[Function] LV_AddEditRow - Add\Edit ListView control rows!

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[Function] LV_AddEditRow - Add\Edit ListView control rows!

02 Sep 2018, 00:45


I wrote this function that can be used to "Add" or "Edit" rows from ListView controls!

For my needs, the function is ready! But, if anyone here wants to improve it, feel free to do it so! (If there are better functions out there than this one, please share here!)

V2 uses SimpleObject "o()" function instead AHK Built-in Object!

v2.0 (Click here)

v1.1 (Click here)

v1.0 (Below)

Basic - 1 Listview control

Code: Select all

gui, add, listview, w310 vLV1 gLVEvents BackgroundWhite Grid, Id|A|B|C|D

loop, 5
LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

loop, 4
LV_Add("", a_index)		;add rows

gui, add, button, xm gAdd, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gEdit, Edit
gui, add, text, x+5, "Alternative: Double-Click rows to edit them!"

gui, show

LVEvents:	;_____________ LVEvents ________________

if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, A_GuiControl, "Modify")


Edit:		;____________ Edit _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Modify")


Add:		;____________ Add _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Add")


guiclose:	;_____________ gui close _______________

LV_AddEditRow(GuiWnd, LVCtrl, Status, Optns := "")	;_______________ Add/Edit ListView Controls Rows - v1.0 (Function) ___________________

;Local	;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;this function was tested in AutoHotKey

	;Local TempControlId	;this line was disabled because otherwise it would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default)

Static ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := []		;declare the variable as an object and remember its values between function calls 

Static GuiWindow, LVControl, FocusedRow, TotalCols, Options, GuiHwnd	;"Static" variables, remember values between function calls 

if (Status = "GetVar")
return, (%LVCtrl%)		;return the values of static variables from this function

if (Status = "GetObject")	;return the values of static Objects from this function
return, %GuiWnd%[LVCtrl]

GuiWindow := GuiWnd
LVControl := LVCtrl

Options := Optns.Clone()
;"Clone()", Returns a shallow (not always a 100% clone???) copy of the object.
;"Clone()" creates a new object from the object referenced by "Optns" variable!
;then, "Options" variable will reference that newly created/cloned object!

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!
;there is never more than one focused row in the entire list, and sometimes there is none at all!

	if (Status = "Modify" and FocusedRow = 0)
	msgbox, 8240, Warning!, No row is selected! Please, select a row to be modified!
	;"8240" sum of 8192 and 48 (8192 for "Task Modal" option \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)
	;"52" sum of 4 and 48 (4 for "yes - no" options \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy


TotalCols := LV_GetCount("Col")		;the function returns the number of columns in the control

gui, LVAddEditRow:Default
gui, destroy
Gui +HwndGuiHwnd

	loop, % TotalCols
	Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default			;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
	LV_GetText(TempHeader, 0, a_index)		;"0" is the columns header row / "a_index" is the column number

	if (Status = "Modify")
	LV_GetText(TempText, FocusedRow, a_index)	;"a_index" is the column number

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Default

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			gui, add, % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

	gui, add, text, % Options["Cell" a_index "HeaderOptions"], % TempHeader

		;Ternary operator, ( ? = if ) and ( : = else )

	ControlType := ControlOption := ControlText := ""	;blank\empty values

	ControlType := CtrlType[a_index] := Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] != "" ? Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] : "Edit"

		if (ControlType = "Checkbox")
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Checked" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "DateTime")
		TempText := TempText = "" ? "None" : RegExReplace(TempText, "\D")	;"\D" means any non-digit (remove any non-digit characters)
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Choose" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "ListBox" or ControlType = "DropDownList" or ControlType = "DDL")
			if (Status = "Modify")
			TempIndex := a_index
			TempList := Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"], Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] := ""

				loop, parse, TempList, |
				if (A_LoopField == "")		;if blank\empty (== is case-sensitive)
				continue			;Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one. Valid inside any kind of loop.

				TempString := A_LoopField

					loop, parse, TempText, |
						if ("S" TempString == "S" A_LoopField)		;"==" is case-sensitive, "S" forces "string" comprisons and avoids "number" comparisons!
						TempString .= "|"


				Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] .= TempString "|"
		else if (ControlType != "Edit" and ControlType != "ComboBox")
		if (ControlType = "MonthCal")
		TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "\Q/")	;remove any "/" character

		if (Status = "Modify")
		ControlText := TempText, Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] := ""

	gui, add, % ControlType, % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["Cell" a_index "Options"] " " ControlOption, % Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] ControlText

		if (Status = "Modify")
		if (ControlType = "Edit" or ControlType = "ComboBox")
		ControlSetText, , % TempText, % "ahk_id" TempControlId		;"ControlSetText" prevents "EOL" (End of LIne Translation), no "`n" is translated to "`r`n"

	ControlHwndId[a_index] := TempControlId		;the variable must be declared as an object first ("ControlHwndId := []")
	TempKey := Options["Cell" a_index "Hwnd"]
	CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			if (a_index = "1" and Status = "Modify" and Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "UpDown")
			Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"] := RegExReplace(TempText, "\.|,")		;Regex removes thousands separator (. or ,)

			gui, add, % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId


TempText := ""	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

if (Status = "Modify")
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Modify"
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Add"

gui, add, button, xm gLVAddEditRowLabel Default, % ButtonCaption

	if (Status = "Modify")
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Add
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Delete

gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowGuiClose, Cancel

gui, show, , % GuiCaption


LVAddEditRowLabel:	;_________ Function Label __________

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

	if (a_guicontrol = "Delete")
	FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")		;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!

	if (a_guicontrol = "Add" or a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		if (a_guicontrol = "Add")
		FocusedRow := LV_Insert(Options["NewRowIndex"] = "" ? LV_GetCount() + 1 : Options["NewRowIndex"], Options["NewRowOptions"])
		;The function adds a new row to the specified index position (if the ListView control does not have the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style)
		;The function returns the new row number, which is not necessarily the specified index position if the ListView has the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style.
		;Ternary operator, (? = if) and (: = else)
		;if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank\empty, the new row will be inserted to the end of the listview control, "LV_GetCount() + 1"
		;for some reason, the Options["NewRowOptions"] prevents Autohotkey from crashing if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank/empty and the ListView control contains "Sort" or "SortDesc" options

		if (a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, Options["RowOptions"])

		loop, % TotalCols
		if (CtrlType[a_index] = "Edit" or CtrlType[a_index] = "ComboBox")
		ControlGetText, TempText, , % "ahk_id" ControlHwndId[a_index]		;"ControlGetText" prevents EOL "End of line translation", no "`r`n" is translated to "`n"
		GuiControlGet, TempText, LVAddEditRow:, % ControlHwndId[a_index]

			if (CtrlType[a_index] = "DateTime")
			if (TempText != "")
			FormatTime, TempText, % TempText, yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss		;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)
			else if (CtrlType[a_index] = "MonthCal")
				if (TempText != "")
					Loop, Parse, TempText, -
					TempText := a_index = 1 ? "" : TempText

					FormatTime, TempTime, % A_LoopField, yyyy/MM/dd		;"MonthCal" does not retrieve  "HH24MISS" time portion , retrieves only "YYYYMMDD" Date

					TempText .= TempTime "-"

				TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "-$")	;remove the last "-" character at the end of the string

		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Col" a_index, TempText)

LV_Modify(0, "-Select")		;Deselect all rows

LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus Select Vis")
;"vis", Ensures that the specified row is completely visible by scrolling the ListView, if necessary.
;"Vis", has an effect only for "LV_Modify()" function! (does not work with "LV_Add()" function!)
;"Focus", Sets keyboard focus to the row / "Select", highlight the row

LVAddEditRowGuiClose:	;_______ LVAddEditRow Gui Close _______

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

GuiControl, Focus, % A_DefaultListView		;"A_DefaultListView" supported from [v1.1.23+]

if (Options["GoSub"] != "")	;if not blank/empty
GoSub, % Options["GoSub"]	;"GoTo" is not allowed inside functions, only "GoSub" is!

TempText := "", ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [], Options := []	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy	;by destroying the gui window, "a_guicontrol" will be made blank\empty!

Basic - 2 Listview controls

Code: Select all

gui, add, listview, w310 vLV1 gLVEvents BackgroundWhite Grid, Id|A|B|C|D

loop, 5
LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

loop, 4
LV_Add("", a_index)		;add rows

gui, add, button, xm gAdd1, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gEdit1, Edit
gui, add, text, x+5, "Alternative: Double-Click rows to edit them!"


gui, add, listview, xm w310 vLV2 gLVEvents BackgroundWhite Grid, Id|E|F|G|H

loop, 5
LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

loop, 4
LV_Add("", a_index)		;add rows

gui, add, button, xm gAdd2, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gEdit2, Edit
gui, add, text, x+5, "Alternative: Double-Click rows to edit them!"

gui, show

LVEvents:	;_____________ LVEvents (LV1 and Lv2) ________________

if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, A_GuiControl, "Modify")


Edit1:		;____________ Edit 1 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Modify")


Add1:		;____________ Add 1 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Add")


Edit2:		;____________ Edit 2 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV2", "Modify")


Add2:		;____________ Add 2 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV2", "Add")


guiclose:	;_____________ gui close _______________

LV_AddEditRow(GuiWnd, LVCtrl, Status, Optns := "")	;_______________ Add/Edit ListView Controls Rows - v1.0 (Function) ___________________

;Local	;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;this function was tested in AutoHotKey

	;Local TempControlId	;this line was disabled because otherwise it would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default)

Static ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := []		;declare the variable as an object and remember its values between function calls 

Static GuiWindow, LVControl, FocusedRow, TotalCols, Options, GuiHwnd	;"Static" variables, remember values between function calls 

if (Status = "GetVar")
return, (%LVCtrl%)		;return the values of static variables from this function

if (Status = "GetObject")	;return the values of static Objects from this function
return, %GuiWnd%[LVCtrl]

GuiWindow := GuiWnd
LVControl := LVCtrl

Options := Optns.Clone()
;"Clone()", Returns a shallow (not always a 100% clone???) copy of the object.
;"Clone()" creates a new object from the object referenced by "Optns" variable!
;then, "Options" variable will reference that newly created/cloned object!

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!
;there is never more than one focused row in the entire list, and sometimes there is none at all!

	if (Status = "Modify" and FocusedRow = 0)
	msgbox, 8240, Warning!, No row is selected! Please, select a row to be modified!
	;"8240" sum of 8192 and 48 (8192 for "Task Modal" option \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)
	;"52" sum of 4 and 48 (4 for "yes - no" options \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy


TotalCols := LV_GetCount("Col")		;the function returns the number of columns in the control

gui, LVAddEditRow:Default
gui, destroy
Gui +HwndGuiHwnd

	loop, % TotalCols
	Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default			;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
	LV_GetText(TempHeader, 0, a_index)		;"0" is the columns header row / "a_index" is the column number

	if (Status = "Modify")
	LV_GetText(TempText, FocusedRow, a_index)	;"a_index" is the column number

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Default

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			gui, add, % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

	gui, add, text, % Options["Cell" a_index "HeaderOptions"], % TempHeader

		;Ternary operator, ( ? = if ) and ( : = else )

	ControlType := ControlOption := ControlText := ""	;blank\empty values

	ControlType := CtrlType[a_index] := Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] != "" ? Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] : "Edit"

		if (ControlType = "Checkbox")
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Checked" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "DateTime")
		TempText := TempText = "" ? "None" : RegExReplace(TempText, "\D")	;"\D" means any non-digit (remove any non-digit characters)
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Choose" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "ListBox" or ControlType = "DropDownList" or ControlType = "DDL")
			if (Status = "Modify")
			TempIndex := a_index
			TempList := Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"], Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] := ""

				loop, parse, TempList, |
				if (A_LoopField == "")		;if blank\empty (== is case-sensitive)
				continue			;Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one. Valid inside any kind of loop.

