Youtube to MP3

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Re: Youtube to MP3

13 Nov 2017, 00:10

can this be modified to work with Google Chrome?
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Re: Youtube to MP3

13 Nov 2017, 11:48

scriptor2016 wrote:can this be modified to work with Google Chrome?
Unfortunately not, only IE support automation like this
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Delta Pythagorean
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Re: Youtube to MP3

15 Nov 2017, 23:04

Improved and easier to work with!
  • Now Supports MP3 and MP4!
Here's my version on YT2Download
Full Code

[AHK]......: v2.0.12 | 64-bit
[OS].......: Windows 11 | 23H2 (OS Build: 22621.3296)
[DISCORD]..: tophatcat


Re: Youtube to MP3

16 Nov 2017, 14:33

Delta Pythagorean - I copied that code into the script, it doesn't say what the hotkey is, and I can't figure it out (very new to coding). Thanks in advance
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Re: Youtube to MP3

16 Nov 2017, 14:49

edit: thanks to burque505 i just realized how much of a douche i sounded like. please forgives me delta. just didnt want to take away from HIACs hard work. :P
Last edited by Wickster on 16 Nov 2017, 15:32, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Youtube to MP3

16 Nov 2017, 15:24

HIAC and Delta Pythagorean, thanks to both of you.

DP, that's a nice GUI. Took a second to realize the button was to paste the clipboard :)
Nice of you to not only give credit to HIAC in the GUI (not just the code!) but to also link HIAC's OP. Don't see that very often.

p.s. DP, just tried to download an MP4, but only the MP3 downloaded. I'm sure the reason is that I first downloaded the MP3, then chose the same URL and tried to download the MP4 with the same name. It worked fine when I changed the name to something different than what I'd used for the MP3.
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Re: Youtube to MP3

01 Jul 2021, 15:46

Thank you for your good recommendations. I found what I was looking for.
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Re: Youtube to MP3

04 Jul 2021, 08:26

I fixed the DOM path and added a wait so it works with the updated site

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%

pwb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
pwb.Visible := false

Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show, x200 y750 w465 h153, Youtube downloader by kovacevica00
Gui, Color, White
Gui, Font, s15, Courier New
Gui, Add, Text, x21 y16 w422 h27 +0x200, Please enter youtube song URL below:
Gui, Add, StatusBar
Gui, Font
Gui, Add, Edit, x11 y73 w442 h21 vURL,
Gui, Add, Button, Default x178 y107 w109 h22, OK
Gui, Add, Progress, vDProgress x11 y96 w442 h9 -Smooth
GuiControl, Focus, URL


F9:: ; To automatically select and copy URL from browser
clipboard =
Send, ^l
Sleep, 300
Send, ^c
If Clipboard = 
	Send, ^l
	Sleep, 500
	Send, ^c
ControlClick, OK, Youtube downloader by kovacevica00

if RegExMatch(Clipboard, "^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/watch\?v=([^&]+)")
	GuiControl,, URL, %Clipboard%
	GuiControl, Focus, OK

Gui, Submit, NoHide
if RegExMatch(URL, "^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/watch\?v=([^&]+)")
	If IsObject(pwb)
		GuiControl, Disable, URL
		GuiControl, Disable, OK
		SB_SetText("preparing download..")
		GuiControl, , DProgress, 10
		while pwb.busy or pwb.ReadyState !=4
			sleep, 100
		pwb.document.getElementById("input").value := URL
		while ((Inprogress := pwb.document.getElementById("file").href) = "")
			if ((CurrentStatus := pwb.document.getElementById("progress").innertext) = "checking video  ")
				GuiControl, , DProgress, 20
			else if ((CurrentStatus := pwb.document.getElementById("progress").innertext) = "loading video  ")
				GuiControl, , DProgress, 30
			else if ((CurrentStatus := pwb.document.getElementById("progress").innertext) = "converting video  ")
				GuiControl, , DProgress, 40
			sleep, 100
		GuiControl, , DProgress, 50
		DirectUrl :=
		while !DirectUrl {
		try DirectUrl := pwb.document.querySelectorAll("#buttons > a")[0].getAttribute("href") ; fixed 
		SB_SetText("Converting, please wait...") ; added
		sleep, 500
		SongName := pwb.document.getElementById("title").innertext
		SongName := strReplace(SongName,"|") ; Removes "|" as it is unsupported character
		SongName := strReplace(SongName,":") ; Removes ":" as it is unsupported character
		GuiControl, , DProgress, 70
		SB_SetText("downloading, please wait...")
		IfNotExist, %A_MyDocuments%\Music
			FileCreateDir, %A_MyDocuments%\Music
		URLDownloadToFile, %DirectUrl%,%A_MyDocuments%\Music\%SongName%.mp3
		SB_SetText("download successful!")
		GuiControl, , DProgress, 100
		GuiControl,, URL
		GuiControl, Enable, URL
		GuiControl, Enable, OK
		GuiControl, Focus, URL
		MsgBox,0, Error. Internet explorer failed to initialize. Relaunching.
	SB_SetText("Invalid URL")
	GuiControl, Focus, URL
Sleep, 1500
GuiControl, , DProgress, 0

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