrP", StrPtr) ; SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING
            SelectedFolder := StrGet(StrPtr, "UTF-16"), DllCall("Ole32.dll\CoTaskMemFree", "Ptr", StrPtr)
   }  }
   If (FolderItem)
   Return SelectedFolder

; Title:  Remote TreeView class
;         This class allows a script to work with TreeViews controlled by a third party process.
;         8/30/2012  Released for beta testing
;         8/31/2012  Added a wait parameter to SetSelection
;                    Changed name of ExpandCollapse to Expand
;                    Changed default WaitTime of Expand to 0
;         9/2/2012	 Removed GetState method and replaced it with the IsBold, IsChecked, IsExpanded
; 					 and IsSelected methods.
;         9/7/2012   Added Check method.
;                    For ease of use, changed parameters of SetSelection, Expand and IsChecked methods.
;         9/17/2012  Extended the "Full" option of GetNext() to allow it to transverse sub-trees. 
;                    Given a starting node, all decendents of that node will be  transversed depth
;                    first. Those nodes which are not descendants of the starting node will NOT be
;                    visited. To traverse the entire tree, including the real root, pass zero as the
;                    starting node.
;         11/02/2014 Fix for GetText and ddditional function from just me
;                    See
class RemoteTreeView
	; ======================================================================================================================
	; Function:         Constants for TreeView controls
	; Version: me
	; ======================================================================================================================
	; CCM_FIRST = 0x2000
	; TV_FIRST  = 0x1100
	; TVN_FIRST = -400
	; ======================================================================================================================
	; Class ================================================================================================================
	WC_TREEVIEW             := "SysTreeView32"
	; Messages =============================================================================================================
	TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE     := 0x1112 ; (TV_FIRST + 18)
	TVM_DELETEITEM          := 0x1101 ; (TV_FIRST + 1)
	TVM_EDITLABELA          := 0x110E ; (TV_FIRST + 14)
	TVM_EDITLABELW          := 0x1141 ; (TV_FIRST + 65)
	TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW     := 0x1116 ; (TV_FIRST + 22)
	TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE       := 0x1114 ; (TV_FIRST + 20)
	TVM_EXPAND              := 0x1102 ; (TV_FIRST + 2)
	TVM_GETBKCOLOR          := 0x112F ; (TV_FIRST + 31)
	TVM_GETCOUNT            := 0x1105 ; (TV_FIRST + 5)
	TVM_GETEDITCONTROL      := 0x110F ; (TV_FIRST + 15)
	TVM_GETIMAGELIST        := 0x1108 ; (TV_FIRST + 8)
	TVM_GETINDENT           := 0x1106 ; (TV_FIRST + 6)
	TVM_GETITEMA            := 0x110C ; (TV_FIRST + 12)
	TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT       := 0x111C ; (TV_FIRST + 28)
	TVM_GETITEMPARTRECT     := 0x1148 ; (TV_FIRST + 72) ; >= Vista
	TVM_GETITEMRECT         := 0x1104 ; (TV_FIRST + 4)
	TVM_GETITEMSTATE        := 0x1127 ; (TV_FIRST + 39)
	TVM_GETITEMW            := 0x113E ; (TV_FIRST + 62)
	TVM_GETLINECOLOR        := 0x1129 ; (TV_FIRST + 41)
	TVM_GETNEXTITEM         := 0x110A ; (TV_FIRST + 10)
	TVM_GETSCROLLTIME       := 0x1122 ; (TV_FIRST + 34)
	TVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT    := 0x1146 ; (TV_FIRST + 70) ; >= Vista
	TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR        := 0x1120 ; (TV_FIRST + 32)
	TVM_GETTOOLTIPS         := 0x1119 ; (TV_FIRST + 25)
	TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT     := 0x1110 ; (TV_FIRST + 16)
	TVM_HITTEST             := 0x1111 ; (TV_FIRST + 17)
	TVM_INSERTITEMA         := 0x1100 ; (TV_FIRST + 0)
	TVM_INSERTITEMW         := 0x1142 ; (TV_FIRST + 50)
	TVM_SELECTITEM          := 0x110B ; (TV_FIRST + 11)
	TVM_SETBKCOLOR          := 0x111D ; (TV_FIRST + 29)
	TVM_SETIMAGELIST        := 0x1109 ; (TV_FIRST + 9)
	TVM_SETINDENT           := 0x1107 ; (TV_FIRST + 7)
	TVM_SETINSERTMARK       := 0x111A ; (TV_FIRST + 26)
	TVM_SETITEMA            := 0x110D ; (TV_FIRST + 13)
	TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT       := 0x111B ; (TV_FIRST + 27)
	TVM_SETITEMW            := 0x113F ; (TV_FIRST + 63)
	TVM_SETLINECOLOR        := 0x1128 ; (TV_FIRST + 40)
	TVM_SETSCROLLTIME       := 0x1121 ; (TV_FIRST + 33)
	TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR        := 0x111E ; (TV_FIRST + 30)
	TVM_SETTOOLTIPS         := 0x1118 ; (TV_FIRST + 24)
	TVM_SHOWINFOTIP         := 0x1147 ; (TV_FIRST + 71) ; >= Vista
	TVM_SORTCHILDREN        := 0x1113 ; (TV_FIRST + 19)
	TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB      := 0x1115 ; (TV_FIRST + 21)
	; Notifications ========================================================================================================
	TVN_ASYNCDRAW           := -420 ; (TVN_FIRST - 20) >= Vista
	TVN_BEGINDRAGA          := -427 ; (TVN_FIRST - 7)
	TVN_BEGINDRAGW          := -456 ; (TVN_FIRST - 56)
	TVN_BEGINRDRAGA         := -408 ; (TVN_FIRST - 8)
	TVN_BEGINRDRAGW         := -457 ; (TVN_FIRST - 57)
	TVN_DELETEITEMA         := -409 ; (TVN_FIRST - 9)
	TVN_DELETEITEMW         := -458 ; (TVN_FIRST - 58)
	TVN_ENDLABELEDITA       := -411 ; (TVN_FIRST - 11)
	TVN_ENDLABELEDITW       := -460 ; (TVN_FIRST - 60)
	TVN_GETDISPINFOA        := -403 ; (TVN_FIRST - 3)
	TVN_GETDISPINFOW        := -452 ; (TVN_FIRST - 52)
	TVN_GETINFOTIPA         := -412 ; (TVN_FIRST - 13)
	TVN_GETINFOTIPW         := -414 ; (TVN_FIRST - 14)
	TVN_ITEMCHANGEDA        := -418 ; (TVN_FIRST - 18) ; >= Vista
	TVN_ITEMCHANGEDW        := -419 ; (TVN_FIRST - 19) ; >= Vista
	TVN_ITEMCHANGINGA       := -416 ; (TVN_FIRST - 16) ; >= Vista
	TVN_ITEMCHANGINGW       := -417 ; (TVN_FIRST - 17) ; >= Vista
	TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDA       := -406 ; (TVN_FIRST - 6)
	TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDW       := -455 ; (TVN_FIRST - 55)
	TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGA      := -405 ; (TVN_FIRST - 5)
	TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGW      := -454 ; (TVN_FIRST - 54)
	TVN_KEYDOWN             := -412 ; (TVN_FIRST - 12)
	TVN_SELCHANGEDA         := -402 ; (TVN_FIRST - 2)
	TVN_SELCHANGEDW         := -451 ; (TVN_FIRST - 51)
	TVN_SELCHANGINGA        := -401 ; (TVN_FIRST - 1)
	TVN_SELCHANGINGW        := -450 ; (TVN_FIRST - 50)
	TVN_SETDISPINFOA        := -404 ; (TVN_FIRST - 4)
	TVN_SETDISPINFOW        := -453 ; (TVN_FIRST - 53)
	TVN_SINGLEEXPAND        := -415 ; (TVN_FIRST - 15)
	; Styles ===============================================================================================================
	TVS_CHECKBOXES          := 0x0100
	TVS_EDITLABELS          := 0x0008
	TVS_FULLROWSELECT       := 0x1000
	TVS_HASBUTTONS          := 0x0001
	TVS_HASLINES            := 0x0002
	TVS_INFOTIP             := 0x0800
	TVS_LINESATROOT         := 0x0004
	TVS_NOHSCROLL           := 0x8000 ; TVS_NOSCROLL overrides this
	TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT       := 0x4000
	TVS_NOSCROLL            := 0x2000
	TVS_NOTOOLTIPS          := 0x0080
	TVS_RTLREADING          := 0x0040
	TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS       := 0x0020
	TVS_SINGLEEXPAND        := 0x0400