				TempString := A_LoopField

					loop, parse, TempText, |
						if ("S" TempString == "S" A_LoopField)		;"==" is case-sensitive, "S" forces "string" comprisons and avoids "number" comparisons!
						TempString .= "|"


				Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] .= TempString "|"
		else if (ControlType != "Edit" and ControlType != "ComboBox")
		if (ControlType = "MonthCal")
		TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "\Q/")	;remove any "/" character

		if (Status = "Modify")
		ControlText := TempText, Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] := ""

	gui, add, % ControlType, % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["Cell" a_index "Options"] " " ControlOption, % Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] ControlText

		if (Status = "Modify")
		if (ControlType = "Edit" or ControlType = "ComboBox")
		ControlSetText, , % TempText, % "ahk_id" TempControlId		;"ControlSetText" prevents "EOL" (End of LIne Translation), no "`n" is translated to "`r`n"

	ControlHwndId[a_index] := TempControlId		;the variable must be declared as an object first ("ControlHwndId := []")
	TempKey := Options["Cell" a_index "Hwnd"]
	CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			if (a_index = "1" and Status = "Modify" and Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "UpDown")
			Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"] := RegExReplace(TempText, "\.|,")		;Regex removes thousands separator (. or ,)

			gui, add, % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId


TempText := ""	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

if (Status = "Modify")
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Modify"
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Add"

gui, add, button, xm gLVAddEditRowLabel Default, % ButtonCaption

	if (Status = "Modify")
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Add
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Delete

gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowGuiClose, Cancel

gui, show, , % GuiCaption


LVAddEditRowLabel:	;_________ Function Label __________

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

	if (a_guicontrol = "Delete")
	FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")		;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!

	if (a_guicontrol = "Add" or a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		if (a_guicontrol = "Add")
		FocusedRow := LV_Insert(Options["NewRowIndex"] = "" ? LV_GetCount() + 1 : Options["NewRowIndex"], Options["NewRowOptions"])
		;The function adds a new row to the specified index position (if the ListView control does not have the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style)
		;The function returns the new row number, which is not necessarily the specified index position if the ListView has the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style.
		;Ternary operator, (? = if) and (: = else)
		;if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank\empty, the new row will be inserted to the end of the listview control, "LV_GetCount() + 1"
		;for some reason, the Options["NewRowOptions"] prevents Autohotkey from crashing if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank/empty and the ListView control contains "Sort" or "SortDesc" options

		if (a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, Options["RowOptions"])

		loop, % TotalCols
		if (CtrlType[a_index] = "Edit" or CtrlType[a_index] = "ComboBox")
		ControlGetText, TempText, , % "ahk_id" ControlHwndId[a_index]		;"ControlGetText" prevents EOL "End of line translation", no "`r`n" is translated to "`n"
		GuiControlGet, TempText, LVAddEditRow:, % ControlHwndId[a_index]

			if (CtrlType[a_index] = "DateTime")
			if (TempText != "")
			FormatTime, TempText, % TempText, yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss		;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)
			else if (CtrlType[a_index] = "MonthCal")
				if (TempText != "")
					Loop, Parse, TempText, -
					TempText := a_index = 1 ? "" : TempText

					FormatTime, TempTime, % A_LoopField, yyyy/MM/dd		;"MonthCal" does not retrieve  "HH24MISS" time portion , retrieves only "YYYYMMDD" Date

					TempText .= TempTime "-"

				TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "-$")	;remove the last "-" character at the end of the string

		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Col" a_index, TempText)

LV_Modify(0, "-Select")		;Deselect all rows

LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus Select Vis")
;"vis", Ensures that the specified row is completely visible by scrolling the ListView, if necessary.
;"Vis", has an effect only for "LV_Modify()" function! (does not work with "LV_Add()" function!)
;"Focus", Sets keyboard focus to the row / "Select", highlight the row

LVAddEditRowGuiClose:	;_______ LVAddEditRow Gui Close _______

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

GuiControl, Focus, % A_DefaultListView		;"A_DefaultListView" supported from [v1.1.23+]

if (Options["GoSub"] != "")	;if not blank/empty
GoSub, % Options["GoSub"]	;"GoTo" is not allowed inside functions, only "GoSub" is!

TempText := "", ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [], Options := []	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy	;by destroying the gui window, "a_guicontrol" will be made blank\empty!

Objects Test

Code: Select all

gui, add, listview, w310 vLV1 gLVEvents BackgroundWhite Grid, Id|A|B|C|D

loop, 5
LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

loop, 4
LV_Add("", a_index)		;add rows

gui, add, button, xm gAdd1, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gEdit1, Edit
gui, add, text, x+5, "Alternative: Double-Click rows to edit them!"

LV1Options := []
LV1Options["Cell2Type"] := "ListBox"
LV1Options["Cell2Text"] := "AAA|BBB|CCC||DDD"


gui, add, listview, xm w310 vLV2 gLVEvents BackgroundWhite Grid, Id|E|F|G|H

loop, 5
LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

loop, 4
LV_Add("", a_index)		;add rows

gui, add, button, xm gAdd2, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gEdit2, Edit
gui, add, text, x+5, "Alternative: Double-Click rows to edit them!"

LV2Options := []
LV2Options["Cell5Type"] := "DropDownList"
LV2Options["Cell5Text"] := "EEE|FFF|GGG||HHH"

gui, show

LVEvents:	;_____________ LVEvents (LV1 and Lv2) ________________

if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
if (a_guicontrol = "LV1")
Options := LV1Options 

if (a_guicontrol = "LV2")
Options := LV2Options

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, A_GuiControl, "Modify", Options)


Edit1:		;____________ Edit 1 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Modify", LV1Options)


Add1:		;____________ Add 1 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV1", "Add", LV1Options)


Edit2:		;____________ Edit 2 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV2", "Modify", LV2Options)


Add2:		;____________ Add 2 _______________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "LV2", "Add", LV2Options)


guiclose:	;_____________ gui close _______________

LV_AddEditRow(GuiWnd, LVCtrl, Status, Optns := "")	;_______________ Add/Edit ListView Controls Rows - v1.0 (Function) ___________________

;Local	;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;this function was tested in AutoHotKey

	;Local TempControlId	;this line was disabled because otherwise it would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default)

Static ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := []		;declare the variable as an object and remember its values between function calls 

Static GuiWindow, LVControl, FocusedRow, TotalCols, Options, GuiHwnd	;"Static" variables, remember values between function calls 

if (Status = "GetVar")
return, (%LVCtrl%)		;return the values of static variables from this function

if (Status = "GetObject")	;return the values of static Objects from this function
return, %GuiWnd%[LVCtrl]

GuiWindow := GuiWnd
LVControl := LVCtrl

Options := Optns.Clone()
;"Clone()", Returns a shallow (not always a 100% clone???) copy of the object.
;"Clone()" creates a new object from the object referenced by "Optns" variable!
;then, "Options" variable will reference that newly created/cloned object!

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!
;there is never more than one focused row in the entire list, and sometimes there is none at all!

	if (Status = "Modify" and FocusedRow = 0)
	msgbox, 8240, Warning!, No row is selected! Please, select a row to be modified!
	;"8240" sum of 8192 and 48 (8192 for "Task Modal" option \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)
	;"52" sum of 4 and 48 (4 for "yes - no" options \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy


TotalCols := LV_GetCount("Col")		;the function returns the number of columns in the control

gui, LVAddEditRow:Default
gui, destroy
Gui +HwndGuiHwnd

	loop, % TotalCols
	Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default			;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
	LV_GetText(TempHeader, 0, a_index)		;"0" is the columns header row / "a_index" is the column number

	if (Status = "Modify")
	LV_GetText(TempText, FocusedRow, a_index)	;"a_index" is the column number

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Default

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			gui, add, % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

	gui, add, text, % Options["Cell" a_index "HeaderOptions"], % TempHeader

		;Ternary operator, ( ? = if ) and ( : = else )

	ControlType := ControlOption := ControlText := ""	;blank\empty values

	ControlType := CtrlType[a_index] := Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] != "" ? Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] : "Edit"

		if (ControlType = "Checkbox")
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Checked" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "DateTime")
		TempText := TempText = "" ? "None" : RegExReplace(TempText, "\D")	;"\D" means any non-digit (remove any non-digit characters)
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Choose" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "ListBox" or ControlType = "DropDownList" or ControlType = "DDL")
			if (Status = "Modify")
			TempIndex := a_index
			TempList := Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"], Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] := ""

				loop, parse, TempList, |
				if (A_LoopField == "")		;if blank\empty (== is case-sensitive)
				continue			;Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one. Valid inside any kind of loop.

				TempString := A_LoopField

					loop, parse, TempText, |
						if ("S" TempString == "S" A_LoopField)		;"==" is case-sensitive, "S" forces "string" comprisons and avoids "number" comparisons!
						TempString .= "|"


				Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] .= TempString "|"
		else if (ControlType != "Edit" and ControlType != "ComboBox")
		if (ControlType = "MonthCal")
		TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "\Q/")	;remove any "/" character

		if (Status = "Modify")
		ControlText := TempText, Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] := ""

	gui, add, % ControlType, % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["Cell" a_index "Options"] " " ControlOption, % Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] ControlText

		if (Status = "Modify")
		if (ControlType = "Edit" or ControlType = "ComboBox")
		ControlSetText, , % TempText, % "ahk_id" TempControlId		;"ControlSetText" prevents "EOL" (End of LIne Translation), no "`n" is translated to "`r`n"

	ControlHwndId[a_index] := TempControlId		;the variable must be declared as an object first ("ControlHwndId := []")
	TempKey := Options["Cell" a_index "Hwnd"]
	CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			if (a_index = "1" and Status = "Modify" and Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "UpDown")
			Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"] := RegExReplace(TempText, "\.|,")		;Regex removes thousands separator (. or ,)

			gui, add, % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId


TempText := ""	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

if (Status = "Modify")
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Modify"
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Add"

gui, add, button, xm gLVAddEditRowLabel Default, % ButtonCaption

	if (Status = "Modify")
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Add
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Delete

gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowGuiClose, Cancel

gui, show, , % GuiCaption


LVAddEditRowLabel:	;_________ Function Label __________

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

	if (a_guicontrol = "Delete")
	FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")		;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!

	if (a_guicontrol = "Add" or a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		if (a_guicontrol = "Add")
		FocusedRow := LV_Insert(Options["NewRowIndex"] = "" ? LV_GetCount() + 1 : Options["NewRowIndex"], Options["NewRowOptions"])
		;The function adds a new row to the specified index position (if the ListView control does not have the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style)
		;The function returns the new row number, which is not necessarily the specified index position if the ListView has the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style.
		;Ternary operator, (? = if) and (: = else)
		;if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank\empty, the new row will be inserted to the end of the listview control, "LV_GetCount() + 1"
		;for some reason, the Options["NewRowOptions"] prevents Autohotkey from crashing if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank/empty and the ListView control contains "Sort" or "SortDesc" options

		if (a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, Options["RowOptions"])

		loop, % TotalCols
		if (CtrlType[a_index] = "Edit" or CtrlType[a_index] = "ComboBox")
		ControlGetText, TempText, , % "ahk_id" ControlHwndId[a_index]		;"ControlGetText" prevents EOL "End of line translation", no "`r`n" is translated to "`n"
		GuiControlGet, TempText, LVAddEditRow:, % ControlHwndId[a_index]

			if (CtrlType[a_index] = "DateTime")
			if (TempText != "")
			FormatTime, TempText, % TempText, yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss		;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)
			else if (CtrlType[a_index] = "MonthCal")
				if (TempText != "")
					Loop, Parse, TempText, -
					TempText := a_index = 1 ? "" : TempText

					FormatTime, TempTime, % A_LoopField, yyyy/MM/dd		;"MonthCal" does not retrieve  "HH24MISS" time portion , retrieves only "YYYYMMDD" Date

					TempText .= TempTime "-"

				TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "-$")	;remove the last "-" character at the end of the string

		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Col" a_index, TempText)

LV_Modify(0, "-Select")		;Deselect all rows

LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus Select Vis")
;"vis", Ensures that the specified row is completely visible by scrolling the ListView, if necessary.
;"Vis", has an effect only for "LV_Modify()" function! (does not work with "LV_Add()" function!)
;"Focus", Sets keyboard focus to the row / "Select", highlight the row

LVAddEditRowGuiClose:	;_______ LVAddEditRow Gui Close _______

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

GuiControl, Focus, % A_DefaultListView		;"A_DefaultListView" supported from [v1.1.23+]

if (Options["GoSub"] != "")	;if not blank/empty
GoSub, % Options["GoSub"]	;"GoTo" is not allowed inside functions, only "GoSub" is!

TempText := "", ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [], Options := []	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy	;by destroying the gui window, "a_guicontrol" will be made blank\empty!

A more extensive but yet simple Example

LV_AddEditRow (Function).gif
(1.94 MiB) Not downloaded yet

Code: Select all

	;uncomment the "Local" line inside "LV_AddEditRow" function if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in the function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;the function was tested in AutoHotKey

Count := 1

LVOptions := []		;declare the variable as an object

LVOptions["RowOptions"] := "Check"
;just for testing, which means that, every modified row will have its correspondent checkbox checked!
;All the row options from the listview built-in functions can be used here!

LVOptions["NewRowIndex"] := 3
;every newly inserted row will be placed at row position 3
;if LVOptions["NewRowIndex"] is not defined (blank\empty), every newly inserted row will be placed at the bottom of the listview control
;(The above lines are valid only if the listview control does not contain "Sort" or "SortDesc" options)

LVOptions["NewRowOptions"] := "Check"
;just for testing, which means that, every newly inserted row will have its correspondent checkbox checked!
;All the row options from the listview built-in functions can be used here!

	;All gui control built-in options can be used below

loop, 2
LVOptions["Cell" a_index "Options"] := "w300 cRed"

LVOptions["Cell1Hwnd"] := "Cell1"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Cell1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later! 

LVOptions["Cell2Options"] .= " r3"	;adding an extra option to cell2 (the leading "space" character is necessary!)
LVOptions["Cell2Hwnd"] := "C2"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "C2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell4Options"] := "w150 cGreen"
LVOptions["Cell4Hwnd"] := "4"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "4", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell3Type"] := "Checkbox"
LVOptions["Cell3Text"] := "Just Test (Check/Uncheck)"
LVOptions["Cell3Hwnd"] := "Check"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Check", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell5HeaderOptions"] := "Section cPurple"
LVOptions["Cell5Type"] := "ListBox"
LVOptions["Cell5Options"] := "multi h160"
LVOptions["Cell5Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell6HeaderOptions"] := "x+5 ys cBlue"
LVOptions["Cell6Type"] := "ListBox"
LVOptions["Cell6Options"] := "h160"
LVOptions["Cell6Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell7HeaderOptions"] := "x+5 ys cAqua"
LVOptions["Cell7Type"] := "DropDownList"
LVOptions["Cell7Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell8HeaderOptions"] := "cOlive"
LVOptions["Cell8Type"] := "DDL"
LVOptions["Cell8Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell9HeaderOptions"] := "cMaroon section"
LVOptions["Cell9Type"] := "ComboBox"
LVOptions["Cell9Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"


LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Options"] := "w100 ym gAction"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Text"] := "Before Test 1 (Action)"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "BC10C1"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "BC10C1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Text"] := "Before Test 2"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Hwnd"] := "Button2"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Button2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Options"] := "w150"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Text"] := "Before Test 3"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Hwnd"] := "B3"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "B3", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell10HeaderOptions"] := "cRed"
LVOptions["Cell10Type"] := "DateTime"
LVOptions["Cell10Options"] := "2"	;"2" checkbox inside the control
LVOptions["Cell10Text"] := "LongDate"


LVOptions["Cell11Type"] := "DateTime"
LVOptions["Cell11Options"] := "2 ChooseNone"	;"2" checkbox inside the control, "None" checkbox unchecked
LVOptions["Cell11Text"] := "Time"


LVOptions["Cell12Type"] := "DateTime"
LVOptions["Cell12Options"] := "2 ChooseNone"		;"2" checkbox inside the control, "None" checkbox unchecked
LVOptions["Cell12Text"] := "yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss"	;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)

LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Options"] := "w100 gAction"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Text"] := "  After Test 1 (Action)  "
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "AC12C1"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AC12C1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Text"] := "After Test 2"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Hwnd"] := "AButton2"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AButton2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Options"] := "w150"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Text"] := "After Test 3"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Hwnd"] := "A3"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "A3", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!


LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl1Options"] := "w150 ym"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl1Text"] := "Before Test 4"

LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl2Text"] := "Before Test 5"

LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl3Options"] := "w100"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl3Text"] := "Before Test 6"

LVOptions["Cell13HeaderOptions"] := "cRed"
LVOptions["Cell13Type"] := "MonthCal"
LVOptions["Cell13Text"] := "20050525-20050531"

LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl1Options"] := "w150"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl1Text"] := "After Test 4"

LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl2Text"] := "After Test 5"

LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl3Options"] := "w100"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl3Text"] := "After Test 6"


LVOptions["BeforeCell14Ctrl1Type"] := "text"
LVOptions["BeforeCell14Ctrl1Options"] := "xs section"
LVOptions["BeforeCell14Ctrl1Text"] := "Less"

LVOptions["Cell14HeaderOptions"] := "x+50 y+-32"
LVOptions["Cell14Type"] := "slider"
LVOptions["Cell14Options"] := "x+-70 ys h25  ToolTip gUpdateSliderStatus"
LVOptions["Cell14Text"] := "25"
LVOptions["Cell14Hwnd"] := "Slider"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Type"] := "Edit"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Options"] := "xp+35 y+-0 w50 center +border gUpdateSlider"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Text"] := ""
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "SliderStatus"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl2Type"] := "text"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl2Options"] := "x+35 ys"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl2Text"] := "More"

	;The label "UpdateSliderStatus" must be executed everytime "LVAddEdidRow" gui window is created in order to update the "sliderStatus" control!
	;see "gosub, UpdateSliderStatus" examples below!


LVOptions["Cell15HeaderOptions"] := "x+10 y+-32"
LVOptions["Cell15Type"] := "Hotkey"
LVOptions["Cell15Text"] := "^!a"

LVOptions["AfterCell15Ctrl1Type"] := "text"
LVOptions["AfterCell15Ctrl1Options"] := "x+5"
LVOptions["AfterCell15Ctrl1Text"] := ":HotKey"


LVOptions["Cell16HeaderOptions"] := "x+20 section"
LVOptions["Cell16Options"] := "w70 ReadOnly"		;"ReadOnly" is recommended in order to prevent wrong results

LVOptions["AfterCell16Ctrl1Type"] := "UpDown"		;"Cell16" control above is automatically made the Buddy of this control
LVOptions["AfterCell16Ctrl1Options"] := "Range0-2000"
LVOptions["AfterCell16Ctrl1Text"] := "1500"


LVOptions["Cell17HeaderOptions"] := "ys"
LVOptions["Cell17Type"] := "UpDown"				;in this example, "Cell17" will be an "UpDown" control itself! 
LVOptions["Cell17Options"] := "h20 -16 gUpdateUpDownBuddy"	;"-16" prevents "UpDown" control to treat the "Cell17Header" control as its "Buddy" control!
LVOptions["Cell17Text"] := "89"
LVOptions["Cell17Hwnd"] := "UpDown"				;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell17Ctrl1Type"] := "Edit"
LVOptions["AfterCell17Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 w50 gUpdateUpDown"
LVOptions["AfterCell17Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "UpDownBuddy"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

	;The label "UpdateUpDownBuddy" must be executed everytime "LVAddEdidRow" gui window is created in order to update the "UpDownBuddy" control!
	;see "gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy" examples below!

LVOptions["Cell18HeaderOptions"] := "ys"
LVOptions["Cell18Type"] := "DDL"
LVOptions["Cell18Options"] := "w50"
LVOptions["Cell18Text"] := "A|B|C|D|E||F|G"
LVOptions["Cell18Hwnd"] := "DDLUPDown"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUPDown", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 w20 h11 gCustomUPDown"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl1Text"] := "▴"

LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl2Options"] := "y+-1 w20 h11 gCustomUPDown"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl2Text"] := "▾"


LVOptions["Cell19HeaderOptions"] := "xm section"
LVOptions["Cell19Options"] := "w400"
LVOptions["Cell19Hwnd"] := "FileBox"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "FileBox", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell19Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell19Ctrl1Text"] := "Browse"
LVOptions["AfterCell19Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 gBrowse"


LVOptions["Cell20HeaderOptions"] := "ys"
LVOptions["Cell20Options"] := "ReadOnly"
LVOptions["Cell20Hwnd"] := "IconBox"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "IconBox", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell20Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell20Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 gChooseIcon"
LVOptions["AfterCell20Ctrl1Text"] := "Choose Icon"





LVOptions["GoSub"] := "ExtraTasks"
;Do extra tasks after Adding\Modifying\Deleting\etc rows!
;"Goto" inside functions is not allowed, so "GoSub" is used instead!


ImageListID := IL_Create(10)			; Create an ImageList to hold 10 small icons.
Loop 10
IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", A_Index)	; Load the ImageList with a series of icons from the DLL.

loop, 3
gui, %a_index%:default

	loop, 3
	TableHead := "ID" Count++ "|A" Count++ "|B" Count++ "|C" Count++ "|D" Count++ "|E" Count++ "|F" Count++ "|G" Count++ "|H" Count++ "|I" Count++ "|J" Count++ "|K" Count++ "|L" Count++ "|M" Count++ "|N" Count++ "|O" Count++ "|P" Count++ "|Q" Count++ "|R" Count++ "|S" Count++

	gui, add, listview, h135 AltSubmit checked  BackgroundWhite  vMyTable%a_index% gTablesEvents +HwndMyTableId%a_index% Grid, % TableHead
	;"AltSubmit" allows detection of mouse "1 left click" or "1 right click" and others "gui events" 
	;"ID|A|B|C" inicial columns
	;"Normal = 1 left click"
	;"RightClick = 1 right click"
	;"Grid" Provides horizontal and vertical lines to visually indicate the boundaries between rows and columns.
	;"BackgroundWhite" Background color is White
	;"+HwndMyTableId%a_index%", stores the control Hwnd id number in "MyTableId%a_index%" variable

	LV_SetImageList(ImageListID)  ; Assign the above ImageList to the current ListView.

	loop, 20
	LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

	loop, 4
	LV_Add("Icon2", a_index, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++)
	;add 3 rows / "a_index" add number to first fields (for "ID" Column)

gui, add, button, gAdd, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gModify, Modify

if (a_index = 1)
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 - 370 
else if (a_index = 2)
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 - 100 
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 + 170 

gui, show, % pos, % "Gui " A_index


TablesEvents:		;_____________________ ListView controls Events ___________________

if (A_GuiEvent = "F")		;"F", The ListView has received keyboard focus (ListView control must contain "AltSubmit" word in its options)
Gui, ListView, % A_GuiControl	;change the default listview control of the gui windows that the focused control belongs

if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, A_GuiControl, "Modify", LVOptions)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


Add:	;__________________ Add Buttons ________________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "", "Add", LVOptions)
;a new row will be added to the last focused listview control from the Gui window that started the thread
;keep track of the last focused listview controls through listview G-Label Notifications (see "TablesEvents:" label above)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


Modify:		;__________________ Modify Buttons ___________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "", "Modify", LVOptions)
;the focused row will be modified from the last focused listview control of the Gui window that started the thread
;keep track of the last focused listview controls through listview G-Label Notifications (see "TablesEvents:" label above)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


ShowWindowHandle:	;___________ Show Window Handle _________

ToolTipText:= "" 
. "Gui Window 'LVAddEditRow' Hwnd = " LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiHwnd", "GetVar") "`n`n"
. "'LVAddEditRow' is the internal name in AHK"  "`n`n"
. "Hold 'F12' or 'F11' to flash the window!"  "`n`n"

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip, % ToolTipText, 0, 0


f12::		;_____________ F12 - Flash Window ______________

Gui, % LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiHwnd", "GetVar") ":Flash"


f11::		;_____________ F11 - Flash Window ______________

Gui, LVAddEditRow:Flash


ExtraTasks:	;__________________ Extra Tasks ________________

ToolTipText := ""
. "a_gui = "   a_gui                 "`n"
. "a_guicontrol = "   a_guicontrol   "`n"
. "`n"
. "A_DefaultGui = "  A_DefaultGui              "`n"
. "A_DefaultListView  = "  A_DefaultListView   "`n"
. "`n"
. "Static Vars values from the function: `n"
. "Gui Window = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiWindow", "GetVar")     "`n"
. "LV Control = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "LVControl", "GetVar")     "`n"
. "Focused Row = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar")     "`n"

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip, % ToolTipText, 0, 0

if (LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar") > 0)
LV_GetText(RowIcon, LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar"), 20)

RowIcon := RegExMatch(RowIcon, "^Icon\d+$") ? RowIcon : ""

LV_Modify(LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar"), "col4 " RowIcon, "@" count++ "@")
;just for test


Action:		;__________________ Action __________________

ControlSetText, , Action TripleX, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Cell1", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "C2", "GetObject"), Action xXx

ControlSetText, , Bang, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "BC10C1", "GetObject")
ControlSetText, , Bang 2, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Button2", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "B3", "GetObject"), Bang 3

ControlSetText, , Skrr, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AC12C1", "GetObject")
ControlSetText, , Skrr 2, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AButton2", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "A3", "GetObject"), Skrr 3


UpdateSlider:		;_____________________ Update Slider _____________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateSliderStatus:	;_____________________ Update Slider Status _____________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateUpDown:		;____________________ Update UpDown ___________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateUpDownBuddy:	;____________________ Update UpDown Buddy _______________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject"), % TempValue


CustomUPDown:	;__________________ Custom UPDown _______________

	;"==" is always case-sensitive

if (a_guicontrol == "▴")
ControlSend , , {Up}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUpDown", "GetObject")

if (a_guicontrol == "▾")
ControlSend , , {Down}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUpDown", "GetObject")


Browse:		;__________________ Browse __________________

Gui, +OwnDialogs	;must close "FileSelectFile" window below in order to use gui window again!
FileSelectFile, SelectedFile

guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "FileBox", "GetObject"), % SelectedFile


ChooseIcon:	;__________________ Choose Icon ______________

gui, Icon:Default
gui, destroy

Gui, %a_gui%: +Disabled		;disable "LVAddEditRow" Gui (in this case, "a_gui = LVAddEditRow")
gui, +owner%a_gui%		;make "LVAddEditRow" Gui the owner of "Icon" Gui (in this case, "a_gui = LVAddEditRow")

Gui, Add, ListView, h200 w180 0x40, Icon	;"0x40" prevents the created ImageList above to be destroyed when this listview control is destroyed!

LV_SetImageList(ImageListID)  ; Assign the above ImageList to the current ListView.

Loop 10
LV_Add("Icon" . A_Index, "Icon" A_Index)	; Add rows to the ListView (for demonstration purposes, one for each icon).

LV_ModifyCol("Hdr")  ; Auto-adjust the column widths.

gui, add, button, gOkChooseIcon, Ok

gui, show, , Choose Icon


OkChooseIcon:	;____

LV_GetText(UserIcon, LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") , 1)

guicontrol, LVAddEditRow: , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "IconBox", "GetObject"), % UserIcon

IconGuiClose:	;____

gui, LVAddEditRow: -Disabled
gui, destroy


guiclose:	;__________________ Gui Close _______________

LV_AddEditRow(GuiWnd, LVCtrl, Status, Optns := "")	;_______________ Add/Edit ListView Controls Rows - v1.0 (Function) ___________________

;Local	;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;this function was tested in AutoHotKey

	;Local TempControlId	;this line was disabled because otherwise it would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default)

Static ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := []		;declare the variable as an object and remember its values between function calls 

Static GuiWindow, LVControl, FocusedRow, TotalCols, Options, GuiHwnd	;"Static" variables, remember values between function calls 

if (Status = "GetVar")
return, (%LVCtrl%)		;return the values of static variables from this function

if (Status = "GetObject")	;return the values of static Objects from this function
return, %GuiWnd%[LVCtrl]

GuiWindow := GuiWnd
LVControl := LVCtrl

Options := Optns.Clone()
;"Clone()", Returns a shallow (not always a 100% clone???) copy of the object.
;"Clone()" creates a new object from the object referenced by "Optns" variable!
;then, "Options" variable will reference that newly created/cloned object!

