Closing windows (and tabs) by double right click

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Closing windows (and tabs) by double right click

05 Apr 2018, 03:06

This script closes any window by double right click.
If application support tabs (for ex, Notepad++), it closes active tab instead whole application.
I found it handy for my daily routine.
This action if very common: everybody do it hundred times a day.
You don't need to look for a red close button by your eyes (no eye movement required), you don't need to drag mouse pointer to a specified small area.
Just double right click in any place of active window.
I also used a double click to task bar to close window groups.
But this feature rely highly on ImageSearch and it doesn't work properly where you are inside RDP-session for me and it also depends highly on your Window version.
If you want to try it, you need to create a folder "Additional_files" near a script and place png-files attached.
Then you can try double click by a group of tabs in taskbar and all windows should be closed if all is OK.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#If, !WinActive("ahk_class AutoHotkey") && !WinActive("ahk_exe winword.exe") && WinGetClassFunc(MouseGetPosFunc()) <> "TaskListThumbnailWnd"
~*RButton Up::
	;~ OutputDebug, click_Main_
	if (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 250 && A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey && IsFirstClick("") = true)
		WinGet, hw1, ID, A
		WinGet, proc1, ProcessName, A
		;~ OutputDebug, double click!!! %hw1%  %proc1%
		WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
		if (classNN1 = "#32770")
			;check for a "Properties"-dialog
			WinGetActiveTitle, title1
			if ((title1 ~= "(^Свойства: )|( Properties$)") > 0)
				Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
				;do not execute code below (cause the windows has been already closed)
		;some rules for certain known processes to handle their behaviour 
		;in more accurate and flexible way
		if (proc1 = "explorer.exe")
			;if double click has been made to task bar - close taskbar group
			if (WinGetClassFunc(MouseGetPosFunc()) = "Shell_TrayWnd")
				CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
				MouseGetPos, x1, y1
				CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
				x2 := x1
				y2 := y1
				;we will search for a clos button relatively from mouse point coordinates
				;by x: [-180 ; -80]
				;by y: [-110 ; 0]
				xMin := x2 - 280, xMax := x2 - 8, yMin := y2 - 210, yMax := y2 - 0
				OutputDebug xmin: %xmin% xmax: %xmax% ymin: %ymin% ymax: %ymax%
				;~ xmin = 0
				;~ ymin = 0
				;~ xmax = 1920
				;~ ymax = 1080
				OutputDebug A_OSVersion: %A_OSVersion%
				;I use operator "contains" because there are two different 
				;Windows versions: "WIN_8" and "WIN_8.1"
				if A_OSVersion contains WIN_8
					ImageSearch, x1, y1, %xMin%, %yMin%, %xMax%, %yMax%, Additional_files\CloseTaskbarItemWin8.png
				else if (A_OSVersion = "WIN_7")
					;~ ImageSearch, x1, y1, %xMin%, %yMin%, %xMax%, %yMax%, Additional_files\CloseTaskbarItemWin7.png
					ImageSearch, x1, y1, %xMin%, %yMin%, %xMax%, %yMax%, *10 TransFFFFFF Additional_files\CloseTaskbarItem_RuTitle_Win7.png
					OutputDebug ErrorLevel 10: %ErrorLevel%
					if (ErrorLevel <> 0)
						;~ ImageSearch, x1, y1, %xMin%, %yMin%, %xMax%, %yMax%, Additional_files\CloseTaskbarItemWinServer.png
						ImageSearch, x1, y1, %xMin%, %yMin%, %xMax%, %yMax%, *10 TransFFFFFF Additional_files\CloseTaskbarItem_EngTitle_WinServer.png
						OutputDebug ErrorLevel 11: %ErrorLevel%
						ImageSearch, x1, y1, %xMin%, %yMin%, %xMax%, %yMax%, Additional_files\CloseTaskbarItemWinServer.png

