Random Number String Generator

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Random Number String Generator

12 Aug 2018, 22:25

I have created a script that generates an array of random numbers and builds a string that contains the random numbers separated by commas.

I was building this to see if I could autopopulate an excel spreadsheet with some data that I could then try to manipulate but I got pretty hung up on this part so I'm glad I finally got it. :D

Maybe someone else would find this useful, I'm new to AHK so apologies if I did stuff in weird ways. I looked around but I didn't see anybody did exactly something like this. It seems weird to me you have to create a second variable for the second loop and you can't name it the same as the first variable. How do you do something like n = n + 1 then? I'm more used to how it is in Java, this language is a whole 'nother ballgame for me!

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

n := 10 ;

Arr := Array() ;
Loop %n%
Random rand, 1, 100 ;
R_%A_index% := rand ;

str = %R_1% ;
n1 := n - 1 ;
loop %n1%
index := A_index + 1 ;
str1 := R_%index% ;
str = %str%`, %str1% ;

msgbox, % str ;
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Re: Random Number String Generator

13 Aug 2018, 16:06

I think this is what you are trying to do... Wanted to give you another example.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force ; Allow only one running instance of script

N := 10 ; How many random numbers to generate
RandStr := "" ; Initialize variable to store combined random number string

Loop, % N { ; Loop [N] times
	Random, Rand, 1, 100 ; Return number from given range
	RandStr .= Rand (A_Index = N ? "" : ", ") ; Append value to existing variable contents (in this case, it's initially an empty string). Used ternary to specify whether or not to add a comma... If A_Index = 10 (last number) don't add comma, else add the comma.

MsgBox, % RandStr ; Display string in MessageBox
Other examples related to your inquiries:

Code: Select all

N := 0

Loop, 20 {
	N++ ; Increment value of N by 1 (can do N-- to subtract 1)
	MsgBox, % N

; ----------------------

N := 10
Str := "Hello"

Loop, % N {
	Str .= (A_Index = N ? "" : " " A_Index)

MsgBox, % Str

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