[GDI+ Object] Subtitle.Render() - Beautiful Text on Screen
Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 01:40
2022-02-26 This project has been superseded by TextRender for subtitles and text/image rendering.
2019-08-04 This project has been superseded by Graphics. It is compatible with v1 and v2.
Subtitle.Render() on Github
Subtitle.Render() has many features.
code 2
code 3
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to suggest them in the comments! Especially if you find the syntax not intuitive (syntax is based off CSS.)
Get the latest version on GitHub.
For a real example of Subtitle being used: Vis2
If you need to load a custom font, I reccomend CustomFont by tmplinshi
You will need Gdip_All
Full Script
2019-08-04 This project has been superseded by Graphics. It is compatible with v1 and v2.
Subtitle.Render() on Github
Subtitle.Render() has many features.
- Outline Text
- Shadows
- Fast!!! - See examples
code 2
code 3
How to write the code that makes beautiful text?
Tips and Tricks
List Of Methods
Frequently Asked Questions
Old Examples
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to suggest them in the comments! Especially if you find the syntax not intuitive (syntax is based off CSS.)
Get the latest version on GitHub.
For a real example of Subtitle being used: Vis2
If you need to load a custom font, I reccomend CustomFont by tmplinshi
You will need Gdip_All
Full Script
Code: Select all
; Script: Subtitle.ahk
; Author: iseahound
; Version: 2018-04-17 (April 2018)
; Recent: 2018-05-15
#include <Gdip_All>
class Subtitle {
layers := {}, ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight
__New(title := "") {
global pToken
if !(this.outer.Startup())
if !(pToken)
if !(this.pToken := Gdip_Startup())
throw Exception("Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system.")
Gui, New, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -DPIScale +E0x80000 +ToolWindow +hwndhwnd
this.hwnd := hwnd
this.title := (title != "") ? title : "Subtitle_" this.hwnd
DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd, "int",8)
DllCall("SetWindowText", "ptr",this.hwnd, "str",this.title)
this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
return this
__Delete() {
global pToken
if (this.outer.pToken)
return this.outer.Shutdown()
if (pToken)
if (this.pToken)
return Gdip_Shutdown(this.pToken)
FreeMemory() {
SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
return this
Destroy() {
DllCall("DestroyWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd)
return this
Hide() {
DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd, "int",0)
return this
Show(i := 8) {
DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd, "int",i)
return this
ToggleVisible() {
return (this.isVisible()) ? this.Hide() : this.Show()
isVisible() {
return DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "ptr",this.hwnd)
AlwaysOnTop() {
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, % "ahk_id" this.hwnd
return this
Bottom() {
WinSet, Bottom,, % "ahk_id" this.hwnd
return this
ClickThrough() {
_dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
DetectHiddenWindows On
WinGet, ExStyle, ExStyle, % "ahk_id" this.hwnd
if (ExStyle & 0x20)
WinSet, ExStyle, -0x20, % "ahk_id" this.hwnd
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, % "ahk_id" this.hwnd
DetectHiddenWindows %_dhw%
return this
Desktop() {
; Based on: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/856020/Draw-Behind-Desktop-Icons-in-Windows-plus?msg=5478543#xx5478543xx
DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr",WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint",0x052C, "ptr",0x0000000D, "ptr",0)
DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr",WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint",0x052C, "ptr",0x0000000D, "ptr",1) ; Post-Creator's Update Windows 10.
WinGet, windows, List, ahk_class WorkerW
Loop, %windows%
if (DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr",windows%A_Index%, "ptr",0, "str","SHELLDLL_DefView", "ptr",0) != 0)
WorkerW := DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr",0, "ptr",windows%A_Index%, "str","WorkerW", "ptr",0)
if (WorkerW) {
this.hwnd := WorkerW
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "uint",WorkerW, "uint",1, "int",0, "int",0, "int",this.ScreenWidth, "int",this.ScreenHeight, "uint",0)
this.base.FreeMemory := ObjBindMethod(this, "DesktopFreeMemory")
this.base.Destroy := ObjBindMethod(this, "DesktopDestroy")
this.hdc := DllCall("GetDCEx", "ptr",WorkerW, "ptr",0, "int",0x403)
this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
return this
DesktopFreeMemory() {
return this
DesktopDestroy() {
DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr",WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint",0x052C, "ptr",0x0000000D, "ptr",0)
DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr",WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint",0x052C, "ptr",0x0000000D, "ptr",1)
return this
Normal() {
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, % "ahk_id" this.hwnd
return this
DetectScreenResolutionChange(width := "", height := "") {
width := (width) ? width : A_ScreenWidth
height := (height) ? height : A_ScreenHeight
if (width != this.ScreenWidth || height != this.ScreenHeight) {
this.ScreenWidth := width, this.ScreenHeight := height
SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
loop % this.layers.maxIndex()
this.Draw(this.layers[A_Index].1, this.layers[A_Index].2, this.layers[A_Index].3, pGraphics)
Bitmap(x := "", y := "", w := "", h := "") {
x := (x != "") ? x : this.x
y := (y != "") ? y : this.y
w := (w != "") ? w : this.xx - this.x
h := (h != "") ? h : this.yy - this.y
pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
pGraphics := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
loop % this.layers.maxIndex()
this.Draw(this.layers[A_Index].1, this.layers[A_Index].2, this.layers[A_Index].3, pGraphics)
pBitmapCopy := Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pBitmap, x, y, w, h)
return pBitmapCopy ; Please dispose of this image responsibly.
hBitmap(alpha := 0xFFFFFFFF) {
; hBitmap converts alpha channel to specified alpha color.
; Adds 1 pixel because Anti-Alias (SmoothingMode = 4)
; Should it be crop 1 pixel instead?
