Function to add full path to "Save As" dialog window title.

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Function to add full path to "Save As" dialog window title.

15 Mar 2017, 20:59

Just a little function I made today because in Windows 7 the "Save As" dialog doesn't show the full path anywhere, which I thought was a bit silly. :)



Tested in Windows 7 Pro 64-bit using AutoHotkey_U64.exe v1.1.24.00

Code: Select all

  WinWaitActive Save File As ahk_class #32770,, 1
  If ErrorLevel <> 0
  savePath := "" ; this gets the resulting file path.
  ControlGet, comboList, List, , ComboBox1
  SendMessage, 0x147, 0, 0, ComboBox1 ; Get selected line #
  If ErrorLevel < 0
  comboLine := ErrorLevel
  arrLines := Array() ; remove previous values.
  arrLines := StrSplit(comboList, "`n")
  ; Get drive letter by going backwards to find first ":".
  Loop % comboLine
    thisLine := arrLines[comboLine - A_Index + 2]
    If (Instr(thisLine, ":") > 0) {
      thisLine := RegExReplace(thisLine, "i)^.*([a-z]:).*$", "$1") ; remove everything from drive name except "X:"
      savePath := thisLine
      startLine := comboLine - A_Index + 2 ; line to start going forwards from (the one after the drive letter).
  If savePath = ""
    Return ; didn't work - possibly didn't find drive letter.
  ; Now loop forwards, adding path names.
  Loop % comboLine - startLine + 1
    thisLine := arrLines[startLine + A_Index]
    fileType := FileExist(savePath . "\" . thisLine) ; ensure path exists.
    If (fileType = "D")
      savePath .= "\" . thisLine ; path exists, add to path string.
      savePath := RegExReplace(savePath, "\\[^\\]+$", "\" . thisLine) ; replace last path with this one (ie. folder name is on same level as previous one).
  WinSetTitle, % "Save File As (in " . savePath . ")" ; note must include "Save File As" so dialog can be recognised again.

Code: Select all

  ~^s::F_ShowFullPathInSaveAsDialog() ; global hotkey CTRL-S. Maybe also trap !f + s (File -> Save As)

; While in the Save As dialog, refresh the path upon keypresses or mouseclicks (ie. after changing folders).
#IfWinActive Save File As ahk_class #32770

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