[Function] SubStringX

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Posts: 22
Joined: 01 Jan 2014, 05:56

[Function] SubStringX

10 Aug 2018, 10:40

I have a little free time and i create the SubStringX function.
SubStringX Searches a string and extract one or more characters, according to unlimited Include-Exclude-Expand criteria.
Finally it returns All the text between the 1st and the last Include Needles.

Best Regards

***** UPDATES *****
v1.0 - 10-AUG-2018
  • Initial version
v1.1 - 11-AUG-2018
  • Added parameter "LO" (Left Offset) Number. Number of Characters to omit from the left extreme of Str while searching for 1st Inc Needle.

The latest version is always here
Function and Example:

Code: Select all

01. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SA;;;Y;;N;C;SA;
02. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SB;;;Y;;N;C;SB;

03. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SC;;;Y;;N;C;SC;
04. Ugly;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SD;;;Y;;N;C;SD;
05. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;Nn;C;SE;Remember to see;
06. wild;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SF;;;Y;;N;C;SF;
07. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFA;;;Y;;N;C;SFA;
08. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;N;;Y;C2;SE;Remember to see2;
09. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFD;;;Y;;N;C;SFD;
10. wild;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SF;;;Y;;N;C;SF;
11. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFA;;;Y;;N;C;SFA;
12. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;N;C3;SE;Remember to see3;
13. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFD;;;Y;;N;C;SFD;
14. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SK;;;Y;;N;C;SK;

Inc:=["Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;", ";y", ";n;", ";SE;"]

MsgBox,4096,SubStringX - 1, % "[" SubStringX(v, Inc, "", 1, LL, RR) "]`n`n(35-262):   LR=" LL "-" RR	; Search with multiple criteria.
	02. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SB;;;Y;;N;C;SB;

	03. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SC;;;Y;;N;C;SC;
	04. Ugly;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SD;;;Y;;N;C;SD;
	05. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;Nn;C]

MsgBox,4096,SubStringX - 2, % "[" SubStringX(v, Inc, Exc, 1, LL, RR) "]`n`n(667-681):   LR=" LL "-" RR	; All criteria have to exist in any, but the same, line.
	; [WORK;;;Y;;N;C3]

MsgBox,4096,SubStringX - 3, % "[" SubStringX(v, Inc, Exc, 1, LL, RR) "]`n`n(626-702):   LR=" LL "-" RR	; As previous but returns All the Resultant's line.
	; [12. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;N;C3;SE;Remember to see3;]

/*   PERPOSE:	Search a string and extract one or more characters, according to unlimited Include-Exclude-Expand criteria.
		Function returns All the text between the 1st and the last Include Needles.
     SYNTAX: 	SubStringX( String, IncludeArray [, ExcludeArray, LeftOffset, LeftExpandString, RightExpandString] )
Str	(HayStack) The string whose content is searched.                      ----- All searches are Case Insensitive -----
Inc	(Include Needles) Array of strings. To be a match, All have     to exist in the Resultant String and in this order.
Exc	(Exclude Needles) Array of strings. To be a match, All have NOT to exist in the Resultant String     in any  order.
LO	(Left Offset) Number. Number of Characters to omit from the left extreme of Str while searching for 1st Inc Needle.
Lex	(Expand Left)  String.   The left  extreme of Resultant will be expanded up to this. String itself will be omitted.
Rex	(Expand Right) String.   The right extreme of Resultant will be expanded up to this. String itself will be omitted.
	     Regardless of the Resultant's, expansion Lex and Rex vars will return ByRef the L/R position of the Resultant.
;================================================================================	  v1.1	|  11-AUG-2018  |  by [art]
SubStringX(Str, Inc, Exc="", LO=1, ByRef Lex="", ByRef Rex="") {      ; https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=53778
    ic:=Inc.MaxIndex(), ec:=Exc.MaxIndex(), i1:=StrLen(Inc[1]), i2:=StrLen(Inc[ic]), L1:=LO
    Loop {								;  ----- All searches are Case Insensitive -----  .
    	L:=InStr(Str,Inc[1],0,L1), R:=InStr(Str,Inc[ic],0,L1), C:="", po:=1  ; 1st  Inc needle pos.
    	IF  !o := SubStr(Str, L, R-L)					; Last Inc needle pos - always after 1st needle.
    	    Break							; Not Found > Break Loop to Exit function.
    	Loop, % (ic-2)							; Check Inc needles between 1st and last.
    	    IF ((!pi:=InStr(o,Inc[A_Index+1],0,po)) && x:=(1,C:=1,L1:=L+i1)) ; Current Inc needle NotExist  (or in wrong...
    		Continue 2						     ;     ...order) > NextOffset 1st-last needles.
    		po:=pi							; po ensures Inc needles Exist in correct order.
    	Loop, % ec							; Check Exc needles between 1st and last.
    	    IF (InStr(o, Exc[A_Index]) && x:=(1, C:=1, L1:=L+i1))	; Current Exc needle Exist...
    		Break							;	         ... > NextOffset 1st-last needles.
    	IF (!C && x:=(1,L:=(Lex ?InStr(Str,Lex,0,-StrLen(SubStr(Str,L)))+1 : L),R:=(Rex ?InStr(Str,Rex,0,R): R)))     ; (*)
    	    Break							; Found > Break Loop to Exit function.
    }	Return SubStr(Str, Lex:=(Lex ? L : L+i1), (Rex:=R)-Lex)	; Expand the Resultant (if needed) and assign ByRef values.
} ; (*) Resultant Found (All Inc needles Exist in correct order and All Exc needles NotExist)   >   Find L/R pos to Expand.