pBitmap := this.Bitmap()
hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap, alpha)
return hBitmap
Save(filename := "", quality := 92) {
filename := (filename ~= "i)\.(bmp|dib|rle|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|gif|tif|tiff|png)$") ? filename
: (filename != "") ? filename ".png" : this.title ".png"
pBitmap := this.Bitmap()
Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, filename, quality)
return this
Screenshot(filename := "", quality := 92) {
filename := (filename ~= "i)\.(bmp|dib|rle|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|gif|tif|tiff|png)$") ? filename
: (filename != "") ? filename ".png" : this.title ".png"
pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(this.x "|" this.y "|" this.xx - this.x "|" this.yy - this.y)
Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, filename, quality)
return this
Render(text := "", style1 := "", style2 := "", update := true) {
if !(this.hwnd){
_subtitle := (this.outer) ? new this.outer.Subtitle() : new Subtitle()
return _subtitle.Render(text, style1, style2, update)
else {
Critical On
this.Draw(text, style1, style2)
if (this.allowDrag == true)
if (update == true) {
UpdateLayeredWindow(this.hwnd, this.hdc, 0, 0, this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
if (this.time) {
self_destruct := ObjBindMethod(this, "Destroy")
SetTimer, % self_destruct, % -1 * this.time
this.rendered := true
Critical Off
return this
RenderToBitmap(text := "", style1 := "", style2 := "") {
if !(this.hwnd){
_subtitle := (this.outer) ? new this.outer.Subtitle() : new Subtitle()
return _subtitle.RenderToBitmap(text, style1, style2)
} else {
this.Render(text, style1, style2, false)
return this.Bitmap()
RenderToHBitmap(text := "", style1 := "", style2 := "") {
if !(this.hwnd){
_subtitle := (this.outer) ? new this.outer.Subtitle() : new Subtitle()
return _subtitle.RenderToHBitmap(text, style1, style2)
} else {
this.Render(text, style1, style2, false)
return this.hBitmap()
Reposition() {
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse
this.LButton := GetKeyState("LButton", "P") ? 1 : 0
this.keypress := (this.LButton && DllCall("GetForegroundWindow") == this.hwnd) ? ((!this.keypress) ? 1 : -1) : ((this.keypress == -1) ? 2 : 0)
if (this.keypress == 1) {
this.x_mouse := x_mouse, this.y_mouse := y_mouse
this.hbm2 := CreateDIBSection(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
this.hdc2 := CreateCompatibleDC()
this.obm2 := SelectObject(this.hdc2, this.hbm2)
this.G2 := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc2)
if (this.keypress == -1) {
dx := x_mouse - this.x_mouse
dy := y_mouse - this.y_mouse
safe_x := (0 + dx <= 0) ? 0 : 0 + dx
safe_y := (0 + dy <= 0) ? 0 : 0 + dy
safe_w := (0 + this.ScreenWidth + dx >= this.ScreenWidth) ? this.ScreenWidth : 0 + this.ScreenWidth + dx
safe_h := (0 + this.ScreenHeight + dy >= this.ScreenHeight) ? this.ScreenHeight : 0 + this.ScreenHeight + dy
source_x := (dx < 0) ? -dx : 0
source_y := (dy < 0) ? -dy : 0
;Tooltip % dx ", " dy "`n" safe_x ", " safe_y ", " safe_w ", " safe_h
BitBlt(this.hdc2, safe_x, safe_y, safe_w, safe_h, this.hdc, source_x, source_y)
UpdateLayeredWindow(this.hwnd, this.hdc2, 0, 0, this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
if (this.keypress == 2) {
SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
this.hdc := this.hdc2
this.obm := this.obm2
this.hbm := this.hbm2
this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc2)
Reposition := ObjBindMethod(this, "Reposition")
SetTimer, % Reposition, -10
Draw(text := "", style1 := "", style2 := "", pGraphics := "") {
; If the image was previously rendered, reset everything like a new Subtitle object.
if (pGraphics == "") {
if (this.rendered == true) {
this.rendered := false
this.layers := {}
this.x := this.y := this.xx := this.yy := "" ; not 0!
this.layers.push([text, style1, style2]) ; Saves each call of Draw()
pGraphics := this.G
; Remove excess whitespace. This is required for proper RegEx detection.
style1 := !IsObject(style1) ? RegExReplace(style1, "\s+", " ") : style1
style2 := !IsObject(style2) ? RegExReplace(style2, "\s+", " ") : style2
; Load saved styles if and only if both styles are blank.
if (style1 == "" && style2 == "")
style1 := this.style1, style2 := this.style2
this.style1 := style1, this.style2 := style2 ; Remember styles so that they can be loaded next time.
; RegEx help? https://regex101.com/r/xLzZzO/2
static q1 := "(?i)^.*?\b(?<!:|:\s)\b"
static q2 := "(?!(?>\([^()]*\)|[^()]*)*\))(:\s*)?\(?(?<value>(?<=\()([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]+|\([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]*\))*(?=\))|[#%_a-z\-\.\d]+).*$"
; Extract the time variable and save it for later when we Render() everything.
this.time := (style1.time) ? style1.time : (style1.t) ? style1.t
: (!IsObject(style1) && (___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(t(ime)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___
: (style2.time) ? style2.time : (style2.t) ? style2.t
: (!IsObject(style2) && (___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(t(ime)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___
: this.time
; Extract styles from the background styles parameter.
if IsObject(style1) {
_a := (style1.anchor != "") ? style1.anchor : style1.a
_x := (style1.left != "") ? style1.left : style1.x
_y := (style1.top != "") ? style1.top : style1.y
_w := (style1.width != "") ? style1.width : style1.w
_h := (style1.height != "") ? style1.height : style1.h
_r := (style1.radius != "") ? style1.radius : style1.r
_c := (style1.color != "") ? style1.color : style1.c
_m := (style1.margin != "") ? style1.margin : style1.m
_p := (style1.padding != "") ? style1.padding : style1.p
_q := (style1.quality != "") ? style1.quality : (style1.q) ? style1.q : style1.SmoothingMode
} else {
_a := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(a(nchor)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_x := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(x|left)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_y := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(y|top)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_w := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(w(idth)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_h := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(h(eight)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_r := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(r(adius)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_c := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(c(olor)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_m := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(m(argin)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_p := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(p(adding)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
_q := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(q(uality)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
; Extract styles from the text styles parameter.
if IsObject(style2) {
a := (style2.anchor != "") ? style2.anchor : style2.a
x := (style2.left != "") ? style2.left : style2.x
y := (style2.top != "") ? style2.top : style2.y
w := (style2.width != "") ? style2.width : style2.w
h := (style2.height != "") ? style2.height : style2.h
m := (style2.margin != "") ? style2.margin : style2.m
f := (style2.font != "") ? style2.font : style2.f
s := (style2.size != "") ? style2.size : style2.s
c := (style2.color != "") ? style2.color : style2.c
b := (style2.bold != "") ? style2.bold : style2.b
i := (style2.italic != "") ? style2.italic : style2.i
u := (style2.underline != "") ? style2.underline : style2.u
j := (style2.justify != "") ? style2.justify : style2.j
n := (style2.noWrap != "") ? style2.noWrap : style2.n
z := (style2.condensed != "") ? style2.condensed : style2.z
d := (style2.dropShadow != "") ? style2.dropShadow : style2.d
o := (style2.outline != "") ? style2.outline : style2.o
q := (style2.quality != "") ? style2.quality : (style2.q) ? style2.q : style2.TextRenderingHint
} else {
a := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(a(nchor)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
x := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(x|left)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
y := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(y|top)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
w := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(w(idth)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
h := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(h(eight)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
m := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(m(argin)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
f := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(f(ont)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
s := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(s(ize)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
c := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(c(olor)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
b := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(b(old)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
i := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(i(talic)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
u := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(u(nderline)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
j := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(j(ustify)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
n := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(n(oWrap)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
z := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(z|condensed)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
d := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(d(ropShadow)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
o := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(o(utline)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
q := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(q(uality)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
; These are the type checkers.
static valid := "^\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*(%|pt|px|vh|vmin|vw)?\s*$"
static valid_positive := "^\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*(%|pt|px|vh|vmin|vw)?\s*$"
; Define viewport width and height. This is the visible screen area.
this.vw := 0.01 * this.ScreenWidth ; 1% of viewport width.
this.vh := 0.01 * this.ScreenHeight ; 1% of viewport height.
this.vmin := (this.vw < this.vh) ? this.vw : this.vh ; 1vw or 1vh, whichever is smaller.