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!
;there is never more than one focused row in the entire list, and sometimes there is none at all!

	if (Status = "Modify" and FocusedRow = 0)
	msgbox, 8240, Warning!, No row is selected! Please, select a row to be modified!
	;"8240" sum of 8192 and 48 (8192 for "Task Modal" option \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)
	;"52" sum of 4 and 48 (4 for "yes - no" options \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy


TotalCols := LV_GetCount("Col")		;the function returns the number of columns in the control

gui, LVAddEditRow:Default
gui, destroy
Gui +HwndGuiHwnd

	loop, % TotalCols
	Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default			;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
	LV_GetText(TempHeader, 0, a_index)		;"0" is the columns header row / "a_index" is the column number

	if (Status = "Modify")
	LV_GetText(TempText, FocusedRow, a_index)	;"a_index" is the column number

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Default

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			gui, add, % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

	gui, add, text, % Options["Cell" a_index "HeaderOptions"], % TempHeader

		;Ternary operator, ( ? = if ) and ( : = else )

	ControlType := ControlOption := ControlText := ""	;blank\empty values

	ControlType := CtrlType[a_index] := Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] != "" ? Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] : "Edit"

		if (ControlType = "Checkbox")
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Checked" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "DateTime")
		TempText := TempText = "" ? "None" : RegExReplace(TempText, "\D")	;"\D" means any non-digit (remove any non-digit characters)
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Choose" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "ListBox" or ControlType = "DropDownList" or ControlType = "DDL")
			if (Status = "Modify")
			TempIndex := a_index
			TempList := Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"], Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] := ""

				loop, parse, TempList, |
				if (A_LoopField == "")		;if blank\empty (== is case-sensitive)
				continue			;Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one. Valid inside any kind of loop.

				TempString := A_LoopField

					loop, parse, TempText, |
						if ("S" TempString == "S" A_LoopField)		;"==" is case-sensitive, "S" forces "string" comprisons and avoids "number" comparisons!
						TempString .= "|"


				Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] .= TempString "|"
		else if (ControlType != "Edit" and ControlType != "ComboBox")
		if (ControlType = "MonthCal")
		TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "\Q/")	;remove any "/" character

		if (Status = "Modify")
		ControlText := TempText, Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] := ""

	gui, add, % ControlType, % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["Cell" a_index "Options"] " " ControlOption, % Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] ControlText

		if (Status = "Modify")
		if (ControlType = "Edit" or ControlType = "ComboBox")
		ControlSetText, , % TempText, % "ahk_id" TempControlId		;"ControlSetText" prevents "EOL" (End of LIne Translation), no "`n" is translated to "`r`n"

	ControlHwndId[a_index] := TempControlId		;the variable must be declared as an object first ("ControlHwndId := []")
	TempKey := Options["Cell" a_index "Hwnd"]
	CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			if (a_index = "1" and Status = "Modify" and Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "UpDown")
			Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"] := RegExReplace(TempText, "\.|,")		;Regex removes thousands separator (. or ,)

			gui, add, % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId


TempText := ""	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

if (Status = "Modify")
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Modify"
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Add"

gui, add, button, xm gLVAddEditRowLabel Default, % ButtonCaption

	if (Status = "Modify")
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Add
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Delete

gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowGuiClose, Cancel

gui, show, , % GuiCaption


LVAddEditRowLabel:	;_________ Function Label __________

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

	if (a_guicontrol = "Delete")
	FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")		;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!

	if (a_guicontrol = "Add" or a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		if (a_guicontrol = "Add")
		FocusedRow := LV_Insert(Options["NewRowIndex"] = "" ? LV_GetCount() + 1 : Options["NewRowIndex"], Options["NewRowOptions"])
		;The function adds a new row to the specified index position (if the ListView control does not have the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style)
		;The function returns the new row number, which is not necessarily the specified index position if the ListView has the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style.
		;Ternary operator, (? = if) and (: = else)
		;if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank\empty, the new row will be inserted to the end of the listview control, "LV_GetCount() + 1"
		;for some reason, the Options["NewRowOptions"] prevents Autohotkey from crashing if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank/empty and the ListView control contains "Sort" or "SortDesc" options

		if (a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, Options["RowOptions"])

		loop, % TotalCols
		if (CtrlType[a_index] = "Edit" or CtrlType[a_index] = "ComboBox")
		ControlGetText, TempText, , % "ahk_id" ControlHwndId[a_index]		;"ControlGetText" prevents EOL "End of line translation", no "`r`n" is translated to "`n"
		GuiControlGet, TempText, LVAddEditRow:, % ControlHwndId[a_index]

			if (CtrlType[a_index] = "DateTime")
			if (TempText != "")
			FormatTime, TempText, % TempText, yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss		;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)
			else if (CtrlType[a_index] = "MonthCal")
				if (TempText != "")
					Loop, Parse, TempText, -
					TempText := a_index = 1 ? "" : TempText

					FormatTime, TempTime, % A_LoopField, yyyy/MM/dd		;"MonthCal" does not retrieve  "HH24MISS" time portion , retrieves only "YYYYMMDD" Date

					TempText .= TempTime "-"

				TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "-$")	;remove the last "-" character at the end of the string

		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Col" a_index, TempText)

LV_Modify(0, "-Select")		;Deselect all rows

LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus Select Vis")
;"vis", Ensures that the specified row is completely visible by scrolling the ListView, if necessary.
;"Vis", has an effect only for "LV_Modify()" function! (does not work with "LV_Add()" function!)
;"Focus", Sets keyboard focus to the row / "Select", highlight the row

LVAddEditRowGuiClose:	;_______ LVAddEditRow Gui Close _______

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

GuiControl, Focus, % A_DefaultListView		;"A_DefaultListView" supported from [v1.1.23+]

if (Options["GoSub"] != "")	;if not blank/empty
GoSub, % Options["GoSub"]	;"GoTo" is not allowed inside functions, only "GoSub" is!

TempText := "", ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [], Options := []	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy	;by destroying the gui window, "a_guicontrol" will be made blank\empty!

Last edited by User on 17 Dec 2018, 21:04, edited 2 times in total.
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Posts: 68
Joined: 23 Oct 2014, 02:05

Re: [Function] LV_AddEditRow - Add\Edit ListView control rows!

13 Sep 2018, 08:47

Thanks bro,
I was looking for something like this..
Posts: 407
Joined: 26 Jun 2017, 08:12

Re: [Function] LV_AddEditRow - Add\Edit ListView control rows!

13 Sep 2018, 12:26

NovaRanger wrote:Thanks bro,
I was looking for something like this..
You welcome!
Posts: 407
Joined: 26 Jun 2017, 08:12

Re: [Function] LV_AddEditRow - Add\Edit ListView control rows!

05 Oct 2018, 00:55


Fixed an issue with AfterCellxCtrl1 "UpDown" controls!

AfterCellxCtrl1 "UpDown" controls will use "TempText" values only if the "UpDown" controls have "0x10" and "0x2" styles!

0x10 - means that the "UpDown" control makes the previous control its "buddy" control!
0x2 - means that the "UpDown" control can set\modify text from its "buddy" control!

(Example) "UpDown" control with option to change "Increment" value:
48_ zz_ Increment.gif
48_ zz_ Increment.gif (935.77 KiB) Viewed 2478 times

Code: Select all

	;uncomment the "Local" line inside "LV_AddEditRow" function if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in the function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;the function was tested in AutoHotKey

Count := 1

LVOptions := []		;declare the variable as an object

LVOptions["RowOptions"] := "Check"
;just for testing, which means that, every modified row will have its correspondent checkbox checked!
;All the row options from the listview built-in functions can be used here!

LVOptions["NewRowIndex"] := 3
;every newly inserted row will be placed at row position 3
;if LVOptions["NewRowIndex"] is not defined (blank\empty), every newly inserted row will be placed at the bottom of the listview control
;(The above lines are valid only if the listview control does not contain "Sort" or "SortDesc" options)

LVOptions["NewRowOptions"] := "Check"
;just for testing, which means that, every newly inserted row will have its correspondent checkbox checked!
;All the row options from the listview built-in functions can be used here!

	;All gui control built-in options can be used below

loop, 2
LVOptions["Cell" a_index "Options"] := "w300 cRed"

LVOptions["Cell1Hwnd"] := "Cell1"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Cell1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later! 

LVOptions["Cell2Options"] .= " r3"	;adding an extra option to cell2 (the leading "space" character is necessary!)
LVOptions["Cell2Hwnd"] := "C2"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "C2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell4Options"] := "w150 cGreen"
LVOptions["Cell4Hwnd"] := "4"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "4", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell3Type"] := "Checkbox"
LVOptions["Cell3Text"] := "Just Test (Check/Uncheck)"
LVOptions["Cell3Hwnd"] := "Check"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Check", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell5HeaderOptions"] := "Section cPurple"
LVOptions["Cell5Type"] := "ListBox"
LVOptions["Cell5Options"] := "multi h160"
LVOptions["Cell5Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell6HeaderOptions"] := "x+5 ys cBlue"
LVOptions["Cell6Type"] := "ListBox"
LVOptions["Cell6Options"] := "h160"
LVOptions["Cell6Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell7HeaderOptions"] := "x+5 ys cAqua"
LVOptions["Cell7Type"] := "DropDownList"
LVOptions["Cell7Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell8HeaderOptions"] := "cOlive"
LVOptions["Cell8Type"] := "DDL"
LVOptions["Cell8Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"

LVOptions["Cell9HeaderOptions"] := "cMaroon section"
LVOptions["Cell9Type"] := "ComboBox"
LVOptions["Cell9Text"] := "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||"


LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Options"] := "w100 ym gAction"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Text"] := "Before Test 1 (Action)"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "BC10C1"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "BC10C1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Text"] := "Before Test 2"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl2Hwnd"] := "Button2"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Button2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Options"] := "w150"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Text"] := "Before Test 3"
LVOptions["BeforeCell10Ctrl3Hwnd"] := "B3"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "B3", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["Cell10HeaderOptions"] := "cRed"
LVOptions["Cell10Type"] := "DateTime"
LVOptions["Cell10Options"] := "2"	;"2" checkbox inside the control
LVOptions["Cell10Text"] := "LongDate"


LVOptions["Cell11Type"] := "DateTime"
LVOptions["Cell11Options"] := "2 ChooseNone"	;"2" checkbox inside the control, "None" checkbox unchecked
LVOptions["Cell11Text"] := "Time"


LVOptions["Cell12Type"] := "DateTime"
LVOptions["Cell12Options"] := "2 ChooseNone"		;"2" checkbox inside the control, "None" checkbox unchecked
LVOptions["Cell12Text"] := "yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss"	;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)

LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Options"] := "w100 gAction"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Text"] := "  After Test 1 (Action)  "
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "AC12C1"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AC12C1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Text"] := "After Test 2"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl2Hwnd"] := "AButton2"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AButton2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Options"] := "w150"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Text"] := "After Test 3"
LVOptions["AfterCell12Ctrl3Hwnd"] := "A3"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "A3", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!


LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl1Options"] := "w150 ym"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl1Text"] := "Before Test 4"

LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl2Text"] := "Before Test 5"

LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl3Options"] := "w100"
LVOptions["BeforeCell13Ctrl3Text"] := "Before Test 6"

LVOptions["Cell13HeaderOptions"] := "cRed"
LVOptions["Cell13Type"] := "MonthCal"
LVOptions["Cell13Text"] := "20050525-20050531"

LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl1Options"] := "w150"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl1Text"] := "After Test 4"

LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl2Options"] := "w125"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl2Text"] := "After Test 5"

LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl3Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl3Options"] := "w100"
LVOptions["AfterCell13Ctrl3Text"] := "After Test 6"


LVOptions["BeforeCell14Ctrl1Type"] := "text"
LVOptions["BeforeCell14Ctrl1Options"] := "xs section"
LVOptions["BeforeCell14Ctrl1Text"] := "Less"

LVOptions["Cell14HeaderOptions"] := "x+50 y+-32"
LVOptions["Cell14Type"] := "slider"
LVOptions["Cell14Options"] := "x+-70 ys h25  ToolTip gUpdateSliderStatus"
LVOptions["Cell14Text"] := "25"
LVOptions["Cell14Hwnd"] := "Slider"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Type"] := "Edit"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Options"] := "xp+35 y+-0 w50 center +border gUpdateSlider"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Text"] := ""
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "SliderStatus"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl2Type"] := "text"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl2Options"] := "x+35 ys"
LVOptions["AfterCell14Ctrl2Text"] := "More"

	;The label "UpdateSliderStatus" must be executed everytime "LVAddEdidRow" gui window is created in order to update the "sliderStatus" control!
	;see "gosub, UpdateSliderStatus" examples below!


LVOptions["Cell15HeaderOptions"] := "x+10 y+-32"
LVOptions["Cell15Type"] := "Hotkey"
LVOptions["Cell15Text"] := "^!a"

LVOptions["AfterCell15Ctrl1Type"] := "text"
LVOptions["AfterCell15Ctrl1Options"] := "x+5"
LVOptions["AfterCell15Ctrl1Text"] := ":HotKey"


LVOptions["Cell16HeaderOptions"] := "x+20 section"
LVOptions["Cell16Options"] := "w70 ReadOnly"		;"ReadOnly" is recommended in order to prevent wrong results

LVOptions["AfterCell16Ctrl1Type"] := "UpDown"		;"Cell16" control above is automatically made the Buddy of this control
LVOptions["AfterCell16Ctrl1Options"] := "Range0-2000"
LVOptions["AfterCell16Ctrl1Text"] := "1500"


LVOptions["Cell17HeaderOptions"] := "ys"
LVOptions["Cell17Type"] := "UpDown"				;in this example, "Cell17" will be an "UpDown" control itself! 
LVOptions["Cell17Options"] := "h20 -16 gUpdateUpDownBuddy"	;"-16" prevents "UpDown" control to treat the "Cell17Header" control as its "Buddy" control!
LVOptions["Cell17Text"] := "89"
LVOptions["Cell17Hwnd"] := "UpDown"				;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell17Ctrl1Type"] := "Edit"
LVOptions["AfterCell17Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 w50 gUpdateUpDown"
LVOptions["AfterCell17Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "UpDownBuddy"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

	;The label "UpdateUpDownBuddy" must be executed everytime "LVAddEdidRow" gui window is created in order to update the "UpDownBuddy" control!
	;see "gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy" examples below!