				;~ OutputDebug ErrorLevel_ 1: %ErrorLevel%
				if (ErrorLevel = 0)
					Click, %x1%, %y1%
					;move mouse to a previous position
					Click, %x2%, %y2%, 0
					OutputDebug ErrorLevel all: %ErrorLevel%
					OutputDebug ErrorLevel 22: %ErrorLevel%
				WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
				WinGetActiveTitle, title1
				if (classNN1 = "Progman" && title1 = "Program Manager") 
					;Win 8.1 desktop double click is detected
					;or file properties (dir properties) window is detected
					;Close context menu and sleep to hide context menu correctly
					Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
					Sleep, 100
					WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
					WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "DLLHost.exe")
			;this is a "Средство просмотра фотографий Windows"
			WinGetActiveTitle, title1
			if title1 contains Средство просмотра фотографий Windows
				;~ OutputDebug Alt Ф Ы
				;keyboad hotkey doesn't work if English keyboard locale is used
				;Alt + Ф + Ы (main menu item "Файл" -> "вЫход")
				Send, {AltDown}{vk41}{vk53}{AltUp}
				;~ Send, {AltDown}фы{AltUp}
				;~ OutputDebug alt f4
				;sometimes Alt + F4 method produces glitches and waits and window hang
				;~ Send, {AltDown}{F4}{AltUp}
				;sometimes WinClose-method produces an exception: "COM surrogate exception"
				;so I try to use Alt + F4
				;~ Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
				;~ Sleep, 60
				;~ WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
				OutputDebug winclose1
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "kmplayer.exe")
			if (classNN1 = "Winamp v1.x" || classNN1 = "Winamp PE")
				Process, Close, %proc1%
				Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "firefox.exe")
			;native function works well (it closes current tab)
			;but other cases (ex, dialog windows) must be handled here by myself
			WinGetTitle, title1, ahk_id %hw1%
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			;I don't see any reliable way to determine if the firefox's window is a source code window
			if (classNN1 = "MozillaWindowClass")
				if ((title1 ~= "Mozilla Firefox$") > 0)
					;double click to web-page
					;closing a tab is processed by firefox plugin (tab mix plus)
					;press Tab button to hide context menu when empty page is opened
					if (title1 ~= "Fast Dial - Mozilla Firefox")
						Send, {Tab}
				else if ((title1 != "i).iim - iMacros Editor$") > 0 )
					;iMacros Code Editor window
					WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
					;else => TOR Browser
					;closing tab without additional addons installed
					Send, {CtrlDown}{F4}{CtrlUp}
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "gdt_proj.exe")
			;Data Module (ORTEMS)
			;standard way using WinClose doesn't work for Data Module's windows
			;some strange errors occurs because of MDI interface is used
			;Ctrl + F4 must close these windows
			;but it works bad for some kinds of windows
			;sometimes it doesn't work at all
			;so disable this hotkey for its windows
			;~ Send, {CtrlDown}{F4}{CtrlUp}
			;~ WinGet, hw1, PID, ahk_id %hw1%
			;~ Process, Close, %hw1%
			;~ OutputDebug PID=ErrorLevel: %hw1% = %ErrorLevel%			
		else if (proc1 = "skype.exe")
			;if double click was performed with Ctrl button pressed
			if (GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P"))
				;kill Skype
				Process, Close, skype.exe
				;close the window
				Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
				PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "SciTE.exe")
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%

			if (classNN1 = "SciTEWindow")
				;double click on main window has been detected
				;close current tab
				Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
				Sleep, 30
				SendMessage, 0x111, 105, 0,, ahk_id %hw1%
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "perfmon.exe")
			OutputDebug 1pf
				Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
				Send, {AltDown}{F4}{AltUp}