	TVS_TRACKSELECT         := 0x0200
	; Exstyles =============================================================================================================
	TVS_EX_AUTOHSCROLL         := 0x0020 ; >= Vista
	TVS_EX_DIMMEDCHECKBOXES    := 0x0200 ; >= Vista
	TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER        := 0x0004 ; >= Vista
	TVS_EX_DRAWIMAGEASYNC      := 0x0400 ; >= Vista
	TVS_EX_FADEINOUTEXPANDOS   := 0x0040 ; >= Vista
	TVS_EX_MULTISELECT         := 0x0002 ; >= Vista - Not supported. Do not use.
	TVS_EX_NOINDENTSTATE       := 0x0008 ; >= Vista
	TVS_EX_NOSINGLECOLLAPSE    := 0x0001 ; >= Vista - Intended for internal use; not recommended for use in applications.
	TVS_EX_PARTIALCHECKBOXES   := 0x0080 ; >= Vista
	TVS_EX_RICHTOOLTIP         := 0x0010 ; >= Vista
	; Others ===============================================================================================================
	; Item flags
	TVIF_CHILDREN           := 0x0040
	TVIF_DI_SETITEM         := 0x1000
	TVIF_EXPANDEDIMAGE      := 0x0200 ; >= Vista
	TVIF_HANDLE             := 0x0010
	TVIF_IMAGE              := 0x0002
	TVIF_INTEGRAL           := 0x0080
	TVIF_PARAM              := 0x0004
	TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE      := 0x0020
	TVIF_STATE              := 0x0008
	TVIF_STATEEX            := 0x0100 ; >= Vista
	TVIF_TEXT               := 0x0001
	; Item states
	TVIS_BOLD               := 0x0010
	TVIS_CUT                := 0x0004
	TVIS_DROPHILITED        := 0x0008
	TVIS_EXPANDED           := 0x0020
	TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE       := 0x0040
	TVIS_EXPANDPARTIAL      := 0x0080
	TVIS_OVERLAYMASK        := 0x0F00
	TVIS_SELECTED           := 0x0002
	TVIS_USERMASK           := 0xF000
	; TVITEMEX uStateEx
	TVIS_EX_ALL             := 0x0002 ; not documented
	TVIS_EX_DISABLED        := 0x0002 ; >= Vista
	TVIS_EX_FLAT            := 0x0001
	TVI_FIRST               := -65535 ; (-0x0FFFF)
	TVI_LAST                := -65534 ; (-0x0FFFE)
	TVI_ROOT                := -65536 ; (-0x10000)
	TVI_SORT                := -65533 ; (-0x0FFFD)
	; TVM_EXPAND wParam
	TVE_COLLAPSE            := 0x0001
	TVE_COLLAPSERESET       := 0x8000
	TVE_EXPAND              := 0x0002
	TVE_EXPANDPARTIAL       := 0x4000
	TVE_TOGGLE              := 0x0003
	TVSIL_NORMAL            := 0
	TVSIL_STATE             := 2
	TVGN_CARET              := 0x0009
	TVGN_CHILD              := 0x0004
	TVGN_DROPHILITE         := 0x0008
	TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE       := 0x0005
	TVGN_LASTVISIBLE        := 0x000A
	TVGN_NEXT               := 0x0001
	TVGN_NEXTSELECTED       := 0x000B ; >= Vista (MSDN)     
	TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE        := 0x0006
	TVGN_PARENT             := 0x0003
	TVGN_PREVIOUS           := 0x0002
	TVGN_ROOT               := 0x0000
	TVSI_NOSINGLEEXPAND     := 0x8000 ; Should not conflict with TVGN flags.
	TVHT_ABOVE              := 0x0100
	TVHT_BELOW              := 0x0200
	TVHT_NOWHERE            := 0x0001
	TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON       := 0x0010
	TVHT_ONITEMICON         := 0x0002
	TVHT_ONITEMINDENT       := 0x0008
	TVHT_ONITEMLABEL        := 0x0004
	TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT        := 0x0020
	TVHT_TOLEFT             := 0x0800
	TVHT_TORIGHT            := 0x0400
	TVGIPR_BUTTON           := 0x0001
	; NMTREEVIEW action
	TVC_BYKEYBOARD          := 0x0002
	TVC_BYMOUSE             := 0x0001
	TVC_UNKNOWN             := 0x0000
	; TVN_SINGLEEXPAND return codes
	TVNRET_DEFAULT          := 0
	TVNRET_SKIPOLD          := 1
	TVNRET_SKIPNEW          := 2
	; ======================================================================================================================