LVOptions["Cell18HeaderOptions"] := "ys"
LVOptions["Cell18Type"] := "DDL"
LVOptions["Cell18Options"] := "w50"
LVOptions["Cell18Text"] := "A|B|C|D|E||F|G"
LVOptions["Cell18Hwnd"] := "DDLUPDown"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUPDown", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 w20 h11 gCustomUPDown"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl1Text"] := "▴"

LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl2Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl2Options"] := "y+-1 w20 h11 gCustomUPDown"
LVOptions["AfterCell18Ctrl2Text"] := "▾"


LVOptions["Cell19HeaderOptions"] := "xm section"
LVOptions["Cell19Options"] := "w400"
LVOptions["Cell19Hwnd"] := "FileBox"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "FileBox", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell19Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell19Ctrl1Text"] := "Browse"
LVOptions["AfterCell19Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 gBrowse"


LVOptions["Cell20HeaderOptions"] := "ys"
LVOptions["Cell20Options"] := "ReadOnly"
LVOptions["Cell20Hwnd"] := "IconBox"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "IconBox", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell20Ctrl1Type"] := "Button"
LVOptions["AfterCell20Ctrl1Options"] := "x+0 gChooseIcon"
LVOptions["AfterCell20Ctrl1Text"] := "Choose Icon"


LVOptions["Cell21HeaderOptions"] := "ys"
LVOptions["Cell21Options"] := "w75 gLoneUpDown"
LVOptions["Cell21Text"] := 4
LVOptions["Cell21Hwnd"] := "LoneUpDownEditId"		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl1Type"] := "UpDown"
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl1Options"] := "Range-1-1 gLoneUpDown -0x2"	;"-0x2", prevents the UpDown control to set the text of the buddy "Edit" control
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl1Text"] := "0"				;must be\start as "0" (zero) / Range must be "-1 to 1"
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl1Hwnd"] := "LoneUpDownId"			;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownId", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl2Type"] := "text"
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl2Options"] := "x+0"
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl2Text"] := "+"

LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl3Type"] := "edit"
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl3Options"] := "x+0 w25 center"
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl3Text"] := "2"
LVOptions["AfterCell21Ctrl3Hwnd"] := "Increment"	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Increment", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!





LVOptions["GoSub"] := "ExtraTasks"
;Do extra tasks after Adding\Modifying\Deleting\etc rows!
;"Goto" inside functions is not allowed, so "GoSub" is used instead!


ImageListID := IL_Create(10)			; Create an ImageList to hold 10 small icons.
Loop 10
IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", A_Index)	; Load the ImageList with a series of icons from the DLL.

loop, 3
gui, %a_index%:default

	loop, 3
	TableHead := "ID" Count++ "|A" Count++ "|B" Count++ "|C" Count++ "|D" Count++ "|E" Count++ "|F" Count++ "|G" Count++ "|H" Count++ "|I" Count++ "|J" Count++ "|K" Count++ "|L" Count++ "|M" Count++ "|N" Count++ "|O" Count++ "|P" Count++ "|Q" Count++ "|R" Count++ "|S" Count++ "|T" Count++

	gui, add, listview, h135 AltSubmit checked  BackgroundWhite  vMyTable%a_index% gTablesEvents +HwndMyTableId%a_index% Grid, % TableHead
	;"AltSubmit" allows detection of mouse "1 left click" or "1 right click" and others "gui events" 
	;"ID|A|B|C" inicial columns
	;"Normal = 1 left click"
	;"RightClick = 1 right click"
	;"Grid" Provides horizontal and vertical lines to visually indicate the boundaries between rows and columns.
	;"BackgroundWhite" Background color is White
	;"+HwndMyTableId%a_index%", stores the control Hwnd id number in "MyTableId%a_index%" variable

	LV_SetImageList(ImageListID)  ; Assign the above ImageList to the current ListView.

	loop, 21
	LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

	loop, 4
	LV_Add("Icon2", a_index, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++)
	;add 3 rows / "a_index" add number to first fields (for "ID" Column)

gui, add, button, gAdd, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gModify, Modify

if (a_index = 1)
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 - 370 
else if (a_index = 2)
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 - 100 
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 + 170 

gui, show, % pos, % "Gui " A_index


TablesEvents:		;_____________________ ListView controls Events ___________________

if (A_GuiEvent = "F")		;"F", The ListView has received keyboard focus (ListView control must contain "AltSubmit" word in its options)
Gui, ListView, % A_GuiControl	;change the default listview control of the gui windows that the focused control belongs

if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, A_GuiControl, "Modify", LVOptions)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


Add:	;__________________ Add Buttons ________________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "", "Add", LVOptions)
;a new row will be added to the last focused listview control from the Gui window that started the thread
;keep track of the last focused listview controls through listview G-Label Notifications (see "TablesEvents:" label above)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


Modify:		;__________________ Modify Buttons ___________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "", "Modify", LVOptions)
;the focused row will be modified from the last focused listview control of the Gui window that started the thread
;keep track of the last focused listview controls through listview G-Label Notifications (see "TablesEvents:" label above)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


ShowWindowHandle:	;___________ Show Window Handle _________

ToolTipText:= "" 
. "Gui Window 'LVAddEditRow' Hwnd = " LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiHwnd", "GetVar") "`n`n"
. "'LVAddEditRow' is the internal name in AHK"  "`n`n"
. "Hold 'F12' or 'F11' to flash the window!"  "`n`n"

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip, % ToolTipText, 0, 0


f12::		;_____________ F12 - Flash Window ______________

Gui, % LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiHwnd", "GetVar") ":Flash"


f11::		;_____________ F11 - Flash Window ______________

Gui, LVAddEditRow:Flash


ExtraTasks:	;__________________ Extra Tasks ________________

ToolTipText := ""
. "a_gui = "   a_gui                 "`n"
. "a_guicontrol = "   a_guicontrol   "`n"
. "`n"
. "A_DefaultGui = "  A_DefaultGui              "`n"
. "A_DefaultListView  = "  A_DefaultListView   "`n"
. "`n"
. "Static Vars values from the function: `n"
. "Gui Window = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiWindow", "GetVar")     "`n"
. "LV Control = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "LVControl", "GetVar")     "`n"
. "Focused Row = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar")     "`n"

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip, % ToolTipText, 0, 0

if (LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar") > 0)
LV_GetText(RowIcon, LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar"), 20)

RowIcon := RegExMatch(RowIcon, "^Icon\d+$") ? RowIcon : ""

LV_Modify(LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar"), "col4 " RowIcon, "@" count++ "@")
;just for test


Action:		;__________________ Action __________________

ControlSetText, , Action TripleX, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Cell1", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "C2", "GetObject"), Action xXx

ControlSetText, , Bang, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "BC10C1", "GetObject")
ControlSetText, , Bang 2, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Button2", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "B3", "GetObject"), Bang 3

ControlSetText, , Skrr, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AC12C1", "GetObject")
ControlSetText, , Skrr 2, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AButton2", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "A3", "GetObject"), Skrr 3


UpdateSlider:		;_____________________ Update Slider _____________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateSliderStatus:	;_____________________ Update Slider Status _____________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateUpDown:		;____________________ Update UpDown ___________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateUpDownBuddy:	;____________________ Update UpDown Buddy _______________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject"), % TempValue


CustomUPDown:	;__________________ Custom UPDown _______________

	;"==" is always case-sensitive

if (a_guicontrol == "▴")
ControlSend , , {Up}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUpDown", "GetObject")

if (a_guicontrol == "▾")
ControlSend , , {Down}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUpDown", "GetObject")


Browse:		;__________________ Browse __________________

Gui, +OwnDialogs	;must close "FileSelectFile" window below in order to use gui window again!
FileSelectFile, SelectedFile

guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "FileBox", "GetObject"), % SelectedFile


ChooseIcon:	;__________________ Choose Icon ______________

gui, Icon:Default
gui, destroy

Gui, %a_gui%: +Disabled		;disable "LVAddEditRow" Gui (in this case, "a_gui = LVAddEditRow")
gui, +owner%a_gui%		;make "LVAddEditRow" Gui the owner of "Icon" Gui (in this case, "a_gui = LVAddEditRow")

Gui, Add, ListView, h200 w180 0x40, Icon	;"0x40" prevents the created ImageList above to be destroyed when this listview control is destroyed!

LV_SetImageList(ImageListID)  ; Assign the above ImageList to the current ListView.

Loop 10
LV_Add("Icon" . A_Index, "Icon" A_Index)	; Add rows to the ListView (for demonstration purposes, one for each icon).

LV_ModifyCol("Hdr")  ; Auto-adjust the column widths.

gui, add, button, gOkChooseIcon, Ok

gui, show, , Choose Icon


OkChooseIcon:	;____

LV_GetText(UserIcon, LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") , 1)

guicontrol, LVAddEditRow: , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "IconBox", "GetObject"), % UserIcon

IconGuiClose:	;____

gui, LVAddEditRow: -Disabled
gui, destroy


LoneUpDown:	;__________________ LoneUpDown _________________

GuiControlGet, Increment, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Increment", "GetObject")
GuiControlGet, LoneUpDownEdit, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")

GuiControlGet, LoneUpDown, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownId", "GetObject")		;check if "UpDown" control value is "-1", "0" or "1"
GuiControl, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownId", "GetObject"), 0			;set the "UpDown" control to "0" (zero)

	;msgbox, % LoneUpDown

if (LoneUpDown = 1)
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit + Increment
else if (LoneUpDown = -1)
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit - Increment

if LoneUpDownEdit is Number
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit < -50 ? -50 : LoneUpDownEdit > 100 ? 100 : LoneUpDownEdit
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit = "" ? "" : LoneUpDownEdit = "-" ? "-" : 0

GuiControl, -g, % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")
GuiControl, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject"), % LoneUpDownEdit
ControlSend, , {End}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")
GuiControl, +gLoneUpDown, % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")

	;tooltip, % count++ 


guiclose:	;__________________ Gui Close _______________

LV_AddEditRow(GuiWnd, LVCtrl, Status, Optns := "")	;_______________ Add/Edit ListView Controls Rows - v1.1 (Function) ___________________

;Local	;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;this function was tested in AutoHotKey

	;Local TempControlId	;this line was disabled because otherwise it would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default)

Static ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := []		;declare the variable as an object and remember its values between function calls 

Static GuiWindow, LVControl, FocusedRow, TotalCols, Options, GuiHwnd	;"Static" variables, remember values between function calls 

if (Status = "GetVar")
return, (%LVCtrl%)		;return the values of static variables from this function

if (Status = "GetObject")	;return the values of static Objects from this function
return, %GuiWnd%[LVCtrl]

GuiWindow := GuiWnd
LVControl := LVCtrl

Options := Optns.Clone()
;"Clone()", Returns a shallow (not always a 100% clone???) copy of the object.
;"Clone()" creates a new object from the object referenced by "Optns" variable!
;then, "Options" variable will reference that newly created/cloned object!

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!
;there is never more than one focused row in the entire list, and sometimes there is none at all!

	if (Status = "Modify" and FocusedRow = 0)
	msgbox, 8240, Warning!, No row is selected! Please, select a row to be modified!
	;"8240" sum of 8192 and 48 (8192 for "Task Modal" option \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)
	;"52" sum of 4 and 48 (4 for "yes - no" options \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy


TotalCols := LV_GetCount("Col")		;the function returns the number of columns in the control

gui, LVAddEditRow:Default
gui, destroy
Gui +HwndGuiHwnd

	loop, % TotalCols
	Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default			;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
	LV_GetText(TempHeader, 0, a_index)		;"0" is the columns header row / "a_index" is the column number

	if (Status = "Modify")
	LV_GetText(TempText, FocusedRow, a_index)	;"a_index" is the column number

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Default

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			gui, add, % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

			TempKey := Options["BeforeCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

	gui, add, text, % Options["Cell" a_index "HeaderOptions"], % TempHeader

		;Ternary operator, ( ? = if ) and ( : = else )

	ControlType := ControlOption := ControlText := ""	;blank\empty values

	ControlType := CtrlType[a_index] := Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] != "" ? Options["Cell" a_index "Type"] : "Edit"

		if (ControlType = "Checkbox")
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Checked" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "DateTime")
		TempText := TempText = "" ? "None" : RegExReplace(TempText, "\D")	;"\D" means any non-digit (remove any non-digit characters)
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Choose" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "ListBox" or ControlType = "DropDownList" or ControlType = "DDL")
			if (Status = "Modify")
			TempIndex := a_index
			TempList := Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"], Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] := ""

				loop, parse, TempList, |
				if (A_LoopField == "")		;if blank\empty (== is case-sensitive)
				continue			;Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one. Valid inside any kind of loop.