; Get Rendering Quality.
_q := (_q >= 0 && _q <= 4) ? _q : 4 ; Default SmoothingMode is 4 if radius is set. See Draw 1.
q := (q >= 0 && q <= 5) ? q : 4 ; Default TextRenderingHint is 4 (antialias).
; Get Font size.
s := (s ~= valid_positive) ? RegExReplace(s, "\s", "") : "2.23vh" ; Default font size is 2.23vh.
s := (s ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(s, 1, -2) : s ; Strip spaces, px, and pt.
s := (s ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace(s, "vh$", "") * this.vh : s ; Relative to viewport height.
s := (s ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace(s, "vw$", "") * this.vw : s ; Relative to viewport width.
s := (s ~= "(%|vmin)$") ? RegExReplace(s, "(%|vmin)$", "") * this.vmin : s ; Relative to viewport minimum.
; Get Bold, Italic, Underline, NoWrap, and Justification of text.
style += (b) ? 1 : 0 ; bold
style += (i) ? 2 : 0 ; italic
style += (u) ? 4 : 0 ; underline
style += (strikeout) ? 8 : 0 ; strikeout, not implemented.
n := (n) ? 0x4000 | 0x1000 : 0x4000
j := (j ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 1 : (j ~= "i)(far|right)") ? 2 : 0 ; Left/near, center/centre, far/right.
; Later when text x and w are finalized and it is found that x + ReturnRC[3] exceeds the screen,
; then the _redrawBecauseOfCondensedFont flag is set to true.
if (this._redrawBecauseOfCondensedFont == true)
f:=z, z:=0, this._redrawBecauseOfCondensedFont := false
; Create Font.
hFamily := (___ := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(f)) ? ___ : Gdip_FontFamilyCreate("Arial") ; Default font is Arial.
hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, s, style)
hFormat := Gdip_StringFormatCreate(n)
Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, j) ; Left = 0, Center = 1, Right = 2
; Simulate string width and height. This will get the exact width and height of the text.
CreateRectF(RC, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, _q) ; None = 3, AntiAlias = 4
Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, q) ; Anti-Alias = 4, Cleartype = 5 (and gives weird effects.)
ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)
ReturnRC := StrSplit(ReturnRC, "|") ; Contains the values for measured x, y, w, h text.
; Get background width and height. Default width and height are simulated width and height.
_w := (_w ~= valid_positive) ? RegExReplace(_w, "\s", "") : ReturnRC[3]
_w := (_w ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(_w, 1, -2) : _w
_w := (_w ~= "(%|vw)$") ? RegExReplace(_w, "(%|vw)$", "") * this.vw : _w
_w := (_w ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace(_w, "vh$", "") * this.vh : _w
_w := (_w ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(_w, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : _w
; Output is a decimal with pixel units.
_h := (_h ~= valid_positive) ? RegExReplace(_h, "\s", "") : ReturnRC[4]
_h := (_h ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(_h, 1, -2) : _h
_h := (_h ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace(_h, "vw$", "") * this.vw : _h
_h := (_h ~= "(%|vh)$") ? RegExReplace(_h, "(%|vh)$", "") * this.vh : _h
_h := (_h ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(_h, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : _h
; Output is a decimal with pixel units.
; Get background anchor. This is where the origin of the image is located.
; The default origin is the top left corner. Default anchor is 1.
_a := RegExReplace(_a, "\s", "")
_a := (_a = "top") ? 2 : (_a = "left") ? 4 : (_a = "right") ? 6 : (_a = "bottom") ? 8
: (_a ~= "i)top" && _a ~= "i)left") ? 1 : (_a ~= "i)top" && _a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2
: (_a ~= "i)top" && _a ~= "i)bottom") ? 3 : (_a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && _a ~= "i)left") ? 4
: (_a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 5 : (_a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && _a ~= "i)bottom") ? 6
: (_a ~= "i)bottom" && _a ~= "i)left") ? 7 : (_a ~= "i)bottom" && _a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 8
: (_a ~= "i)bottom" && _a ~= "i)right") ? 9 : (_a ~= "^[1-9]$") ? _a : 1 ; Default anchor is top-left.
; _x and _y can be specified as locations (left, center, right, top, bottom).
; These location words in _x and _y take precedence over the values in _a.
_a := (_x ~= "i)left") ? 1+(((_a-1)//3)*3) : (_x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2+(((_a-1)//3)*3) : (_x ~= "i)right") ? 3+(((_a-1)//3)*3) : _a
_a := (_y ~= "i)top") ? 1+(mod(_a-1,3)) : (_y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 4+(mod(_a-1,3)) : (_y ~= "i)bottom") ? 7+(mod(_a-1,3)) : _a
; Convert English words to numbers. Don't mess with these values any further.
_x := (_x ~= "i)left") ? 0 : (_x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 0.5*this.ScreenWidth : (_x ~= "i)right") ? this.ScreenWidth : _x
_y := (_y ~= "i)top") ? 0 : (_y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 0.5*this.ScreenHeight : (_y ~= "i)bottom") ? this.ScreenHeight : _y
; Get _x value.
_x := (_x ~= valid) ? RegExReplace(_x, "\s", "") : 0 ; Default _x is 0.
_x := (_x ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(_x, 1, -2) : _x
_x := (_x ~= "(%|vw)$") ? RegExReplace(_x, "(%|vw)$", "") * this.vw : _x
_x := (_x ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace(_x, "vh$", "") * this.vh : _x
_x := (_x ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(_x, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : _x
; Get _y value.
_y := (_y ~= valid) ? RegExReplace(_y, "\s", "") : 0 ; Default _y is 0.