		else if (proc1 = "notepad++.exe")
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			;~ MouseGetPos, x1, y1, wi, ctHover, 2sss
			;~ MsgBox, %x1% %y1% %wi% cth %ctHover% cl %classNN1%
			;~ OutputDebug notepda++ catched
			if (classNN1 = "Notepad++")
				if (GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P"))
					;close tab without saving
					;~ OutputDebug Ctrl + RButton
					Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
					;~ Sleep, 30
					;close a current tab
					;PostMessage must be there
					;when SendMessage was used next commands weren't executed
					;- waited for SendMessage result?)
					PostMessage, 0x111, 41003,,, ahk_id %hw1%
					;close window with confirmation about saving
					WinWaitActive, ahk_class #32770, , 1
					if (ErrorLevel = 1)
					;Press No
					Send, {Tab}{Enter}
					;~ OutputDebug normal
					Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
					;~ Sleep, 30
					;close a current tab
					PostMessage, 0x111, 41003,,, ahk_id %hw1%
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "notepad.exe")
			;if Ctrl pressed during right-double click
			;then close notepad without saving
			if (GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P"))
				;~ OutputDebug pressed!
				;pros of this method of closing is a faster speed
				;there is flashing confirmation dialog about saving a file
				WinGet, hw1, PID, ahk_id %hw1%
				Process, Close, %hw1%
				;~ OutputDebug PID=ErrorLevel: %hw1% = %ErrorLevel%
				;~ OutputDebug no
				;I send Alt keystroke to hide context menu unneeded
				;this is more safe way to hide context menu because
				;escape button may close some types of windows
				;in certain circumstances instead of Alt button
				Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
				Sleep, 10
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "devenv.exe")
			WinGetPos, , , x1, y1, ahk_id %hw1%
			;~ OutputDebug x1: %x1% y1: %y1% x2: %x2% y2: %y2%
			;close dialog boxes
			if (classNN1 = "#32770")
				;check for a "Properties"-dialog
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
			else if (x1 >= 1900 || y1 >= 1030)
				;if main window opened (detection by window width or height):
				;close opened menu (it block input) and close a tab
				Send, {AltDown}{ShiftDown}{ShiftUp}{AltUp}
				Send, {CtrlDown}{F4}{CtrlUp}
				;if any other windows opened: just close it
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "ssms.exe" || proc1 = "sqlwb.exe")
			;sqlwb.exe = ssms.exe for 2005 version
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			;~ OutputDebug ssms!
			;#32770 - is a dialog box - it must be always closed
			if (classNN1 = "#32770")
				;this is usually a dialog box with closing a nonsaved tab
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
				WinGetActiveTitle, title1
				sqlVer := GetSqlServerVersionV2()
				lang1 := GetSqlServerLang(title1)
				if (sqlVer = 2005)
					OutputDebug SQL 2005

					CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
					MouseGetPos, x1, y1
					;~ OutputDebug y1: %y1%
					if (GetKeyState("Control", "D") || y1 = 0)
						Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
						Send, ^{F4}

						Sleep, 50
						if WinActive("ahk_exe sqlwb.exe ahk_class #32770")
							Send, {Right}
							Sleep, 60
							Send, {Enter}
						;~ Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
						Send, ^{F4}
				else if (sqlVer = 2008)
					OutputDebug SQL 2008
					;Close current tab without saving using a File's menu item
					;this is more reliable way than sending standard ^{F4} shotcut
					;the tab will be closed without saving holding Ctrl button 
					;during double Right click, or double Right clicking to a certain
					;place on the screen - at the zero pixel (the upper pixel on the screen)
					CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
					MouseGetPos, x1, y1
					;~ OutputDebug y1: %y1%
					if (GetKeyState("Control", "D") || y1 = 0)
						;remove context menu using Ctrl + Shift (it might block next hotkey (Ctrl + F4))
						;this send command must be here, after GetKeyState has been checked
						Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
						Send, ^{F4}
						;that sleep command is vital for WinActive function in this script
						Sleep, 50
						if WinActive("ahk_exe ssms.exe ahk_class #32770")
							Send, {Right}
							Sleep, 60
							Send, {Enter}
						Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
						Send, ^{F4}
				else if (sqlVer = 2012)
					OutputDebug SQL 2012
					;during double Right click, or double Right clicking to a certain
					;place on the screen - at the zero pixel (the upper pixel on the screen)
					CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
					MouseGetPos, x1, y1
					;~ OutputDebug y1: %y1%
					if (GetKeyState("Control", "D") || y1 = 0)
						;remove context menu using AppsKey (it might block next hotkey (Ctrl + F4))
						;this send command must be here, after GetKeyState has been checked
						Send, {AppsKey}^{F4}
						;that sleep command is vital for WinActive function in this script
						Sleep, 50
						if WinActive("ahk_exe ssms.exe ahk_class #32770")
							Send, {Right}
							Sleep, 60
							Send, {Enter}
						Send, {AppsKey}
						Send, ^{F4}
					OutputDebug SQL window for close
					WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "mstsc.exe")
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			if (classNN1 = "#32770")
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
				;propagate a click to RDP window instead of closing it
				Send, {A_ThisHotkey}
		else if proc1 contains vmware,vmplayer
			;get classname of the control a mouse is hovering on
			MouseGetPos, , , , ctHover
			if ctHover contains MKSEmbedded
				;propagate a click to a window instead of closing it
				Send, {A_ThisHotkey}
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
				Sleep, 100
				Send, {Enter}
		else if proc1 in taskmgr.exe,ortplan.exe,mediainfo.exe,everything.exe,picpick.exe
			Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
			Sleep, 30
			WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "iexplore.exe")
			;closing by double click give a huge context menu after closing
			;to prevent showing this menu at all I kill this process
			WinGet, hw1, PID, ahk_id %hw1%
			Process, Close, %hw1% 