				TempString := A_LoopField

					loop, parse, TempText, |
						if ("S" TempString == "S" A_LoopField)		;"==" is case-sensitive, "S" forces "string" comprisons and avoids "number" comparisons!
						TempString .= "|"


				Options["Cell" TempIndex "Text"] .= TempString "|"
		else if (ControlType != "Edit" and ControlType != "ComboBox")
		if (ControlType = "MonthCal")
		TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "\Q/")	;remove any "/" character

		if (Status = "Modify")
		ControlText := TempText, Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] := ""

	gui, add, % ControlType, % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["Cell" a_index "Options"] " " ControlOption, % Options["Cell" a_index "Text"] ControlText

		if (Status = "Modify")
		if (ControlType = "Edit" or ControlType = "ComboBox")
		ControlSetText, , % TempText, % "ahk_id" TempControlId		;"ControlSetText" prevents "EOL" (End of LIne Translation), no "`n" is translated to "`r`n"

	ControlHwndId[a_index] := TempControlId		;the variable must be declared as an object first ("ControlHwndId := []")
	TempKey := Options["Cell" a_index "Hwnd"]
	CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "")
			gui, add, % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"], % "+HwndTempControlId " Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Options"], % Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Text"]

				if (a_index = "1" and Status = "Modify" and Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Type"] = "UpDown")
				ControlGet, TempStyle, Style, , , % "ahk_id" TempControlId

					;0x10 = 16 (means that the "UpDown" control treats the previous control as its buddy control)
					;0x2 = 2 (means that the "UpDown" control can set\modify text of its buddy control)


				if (TempStyle & 0x10) and (TempStyle & 0x2)				;if style "0x10" and "0x2" are found in "TempStyle" variable
				guicontrol, , % TempControlId , % RegExReplace(TempText, "\.|,")	;Regex removes thousands separator (. or ,)

			TempKey := Options["AfterCell" TempIndex "Ctrl" a_index "Hwnd"]
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId


TempText := ""	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

if (Status = "Modify")
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Modify"
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Add"

gui, add, button, xm gLVAddEditRowLabel Default, % ButtonCaption

	if (Status = "Modify")
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Add
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Delete

gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowGuiClose, Cancel

gui, show, , % GuiCaption


LVAddEditRowLabel:	;_________ Function Label __________

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

	if (a_guicontrol = "Delete")
	FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")		;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!

	if (a_guicontrol = "Add" or a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		if (a_guicontrol = "Add")
		FocusedRow := LV_Insert(Options["NewRowIndex"] = "" ? LV_GetCount() + 1 : Options["NewRowIndex"], Options["NewRowOptions"])
		;The function adds a new row to the specified index position (if the ListView control does not have the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style)
		;The function returns the new row number, which is not necessarily the specified index position if the ListView has the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style.
		;Ternary operator, (? = if) and (: = else)
		;if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank\empty, the new row will be inserted to the end of the listview control, "LV_GetCount() + 1"
		;for some reason, the Options["NewRowOptions"] prevents Autohotkey from crashing if Options["NewRowIndex"] is blank/empty and the ListView control contains "Sort" or "SortDesc" options

		if (a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, Options["RowOptions"])

		loop, % TotalCols
		if (CtrlType[a_index] = "Edit" or CtrlType[a_index] = "ComboBox")
		ControlGetText, TempText, , % "ahk_id" ControlHwndId[a_index]		;"ControlGetText" prevents EOL "End of line translation", no "`r`n" is translated to "`n"
		GuiControlGet, TempText, LVAddEditRow:, % ControlHwndId[a_index]

			if (CtrlType[a_index] = "DateTime")
			if (TempText != "")
			FormatTime, TempText, % TempText, yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss		;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)
			else if (CtrlType[a_index] = "MonthCal")
				if (TempText != "")
					Loop, Parse, TempText, -
					TempText := a_index = 1 ? "" : TempText

					FormatTime, TempTime, % A_LoopField, yyyy/MM/dd		;"MonthCal" does not retrieve  "HH24MISS" time portion , retrieves only "YYYYMMDD" Date

					TempText .= TempTime "-"

				TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "-$")	;remove the last "-" character at the end of the string

		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Col" a_index, TempText)

LV_Modify(0, "-Select")		;Deselect all rows

LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus Select Vis")
;"vis", Ensures that the specified row is completely visible by scrolling the ListView, if necessary.
;"Vis", has an effect only for "LV_Modify()" function! (does not work with "LV_Add()" function!)
;"Focus", Sets keyboard focus to the row / "Select", highlight the row

LVAddEditRowGuiClose:	;_______ LVAddEditRow Gui Close _______

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

GuiControl, Focus, % A_DefaultListView		;"A_DefaultListView" supported from [v1.1.23+]

if (Options["GoSub"] != "")	;if not blank/empty
GoSub, % Options["GoSub"]	;"GoTo" is not allowed inside functions, only "GoSub" is!

TempText := "", ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [], Options := []	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy	;by destroying the gui window, "a_guicontrol" will be made blank\empty!

Posts: 407
Joined: 26 Jun 2017, 08:12

Re: [Function] LV_AddEditRow - Add\Edit ListView control rows!

17 Dec 2018, 20:47


V2 uses SimpleObject "o()" function instead AHK Built-in Object!

v2.png (45.12 KiB) Viewed 2473 times

Code: Select all

	;uncomment the "Local" line inside "LV_AddEditRow" function if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in the function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;the function was tested in AutoHotKey

Count := 1

o(LVOptions, "RowOptions", , "=", "Check")
;just for testing, which means that, every modified row will have its correspondent checkbox checked!
;All the row options from the listview built-in functions can be used here!

o(LVOptions, "NewRowIndex", , "=", 3)
;every newly inserted row will be placed at row position 3
;if o(LVOptions, "NewRowIndex") is not defined (blank\empty), every newly inserted row will be placed at the bottom of the listview control
;(The above lines are valid only if the listview control does not contain "Sort" or "SortDesc" options)

o(LVOptions, "NewRowOptions", , "=", "Check")
;just for testing, which means that, every newly inserted row will have its correspondent checkbox checked!
;All the row options from the listview built-in functions can be used here!

	;All gui control built-in options can be used below

loop, 2
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_" a_index, "=", "w300 cRed")

o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_1", "=", "Cell1")	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Cell1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later! 

o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_2", "=", o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_2") " r3")	;adding an extra option to "Col_2" (" r3", the leading "space" character is necessary before "r3" !)
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_2", "=", "C2")					;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "C2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_4", "=", "w150 cGreen")
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_4", "=", "4")			;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "4", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_3", "=", "Checkbox")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_3", "=", "Just Test (Check/Uncheck)")
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_3", "=", "Check")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Check", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_5", "=", "Section cPurple")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_5", "=", "ListBox")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_5", "=", "multi h160")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_5", "=", "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||")

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_6", "=", "x+5 ys cBlue")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_6", "=", "ListBox")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_6", "=", "h160")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_6", "=", "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||")

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_7", "=", "x+5 ys cAqua")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_7", "=", "DropDownList")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_7", "=", "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||")

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_8", "=", "cOlive")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_8", "=", "DDL")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_8", "=", "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||")

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_9", "=", "cMaroon section")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_9", "=", "ComboBox")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_9", "=", "          lot||green life|Red|red|green|soft-Green||Green|White life|\E|\e|White          ||")


o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_Before", "Col_10", "=", "w100 ym gAction")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "Before Test 1 (Action)")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Hwnd_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "BC10C1")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "BC10C1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Type_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Options_Before", "Col_10", "=", "w125")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Text_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "Before Test 2")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Hwnd_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "Button2")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Button2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Type_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Options_Before", "Col_10", "=", "w150")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Text_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "Before Test 3")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Hwnd_Before",    "Col_10", "=", "B3")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "B3", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_10", "=", "cRed")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_10", "=", "DateTime")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_10", "=", "2")		;"2" checkbox inside the control
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_10", "=", "LongDate")


o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_11", "=", "DateTime")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_11", "=", "2 ChooseNone")	;"2" checkbox inside the control, "None" checkbox unchecked
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_11", "=", "Time")


o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_12", "=", "DateTime")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_12", "=", "2 ChooseNone")		;"2" checkbox inside the control, "None" checkbox unchecked
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_12", "=", "yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss")	;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_12", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_12", "=", "w100 gAction")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_12", "=", "  After Test 1 (Action)  ")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Hwnd_After",    "Col_12", "=", "AC12C1")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AC12C1", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Type_After",    "Col_12", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Options_After", "Col_12", "=", "w125")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Text_After",    "Col_12", "=", "After Test 2")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Hwnd_After",    "Col_12", "=", "AButton2")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AButton2", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Type_After",    "Col_12", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Options_After", "Col_12", "=", "w150")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Text_After",    "Col_12", "=", "After Test 3")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Hwnd_After",    "Col_12", "=", "A3")	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "A3", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!


o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_Before",    "Col_13", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_Before", "Col_13", "=", "w150 ym")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_Before",    "Col_13", "=", "Before Test 4")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Type_Before",    "Col_13", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Options_Before", "Col_13", "=", "w125")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Text_Before",    "Col_13", "=", "Before Test 5")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Type_Before",    "Col_13", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Options_Before", "Col_13", "=", "w100")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Text_Before",    "Col_13", "=", "Before Test 6")

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_13", "=", "cRed")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_13", "=", "MonthCal")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_13", "=", "20050525-20050531")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_13", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_13", "=", "w150")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_13", "=", "After Test 4")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Type_After",    "Col_13", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Options_After", "Col_13", "=", "w125")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Text_After",    "Col_13", "=", "After Test 5")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Type_After",    "Col_13", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Options_After", "Col_13", "=", "w100")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Text_After",    "Col_13", "=", "After Test 6")


o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_Before",    "Col_14", "=", "text")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_Before", "Col_14", "=", "xs section")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_Before",    "Col_14", "=", "Less")

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_14", "=", "x+50 y+-32")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_14", "=", "slider")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_14", "=", "x+-70 ys h25  ToolTip gUpdateSliderStatus")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_14", "=", "25")
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_14", "=", "Slider")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_14", "=", "Edit")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_14", "=", "xp+35 y+-0 w50 center +border gUpdateSlider")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_14", "=", "")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Hwnd_After",    "Col_14", "=", "SliderStatus")	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Type_After",    "Col_14", "=", "text")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Options_After", "Col_14", "=", "x+35 ys")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Text_After",    "Col_14", "=", "More")

	;The label "UpdateSliderStatus" must be executed everytime "LVAddEdidRow" gui window is created in order to update the "sliderStatus" control!
	;see "gosub, UpdateSliderStatus" examples below!


o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_15", "=", "x+10 y+-32")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_15", "=", "Hotkey")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_15", "=", "^!a")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_15", "=", "text")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_15", "=", "x+5")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_15", "=", ":HotKey")


o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_16", "=", "x+20 section")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_16", "=", "w70 ReadOnly")		;"ReadOnly" is recommended in order to prevent wrong results

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_16", "=", "UpDown")		;"Col_16" control above is automatically made the Buddy of this control
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_16", "=", "Range0-2000")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_16", "=", "1500")


o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_17", "=", "ys")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_17", "=", "UpDown")				;in this example, "Col_17" will be an "UpDown" control itself!
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_17", "=", "h20 -16 gUpdateUpDownBuddy")	;"-16" prevents "UpDown" control to treat the "Col_17" Header control as its "Buddy" control!
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_17", "=", "89")
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_17", "=", "UpDown")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_17", "=", "Edit")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_17", "=", "x+0 w50 gUpdateUpDown")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Hwnd_After",    "Col_17", "=", "UpDownBuddy")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

	;The label "UpdateUpDownBuddy" must be executed everytime "LVAddEdidRow" gui window is created in order to update the "UpDownBuddy" control!
	;see "gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy" examples below!

o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_18", "=", "ys")
o(LVOptions, "Type", "Col_18", "=", "DDL")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_18", "=", "w50")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_18", "=", "A|B|C|D|E||F|G")
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_18", "=", "DDLUPDown")	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUPDown", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_18", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_18", "=", "x+0 w20 h11 gCustomUPDown")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_18", "=", "▴")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Type_After",    "Col_18", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Options_After", "Col_18", "=", "y+-1 w20 h11 gCustomUPDown")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Text_After",    "Col_18", "=", "▾")


o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_19", "=", "xm section")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_19", "=", "w400")
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_19", "=", "FileBox")	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "FileBox", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_19", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_19", "=", "Browse")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_19", "=", "x+0 gBrowse")


o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_20", "=", "ys")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_20", "=", "ReadOnly")
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_20", "=", "IconBox")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "IconBox", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_20", "=", "Button")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_20", "=", "x+0 gChooseIcon")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_20", "=", "Choose Icon")


o(LVOptions, "Header_Options", "Col_21", "=", "ys")
o(LVOptions, "Options", "Col_21", "=", "w75 gLoneUpDown")
o(LVOptions, "Text", "Col_21", "=", 4)
o(LVOptions, "Hwnd", "Col_21", "=", "LoneUpDownEditId")		;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Type_After",    "Col_21", "=", "UpDown")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Options_After", "Col_21", "=", "Range-1-1 gLoneUpDown -0x2")	;"-0x2", prevents the UpDown control to set the text of the buddy "Edit" control
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Text_After",    "Col_21", "=", "0")				;must be\start as "0" (zero) / Range must be "-1 to 1"
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_1_Hwnd_After",    "Col_21", "=", "LoneUpDownId")	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownId", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Type_After",    "Col_21", "=", "text")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Options_After", "Col_21", "=", "x+0")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_2_Text_After",    "Col_21", "=", "+-")

o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Type_After",    "Col_21", "=", "edit")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Options_After", "Col_21", "=", "x+0 w25 center")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Text_After",    "Col_21", "=", "2")
o(LVOptions, "Ctrl_3_Hwnd_After",    "Col_21", "=", "Increment")	;Use 'LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Increment", "GetObject")' to get the control Hwnd id in case you need it later!





o(LVOptions, "GoSub", , "=", "ExtraTasks")
;Do extra tasks after Adding\Modifying\Deleting\etc rows!
;"Goto" inside functions is not allowed, so "GoSub" is used instead!