_y := (_y ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(_y, 1, -2) : _y
_y := (_y ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace(_y, "vw$", "") * this.vw : _y
_y := (_y ~= "(%|vh)$") ? RegExReplace(_y, "(%|vh)$", "") * this.vh : _y
_y := (_y ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(_y, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : _y
; Now let's modify the _x and _y values with the _anchor, so that the image has a new point of origin.
; We need our calculated _width and _height for this.
_x -= (mod(_a-1,3) == 0) ? 0 : (mod(_a-1,3) == 1) ? _w/2 : (mod(_a-1,3) == 2) ? _w : 0
_y -= (((_a-1)//3) == 0) ? 0 : (((_a-1)//3) == 1) ? _h/2 : (((_a-1)//3) == 2) ? _h : 0
; Fractional y values might cause gdi+ slowdown.
; Get the text width and text height.
; Note that there are two new lines. Matching a percent symbol (%) will give text width/height
; that is relative to the background width/height. This is undesirable behavior, and so
; the user should use "vh" and "vw" whenever possible.
w := ( w ~= valid_positive) ? RegExReplace( w, "\s", "") : ReturnRC[3] ; Default is simulated text width.
w := ( w ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr( w, 1, -2) : w
w := ( w ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace( w, "vw$", "") * this.vw : w
w := ( w ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace( w, "vh$", "") * this.vh : w
w := ( w ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace( w, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : w
w := ( w ~= "%$") ? RegExReplace( w, "%$", "") * 0.01 * _w : w
h := ( h ~= valid_positive) ? RegExReplace( h, "\s", "") : ReturnRC[4] ; Default is simulated text height.
h := ( h ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr( h, 1, -2) : h
h := ( h ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace( h, "vw$", "") * this.vw : h
h := ( h ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace( h, "vh$", "") * this.vh : h
h := ( h ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace( h, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : h
h := ( h ~= "%$") ? RegExReplace( h, "%$", "") * 0.01 * _h : h
; If text justification is set but x is not, align the justified text relative to the center
; or right of the backgound, after taking into account the text width.
if (x == "")
x := (j = 1) ? _x + (_w/2) - (w/2) : (j = 2) ? _x + _w - w : x
; Get anchor.
a := RegExReplace( a, "\s", "")
a := (a = "top") ? 2 : (a = "left") ? 4 : (a = "right") ? 6 : (a = "bottom") ? 8
: (a ~= "i)top" && a ~= "i)left") ? 1 : (a ~= "i)top" && a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2
: (a ~= "i)top" && a ~= "i)bottom") ? 3 : (a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && a ~= "i)left") ? 4
: (a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 5 : (a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && a ~= "i)bottom") ? 6
: (a ~= "i)bottom" && a ~= "i)left") ? 7 : (a ~= "i)bottom" && a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 8
: (a ~= "i)bottom" && a ~= "i)right") ? 9 : (a ~= "^[1-9]$") ? a : 1 ; Default anchor is top-left.
; Text x and text y can be specified as locations (left, center, right, top, bottom).
; These location words in text x and text y take precedence over the values in the text anchor.
a := ( x ~= "i)left") ? 1+((( a-1)//3)*3) : ( x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2+((( a-1)//3)*3) : ( x ~= "i)right") ? 3+((( a-1)//3)*3) : a
a := ( y ~= "i)top") ? 1+(mod( a-1,3)) : ( y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 4+(mod( a-1,3)) : ( y ~= "i)bottom") ? 7+(mod( a-1,3)) : a
; Convert English words to numbers. Don't mess with these values any further.
; Also, these values are relative to the background.
x := ( x ~= "i)left") ? _x : (x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? _x + 0.5*_w : (x ~= "i)right") ? _x + _w : x
y := ( y ~= "i)top") ? _y : (y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? _y + 0.5*_h : (y ~= "i)bottom") ? _y + _h : y
; Validate text x and y, convert to pixels.
x := ( x ~= valid) ? RegExReplace( x, "\s", "") : _x ; Default text x is background x.
x := ( x ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr( x, 1, -2) : x
x := ( x ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace( x, "vw$", "") * this.vw : x
x := ( x ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace( x, "vh$", "") * this.vh : x
x := ( x ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace( x, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : x
x := ( x ~= "%$") ? RegExReplace( x, "%$", "") * 0.01 * _w : x
y := ( y ~= valid) ? RegExReplace( y, "\s", "") : _y ; Default text y is background y.
y := ( y ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr( y, 1, -2) : y
y := ( y ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace( y, "vw$", "") * this.vw : y
y := ( y ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace( y, "vh$", "") * this.vh : y
y := ( y ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace( y, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : y
y := ( y ~= "%$") ? RegExReplace( y, "%$", "") * 0.01 * _h : y
; Modify text x and text y values with the anchor, so that the text has a new point of origin.
; The text anchor is relative to the text width and height before margin/padding.
; This is NOT relative to the background width and height.
x -= (mod(a-1,3) == 0) ? 0 : (mod(a-1,3) == 1) ? w/2 : (mod(a-1,3) == 2) ? w : 0
y -= (((a-1)//3) == 0) ? 0 : (((a-1)//3) == 1) ? h/2 : (((a-1)//3) == 2) ? h : 0
; Define margin and padding. Both parameters will leave the text unchanged,
; expanding the background box. The difference between the two is NON-EXISTENT.
; What does matter is if the margin/padding is a background style, the position of the text will not change.
; If the margin/padding is a text style, the text position will change.
_p := this.margin_and_padding(_p)
_m := this.margin_and_padding(_m)
p := this.margin_and_padding( p)
m := this.margin_and_padding( m)
; Modify _x, _y, _w, _h with margin and padding, increasing the size of the background.
if (_w || _h) {
_w += (_m.2 + _m.4 + _p.2 + _p.4) + (m.2 + m.4 + p.2 + p.4)
_h += (_m.1 + _m.3 + _p.1 + _p.3) + (m.1 + m.3 + p.1 + p.3)
_x -= (_m.4 + _p.4)
_y -= (_m.1 + _p.1)
; If margin/padding are defined in the text parameter, shift the position of the text.
x += (m.4 + p.4)
y += (m.1 + p.1)
; Re-run: Condense Text using a Condensed Font if simulated text width exceeds screen width.
if (Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(z)) {
if (ReturnRC[3] + x > this.ScreenWidth) {
this._redrawBecauseOfCondensedFont := true
return this.Draw(text, style1, style2, pGraphics)
; Define radius of rounded corners.
_r := (_r ~= valid_positive) ? RegExReplace(_r, "\s", "") : 0 ; Default radius is 0, or square corners.
_r := (_r ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(_r, 1, -2) : _r
_r := (_r ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace(_r, "vw$", "") * this.vw : _r
_r := (_r ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace(_r, "vh$", "") * this.vh : _r
_r := (_r ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(_r, "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : _r
; percentage is defined as a percentage of the smaller background width/height.