	PAGE_NOACCESS          := 0x01     
	PAGE_READONLY          := 0x02     
	PAGE_READWRITE         := 0x04     
	PAGE_WRITECOPY         := 0x08     
	PAGE_EXECUTE           := 0x10     
	PAGE_EXECUTE_READ      := 0x20     
	PAGE_GUARD            := 0x100     
	PAGE_NOCACHE          := 0x200     
	PAGE_WRITECOMBINE     := 0x400     
	MEM_COMMIT           := 0x1000     
	MEM_RESERVE          := 0x2000     
	MEM_DECOMMIT         := 0x4000     
	MEM_RELEASE          := 0x8000     
	MEM_FREE            := 0x10000     
	MEM_PRIVATE         := 0x20000     
	MEM_MAPPED          := 0x40000     
	MEM_RESET           := 0x80000     
	MEM_TOP_DOWN       := 0x100000     
	MEM_WRITE_WATCH    := 0x200000     
	MEM_PHYSICAL       := 0x400000     
	MEM_ROTATE         := 0x800000     
	MEM_LARGE_PAGES  := 0x20000000     
	MEM_4MB_PAGES    := 0x80000000     

	PROCESS_TERMINATE                  := (0x0001)  
	PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD              := (0x0002)  
	PROCESS_SET_SESSIONID              := (0x0004)  
	PROCESS_VM_OPERATION               := (0x0008)  
	PROCESS_VM_READ                    := (0x0010)  
	PROCESS_VM_WRITE                   := (0x0020)  
	PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE                 := (0x0040)  
	PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS             := (0x0080)  
	PROCESS_SET_QUOTA                  := (0x0100)  
	PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION            := (0x0200)  
	PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION          := (0x0400)  
	PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME             := (0x0800)  

	; Method: __New
	;         Stores the TreeView's Control HWnd in the object for later use
	; Parameters:
	;         TVHwnd			- HWND of the TreeView control
	; Returns:
	;         Nothing
		this.TVHwnd := TVHwnd

    ; Method: GetHandleByText
    ;         Retrieves the currently item with a specific text
    ; Parameters:
    ;         text			- Text of the item
    ;         index			- Index of item if you do not want to use the first item
    ; Returns:
    ;         Handle of Item
    GetHandleByText(Text, index := 1) {
        hItem := "0"    ; Causes the loop's first iteration to start the search at the top of the tree.
        i := 0
        Loop {
            hItem := this.GetNext(hItem, "Full")
            if !hItem{ ; No more items in tree.
                return false
            if (this.GetText(hItem)=Text){
                if (index = i){
                    return hItem
        return false
	; Method: SetSelection
	;         Makes the given item selected and expanded. Optionally scrolls the 
	;         TreeView so the item is visible.
	; Parameters:
   	;         pItem			    - Handle to the item you wish selected
    ;         defaultAction     - Determines of the default action is activated
    ;                         true : Send an Enter (default)
	;                         false : do noting
	; Returns:
	;         TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise
	SetSelection(pItem, defaultAction := true){
		; ORI SendMessage this.TVM_SELECTITEM, this.TVGN_CARET|this.TVSI_NOSINGLEEXPAND, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		; sle118 : 
		; SendMessage this.TVM_SELECTITEM, this.TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		SendMessage this.TVM_SELECTITEM, this.TVGN_CARET, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		if (defaultAction){
            Controlsend,  , {Enter}, % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel
    ; Method: SetSelectionByText
    ;         Makes the given item selected and expanded. Optionally scrolls the
    ;         TreeView so the item is visible.
    ; Parameters:
    ;         text			    - Text of the item you wish selected
    ;         defaultAction     - Determines of the default action is activated
    ;                               true : Send an Enter (default)
	;                               false : do noting
    ;         index			    - Index of item if you do not want to use the first item
    ; Returns:
    ;         TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise
    SetSelectionByText(text, defaultAction := true, index := 1) {
        ; hItem := "0"    ; Causes the loop's first iteration to start the search at the top of the tree.
        hItem := this.GetHandleByText(text, index)
        if hItem{
            return this.SetSelection(hItem, defaultAction)
        return false
	; Method: GetSelection
	;         Retrieves the currently selected item
	; Parameters:
	;         None
	; Returns:
	;         Handle to the selected item if successful, Null otherwise.
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_CARET, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel
	; Method: GetRoot
	;         Retrieves the root item of the treeview
	; Parameters:
	;         None
	; Returns:
	;         Handle to the topmost or very first item of the tree-view control
	;         if successful, NULL otherwise.
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_ROOT, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel

	; Method: GetParent
	;         Retrieves an item's parent
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	; Returns:
	;         Handle to the parent of the specified item. Returns
	;         NULL if the item being retrieved is the root node of the tree.
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_PARENT, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel

	; Method: GetChild
	;         Retrieves an item's first child
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	; Returns:
	;         Handle to the first Child of the specified item, NULL otherwise.
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_CHILD, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel

	; Method: GetNext
	;         Returns the handle of the sibling below the specified item (or 0 if none).
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- (Optional) Handle to the item
	;         flag          - (Optional) "FULL" or "F"
	; Returns:
	;         This method has the following modes:
	;              1. When all parameters are omitted, it returns the handle
	;                 of the first/top item in the TreeView (or 0 if none). 
	;              2. When the only first parameter (pItem) is present, it returns the 
	;                 handle of the sibling below the specified item (or 0 if none).
	;                 If the first parameter is 0, it returns the handle of the first/top
	;                 item in the TreeView (or 0 if none).
	;              3. When the second parameter is "Full" or "F", the first time GetNext()
	;                 is called the hItem passed is considered the "root" of a sub-tree that 
	;                 will be transversed in a depth first manner. No nodes except the
	;                 decendents of that "root" will be visited. To traverse the entire tree, 
	;                 including the real root, pass zero in the first call.
	;                 When all descendants have benn visited, the method returns zero.
	; Example:
	;				hItem = 0  ; Start the search at the top of the tree.
	;				Loop
	;				{
	;					hItem := MyTV.GetNext(hItem, "Full")
	;					if not hItem  ; No more items in tree.
	;						break
	;					ItemText := MyTV.GetText(hItem)
	;					MsgBox The next Item is %hItem%, whose text is "%ItemText%".
	;				}
	GetNext(pItem = 0, flag = ""){
		static Root := -1
		if (RegExMatch(flag, "i)^\s*(F|Full)\s*$")) {
			if (Root = -1) {
				Root := pItem
			SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_CHILD, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
			if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
				SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_NEXT, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
				if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
					Loop {
						SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_PARENT, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
						if (ErrorLevel = Root) {
							Root := -1
							return 0
						pItem := ErrorLevel
						SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_NEXT, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
					} until ErrorLevel
			return ErrorLevel
		Root := -1
		if (!pItem)
			SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_ROOT, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
			SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_NEXT, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel

	; Method: GetPrev
	;         Returns the handle of the sibling above the specified item (or 0 if none).
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	; Returns:
	;         Handle of the sibling above the specified item (or 0 if none).
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, this.TVGN_PREVIOUS, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel
	; Method: Expand
	;         Expands or collapses the specified tree node
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	;         flag			- Determines whether the node is expanded or collapsed.
	;                         true : expand the node (default)
	;                         false : collapse the node
	; Returns:
	;         Nonzero if the operation was successful, or zero otherwise.
	Expand(pItem, DoExpand = true){
		flag := DoExpand ? this.TVE_EXPAND : this.TVE_COLLAPSE
		SendMessage this.TVM_EXPAND, flag, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel

	; Method: Check
	;         Changes the state of a treeview item's check box
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	;         fCheck        - If true, check the node
	;                         If false, uncheck the node
	;         Force			- If true (default), prevents this method from failing due to 
	;                         the node having an invalid initial state. See IsChecked 
	;                         method for more info.
	; Returns:
	;         Returns true if if successful, otherwise false
	; Remarks:
	;         This method makes pItem the current selection.
	Check(pItem, fCheck, Force = true){
		SavedDelay := A_KeyDelay
		SetKeyDelay 30
		CurrentState := this.IsChecked(pItem, false)
		if (CurrentState = -1) 
			if (Force) {
				ControlSend, , {Space}, % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
				CurrentState := this.IsChecked(pItem, false)
				return false
		if (CurrentState and not fCheck) or (not CurrentState and fCheck )
			ControlSend, , {Space}, % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		SetKeyDelay %SavedDelay%
		return true

    ; Method: GetText
    ;         Retrieves the text/name of the specified node
    ; Parameters:
    ;         pItem         - Handle to the item
    ; Returns:
    ;         The text/name of the specified Item. If the text is longer than 127, only
    ;         the first 127 characters are retrieved.
    ; Fix from just me (
        this.TVM_GETITEM := A_IsUnicode ? this.TVM_GETITEMW : this.TVM_GETITEMA

        WinGet, ProcessId, pid, % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
        hProcess := this.OpenProcess(this.PROCESS_VM_OPERATION|this.PROCESS_VM_READ
                               , false, ProcessId)

        ; Try to determine the bitness of the remote tree-view's process
        ProcessIs32Bit := A_PtrSize = 8 ? False : True
        If (A_Is64bitOS) && DllCall("Kernel32.dll\IsWow64Process", "Ptr", hProcess, "UIntP", WOW64)
            ProcessIs32Bit := WOW64

        Size := ProcessIs32Bit ?  60 : 80 ; Size of a TVITEMEX structure

        _tvi := this.VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, 0, Size, this.MEM_COMMIT, this.PAGE_READWRITE)
        _txt := this.VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, 0, 256,  this.MEM_COMMIT, this.PAGE_READWRITE)