		else if proc1 in AU3_Spy.exe,SBIECTRL.exe,picpick.exe
			Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
			WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		; windows that aren't react on WinClose, but PostMessage
		else if proc1 in excel.exe,outlook.exe
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			;~ OutputDebug classNN1: %classNN1%
			if ((classNN1 ~= "i)dialog|bosa_sdm_XL9") > 0)
				;here I handle excel-dialogs (like a properties of diagram)
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
				;here I handle main windows and other usual windows
				;because winword, excel and outlook aren't closed by WM_CLOSE
				PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "teamviewer.exe")
			;if teamviewer's main window is opened - do not close it by double RButton
			;propagate these click to it
			;~ OutputDebug teamviewer found!
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			if (classNN1 = "TV_CClientWindowClass")
				;do nothing
				OutputDebug do nothing
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "HxD.exe")
			;if HexViewer's main window is opened - press Ctrl + F4 to close current tab
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			if (classNN1 = "TFormMain.UnicodeClass")
				if (CurrentWindowTitle() = "HxD")
					;if there is no any tabs opened - close main window
					WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
					;if tab opened, close context menu and press Ctrl + F4 to close the tab
					Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
					Send, {CtrlDown}{F4}{CtrlUp}
				;close all other windows of this process (Dialog windows, etc)
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		}		;Beyond Compare
		else if (proc1 = "BCompare.exe")
			WinGetTitle, title1, ahk_id %hw1%
			;if title end with this literal, assume that it is a main window
			;so we want to close a tab in it
			if ((title1 ~= " - Beyond Compare$") > 0)
				;~ OutputDebug fnd
				Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
				;Ctrl + F4 to close a current tab
				;~ Send, {CtrlDown}{F4}{CtrlUp}
				Send, {CtrlDown}{vk57}{CtrlUp}
				;~ OutputDebug close!
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "STDUViewerApp.exe")
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			if (classNN1 = "STDUViewerMainWindowClass")
				;close context menu, then close a tab
				Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
				Send, {CtrlDown}{F4}{CtrlUp}
				;for other STDUViewer's windows types
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "bdeadmin.exe")
			;close context menu, then close the window using Alt + F4
			Send, {AltDown}{F4}{AltUp}
		else if (proc1 = "hh.exe")
			;hh.exe is a chm-help file (like old AutoHotkey help)
			;close the window using Alt + F4
			Send, {AltDown}{F4}{AltUp}
		else if (proc1 = "mmc.exe")
			;mmc.exe is a gpedit.msc (оснастка, редактор групповой политики)
			;close the window using Alt + F4
			Send, {AltDown}{F4}{AltUp}
		else if (proc1 = "WebMoney.exe")
			;winclose-method crashes webmoney keeper application, so lets try another way to close window
			;postmessage-method doesn't work at all
			Send, {AltDown}{AltUp}
			Send, {AltDown}{F4}{AltUp}
		else if (proc1 = "communicator.exe")
			;communicator.exe is a Microsoft Lync
			WinGetClass, classNN1, ahk_id %hw1%
			if (classNN1 = "CommunicatorMainWindowClass")
				Send, {AltDown}{F4}{AltUp}
				;for other Lync's windows types
				WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		else if (proc1 = "Launchy.exe" && classNN1 = "QTool")
			OutputDebug launchy
			;~ OutputDebug some app
			Send, {CtrlDown}{AltDown}{AltUp}{CtrlUp}
			WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		;there are three common ways to close a window (if first one doesn't work try another one):
		;~ WinClose, ahk_id %hw1%
		;~ PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, ahk_id %hw1%
		;~ WinKill, ahk_id %hw1%
		;~ OutputDebug 1
		;~ OutputDebug, Click