_r := (_r ~= "%$") ? RegExReplace(_r, "%$", "") * 0.01 * ((_w > _h) ? _h : _w) : _r
; the radius cannot exceed the half width or half height, whichever is smaller.
_r := (_r <= ((_w > _h) ? _h : _w) / 2) ? _r : 0
; Define color.
_c := this.color(_c, 0xDD424242) ; Default background color is transparent gray.
SourceCopy := (c ~= "i)(delete|eraser?|overwrite|sourceCopy)") ? 1 : 0 ; Eraser brush for text.
c := (SourceCopy) ? 0x00000000 : this.color( c, 0xFFFFFFFF) ; Default text color is white.
; Define outline and dropShadow.
o := this.outline(o, s, c)
d := this.dropShadow(d, ReturnRC[3], ReturnRC[4], s)
; Round 9 - Define Text
if (!A_IsUnicode){
nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint",0, "uint",0, "ptr",&text, "int",-1, "ptr",0, "int",0)
VarSetCapacity(wtext, nSize*2)
DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint",0, "uint",0, "ptr",&text, "int",-1, "ptr",&wtext, "int",nSize)
; Round 10 - Finalize _x, _y, _w, _h
_x := Round(_x)
_y := Round(_y)
_w := Round(_w)
_h := Round(_h)
; Define image boundaries using the background boundaries.
this.x := (this.x = "" || _x < this.x) ? _x : this.x
this.y := (this.y = "" || _y < this.y) ? _y : this.y
this.xx := (this.xx = "" || _x + _w > this.xx) ? _x + _w : this.xx
this.yy := (this.yy = "" || _y + _h > this.yy) ? _y + _h : this.yy
; Define image boundaries using the text boundaries + outline boundaries.
artifacts := Ceil(o.3 + 0.5*o.1)
this.x := (x - artifacts < this.x) ? x - artifacts : this.x
this.y := (y - artifacts < this.y) ? y - artifacts : this.y
this.xx := (x + w + artifacts > this.xx) ? x + w + artifacts : this.xx
this.yy := (y + h + artifacts > this.yy) ? y + h + artifacts : this.yy
; Define image boundaries using the dropShadow boundaries.
artifacts := Ceil(d.3 + d.6 + 0.5*o.1)
this.x := (x + d.1 - artifacts < this.x) ? x + d.1 - artifacts : this.x
this.y := (y + d.2 - artifacts < this.y) ? y + d.2 - artifacts : this.y
this.xx := (x + d.1 + w + artifacts > this.xx) ? x + d.1 + w + artifacts : this.xx
this.yy := (y + d.2 + h + artifacts > this.yy) ? y + d.2 + h + artifacts : this.yy
; Round to the nearest integer.
this.x := Floor(this.x)
this.y := Floor(this.y)
this.xx := Ceil(this.xx)
this.yy := Ceil(this.yy)
; Draw 1 - Background
if (_w && _h && _c && (_c & 0xFF000000)) {
if (_r == 0)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, 1) ; Turn antialiasing off if not a rounded rectangle.
pBrushBackground := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(_c)
Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pBrushBackground, _x, _y, _w, _h, _r) ; DRAWING!
if (_r == 0)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, _q) ; Turn antialiasing on for text rendering.
; Draw 2 - DropShadow
if (!d.void) {
offset2 := d.3 + d.6 + Ceil(0.5*o.1)
if (d.3) {
DropShadow := Gdip_CreateBitmap(w + 2*offset2, h + 2*offset2)
DropShadowG := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(DropShadow)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(DropShadowG, _q)
Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(DropShadowG, q)
CreateRectF(RC, offset2, offset2, w + 2*offset2, h + 2*offset2)
} else {
CreateRectF(RC, x + d.1, y + d.2, w, h)
DropShadowG := pGraphics
; Use Gdip_DrawString if and only if there is a horizontal/vertical offset.
if (o.void && d.6 == 0)
pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(d.4)
Gdip_DrawString(DropShadowG, Text, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, RC) ; DRAWING!
else ; Otherwise, use the below code if blur, size, and opacity are set.
; Draw the outer edge of the text string.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePath", "int",1, "uptr*",pPath)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathString", "ptr",pPath, "ptr", A_IsUnicode ? &text : &wtext, "int",-1
, "ptr",hFamily, "int",style, "float",s, "ptr",&RC, "ptr",hFormat)
pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(d.4, 2*d.6 + o.1)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPenLineJoin", "ptr",pPen, "uint",2)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPath", "ptr",DropShadowG, "ptr",pPen, "ptr",pPath)
; Fill in the outline. Turn off antialiasing and alpha blending so the gaps are 100% filled.
pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(d.4)
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(DropShadowG, 1) ; Turn off alpha blending
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(DropShadowG, 3) ; Turn off anti-aliasing
Gdip_FillPath(DropShadowG, pBrush, pPath)
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(DropShadowG, 0)
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(DropShadowG, _q)
if (d.3) {
this.GaussianBlur(DropShadow, d.3, d.5)
Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(pGraphics, 5) ; NearestNeighbor
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, 3) ; Turn off anti-aliasing
Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphics, DropShadow, x + d.1 - offset2, y + d.2 - offset2, w + 2*offset2, h + 2*offset2) ; DRAWING!
Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, _q)
; Draw 3 - Text Outline
if (!o.void) {
; Convert our text to a path.
CreateRectF(RC, x, y, w, h)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePath", "int",1, "uptr*",pPath)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathString", "ptr",pPath, "ptr", A_IsUnicode ? &text : &wtext, "int",-1
, "ptr",hFamily, "int",style, "float",s, "ptr",&RC, "ptr",hFormat)
; Create a glow effect around the edges.
if (o.3) {
Gdip_SetClipPath(pGraphics, pPath, 3) ; Exclude original text region from being drawn on.
pPenGlow := Gdip_CreatePen(Format("0x{:02X}",((o.4 & 0xFF000000) >> 24)/o.3) . Format("{:06X}",(o.4 & 0x00FFFFFF)), 1)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPenLineJoin", "ptr",pPenGlow, "uint",2)
loop % o.3
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPenWidth", "ptr",pPenGlow, "float",o.1 + 2*A_Index)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPath", "ptr",pGraphics, "ptr",pPenGlow, "ptr",pPath) ; DRAWING!
; Draw outline text.
if (o.1) {
pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(o.2, o.1)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPenLineJoin", "ptr",pPen, "uint",2)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPath", "ptr",pGraphics, "ptr",pPen, "ptr",pPath) ; DRAWING!
; Fill outline text.
pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(c)
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphics, SourceCopy)
Gdip_FillPath(pGraphics, pBrush, pPath) ; DRAWING!