ImageListID := IL_Create(10)			; Create an ImageList to hold 10 small icons.
Loop 10
IL_Add(ImageListID, "shell32.dll", A_Index)	; Load the ImageList with a series of icons from the DLL.

loop, 3
gui, %a_index%:default

	loop, 3
	TableHead := "ID" Count++ "|A" Count++ "|B" Count++ "|C" Count++ "|D" Count++ "|E" Count++ "|F" Count++ "|G" Count++ "|H" Count++ "|I" Count++ "|J" Count++ "|K" Count++ "|L" Count++ "|M" Count++ "|N" Count++ "|O" Count++ "|P" Count++ "|Q" Count++ "|R" Count++ "|S" Count++ "|T" Count++

	gui, add, listview, h135 AltSubmit checked  BackgroundWhite  vMyTable%a_index% gTablesEvents +HwndMyTableId%a_index% Grid, % TableHead
	;"AltSubmit" allows detection of mouse "1 left click" or "1 right click" and others "gui events" 
	;"ID|A|B|C" inicial columns
	;"Normal = 1 left click"
	;"RightClick = 1 right click"
	;"Grid" Provides horizontal and vertical lines to visually indicate the boundaries between rows and columns.
	;"BackgroundWhite" Background color is White
	;"+HwndMyTableId%a_index%", stores the control Hwnd id number in "MyTableId%a_index%" variable

	LV_SetImageList(ImageListID)  ; Assign the above ImageList to the current ListView.

	loop, 21
	LV_ModifyCol(a_index, 55)	;columns change columns width

	loop, 4
	LV_Add("Icon2", a_index, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++, Count++)
	;add 3 rows / "a_index" add number to first fields (for "ID" Column)

gui, add, button, gAdd, Add
gui, add, button, x+5 gModify, Modify
gui, add, button, x+70 gShowLVOptions, Show LVOptions

if (a_index = 1)
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 - 370 
else if (a_index = 2)
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 - 100 
pos := "x" A_ScreenWidth/2 + 170 

gui, show, % pos, % "Gui " A_index


TablesEvents:		;_____________________ ListView controls Events ___________________

if (A_GuiEvent = "F")		;"F", The ListView has received keyboard focus (ListView control must contain "AltSubmit" word in its options)
Gui, ListView, % A_GuiControl	;change the default listview control of the gui windows that the focused control belongs

if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, A_GuiControl, "Modify", LVOptions)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


Add:	;__________________ Add Buttons ________________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "", "Add", LVOptions)
;a new row will be added to the last focused listview control from the Gui window that started the thread
;keep track of the last focused listview controls through listview G-Label Notifications (see "TablesEvents:" label above)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


Modify:		;__________________ Modify Buttons ___________

LV_AddEditRow(A_Gui, "", "Modify", LVOptions)
;the focused row will be modified from the last focused listview control of the Gui window that started the thread
;keep track of the last focused listview controls through listview G-Label Notifications (see "TablesEvents:" label above)

gosub, UpdateUpDownBuddy
gosub, UpdateSliderStatus
gosub, ShowWindowHandle


ShowWindowHandle:	;___________ Show Window Handle _________

ToolTipText:= "" 
. "Gui Window 'LVAddEditRow' Hwnd = " LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiHwnd", "GetVar") "`n`n"
. "'LVAddEditRow' is the internal name in AHK"  "`n`n"
. "Hold 'F12' or 'F11' to flash the window!"  "`n`n"

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip, % ToolTipText, 0, 0


f12::		;_____________ F12 - Flash Window ______________

Gui, % LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiHwnd", "GetVar") ":Flash"


f11::		;_____________ F11 - Flash Window ______________

Gui, LVAddEditRow:Flash


ExtraTasks:	;__________________ Extra Tasks ________________

ToolTipText := ""
. "a_gui = "   a_gui                 "`n"
. "a_guicontrol = "   a_guicontrol   "`n"
. "`n"
. "A_DefaultGui = "  A_DefaultGui              "`n"
. "A_DefaultListView  = "  A_DefaultListView   "`n"
. "`n"
. "Static Vars values from the function: `n"
. "Gui Window = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "GuiWindow", "GetVar")     "`n"
. "LV Control = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "LVControl", "GetVar")     "`n"
. "Focused Row = "   LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar")     "`n"

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip, % ToolTipText, 0, 0

if (LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar") > 0)
LV_GetText(RowIcon, LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar"), 20)

RowIcon := RegExMatch(RowIcon, "^Icon\d+$") ? RowIcon : ""

LV_Modify(LV_AddEditRow("", "FocusedRow", "GetVar"), "col4 " RowIcon, "@" count++ "@")
;just for test


Action:		;__________________ Action __________________

ControlSetText, , Action TripleX, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Cell1", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "C2", "GetObject"), Action xXx

ControlSetText, , Bang, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "BC10C1", "GetObject")
ControlSetText, , Bang 2, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Button2", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "B3", "GetObject"), Bang 3

ControlSetText, , Skrr, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AC12C1", "GetObject")
ControlSetText, , Skrr 2, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "AButton2", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "A3", "GetObject"), Skrr 3


UpdateSlider:		;_____________________ Update Slider _____________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateSliderStatus:	;_____________________ Update Slider Status _____________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Slider", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "SliderStatus", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateUpDown:		;____________________ Update UpDown ___________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject"), % TempValue


UpdateUpDownBuddy:	;____________________ Update UpDown Buddy _______________________

GuiControlGet, TempValue, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDown", "GetObject")
guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "UpDownBuddy", "GetObject"), % TempValue


CustomUPDown:	;__________________ Custom UPDown _______________

	;"==" is always case-sensitive

if (a_guicontrol == "▴")
ControlSend , , {Up}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUpDown", "GetObject")

if (a_guicontrol == "▾")
ControlSend , , {Down}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "DDLUpDown", "GetObject")


Browse:		;__________________ Browse __________________

Gui, +OwnDialogs	;must close "FileSelectFile" window below in order to use gui window again!
FileSelectFile, SelectedFile

guicontrol, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "FileBox", "GetObject"), % SelectedFile


ChooseIcon:	;__________________ Choose Icon ______________

gui, Icon:Default
gui, destroy

Gui, %a_gui%: +Disabled		;disable "LVAddEditRow" Gui (in this case, "a_gui = LVAddEditRow")
gui, +owner%a_gui%		;make "LVAddEditRow" Gui the owner of "Icon" Gui (in this case, "a_gui = LVAddEditRow")

Gui, Add, ListView, h200 w180 0x40, Icon	;"0x40" prevents the created ImageList above to be destroyed when this listview control is destroyed!

LV_SetImageList(ImageListID)  ; Assign the above ImageList to the current ListView.

Loop 10
LV_Add("Icon" . A_Index, "Icon" A_Index)	; Add rows to the ListView (for demonstration purposes, one for each icon).

LV_ModifyCol("Hdr")  ; Auto-adjust the column widths.

gui, add, button, gOkChooseIcon, Ok

gui, show, , Choose Icon


OkChooseIcon:	;____

LV_GetText(UserIcon, LV_GetNext(0, "Focused") , 1)

guicontrol, LVAddEditRow: , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "IconBox", "GetObject"), % UserIcon

IconGuiClose:	;____

gui, LVAddEditRow: -Disabled
gui, destroy


LoneUpDown:	;__________________ LoneUpDown _________________

GuiControlGet, Increment, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "Increment", "GetObject")
GuiControlGet, LoneUpDownEdit, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")

GuiControlGet, LoneUpDown, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownId", "GetObject")		;check if "UpDown" control value is "-1", "0" or "1"
GuiControl, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownId", "GetObject"), 0			;set the "UpDown" control to "0" (zero)

	;msgbox, % LoneUpDown

if (LoneUpDown = 1)
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit + Increment
else if (LoneUpDown = -1)
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit - Increment

if LoneUpDownEdit is Number
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit < -50 ? -50 : LoneUpDownEdit > 100 ? 100 : LoneUpDownEdit
LoneUpDownEdit := LoneUpDownEdit = "" ? "" : LoneUpDownEdit = "-" ? "-" : 0

GuiControl, -g, % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")
GuiControl, , % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject"), % LoneUpDownEdit
ControlSend, , {End}, % "ahk_id" LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")
GuiControl, +gLoneUpDown, % LV_AddEditRow("CtrlHwnd", "LoneUpDownEditId", "GetObject")

	;tooltip, % count++ 


ShowLVOptions:		;___________________ Show LVOptions __________________

gui, LVOptions:Default

gui, destroy

gui, add, edit, w600 h400 +HScroll, % LVOptions

gui, show


guiclose:	;__________________ Gui Close _______________

LV_AddEditRow(GuiWnd, LVCtrl, Status, Optns := "")	;_______________ Add/Edit ListView Controls Rows - v2.0 (Function) ___________________

;Local	;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;this function was tested in AutoHotKey

	;Local TempControlId	;this line was disabled because otherwise it would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default)

Static ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := []		;declare the variable as an object and remember its values between function calls 

Static GuiWindow, LVControl, FocusedRow, TotalCols, Options, GuiHwnd	;"Static" variables, remember values between function calls 

if (Status = "GetVar")
return, (%LVCtrl%)		;return the values of static variables from this function

if (Status = "GetObject")	;return the values of static Objects from this function
return, %GuiWnd%[LVCtrl]

GuiWindow := GuiWnd
LVControl := LVCtrl

Options := Optns

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!
;there is never more than one focused row in the entire list, and sometimes there is none at all!

	if (Status = "Modify" and FocusedRow = 0)
	msgbox, 8240, Warning!, No row is selected! Please, select a row to be modified!
	;"8240" sum of 8192 and 48 (8192 for "Task Modal" option \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)
	;"52" sum of 4 and 48 (4 for "yes - no" options \ 48 for Icon Exclamation + sound)

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy


TotalCols := LV_GetCount("Col")		;the function returns the number of columns in the control

gui, LVAddEditRow:Default
gui, destroy
Gui +HwndGuiHwnd

	loop, % TotalCols
	Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default			;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
	LV_GetText(TempHeader, 0, a_index)		;"0" is the columns header row / "a_index" is the column number

	if (Status = "Modify")
	LV_GetText(TempText, FocusedRow, a_index)	;"a_index" is the column number

	gui, LVAddEditRow:Default

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Type_Before", "Col_" TempIndex) == "")
			gui, add, % o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Type_Before", "Col_" TempIndex), % "+HwndTempControlId " o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Options_Before", "Col_" TempIndex), % o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Text_Before", "Col_" TempIndex)

			TempKey := o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Hwnd_Before", "Col_" TempIndex)
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

	gui, add, text, % o(Options, "Header_Options", "Col_" a_index), % TempHeader

		;Ternary operator, ( ? = if ) and ( : = else )

	ControlType := ControlOption := ControlText := ""	;blank\empty values

	ControlType := CtrlType[a_index] := o(Options, "Type", "Col_" a_index) != "" ? o(Options, "Type", "Col_" a_index) : "Edit"

		if (ControlType = "Checkbox")
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Checked" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "DateTime")
		TempText := TempText = "" ? "None" : RegExReplace(TempText, "\D")	;"\D" means any non-digit (remove any non-digit characters)
		ControlOption := Status = "Add" ? "" : "Choose" TempText
		else if (ControlType = "ListBox" or ControlType = "DropDownList" or ControlType = "DDL")
			if (Status = "Modify")
			TempIndex := a_index
			TempList := o(Options, "Text", "Col_" TempIndex), o(Options, "Text", "Col_" TempIndex, "=", "")

				loop, parse, TempList, |
				if (A_LoopField == "")		;if blank\empty (== is case-sensitive)
				continue			;Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one. Valid inside any kind of loop.

				TempString := A_LoopField

					loop, parse, TempText, |
						if ("S" TempString == "S" A_LoopField)		;"==" is case-sensitive, "S" forces "string" comprisons and avoids "number" comparisons!
						TempString .= "|"


				o(Options, "Text", "Col_" TempIndex, "=", o(Options, "Text", "Col_" TempIndex) TempString "|")
		else if (ControlType != "Edit" and ControlType != "ComboBox")
		if (ControlType = "MonthCal")
		TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "\Q/")	;remove any "/" character

		if (Status = "Modify")
		ControlText := TempText, o(Options, "Text", "Col_" a_index, "=", "")

	gui, add, % ControlType, % "+HwndTempControlId " o(Options, "Options", "Col_" a_index) " " ControlOption, % o(Options, "Text", "Col_" a_index) ControlText

		if (Status = "Modify")
		if (ControlType = "Edit" or ControlType = "ComboBox")
		ControlSetText, , % TempText, % "ahk_id" TempControlId		;"ControlSetText" prevents "EOL" (End of LIne Translation), no "`n" is translated to "`r`n"

	ControlHwndId[a_index] := TempControlId		;the variable must be declared as an object first ("ControlHwndId := []")
	TempKey := o(Options, "Hwnd", "Col_" a_index)
	CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId

		TempIndex := a_index
			if (o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Type_After", "Col_" TempIndex) = "")
			gui, add, % o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Type_After", "Col_" TempIndex), % "+HwndTempControlId " o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Options_After", "Col_" TempIndex), % o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Text_After", "Col_" TempIndex)

				if (a_index = "1" and Status = "Modify" and o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Type_After", "Col_" TempIndex) = "UpDown")
				ControlGet, TempStyle, Style, , , % "ahk_id" TempControlId

					;0x10 = 16 (means that the "UpDown" control treats the previous control as its buddy control)
					;0x2 = 2 (means that the "UpDown" control can set\modify text of its buddy control)


				if (TempStyle & 0x10) and (TempStyle & 0x2)				;if style "0x10" and "0x2" are found in "TempStyle" variable
				guicontrol, , % TempControlId , % RegExReplace(TempText, "\.|,")	;Regex removes thousands separator (. or ,)

			TempKey := o(Options, "Ctrl_" a_index "_Hwnd_After", "Col_" TempIndex)
			CtrlHwnd[TempKey] := TempControlId


TempText := ""	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

if (Status = "Modify")
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Modify"
GuiCaption := ButtonCaption := "Add"

gui, add, button, xm gLVAddEditRowLabel Default, % ButtonCaption

	if (Status = "Modify")
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Add
	gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowLabel , Delete

gui, add, button, x+5 gLVAddEditRowGuiClose, Cancel

gui, show, , % GuiCaption


LVAddEditRowLabel:	;_________ Function Label __________

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

	if (a_guicontrol = "Delete")
	FocusedRow := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")		;Search for the focused row ("0", the search starts from row number 1!