;Double RButton at AutoHotkey's main window (Key history) => closes it
;AutoHotkey's main window doesn't work properly while handling "RButton Up"
;when the window is a current script's window
;so here is a special case to handle this issue
#If, i1 := WinActive("ahk_class AutoHotkey") || WinActive("ahk_exe qbittorrent.exe") || WinActive("ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32 ahk_exe OUTLOOK.EXE")
~RButton Up::
	;~ OutputDebug rclick1
	if (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 250 && A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey && IsFirstClick("") = true)
		;restore previous mouse position
		MouseMove, x1, y1
		;minimize the window (but not close/terminate it)
		if (i1 > 0)
			PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, A
		;here is a dirty hack to force next RButton click to be able detected:
		;move mouse left at one pixel so the next RButton occurs not at the same point
		;and will be detected by this hotkey
		MouseGetPos, x1, y1
		MouseMove, x1, y1

;function returns class of a window by its HWND
	local classNN9
	WinGetClass, classNN9, ahk_id %hw8%
	return classNN9

;function returns current x/y mouse pointer position
	local x9, y9, hw9

	MouseGetPos, x9, y9, hw9, , 1
	return hw9

;this function is made to prevent triple right mouse click behave like quadruple click
	;the static varibale is used like a flag to differ single click from double click
	static isSecond
	if (isSec = "")
		return isSecond
		isSecond := isSec

;Change current keyboard language layout
;if parameter locale is empty - change to opposite,
;if it is "Ru" then switch to Russian, 
;otherwise - English
	local Ru1, En1, btrp1, Locale1, Locale2
;$OBFUSCATOR: $DEFLOSVARS: Ru1, En1, btrp1, Locale1, Locale2
	;PostMessage or SendMessage?
	if (locale_arg = "")
		SendMessage, 0x50, 4, 0, , A
		SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
		VarSetCapacity(List1, A_PtrSize*2)
		DllCall("GetKeyboardLayoutList", Int, 2, Ptr, &List1)
		Locale1 := NumGet(List1)
		btrp1 := SubStr(Locale2 := NumGet(List1, A_PtrSize), -3) = 0409
		En1 := btrp1 ? Locale2 : Locale1
		Ru1 := btrp1 ? Locale1 : Locale2
		SendMessage, 0x50,, locale_arg = "Ru" ? Ru1 : En1,, A

;returns SQL Server Management Studio version
	WinGetClass, classNN2, A
	;~ OutputDebug classNN2: %classNN2%
	if (classNN2 = "wndclass_desked_gsk")
		WinGet, tx1, ProcessName, A
		;~ OutputDebug tx1: %tx1%
		if (tx1 = "sqlwb.exe")
			return 2005
			return 2008
	;should start with "HwndWrapper..."
	else if (InStr(classNN2, "HwndWrapper[DefaultDomain;;") = 1)
		return 2012
		;~ OutputDebug unknown classNN2: %classNN2%
		return 0

;This function gets SQL Server language depending on it's main window title
	if (InStr(ti1, "Среда") > 0)
		return "Ru"
		return "En"

;Gets title of active window
	WinGetActiveTitle, title8
	return title8

CloseTaskbarItemWin7.png (116 Bytes) Viewed 2369 times
CloseTaskbarItemWin8.png (153 Bytes) Viewed 2369 times
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