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphics, 0)
; Draw Text if outline is not are not specified.
if (text != "" && o.void) {
CreateRectF(RC, x, y, w, h)
pBrushText := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(c)
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphics, SourceCopy)
Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, A_IsUnicode ? text : wtext, hFont, hFormat, pBrushText, RC) ; DRAWING!
Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphics, 0)
; Delete Font Objects.
return (pGraphics == "") ? this : ""
color(c, default := 0xDD424242) {
static colorRGB := "^0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})$"
static colorARGB := "^0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})$"
static hex6 := "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})$"
static hex8 := "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})$"
if ObjGetCapacity([c], 1) {
c := (c ~= "^#") ? SubStr(c, 2) : c
c := ((___ := this.colorMap(c)) != "") ? ___ : c
c := (c ~= colorRGB) ? "0xFF" RegExReplace(c, colorRGB, "$1") : (c ~= hex8) ? "0x" c : (c ~= hex6) ? "0xFF" c : c
c := (c ~= colorARGB) ? c : default
return (c != "") ? c : default
dropShadow(d, x_simulated, y_simulated, font_size) {
static valid := "^\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*(%|pt|px|vh|vmin|vw)?\s*$"
static q1 := "(?i)^.*?\b(?<!:|:\s)\b"
static q2 := "(?!(?>\([^()]*\)|[^()]*)*\))(:\s*)?\(?(?<value>(?<=\()([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]+|\([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]*\))*(?=\))|[#%_a-z\-\.\d]+).*$"
if IsObject(d) {
d.1 := (d.1) ? d.1 : (d.horizontal != "") ? d.horizontal : d.h
d.2 := (d.2) ? d.2 : (d.vertical != "") ? d.vertical : d.v
d.3 := (d.3) ? d.3 : (d.blur != "") ? d.blur : d.b
d.4 := (d.4) ? d.4 : (d.color != "") ? d.color : d.c
d.5 := (d.5) ? d.5 : (d.opacity != "") ? d.opacity : d.o
d.6 := (d.6) ? d.6 : (d.size != "") ? d.size : d.s
} else if (d != "") {
_ := RegExReplace(d, ":\s+", ":")
_ := RegExReplace(_, "\s+", " ")
_ := StrSplit(_, " ")
_.1 := ((___ := RegExReplace(d, q1 "(h(orizontal)?)" q2, "${value}")) != d) ? ___ : _.1
_.2 := ((___ := RegExReplace(d, q1 "(v(ertical)?)" q2, "${value}")) != d) ? ___ : _.2
_.3 := ((___ := RegExReplace(d, q1 "(b(lur)?)" q2, "${value}")) != d) ? ___ : _.3
_.4 := ((___ := RegExReplace(d, q1 "(c(olor)?)" q2, "${value}")) != d) ? ___ : _.4
_.5 := ((___ := RegExReplace(d, q1 "(o(pacity)?)" q2, "${value}")) != d) ? ___ : _.5
_.6 := ((___ := RegExReplace(d, q1 "(s(ize)?)" q2, "${value}")) != d) ? ___ : _.6
d := _
else return {"void":true, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0, 5:0, 6:0}
for key, value in d {
if (key = 4) ; Don't mess with color data.
d[key] := (d[key] ~= valid) ? RegExReplace(d[key], "\s", "") : 0 ; Default for everything is 0.
d[key] := (d[key] ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(d[key], 1, -2) : d[key]
d[key] := (d[key] ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace(d[key], "vw$", "") * this.vw : d[key]
d[key] := (d[key] ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace(d[key], "vh$", "") * this.vh : d[key]
d[key] := (d[key] ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(d[key], "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : d[key]
d.1 := (d.1 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(d.1, 1, -1) * 0.01 * x_simulated : d.1
d.2 := (d.2 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(d.2, 1, -1) * 0.01 * y_simulated : d.2
d.3 := (d.3 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(d.3, 1, -1) * 0.01 * font_size : d.3
d.4 := this.color(d.4, 0xFFFF0000) ; Default color is red.
d.5 := (d.5 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(d.5, 1, -1) / 100 : d.5
d.5 := (d.5 <= 0 || d.5 > 1) ? 1 : d.5 ; Range Opacity is a float from 0-1.
d.6 := (d.6 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(d.6, 1, -1) * 0.01 * font_size : d.6
return d
font(f, default := "Arial"){
margin_and_padding(m, default := 0) {
static valid := "^\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*(%|pt|px|vh|vmin|vw)?\s*$"
static q1 := "(?i)^.*?\b(?<!:|:\s)\b"
static q2 := "(?!(?>\([^()]*\)|[^()]*)*\))(:\s*)?\(?(?<value>(?<=\()([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]+|\([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]*\))*(?=\))|[#%_a-z\-\.\d]+).*$"
if IsObject(m) {
m.1 := (m.top != "") ? m.top : m.t
m.2 := (m.right != "") ? m.right : m.r
m.3 := (m.bottom != "") ? m.bottom : m.b
m.4 := (m.left != "") ? m.left : m.l
} else if (m != "") {
_ := RegExReplace(m, ":\s+", ":")
_ := RegExReplace(_, "\s+", " ")
_ := StrSplit(_, " ")
_.1 := ((___ := RegExReplace(m, q1 "(t(op)?)" q2, "${value}")) != m) ? ___ : _.1
_.2 := ((___ := RegExReplace(m, q1 "(r(ight)?)" q2, "${value}")) != m) ? ___ : _.2
_.3 := ((___ := RegExReplace(m, q1 "(b(ottom)?)" q2, "${value}")) != m) ? ___ : _.3
_.4 := ((___ := RegExReplace(m, q1 "(l(eft)?)" q2, "${value}")) != m) ? ___ : _.4
m := _
else return {1:default, 2:default, 3:default, 4:default}
; Follow CSS guidelines for margin!