        ; TVITEMEX Structure
        VarSetCapacity(tvi, Size, 0)
        NumPut(this.TVIF_TEXT|this.TVIF_HANDLE, tvi, 0, "UInt")
        If (ProcessIs32Bit){
            NumPut(pItem, tvi,  4, "UInt")
            NumPut(_txt , tvi, 16, "UInt")
            NumPut(127  , tvi, 20, "UInt")
        } Else {
            NumPut(pItem, tvi,  8, "UInt64")
            NumPut(_txt , tvi, 24, "UInt64")
            NumPut(127  , tvi, 32, "UInt")

        VarSetCapacity(txt, 256, 0)
        this.WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, _tvi, &tvi, Size)
        SendMessage this.TVM_GETITEM, 0, _tvi, ,  % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
        this.ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, _txt, txt, 256)

        this.VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, _txt, 0, this.MEM_RELEASE)
        this.VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, _tvi, 0, this.MEM_RELEASE)

        return txt
	; Method: EditLabel
	;         Begins in-place editing of the specified item's text, replacing the text of the 
	;         item with a single-line edit control containing the text. This method implicitly 
	;         selects and focuses the specified item.
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	; Returns:
	;         Returns the handle to the edit control used to edit the item text if successful, 
	;         or NULL otherwise. When the user completes or cancels editing, the edit control 
	;         is destroyed and the handle is no longer valid.
		SendMessage this.TVM_EDITLABEL, 0, pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel
	; Method: GetCount
	;         Returns the total number of expanded items in the control
	; Parameters:
	;         None
	; Returns:
	;         Returns the total number of expanded items in the control 
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETCOUNT, 0, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return ErrorLevel
	; Method: IsChecked
	;         Retrieves an item's checked status
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	;         Force			- If true (default), forces the node to return a valid state.
	;                         Since this involves toggling the state of the check box, it
	;                         can have undesired side effects. Make this false to disable 
	;                         this feature.
	; Returns:
	;         Returns 1 if the item is checked, 0 if unchecked.
	;         Returns -1 if the checkbox state cannot be determined because no checkbox
	;         image is currently associated with the node and Force is false. 
	; Remarks:
	;         Due to a "feature" of Windows, a checkbox can be displayed even if no checkbox image
	;         is associated with the node. It is important to either check the actual value returned 
	;         or make the Force parameter true.
	;         This method makes pItem the current selection.
	IsChecked(pItem, Force = true){
		SavedDelay := A_KeyDelay
		SetKeyDelay 30
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETITEMSTATE, pItem, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		State := ((ErrorLevel & this.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) >> 12) - 1
		if (State = -1 and Force) {
			ControlSend, , {Space 2}, % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
			SendMessage this.TVM_GETITEMSTATE, pItem, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
			State := ((ErrorLevel & this.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) >> 12) - 1
		SetKeyDelay %SavedDelay%
		return State
	; Method: IsBold
	;         Check if a node is in bold font
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	; Returns:
	;         Returns true if the item is in bold, false otherwise.
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETITEMSTATE, pItem, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return (ErrorLevel & this.TVIS_BOLD) >> 4
	; Method: IsExpanded
	;         Check if a node has children and is expanded
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	; Returns:
	;         Returns true if the item has children and is expanded, false otherwise.
		SendMessage this.TVM_GETITEMSTATE, pItem, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return (ErrorLevel & this.TVIS_EXPANDED) >> 5
	; Method: IsSelected
	;         Check if a node is Selected
	; Parameters:
	;         pItem			- Handle to the item
	; Returns:
	;         Returns true if the item is selected, false otherwise.
		SendMessage, this.TVM_GETITEMSTATE, pItem, 0, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
		return (ErrorLevel & this.TVIS_SELECTED) >> 1

    ; Method: GetControlContent
    ;     Returns a text representation of the control content, indented with tabs.
    ; Parameters:
    ;         Level         - (Optional) Indention level
    ;         pItem   - (Optional) Handle to the starting item
    ; Returns:
    ;         A text representation of the control content
    GetControlContent(Level:=0, pItem:=0){
		passed := false
		ControlText =
		loop {
			SendMessage this.TVM_GETNEXTITEM, passed ? this.TVGN_NEXT : this.TVGN_CHILD , pItem, , % "ahk_id " this.TVHwnd
			if(ErrorLevel != 0){
				pItem := ErrorLevel
				while (A_Index < Level) {
					ControlText .= "`t"
				ControlText .= this.GetText(pItem) "`n"
				; ControlText .= RegexReplace(this.GetText(pItem),"[-\.]","`t",donechanges,1) . "`n"
				NextLevel := Level+1

