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GDI+ and text outlines

Posted: 03 Feb 2014, 10:04
by cmann
I have been using the GDI+ library I found here: ... 45-by-tic/ and recently I wanted to draw text with outlines but GDI does not directly provide functions to do this so I found some articles on the internet and implemented it myself.

I have attached the file Gdip_Ext.ahk where you can find the new function which supports text outlines as well as some other extra functions that were missing from the original library.
A few of the functions that I added were copied from someone else but I cannot remember where I originally found them.

I simply made a copy of the original function and named it Gdip_TextToGraphics2 so it functions exactly like the original except there are now 3 extra options:
OW<Width>: Specifies the outline width. Set this to a value >= 0 to enable outlines eg. ow2
OC<ARGB>: Sets the outlines colour eg. ocFF00FF00 will make a fully opaque green outline
OF<0 or 1>: If this option is set to 1 the text fill will be drawn using the same path that the outline is drawn with and the FillPath function instead of the default DrawString method. The reason I added this option is because text and paths are rendered slightly differently so when using the DrawString method the text outline and the text fill may not line up perfectly. Enabling this option can produce better results.

Re: GDI+ and text outlines

Posted: 05 Feb 2014, 08:47
by noname
I get an error for non existent function and i do not have a clue what that function should be.

Error: Call to nonexistent function.

Specifically: out("YO1", RC_x, RC_y)

Re: GDI+ and text outlines

Posted: 05 Feb 2014, 15:36
by cmann
lain wrote:I get an error for non existent function and i do not have a clue what that function should be.

Error: Call to nonexistent function.

Specifically: out("YO1", RC_x, RC_y)
Sorry, my mistake. I used those lines when testing the script and they should have been taken out, I have uploaded the script again with them removed

Re: GDI+ and text outlines

Posted: 07 Feb 2014, 08:31
by noname
Thanks for sharing,very nice. :)

Re: GDI+ and text outlines

Posted: 07 Feb 2014, 09:00
by Guest10
any examples using these functions? :geek:

Re: GDI+ and text outlines

Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 08:52
by cmann
I have taken the original text drawing sample from the library and added in a second line of text using my extend function.
It is very simple to use and the options and results are identical to the original function, all you have to do is specify an outline colour and width.

Just look for the line that says "Gdip_TextToGraphics2 example" somewhere in the middle of the script

Code: Select all

; gdi+ ahk tutorial 8 written by tic (Tariq Porter)
; Requires Gdip.ahk either in your Lib folder as standard library or using #Include
; Tutorial to write text onto a gui

#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1

; Uncomment if Gdip.ahk is not in your standard library
#Include Gdip_All.ahk
#Include Gdip_Ext.ahk

; Start gdi+
If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
   MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system
OnExit, Exit

; Set the width and height we want as our drawing area, to draw everything in. This will be the dimensions of our bitmap
Width := 300, Height := 200

; Create a layered window (+E0x80000 : must be used for UpdateLayeredWindow to work!) that is always on top (+AlwaysOnTop), has no taskbar entry or caption
Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +OwnDialogs

; Show the window
Gui, 1: Show, NA

; Get a handle to this window we have created in order to update it later
hwnd1 := WinExist()

; Create a gdi bitmap with width and height of what we are going to draw into it. This is the entire drawing area for everything
hbm := CreateDIBSection(Width, Height)

; Get a device context compatible with the screen
hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()

; Select the bitmap into the device context
obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)

; Get a pointer to the graphics of the bitmap, for use with drawing functions
G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc)

; Set the smoothing mode to antialias = 4 to make shapes appear smother (only used for vector drawing and filling)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)

; Create a partially transparent, black brush (ARGB = Transparency, red, green, blue) to draw a rounded rectangle with
pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(0xaa000000)

; Fill the graphics of the bitmap with a rounded rectangle using the brush created
; Filling the entire graphics - from coordinates (0, 0) the entire width and height
; The last parameter (20) is the radius of the circles used for the rounded corners
Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle(G, pBrush, 0, 0, Width, Height, 20)

; Delete the brush as it is no longer needed and wastes memory

; We can specify the font to use. Here we use Arial as most systems should have this installed
Font = Arial
; Next we can check that the user actually has the font that we wish them to use
; If they do not then we can do something about it. I choose to give a wraning and exit!
If !Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(Font)
   MsgBox, 48, Font error!, The font you have specified does not exist on the system

; There are a lot of things to cover with the function Gdip_TextToGraphics

; The 1st parameter is the graphics we wish to use (our canvas)

; The 2nd parameter is the text we wish to write. It can include new lines `n

; The 3rd parameter, the options are where all the action takes place...
; You can write literal x and y coordinates such as x20 y50 which would place the text at that position in pixels
; or you can include the last 2 parameters (Width and Height of the Graphics we will use) and then you can use x10p
; which will place the text at 10% of the width and y30p which is 30% of the height
; The same percentage marker may be used for width and height also, so w80p makes the bounding box of the rectangle the text
; will be written to 80% of the width of the graphics. If either is missed (as I have missed height) then the height of the bounding
; box will be made to be the height of the graphics, so 100%

; Any of the following words may be used also: Regular,Bold,Italic,BoldItalic,Underline,Strikeout to perform their associated action

; To justify the text any of the following may be used: Near,Left,Centre,Center,Far,Right with different spelling of words for convenience

; The rendering hint (the quality of the antialiasing of the text) can be specified with r, whose values may be:
; SystemDefault = 0
; SingleBitPerPixelGridFit = 1
; SingleBitPerPixel = 2
; AntiAliasGridFit = 3
; AntiAlias = 4

; The size can simply be specified with s

; The colour and opacity can be specified for the text also by specifying the ARGB as demonstrated with other functions such as the brush
; So cffff0000 would make a fully opaque red brush, so it is: cARGB (the literal letter c, follwed by the ARGB)

; The 4th parameter is the name of the font you wish to use

; As mentioned previously, you don not need to specify the last 2 parameters, the width and height, unless
; you are planning on using the p option with the x,y,w,h to use the percentage
Options = x10p y20 w80p Centre cbbffffff r4 s20 Underline Italic
Gdip_TextToGraphics(G, "Standard text using Gdip_TextToGraphics", Options, Font, Width, Height)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; >>> Gdip_TextToGraphics2 example <<<
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   ; Extra options:
   ;   ow4         - Sets the outline width to 4
   ;   ocFF000000  - Sets the outline colour to opaque black
   Options = x10p y120 w80p Centre cbbffffff ow4 ocFF000000 r4 s20 Underline Italic
   Gdip_TextToGraphics2(G, "Outlined text using Gdip_TextToGraphics2", Options, Font, Width, Height)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Update the specified window we have created (hwnd1) with a handle to our bitmap (hdc), specifying the x,y,w,h we want it positioned on our screen
; With some simple maths we can place the gui in the centre of our primary monitor horizontally and vertically at the specified heigth and width
UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, (A_ScreenWidth-Width)//2, (A_ScreenHeight-Height)//2, Width, Height)

; By placing this OnMessage here. The function WM_LBUTTONDOWN will be called every time the user left clicks on the gui
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")

; Select the object back into the hdc
SelectObject(hdc, obm)

; Now the bitmap may be deleted

; Also the device context related to the bitmap may be deleted

; The graphics may now be deleted


; This function is called every time the user clicks on the gui
; The PostMessage will act on the last found window (this being the gui that launched the subroutine, hence the last parameter not being needed)
   PostMessage, 0xA1, 2


; gdi+ may now be shutdown on exiting the program
You can find the original samples here: ... 45-by-tic/
And the example I used was the eighth one.