if (m.2 == "" && m.3 == "" && m.4 == "")
m.4 := m.3 := m.2 := m.1, exception := true
if (m.3 == "" && m.4 == "")
m.4 := m.2, m.3 := m.1
if (m.4 == "")
m.4 := m.2
for key, value in m {
m[key] := (m[key] ~= valid) ? RegExReplace(m[key], "\s", "") : default
m[key] := (m[key] ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(m[key], 1, -2) : m[key]
m[key] := (m[key] ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace(m[key], "vw$", "") * this.vw : m[key]
m[key] := (m[key] ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace(m[key], "vh$", "") * this.vh : m[key]
m[key] := (m[key] ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(m[key], "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : m[key]
m.1 := (m.1 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(m.1, 1, -1) * this.vh : m.1
m.2 := (m.2 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(m.2, 1, -1) * (exception ? this.vh : this.vw) : m.2
m.3 := (m.3 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(m.3, 1, -1) * this.vh : m.3
m.4 := (m.4 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(m.4, 1, -1) * (exception ? this.vh : this.vw) : m.4
return m
outline(o, font_size, font_color) {
static valid_positive := "^\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*(%|pt|px|vh|vmin|vw)?\s*$"
static q1 := "(?i)^.*?\b(?<!:|:\s)\b"
static q2 := "(?!(?>\([^()]*\)|[^()]*)*\))(:\s*)?\(?(?<value>(?<=\()([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]+|\([\s:#%_a-z\-\.\d]*\))*(?=\))|[#%_a-z\-\.\d]+).*$"
if IsObject(o) {
o.1 := (o.1) ? o.1 : (o.stroke != "") ? o.stroke : o.s
o.2 := (o.2) ? o.2 : (o.color != "") ? o.color : o.c
o.3 := (o.3) ? o.3 : (o.glow != "") ? o.glow : o.g
o.4 := (o.4) ? o.4 : (o.tint != "") ? o.tint : o.t
} else if (o != "") {
_ := RegExReplace(o, ":\s+", ":")
_ := RegExReplace(_, "\s+", " ")
_ := StrSplit(_, " ")
_.1 := ((___ := RegExReplace(o, q1 "(s(troke)?)" q2, "${value}")) != o) ? ___ : _.1
_.2 := ((___ := RegExReplace(o, q1 "(c(olor)?)" q2, "${value}")) != o) ? ___ : _.2
_.3 := ((___ := RegExReplace(o, q1 "(g(low)?)" q2, "${value}")) != o) ? ___ : _.3
_.4 := ((___ := RegExReplace(o, q1 "(t(int)?)" q2, "${value}")) != o) ? ___ : _.4
o := _
else return {"void":true, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0}
for key, value in o {
if (key = 2) || (key = 4) ; Don't mess with color data.
o[key] := (o[key] ~= valid_positive) ? RegExReplace(o[key], "\s", "") : 0 ; Default for everything is 0.
o[key] := (o[key] ~= "(pt|px)$") ? SubStr(o[key], 1, -2) : o[key]
o[key] := (o[key] ~= "vw$") ? RegExReplace(o[key], "vw$", "") * this.vw : o[key]
o[key] := (o[key] ~= "vh$") ? RegExReplace(o[key], "vh$", "") * this.vh : o[key]
o[key] := (o[key] ~= "vmin$") ? RegExReplace(o[key], "vmin$", "") * this.vmin : o[key]
o.1 := (o.1 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(o.1, 1, -1) * 0.01 * font_size : o.1
o.2 := this.color(o.2, font_color) ; Default color is the text font color.
o.3 := (o.3 ~= "%$") ? SubStr(o.3, 1, -1) * 0.01 * font_size : o.3
o.4 := this.color(o.4, o.2) ; Default color is outline color.
return o
colorMap(c) {
static map
if !(map) {
color := [] ; 73 LINES MAX
color["Clear"] := color["Off"] := color["None"] := color["Transparent"] := "0x00000000"
color["AliceBlue"] := "0xFFF0F8FF"
, color["AntiqueWhite"] := "0xFFFAEBD7"
, color["Aqua"] := "0xFF00FFFF"
, color["Aquamarine"] := "0xFF7FFFD4"
, color["Azure"] := "0xFFF0FFFF"
, color["Beige"] := "0xFFF5F5DC"
, color["Bisque"] := "0xFFFFE4C4"
, color["Black"] := "0xFF000000"
, color["BlanchedAlmond"] := "0xFFFFEBCD"
, color["Blue"] := "0xFF0000FF"
, color["BlueViolet"] := "0xFF8A2BE2"
, color["Brown"] := "0xFFA52A2A"
, color["BurlyWood"] := "0xFFDEB887"
, color["CadetBlue"] := "0xFF5F9EA0"
, color["Chartreuse"] := "0xFF7FFF00"
, color["Chocolate"] := "0xFFD2691E"
, color["Coral"] := "0xFFFF7F50"
, color["CornflowerBlue"] := "0xFF6495ED"
, color["Cornsilk"] := "0xFFFFF8DC"
, color["Crimson"] := "0xFFDC143C"
, color["Cyan"] := "0xFF00FFFF"
, color["DarkBlue"] := "0xFF00008B"
, color["DarkCyan"] := "0xFF008B8B"
, color["DarkGoldenRod"] := "0xFFB8860B"
, color["DarkGray"] := "0xFFA9A9A9"
, color["DarkGrey"] := "0xFFA9A9A9"
, color["DarkGreen"] := "0xFF006400"
, color["DarkKhaki"] := "0xFFBDB76B"
, color["DarkMagenta"] := "0xFF8B008B"
, color["DarkOliveGreen"] := "0xFF556B2F"
, color["DarkOrange"] := "0xFFFF8C00"
, color["DarkOrchid"] := "0xFF9932CC"
, color["DarkRed"] := "0xFF8B0000"
, color["DarkSalmon"] := "0xFFE9967A"
, color["DarkSeaGreen"] := "0xFF8FBC8F"
, color["DarkSlateBlue"] := "0xFF483D8B"
, color["DarkSlateGray"] := "0xFF2F4F4F"
, color["DarkSlateGrey"] := "0xFF2F4F4F"
, color["DarkTurquoise"] := "0xFF00CED1"
, color["DarkViolet"] := "0xFF9400D3"
, color["DeepPink"] := "0xFFFF1493"
, color["DeepSkyBlue"] := "0xFF00BFFF"
, color["DimGray"] := "0xFF696969"
, color["DimGrey"] := "0xFF696969"
, color["DodgerBlue"] := "0xFF1E90FF"
, color["FireBrick"] := "0xFFB22222"
, color["FloralWhite"] := "0xFFFFFAF0"
, color["ForestGreen"] := "0xFF228B22"
, color["Fuchsia"] := "0xFFFF00FF"
, color["Gainsboro"] := "0xFFDCDCDC"
, color["GhostWhite"] := "0xFFF8F8FF"
, color["Gold"] := "0xFFFFD700"
, color["GoldenRod"] := "0xFFDAA520"
, color["Gray"] := "0xFF808080"
, color["Grey"] := "0xFF808080"
