[lib][v2] buf.ahk - Primitive buffer functions.

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[lib][v2] buf.ahk - Primitive buffer functions.

15 Oct 2017, 11:52

The functions consider two buffer types, char* (1 byte elements) and short* (2 byte elements). There are three functions for each buffer type, they are find, count and write. Short summary,
  • find(), finds the first occurance of a needle in a haystack.
  • count(), counts the number of occurances of a needle in a haystack.
  • write(), finds position p of a needle in a haystack, and writes a buffer into the haystack at position p + an optional offset.
For example, you can think of the find functions as an instr function but where you specify the length to search over, rather than ending on null termination ('\0').

Documentation is available at the github :arrow: wiki.

Source available at github :arrow: buf.ahk. (Repo. includes the c source files.)

String count function, counts the line breaks in a string, example for v2

Code: Select all

#include buf.ahk
strCount(byref hay, byref ned, overlap:=0){	; the corresponding ANSI function would use buf_byte_find instead.
	return buf_short_count(&hay, &ned, strlen(hay), strlen(ned), overlap)
; Test script:
	nFound:=strCount(str, "`n")			; Count line breaks

msgbox("time taken: " round(t2-t1,3) " ms.`nFound: " nFound " linebreaks.")	; Show result

	static lineText:="some text "
	loop N
		str.= lineText A_Index "`n" 
	return str

QPC() { ; microseconds precision, borrowed from wolf_II
    static Freq, init := DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "Int64P", Freq)

    DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64P", Count)
    Return (Count / Freq)*1000
Edit: this only works for v2 now, you can browse the github history to get a v1 version or manually convert (simple).
Known issues
Very limited testing.

Feel free to use this in whichever modified or non-modified state you wish, for any peaceful purpose. No credits or references needed.

Have fun and good luck :wave:

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