	if (a_guicontrol = "Add" or a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		if (a_guicontrol = "Add")
		FocusedRow := LV_Insert(o(Options, "NewRowIndex") = "" ? LV_GetCount() + 1 : o(Options, "NewRowIndex"), o(Options, "NewRowOptions"))
		;The function adds a new row to the specified index position (if the ListView control does not have the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style)
		;The function returns the new row number, which is not necessarily the specified index position if the ListView has the "Sort" or "SortDesc" style.
		;Ternary operator, (? = if) and (: = else)
		;if o(Options, "NewRowIndex") is blank\empty, the new row will be inserted to the end of the listview control, "LV_GetCount() + 1"
		;for some reason, the o(Options, "NewRowOptions") prevents Autohotkey from crashing if o(Options, "NewRowIndex") is blank/empty and the ListView control contains "Sort" or "SortDesc" options

		if (a_guicontrol = "Modify")
		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, o(Options, "RowOptions"))

		loop, % TotalCols
		if (CtrlType[a_index] = "Edit" or CtrlType[a_index] = "ComboBox")
		ControlGetText, TempText, , % "ahk_id" ControlHwndId[a_index]		;"ControlGetText" prevents EOL "End of line translation", no "`r`n" is translated to "`n"
		GuiControlGet, TempText, LVAddEditRow:, % ControlHwndId[a_index]

			if (CtrlType[a_index] = "DateTime")
			if (TempText != "")
			FormatTime, TempText, % TempText, yyyy-MM-dd/HH:mm:ss		;"HH" 24-hour format (00 – 23)
			else if (CtrlType[a_index] = "MonthCal")
				if (TempText != "")
					Loop, Parse, TempText, -
					TempText := a_index = 1 ? "" : TempText

					FormatTime, TempTime, % A_LoopField, yyyy/MM/dd		;"MonthCal" does not retrieve  "HH24MISS" time portion , retrieves only "YYYYMMDD" Date

					TempText .= TempTime "-"

				TempText := RegExReplace(TempText, "-$")	;remove the last "-" character at the end of the string

		LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Col" a_index, TempText)

LV_Modify(0, "-Select")		;Deselect all rows

LV_Modify(FocusedRow, "Focus Select Vis")
;"vis", Ensures that the specified row is completely visible by scrolling the ListView, if necessary.
;"Vis", has an effect only for "LV_Modify()" function! (does not work with "LV_Add()" function!)
;"Focus", Sets keyboard focus to the row / "Select", highlight the row

LVAddEditRowGuiClose:	;_______ LVAddEditRow Gui Close _______

Gui, %GuiWindow%:Default	;forces Built-in ListView Functions to operate upon the indicated gui window
Gui, ListView, % LVControl	;forces built-in ListView functions to operate upon the indicated Listview Control (the control must belong to the indicated gui window above)

GuiControl, Focus, % A_DefaultListView		;"A_DefaultListView" supported from [v1.1.23+]

if (o(Options, "GoSub") != "")	;if not blank/empty
GoSub, % o(Options, "GoSub")	;"GoTo" is not allowed inside functions, only "GoSub" is!

TempText := "", ControlHwndId := [], CtrlType := [], CtrlHwnd := [], Options := []	 ;make variable blank (free memory)

gui, LVAddEditRow:Destroy	;by destroying the gui window, "a_guicontrol" will be made blank\empty!


o(ByRef Var, Key := "", Section := "", Task := "", Value := "", Options := "")	;__________________ SimpleObject o(Function) - v1.4 _________________________ 

;Local	;uncomment this line if you use AutoHotKey v1.1.27+
	;Force all variables in this function to be "Local" vars (with no exceptions)
	;"Force-local" mode (only supported on AutoHotKey v1.1.27+)
	;this function was tested in AutoHotKey

	;Local AnyVariable	;(Not Recommended) this line would switch the function mode from "assume-Local" to "assume-Global" (makes all variables global by default)

Static FindAnySection := "s)#(.*?)#@(.*?)#End#!"

Static FindAnyKey := "s)#(.*?)#( |	)*?=( |	)*?#(.*?)#(?!_)"
;#(?!_), match an "#" without "_" at its right!
;( |	), Space or Tab

if (key = "<=Get")
return, (%Var%)		;returns the values of static variables of this function! (Mainly for "FindAnyKey" var)

	if (Key = "<=CountSections")
	RegExReplace(Var, "#End#!", , TotalReplace)
	return, TotalReplace

	if RegExMatch(Key, "i)^<=(S|C)(\d+)$", Found)
	GetWhat := Found1, GetX := Found2

		FoundPos := 1
		MatchLenght := 0
		FoundPos := RegExMatch(Var, FindAnySection, Match, FoundPos + MatchLenght)

			if (FoundPos = 0 or FoundPos = "")
			MatchLenght := StrLen(Match)

			if (GetX = a_index)
			return, GetWhat = "S" ? RegExReplace(Match1, "#_", "#") : Match2

if (Key = "" and Section = "" and Task = "" and Value = "" and Options = "")
return, "#" RegExReplace(Var, "#", "#_") "#"

if (Key = "Get=>")
key := "", Task := "GetSection"

if (Key = "GetIndex=>")
key := "", Task := "GetSectionIndex"

if RegExMatch(Key, "i)^(k|v)(\d+)=>$", Found)
key := "", GetWhat := Found1, GetX := Found2

	if RegExMatch(Key, "=>$")	;if "key" var value ends with an "=>" (Add\Modify keys-Values from existing "Sections!"! Create "Section" if doesn't exist!)
	if RegExMatch(Key, "-=>$")		;if "key" var value ends with an "-=>" (delete content of the "Section" and add new keys-values)
	o(Var, , Section, "DelSectionContent")

	if RegExMatch(Key, "\+=>$")	;if "key" var value ends with an "+=>" (Creat new "section" at specified index!)
	Task := "<="
	Task := "="

		FoundPos := 1
		MatchLenght := 0
		FoundPos := RegExMatch(key, FindAnyKey, Match, FoundPos + MatchLenght)

			if (FoundPos = 0 or FoundPos = "")
			MatchLenght := StrLen(Match)

			if (a_index = 2)
			Task := "="

			if o(Var, Match1, Section, Task, Match4, "Skip#Esc") = "InvalidSectionIndex"

	if !RegExMatch(Options, "i)Skip#Esc")		;"i" enable regex Case-insensitive
	Key := RegExReplace(Key, "#", "#_")
	Value := RegExReplace(Value, "#", "#_")

Section := RegExReplace(Section, "#", "#_")

KeyEsc2 := "\Q" RegExReplace(Key, "\\E", "\E\\E\Q") "\E"	;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExMatch" and "RegExReplace" second parameters! ("\\" represents one literal "\")
KeyEsc3 := RegExReplace(Key, "\$", "$$$$")			;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExReplace" third parameter! ("$$" represents one literal "$")

ValueEsc2 := "\Q" RegExReplace(Value, "\\E", "\E\\E\Q") "\E"	;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExMatch" and "RegExReplace" second parameters! ("\\" represents one literal "\")
ValueEsc3 := RegExReplace(Value, "\$", "$$$$")			;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExReplace" third parameter! ("$$" represents one literal "$")

SectionEsc2 := "\Q" RegExReplace(Section, "\\E", "\E\\E\Q") "\E"	;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExMatch" and "RegExReplace" second parameters! ("\\" represents one literal "\")
SectionEsc3 := RegExReplace(Section, "\$", "$$$$")			;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExReplace" third parameter! ("$$" represents one literal "$")


FindSection := "s)#" SectionEsc2 "#@(.*?)#End#!"

if RegExMatch(Var, FindSection, Match)
SectionExist := "1"

if (Task = "CheckSection")
return, SectionExist

SectionContent := Match1


FindKey := "s)#" KeyEsc2 "#( |	)*?=( |	)*?#(.*?)#(?!_)"
;#(?!_), match an "#" without "_" at its right!
;( |	), Space or Tab

if RegExMatch(SectionContent, FindKey, Match)
KeyExist := "1"

if (Task = "CheckKey")
return, KeyExist

KeyValue := Match3


SectionName := RegExReplace(Section, "\d+$")	;if exist, remove the sequence of numbers at the end

RegExMatch(Section, "\d+$", Match)		;if exist, match the sequence of numbers at the end
if !RegExMatch(Match, "^0")			;"Match" var must not start by a "0" digit (zero digit)
SectionIndex := Match

SectionNameEsc2 := "\Q" RegExReplace(SectionName, "\\E", "\E\\E\Q") "\E"	;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExMatch" and "RegExReplace" second parameters! ("\\" represents one literal "\")
SectionNameEsc3 := RegExReplace(SectionName, "\$", "$$$$")			;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExReplace" third parameter! ("$$" represents one literal "$")

	if (GetWhat != "")
		FoundPos := 1
		MatchLenght := 0
		FoundPos := RegExMatch(SectionContent, FindAnyKey, Match, FoundPos + MatchLenght)

			if (FoundPos = 0 or FoundPos = "")
			MatchLenght := StrLen(Match)

			if (GetX = a_index)
			return, GetWhat = "k" ? RegExReplace(Match1, "#_", "#") : RegExReplace(Match4, "#_", "#")

	if (Task = "<=")
	if (SectionIndex == "" or SectionIndex == 0)
	return, "InvalidSectionIndex"

	if (Task = "<=" and SectionIndex != "" and SectionIndex > 0)    ;"<=" means "Insert at" Section Index (Example: Insert at "Col1" section, the previous "Col1" section is moved to "col2", the previous "Col2" is moved to "col3", and so on ...!)
		if (SectionExist != "1")	;means that insertion Section Index point does not exist
		Task := "="			;Forces the new section to be created anyway
		Var := RegExReplace(Var, FindSection, "#" SectionEsc3 "#@`r`n#" KeyEsc3 "# = #" ValueEsc3  "#`r`n#End#!`r`n`r`n$0")

		UpdateSectionIndex := "1"


	if (Task = "DelSection")
	Var := RegExReplace(Var, FindSection "`r`n`r`n")		;Delete section

	if (SectionIndex != "" and SectionIndex > 0)
	UpdateSectionIndex := "1"

	if (Task = "DelSectionContent")
	Var := RegExReplace(Var, FindSection, "#" SectionEsc3 "#@`r`n#End#!")		;Delete section content

	if (Task = "GetSection")
	return, SectionContent

	if (Task = "DelKey")
	SectionContent := RegExReplace(SectionContent, FindKey "`r`n")		;Delete "Key" from "section"

	EditedSection := "#" Section "#@" SectionContent "#End#!"

	EditedSection := RegExReplace(EditedSection, "\$", "$$$$")	;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExReplace" third parameter! ("$$" represents one literal "$")

	Var := RegExReplace(Var, FindSection, EditedSection)

	if (Task = "GetSectionIndex")
	RegExReplace(SectionContent, FindAnyKey,, TotalReplace)
	return, TotalReplace

	if (UpdateSectionIndex = "1")
		FoundPos := 1
		MatchLenght := 0
		Count := 1
		FoundPos := RegExMatch(Var, "#" SectionNameEsc2 "(\d+)#@", Match, FoundPos + MatchLenght)

			if (FoundPos = 0 or FoundPos = "")
			MatchLenght := StrLen(Match)

			IndexFound := Match1
			if RegExMatch(IndexFound, "^0")
			Continue			;"Continue", Skips the rest of the current loop iteration and begins a new one.

			Var := RegExReplace(Var, "#" SectionNameEsc2 "(\d+)#@", "#" SectionNameEsc3 Count "#@", , 1, FoundPos)

			MatchLenght := StrLen(SectionName) + StrLen(Count) + 3		;the "+ 3" is for "##@" 


	if (Task == "")		;if blank, "Get" key's value 
		;return, SectionContent

	KeyValue := RegExReplace(KeyValue, "#_", "#")

	return, KeyValue
	else if (Task = "=")
		if (SectionExist = "1")
			if (KeyExist = "1")
			SectionContent := RegExReplace(SectionContent, FindKey, "#" KeyEsc3 "# = #" ValueEsc3 "#")
			SectionContent .= "#" Key "# = #" Value "#`r`n"

		EditedSection := "#" Section "#@" SectionContent "#End#!"

		EditedSection := RegExReplace(EditedSection, "\$", "$$$$")	;Escaped Var to be used with "RegExReplace" third parameter! ("$$" represents one literal "$")

		Var := RegExReplace(Var, FindSection, EditedSection)
			if (SectionIndex != "" and SectionIndex > 1)
			if !RegExMatch(Var, "s)#" SectionNameEsc2 "1#@(.*?)#End#!")
			var .= "#" SectionName "1#@`r`n#End#!`r`n`r`n"
				loop, % SectionIndex
				if (a_index = SectionIndex)
				Var := RegExReplace(Var, "s)#" SectionNameEsc2 a_index - 1 "#@(.*?)#End#!", "$0`r`n`r`n#" SectionNameEsc3 a_index "#@`r`n#" KeyEsc3 "# = #" ValueEsc3 "#`r`n#End#!")
				else if !RegExMatch(Var, "s)#" SectionNameEsc2 a_index "#@(.*?)#End#!")
				Var := RegExReplace(Var, "s)#" SectionNameEsc2 a_index - 1 "#@(.*?)#End#!", "$0`r`n`r`n#" SectionNameEsc3 a_index "#@`r`n#End#!")

				;msgbox, % SectionName " - " SectionIndex
			Var.= "#" Section "#@`r`n#" Key "# = #" Value "#`r`n#End#!`r`n`r`n"


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