				ControlText .= this.GetControlContent(NextLevel,pItem, LowestLevel)
			} else {

	return ControlText
	;	Functions

	; Method: OpenProcess
	;         Opens an existing local process object.
	; Parameters:
	;         DesiredAccess - The desired access to the process object. 
	;         InheritHandle - If this value is TRUE, processes created by this process will inherit
	;                         the handle. Otherwise, the processes do not inherit this handle.
	;         ProcessId     - The Process ID of the local process to be opened. 
	; Returns:
	;         If the Method succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified process.
	;         If the Method fails, the return value is NULL.
	OpenProcess(DesiredAccess, InheritHandle, ProcessId){
		return DllCall("OpenProcess"
					, "Int", DesiredAccess
					, "Int", InheritHandle
					, "Int", ProcessId
					, "Ptr")

	; Method: CloseHandle
	;         Closes an open object handle.
	; Parameters:
	;         hObject       - A valid handle to an open object
	; Returns:
	;         If the Method succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
	;         If the Method fails, the return value is zero.
		return DllCall("CloseHandle"
					, "Ptr", hObject
					, "Int")

	; Method: VirtualAllocEx
	;         Reserves or commits a region of memory within the virtual address space of the 
	;         specified process, and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory.
	; Parameters:
	;         hProcess      - A valid handle to an open object. The handle must have the 
	;                         PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access right.
	;         Address       - The pointer that specifies a desired starting address for the region 
	;                         of pages that you want to allocate. 
	;                         If you are reserving memory, the Method rounds this address down to 
	;                         the nearest multiple of the allocation granularity.
	;                         If you are committing memory that is already reserved, the Method rounds 
	;                         this address down to the nearest page boundary. To determine the size of a 
	;                         page and the allocation granularity on the host computer, use the GetSystemInfo 
	;                         function.
	;                         If Address is NULL, the function determines where to allocate the region.
	;         Size          - The size of the region of memory to be allocated, in bytes. 
	;         AllocationType - The type of memory allocation. This parameter must contain ONE of the 
	;                          following values:
	;								MEM_COMMIT
	;								MEM_RESERVE
	;								MEM_RESET
	;         ProtectType   - The memory protection for the region of pages to be allocated. If the 
	;                         pages are being committed, you can specify any one of the memory protection 
	;                         constants:
	;								 PAGE_NOACCESS
	;								 PAGE_READONLY
	;								 PAGE_EXECUTE
	; Returns:
	;         If the Method succeeds, the return value is the base address of the allocated region of pages.
	;         If the Method fails, the return value is NULL.
	VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, Address, Size, AllocationType, ProtectType){
		return DllCall("VirtualAllocEx"
					, "Ptr", hProcess
					, "Ptr", Address
					, "UInt", Size
					, "UInt", AllocationType
					, "UInt", ProtectType
					, "Ptr")

	; Method: VirtualFreeEx
	;         Releases, decommits, or releases and decommits a region of memory within the 
	;         virtual address space of a specified process
	; Parameters:
	;         hProcess      - A valid handle to an open object. The handle must have the 
	;                         PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access right.
	;         Address       - The pointer that specifies a desired starting address for the region 
	;                         to be freed. If the dwFreeType parameter is MEM_RELEASE, lpAddress 
	;                         must be the base address returned by the VirtualAllocEx Method when 
	;                         the region is reserved.
	;         Size          - The size of the region of memory to be allocated, in bytes. 
	;                         If the FreeType parameter is MEM_RELEASE, dwSize must be 0 (zero). The Method 
	;                         frees the entire region that is reserved in the initial allocation call to 
	;                         VirtualAllocEx.
	;                         If FreeType is MEM_DECOMMIT, the Method decommits all memory pages that 
	;                         contain one or more bytes in the range from the Address parameter to 
	;                         (lpAddress+dwSize). This means, for example, that a 2-byte region of memory
	;                         that straddles a page boundary causes both pages to be decommitted. If Address 
	;                         is the base address returned by VirtualAllocEx and dwSize is 0 (zero), the
	;                         Method decommits the entire region that is allocated by VirtualAllocEx. After 
	;                         that, the entire region is in the reserved state.
	;         FreeType      - The type of free operation. This parameter can be one of the following values:
	;								MEM_DECOMMIT
	;								MEM_RELEASE
	; Returns:
	;         If the Method succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.
	;         If the Method fails, the return value is 0 (zero). 
	VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, Address, Size, FType){
		return DllCall("VirtualFreeEx"
					, "Ptr", hProcess
					, "Ptr", Address
					, "UINT", Size
					, "UInt", FType
					, "Int")