, color["Green"] := "0xFF008000"
, color["GreenYellow"] := "0xFFADFF2F"
, color["HoneyDew"] := "0xFFF0FFF0"
, color["HotPink"] := "0xFFFF69B4"
, color["IndianRed"] := "0xFFCD5C5C"
, color["Indigo"] := "0xFF4B0082"
, color["Ivory"] := "0xFFFFFFF0"
, color["Khaki"] := "0xFFF0E68C"
, color["Lavender"] := "0xFFE6E6FA"
, color["LavenderBlush"] := "0xFFFFF0F5"
, color["LawnGreen"] := "0xFF7CFC00"
, color["LemonChiffon"] := "0xFFFFFACD"
, color["LightBlue"] := "0xFFADD8E6"
, color["LightCoral"] := "0xFFF08080"
, color["LightCyan"] := "0xFFE0FFFF"
, color["LightGoldenRodYellow"] := "0xFFFAFAD2"
, color["LightGray"] := "0xFFD3D3D3"
, color["LightGrey"] := "0xFFD3D3D3"
color["LightGreen"] := "0xFF90EE90"
, color["LightPink"] := "0xFFFFB6C1"
, color["LightSalmon"] := "0xFFFFA07A"
, color["LightSeaGreen"] := "0xFF20B2AA"
, color["LightSkyBlue"] := "0xFF87CEFA"
, color["LightSlateGray"] := "0xFF778899"
, color["LightSlateGrey"] := "0xFF778899"
, color["LightSteelBlue"] := "0xFFB0C4DE"
, color["LightYellow"] := "0xFFFFFFE0"
, color["Lime"] := "0xFF00FF00"
, color["LimeGreen"] := "0xFF32CD32"
, color["Linen"] := "0xFFFAF0E6"
, color["Magenta"] := "0xFFFF00FF"
, color["Maroon"] := "0xFF800000"
, color["MediumAquaMarine"] := "0xFF66CDAA"
, color["MediumBlue"] := "0xFF0000CD"
, color["MediumOrchid"] := "0xFFBA55D3"
, color["MediumPurple"] := "0xFF9370DB"
, color["MediumSeaGreen"] := "0xFF3CB371"
, color["MediumSlateBlue"] := "0xFF7B68EE"
, color["MediumSpringGreen"] := "0xFF00FA9A"
, color["MediumTurquoise"] := "0xFF48D1CC"
, color["MediumVioletRed"] := "0xFFC71585"
, color["MidnightBlue"] := "0xFF191970"
, color["MintCream"] := "0xFFF5FFFA"
, color["MistyRose"] := "0xFFFFE4E1"
, color["Moccasin"] := "0xFFFFE4B5"
, color["NavajoWhite"] := "0xFFFFDEAD"
, color["Navy"] := "0xFF000080"
, color["OldLace"] := "0xFFFDF5E6"
, color["Olive"] := "0xFF808000"
, color["OliveDrab"] := "0xFF6B8E23"
, color["Orange"] := "0xFFFFA500"
, color["OrangeRed"] := "0xFFFF4500"
, color["Orchid"] := "0xFFDA70D6"
, color["PaleGoldenRod"] := "0xFFEEE8AA"
, color["PaleGreen"] := "0xFF98FB98"
, color["PaleTurquoise"] := "0xFFAFEEEE"
, color["PaleVioletRed"] := "0xFFDB7093"
, color["PapayaWhip"] := "0xFFFFEFD5"
, color["PeachPuff"] := "0xFFFFDAB9"
, color["Peru"] := "0xFFCD853F"
, color["Pink"] := "0xFFFFC0CB"
, color["Plum"] := "0xFFDDA0DD"
, color["PowderBlue"] := "0xFFB0E0E6"
, color["Purple"] := "0xFF800080"
, color["RebeccaPurple"] := "0xFF663399"
, color["Red"] := "0xFFFF0000"
, color["RosyBrown"] := "0xFFBC8F8F"
, color["RoyalBlue"] := "0xFF4169E1"
, color["SaddleBrown"] := "0xFF8B4513"
, color["Salmon"] := "0xFFFA8072"
, color["SandyBrown"] := "0xFFF4A460"
, color["SeaGreen"] := "0xFF2E8B57"
, color["SeaShell"] := "0xFFFFF5EE"
, color["Sienna"] := "0xFFA0522D"
, color["Silver"] := "0xFFC0C0C0"
, color["SkyBlue"] := "0xFF87CEEB"
, color["SlateBlue"] := "0xFF6A5ACD"
, color["SlateGray"] := "0xFF708090"
, color["SlateGrey"] := "0xFF708090"
, color["Snow"] := "0xFFFFFAFA"
, color["SpringGreen"] := "0xFF00FF7F"
, color["SteelBlue"] := "0xFF4682B4"
, color["Tan"] := "0xFFD2B48C"
, color["Teal"] := "0xFF008080"
, color["Thistle"] := "0xFFD8BFD8"
, color["Tomato"] := "0xFFFF6347"
, color["Turquoise"] := "0xFF40E0D0"
, color["Violet"] := "0xFFEE82EE"
, color["Wheat"] := "0xFFF5DEB3"
, color["White"] := "0xFFFFFFFF"
, color["WhiteSmoke"] := "0xFFF5F5F5"
color["Yellow"] := "0xFFFFFF00"
, color["YellowGreen"] := "0xFF9ACD32"
map := color
return map[c]
GaussianBlur(ByRef pBitmap, radius, opacity := 1) {
static x86 := "
static x64 := "
width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap)
height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
clone := Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pBitmap, 0, 0, width, height)
E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, width, height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1)
E2 := Gdip_LockBits(clone, 0, 0, width, height, Stride2, Scan02, BitmapData2)
DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str",(A_PtrSize == 8) ? x64 : x86, "uint",0, "uint",0x1, "ptr",0, "uint*",s, "ptr",0, "ptr",0)
p := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint",0, "ptr",s, "ptr")
if (A_PtrSize == 8)
DllCall("VirtualProtect", "ptr",p, "ptr",s, "uint",0x40, "uint*",op)
DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str",(A_PtrSize == 8) ? x64 : x86, "uint",0, "uint",0x1, "ptr",p, "uint*",s, "ptr",0, "ptr",0)
value := DllCall(p, "ptr",Scan01, "ptr",Scan02, "uint",width, "uint",height, "uint",4, "uint",radius, "float",opacity)
DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr", p)
Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData1)
Gdip_UnlockBits(clone, BitmapData2)
return value
get {
; Determine if there is a parent class. this.__class will retrive the
; current instance's class name. Array notation [] will dereference.
; Returns void if this function is not nested in at least 2 classes.
if ((_class := RegExReplace(this.__class, "^(.*)\..*$", "$1")) != this.__class)
Loop, Parse, _class, .
outer := (A_Index=1) ? %A_LoopField% : outer[A_LoopField]
return outer
x1() {
return this.x
y1() {
return this.y
x2() {
return this.xx
y2() {
return this.yy
width() {
return this.xx - this.x
height() {
return this.yy - this.y
} ; End of Subtitle class.