Show Caps/Num/Scroll status by illuminating keys (for Logitech G keyboards)

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Show Caps/Num/Scroll status by illuminating keys (for Logitech G keyboards)

20 Jul 2017, 16:34

Hi, some of you might have G-series illuminated Logitech keyboards and might find this interesting. This wraps the Logitech LED SDK, and lights up the Caps/Num/Scroll lock keys when enabled (a feature that really should be in the official driver, but is not!). Note that you need the .DLL file in the script folder for it to work, it can be downloaded directly here.

A full mirror, including the DLL is always available on my github too:


Code: Select all

; LogiLED.ahk
; Show Caps/Num/Scroll-lock status on the key using the Logitech LED SDK
; Written by: espenoh
; Initial version: 1.0 - 20. Jul 2017
; Current version: 1.0 - 20. Jul 2017

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; --- USER SETTINGS, feel free to tweak ---
LIGHT_INITIAL  := 0   ; Initial intensity of all keys (0-100)
LIGHT_ENABLED  := 100 ; Intensity of enabled and..
LIGHT_DISABLED := 0   ; .. disabled key

LOGI_KEY_NUM    := 0x45

hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "LogitechLedEnginesWrapper.dll", "Ptr")  ; Load DLL into memory

if not DllCall("LogitechLedEnginesWrapper\LogiLedInit") {
	MsgBox, Could not initialize Logitech DLL, exiting!
Sleep, 100 ; Logitech documentation claims it need some time to warm up, can probably be lowered

DllCall("LogitechLedEnginesWrapper\LogiLedSaveCurrentLighting") ; Save current settings
DllCall("LogitechLedEnginesWrapper\LogiLedSetLighting", "Int", LIGHT_INITIAL, "Int", 0, "Int", 0) ; Set base light to all keys

; If you want to set custom color values for other keys just copy the line under and change the params
DllCall("LogitechLedEnginesWrapper\LogiLedSetLightingForKeyWithKeyName", "Int", LOGI_KEY_G_LOGO, "Int", 100, "Int", 0, "Int", 0) ; This sets the G-logo (top left) to max intensity

val_caps   := 0
val_num    := 0
val_scroll := 0

Loop {
	val_caps_new := GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") ? LIGHT_ENABLED : LIGHT_DISABLED
	if (val_caps_new != val_caps) {
		val_caps := val_caps_new
		DllCall("LogitechLedEnginesWrapper\LogiLedSetLightingForKeyWithKeyName", "Int", LOGI_KEY_CAPS, "Int", val_caps, "Int", 0, "Int", 0)	
	val_num_new := GetKeyState("NumLock", "T") ? LIGHT_ENABLED : LIGHT_DISABLED
	if (val_num_new != val_num) {
		val_num := val_num_new
		DllCall("LogitechLedEnginesWrapper\LogiLedSetLightingForKeyWithKeyName", "Int", LOGI_KEY_NUM, "Int", val_num, "Int", 0, "Int", 0)	
	val_scroll_new := GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T") ? LIGHT_ENABLED : LIGHT_DISABLED
	if (val_scroll_new != val_scroll) {
		val_scroll := val_scroll_new
		DllCall("LogitechLedEnginesWrapper\LogiLedSetLightingForKeyWithKeyName", "Int", LOGI_KEY_SCROLL, "Int", val_scroll, "Int", 0, "Int", 0)	
	Sleep, 100
This should be easy to expand if anyone wants to experiment more with the SDK as well, plenty of opportunity to make cool stuff with it. For anyone interested the full docs are on the Logitech dev website.

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