	; Method: WriteProcessMemory
	;         Writes data to an area of memory in a specified process. The entire area to be written 
	;         to must be accessible or the operation fails
	; Parameters:
	;         hProcess      - A valid handle to an open object. The handle must have the 
	;                         PROCESS_VM_WRITE and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access right.
	;         BaseAddress   - A pointer to the base address in the specified process to which data 
	;                         is written. Before data transfer occurs, the system verifies that all 
	;                         data in the base address and memory of the specified size is accessible 
	;                         for write access, and if it is not accessible, the Method fails.
	;         Buffer        - A pointer to the buffer that contains data to be written in the address 
	;                         space of the specified process.
	;         Size          - The number of bytes to be written to the specified process.
	;         NumberOfBytesWritten   
	;                       - A pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes transferred 
	;                         into the specified process. This parameter is optional. If NumberOfBytesWritten 
	;                         is NULL, the parameter is ignored.
	; Returns:
	;         If the Method succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.
	;         If the Method fails, the return value is 0 (zero). 
	WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, BaseAddress, Buffer, Size, ByRef NumberOfBytesWritten = 0){
		return DllCall("WriteProcessMemory"
					, "Ptr", hProcess
					, "Ptr", BaseAddress
					, "Ptr", Buffer
					, "Uint", Size
					, "UInt*", NumberOfBytesWritten
					, "Int")

	; Method: ReadProcessMemory
	;         Reads data from an area of memory in a specified process. The entire area to be read 
	;         must be accessible or the operation fails
	; Parameters:
	;         hProcess      - A valid handle to an open object. The handle must have the 
	;                         PROCESS_VM_READ access right.
	;         BaseAddress   - A pointer to the base address in the specified process from which to 
	;                         read. Before any data transfer occurs, the system verifies that all data 
	;                         in the base address and memory of the specified size is accessible for read 
	;                         access, and if it is not accessible the Method fails.
	;         Buffer        - A pointer to a buffer that receives the contents from the address space 
	;                         of the specified process.
	;         Size          - The number of bytes to be read from the specified process.
	;         NumberOfBytesWritten   
	;                       - A pointer to a variable that receives the number of bytes transferred 
	;                         into the specified buffer. If lpNumberOfBytesRead is NULL, the parameter 
	;                         is ignored.
	; Returns:
	;         If the Method succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.
	;         If the Method fails, the return value is 0 (zero). 
	ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, BaseAddress, ByRef Buffer, Size, ByRef NumberOfBytesRead = 0){
		return DllCall("ReadProcessMemory"
					, "Ptr", hProcess
					, "Ptr", BaseAddress
					, "Ptr", &Buffer
					, "UInt", Size
					, "UInt*", NumberOfBytesRead
					, "Int")

Edit 2024-02-26:
  1. Added support for network folders
  2. Added timeout confirmation
Edit 2024-02-07:
  1. Tray menu toggle to turn the dialog watcher on/off.
  2. Support for older dialogs.
  3. New icon that better represents the painful folder tree. (Extracted from shell32.dll)
Edit 2024-01-19: Now you can turn the watcher on/off, for example:

Code: Select all

Menu, Tray, Add, Replace Browse For Folder, ToggleReplaceBrowseForFolder
ToggleReplaceBrowseForFolder() {
	Static Toggle
	ReplaceBrowseForFolder(Toggle := !Toggle)
	Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, Replace Browse For Folder
Thanks to SKAN for the inspiration.

GitHub repository
Last edited by william_ahk on 25 Feb 2024, 22:09, edited 7 times in total.
Posts: 25
Joined: 04 Nov 2021, 01:22

Re: Modern replacement for Browse For Folder dialogs

18 Jan 2024, 21:38

I was able to easily include your script in the one I use to start Windows. It's perfect.
All the best.
Posts: 1
Joined: 22 Feb 2024, 17:39

Re: Modern replacement for Browse For Folder dialogs

22 Feb 2024, 17:43

This is very cool, however it doesn't seem to work with network drives.

If I paste this path

It'll just point to the "Network" location in the "browse for folder" dialog. This is despite me being able to manually drill down to the folder I need.

This is a really cool concept. I wish it worked for me.
Posts: 496
Joined: 03 Dec 2018, 20:02

Re: Modern replacement for Browse For Folder dialogs

25 Feb 2024, 22:09

ario03 wrote:
22 Feb 2024, 17:43
This is very cool, however it doesn't seem to work with network drives.
Added support for network folders.

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