Last edited by art on 11 Aug 2018, 03:06, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 22
Joined: 01 Jan 2014, 05:56

Re: [Function] SubStringX

10 Aug 2018, 23:51

SubStringX v1.0 - Initial version
The latest version is always in the first post.

Function and Example:

Code: Select all

01. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SA;;;Y;;N;C;SA;
02. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SB;;;Y;;N;C;SB;

03. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SC;;;Y;;N;C;SC;
04. Ugly;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SD;;;Y;;N;C;SD;
05. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;Nn;C;SE;Remember to see;
06. wild;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SF;;;Y;;N;C;SF;
07. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFA;;;Y;;N;C;SFA;
08. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;N;;Y;C2;SE;Remember to see2;
09. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFD;;;Y;;N;C;SFD;
10. wild;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SF;;;Y;;N;C;SF;
11. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFA;;;Y;;N;C;SFA;
12. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;N;C3;SE;Remember to see3;
13. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SFD;;;Y;;N;C;SFD;
14. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SK;;;Y;;N;C;SK;

Inc:=["Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;", ";y", ";n;", ";SE;"]

MsgBox,4096,SubStringX - 1, % "[" SubStringX(v, Inc, "", LL, RR) "]`n`n(35-262):   LR=" LL "-" RR	; Search with multiple criteria.
	[Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SA;;;Y;;N;C;SA;
	02. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SB;;;Y;;N;C;SB;

	03. Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SC;;;Y;;N;C;SC;
	04. Ugly;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;SD;;;Y;;N;C;SD;
	05. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;Nn;C]

MsgBox,4096,SubStringX - 2, % "[" SubStringX(v, Inc, Exc, LL, RR) "]`n`n(667-681):   LR=" LL "-" RR	; All criteria have to exist in any, but the same, line.
	[Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;N;C3]

MsgBox,4096,SubStringX - 3, % "[" SubStringX(v, Inc, Exc, LL, RR) "]`n`n(626-702):   LR=" LL "-" RR	; As previous but returns All the Resultant's line.
	[12. Lovely;Animals;Cats and Dogs;XX;Home;WORK;;;Y;;N;C3;SE;Remember to see3;]

/*   PERPOSE:	Search a string and extract one or more characters, according to unlimited Include-Exclude-Expand criteria.
		Function returns All the text between the 1st and the last Include Needles.
     SYNTAX: 	SubStringX( String, IncludeArray [, ExcludeArray, LeftExpandString, RightExpandString] )
Str	(HayStack) The string whose content is searched.                      ----- All searches are Case Insensitive -----
Inc	(Include Needles) Array of strings. To be a match, All have     to exist in the Resultant String and in this order.
Exc	(Exclude Needles) Array of strings. To be a match, All have NOT to exist in the Resultant String     in any  order.
Lex	(Expand Left)  String.   The left  extreme of Resultant will be expanded up to this. String itself will be omitted.
Rex	(Expand Right) String.   The right extreme of Resultant will be expanded up to this. String itself will be omitted.
	     Regardless of the Resultant's, expansion Lex and Rex vars will return ByRef the L/R position of the Resultant.
;================================================================================         AHKL  |  10-AUG-2018  |  by [art]
SubStringX(Str, Inc, Exc="", ByRef Lex="", ByRef Rex="") {		     ;----- All searches are Case Insensitive -----
    ic:=Inc.MaxIndex(), ec:=Exc.MaxIndex(), i1:=StrLen(Inc[1]), i2:=StrLen(Inc[ic]), L1:=1
    Loop {
    	L:=InStr(Str,Inc[1],0,L1), R:=InStr(Str,Inc[ic],0,L1), C:="", po:=1  ; 1st  Inc needle pos.
    	IF  !o := SubStr(Str, L, R-L)					; Last Inc needle pos - always after 1st needle.
    	    Break							; Not Found > Break Loop to Exit function.
    	Loop, % (ic-2)							; Check Inc needles between 1st and last.
    	    IF ((!pi:=InStr(o,Inc[A_Index+1],0,po)) && x:=(1,C:=1,L1:=L+i1)) ; Current Inc needle NotExist  (or in wrong...
    		Continue 2						     ;     ...order) > NextOffset 1st-last needles.
    		po:=pi							; po ensures Inc needles Exist in correct order.
    	Loop, % ec							; Check Exc needles between 1st and last.
    	    IF (InStr(o, Exc[A_Index]) && x:=(1, C:=1, L1:=L+i1))	; Current Exc needle Exist...
    		Break							;	         ... > NextOffset 1st-last needles.
    	IF (!C && x:=(1,L:=(Lex ?InStr(Str,Lex,0,-StrLen(SubStr(Str,L)))+1 : L),R:=(Rex ?InStr(Str,Rex,0,R): R)))     ; (*)
    	    Break							; Found > Break Loop to Exit function.
    }	Return SubStr(Str, Lex:=(Lex ? L : L+i1), (Rex:=R)-Lex)	; Expand the Resultant (if needed) and assign ByRef values.
} ; (*) Resultant Found (All Inc needles Exist in correct order and All Exc needles NotExist)   >   Find L/R pos to Expand.

Posts: 481
Joined: 30 Oct 2013, 06:04

Re: [Function] SubStringX

11 Aug 2018, 01:09

Thanks, I keep it if needed...

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