GroupBox-Add/wrap around existing controls

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GroupBox-Add/wrap around existing controls

31 Oct 2017, 16:32

So, this is a direct continuation from an archived post: ... -controls/

Member "dmatch" created a function that creates a GroupBox that automatically wraps around "child" elements (specified in the function call) and shifts those elements to be inside the GroupBox.

As I started to play with the code, I found that I didn't want to have to specify grandchild elements when adding an existing GroupBox to the new one. So I updated the code to parse the list and automatically add the child elements of any GroupBoxes included in the child elements of the new GroupBox.

Code: Select all

;************************** GroupBox *******************************
;	Adds and wraps a GroupBox around a group of controls in
;	the default Gui. Use the Gui Default command if needed.
;	For instance:
;		Gui, 2:Default
;	sets the default Gui to Gui 2.
;	Add the controls you want in the GroupBox to the Gui using
;	the "v" option to assign a variable name to each control. *
;	Then immediately after the last control for the group
;	is added call this function. It will add a GroupBox and
;	wrap it around the controls.
;	Example:
;	Gui, Add, Text, vControl1, This is Control 1
;	Gui, Add, Text, vControl2 x+30, This is Control 2
;	GroupBox("GB1", "Testing", 20, 10, "Control1|Control2")
;	Gui, Add, Text, Section xMargin, This is Control 3
;	GroupBox("GB2", "Another Test", 20, 10, "This is Control 3")
;	Gui, Add, Text, yS, This is Control 4
;	GroupBox("GB3", "Third Test", 20, 10, "Static4")
;	Gui, Show, , GroupBox Test
;	* The "v" option to assign Control ID is not mandatory. You
;	may also use the ClassNN name or text of the control.
;	Author: dmatch @ AHK forum
;	Date: Sept. 5, 2011

GroupBox(GBvName			;Name for GroupBox control variable
		,Title				;Title for GroupBox
		,TitleHeight		;Height in pixels to allow for the Title
		,Margin				;Margin in pixels around the controls
		,Piped_CtrlvNames	;Pipe (|) delimited list of Controls
		,FixedWidth=""		;Optional fixed width
		,FixedHeight=""		;Optional fixed height
		,Kin=true)		; Added this option to disable the new functionality.  Default is to auto-include grandchildren.
	Local maxX, maxY, minX, minY, xPos, yPos ;all else assumed Global

;Start of new code
	static GBArray := Object()
	GBArray%GBvName% := Piped_CtrlvNames

	If Kin
		PCNInclude =
		Loop, Parse, Piped_CtrlvNames, |, %A_Space%
			i := A_LoopField
			For index, element in GBArray
				If i = %element%
					;MsgBox % "Found " i "`nElements include: " GBArray%i%
					PCNInclude := PCNInclude "|" GBArray%i%

	Piped_CtrlvNames := Piped_CtrlvNames PCNInclude
;end of new code

	Loop, Parse, Piped_CtrlvNames, |, %A_Space%
		;Get position and size of each control in list.
		GuiControlGet, GB, Pos, %A_LoopField%
		;creates GBX, GBY, GBW, GBH
		if(GBX<minX) ;check for minimum X
		if(GBY<minY) ;Check for minimum Y
		if(GBX+GBW>maxX) ;Check for maximum X
		if(GBY+GBH>maxY) ;Check for maximum Y
		;MsgBox % A_LoopField

		;Move the control to make room for the GroupBox
		yPos:=GBY+TitleHeight+Margin ;fixed margin
		GuiControl, Move, %A_LoopField%, x%xPos% y%yPos%
	;re-purpose the GBW and GBH variables
		GBW:=maxX-minX+2*Margin ;calculate width for GroupBox
		GBH:=maxY-MinY+TitleHeight+2*Margin ;calculate height for GroupBox ;fixed 2*margin

	;Add the GroupBox
	Gui, Add, GroupBox, v%GBvName% x%minX% y%minY% w%GBW% h%GBH%, %Title%
I hope this helps anyone that is looking to use GroupBoxes in their GUI layouts.
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Re: GroupBox-Add/wrap around existing controls

31 Oct 2017, 19:30

Thanks, digimystigi. I especially like the static array code and Piped_CtrlvNames. That should come in handy.
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Re: GroupBox-Add/wrap around existing controls

13 Nov 2017, 12:35

I thought it rather amusing, personally, that I was able to use a hack of AutoHotKey in variable handling; I can use "GBArray" for both an array and a pseudo-array because the first is the Object and the second is just "part of a variable name".

As said, though, I honestly cannot take credit for this function; dmatch gets the credit here. I'm just an amateur coder and never would have been able to come up with this. I was just tired of manually creating, adjusting and fine-tuning the GroupBoxes after *every single GUI change!* and found this on the archived board. In playing with it, I just thought it would be more "efficient" [for the GUI design] if I didn't have to specify the grandchildren in the new GroupBox definition.

Anyone have any thoughts on the code? Any improvements you can think of? if anyone is interested. I've already posted some updates to the code.
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Re: GroupBox-Add/wrap around existing controls

13 Nov 2017, 18:06

I did this too, forever ago. The download is dead but djsz posted a fix toward the bottom:

I still use it fairly often (a shortened version. all the comments+spacing was to help someone understand it).
rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?

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