RadialMenu Framework [9Buttons & 27possible actions (3 per button) left, right & middle click]

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Joined: 27 Sep 2018, 09:58

RadialMenu Framework [9Buttons & 27possible actions (3 per button) left, right & middle click]

07 Oct 2018, 05:48

I'm a ProjectReality FANATIC,though not so much lately!, so i set about creating a RadialMenu that allows Left/Middle/Right buttons and the option for submenu's for each button. I had this sitting around for too long,i figure at least one other person might be interested so here goes...

9Buttons & 27possible actions (3 per button) left, right & middle click on core radial menu.

More actions can be added to buttons by means of adding submenu's to the corresponding buttons as shown in the included button submenu examples, where middle clicking on Center and Bottom most buttons will spawn a button submenu. clicking on a button with out a handler function will result in a function for that button being created and copied to clipboard for ease of use IF DEBUGMODE is set to true.

All Core Radial Menu Actions correlate to running a dynamic function with this naming scheme, <MouseButton>_<ButtonName>(), Clicking on a button that has no corresponding action attached will copy a function to the clipboard that corresponds to that Button & Corresponding Left/Right/MiddleMouse button press that was registered. SubMenu Buttons are slightly different, buttons execute dynamic functions that share the same name as the button text,see examples...

HOLD & RELEASE Ctrl to spawn main radial menu.

Code: Select all

;LRM_RadialMenu Template.ahk
;9Buttons & 27possible actions (3 per button) left, right & middle click.
;More action can be added to buttons by means of adding submenu's to the corresponding buttons as shown in the included button submenu examples,
; where middle clicking on Center and Bottom most buttons will spawn a button submenu.
;clicking on a button with out a handler function will result in a function for that button being created and copied to clipboard for ease of use.

	;List of button names
	-->Any button that has no handlerFunction will generate a function for a mouse button press on a corresponding button,i.e left click on a center button &
	a function to the one below will be copied to clipboard for ease of use... so just click on a button, paste the created function for the gui button & the mouse button pressed.
	Create function with Prefix with L_,M_,R_ followed by any of the above button names to have a function that handles the corresponding Gui Button & mouse button.
		MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, Right Button Bottom function handler example
		MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, Left Button Bottom function handler example
		MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, Middle Button Bottom function handler example
	The button submenu, by default limited to activation on Middle Mouse Button press on Central Radial Menu button is handled by functions that have the same name as the assigned button name.
	The button submenu is created by GuiCreateDynamicButtonStack() which creates a button stack dynamically using specified button names as defined as parameters.
		MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, submenu function handler example

debugMode := True	;if enabled automatic function generation & tooltips on buttons with no handler functions will be enabled.

If ( IsHotkeyPressedHeld() = "HELD" ){
	LRRadialMenuGuiCreate()		;destroying & recreating gui every time as hiding & restoring it seems to be inconsistent
	SetTimer, CheckCursorPos, 100
}Else, Gosub, GuiClose

LRRadialMenuGuiCreate(ButtonTopText := "TL / TM / TR", ButtonLUText := "LUL / LUM / LUR", ButtonLText := "LL / LM / LR", ButtonLDText := "LDL / LDM / LDR", ButtonCenterText := "LCL / LCM / RCR", ButtonRUText := "RUL / RUM / RUR", ButtonRText := "RL / RM / RR", ButtonRDText := "RDL / RDM / RDR", ButtonBottomText := "BL / BM / BR"){	;params are button texts
	Gosub, GuiClose
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	MouseGetPos, guiX, guiY
	Gui +HwndLRRadialMenuGuiHWND
	Gui, Color, Green	;'green screen' for transparency
	Gui, +ToolWindow -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
	Gui, Font, s15 cBlue, Terminal
	;-theme removes the border around the edges of buttons to make them look flat
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonTop gLeftClick x300 y0 w200 h50, %ButtonTopText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonLU gLeftClick x0 y10 w250 h50, %ButtonLUText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonL gLeftClick x0 y75 w225 h50, %ButtonLText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonLD gLeftClick x0 y140 w250 h50, %ButtonLDText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonCenter gLeftClick x250 y60 w300 h80, %ButtonCenterText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonRU gLeftClick x550 y10 w250 h50, %ButtonRUText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonR gLeftClick x575 y75 w225 h50, %ButtonRText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonRD gLeftClick x550 y140 w250 h50, %ButtonRDText%
	Gui, Add, Button,-theme vButtonBottom gLeftClick x300 y150 w200 h50, %ButtonBottomText%
	guiX -= 400 , guiY -= 100
	;create gui offscreen to hide flash
	yOffscreen := 100000	;way off screen
	Gui, Show, x%guiX% y%yOffscreen% w800 h200 NA, LRRadialMenuGui	;create gui offscreen
	;WinSet, TransColor, 000000, LRRadialMenuGui
	WinSet, TransColor, Green, LRRadialMenuGui
	Gui, Show, x%guiX% y%guiY% w800 h200, LRRadialMenuGui	;redraw transparency enabled gui onscreen

;======================= Left/Right/Middle mouse buttton press handlers & ButtonSubmenu button press handlers =====================
GuiControlGet, var,, % A_GuiControl
If IsFunc("L_" . A_GuiControl)
;generate function handler to perform actions on button press, and copy to clipboard.
Else If debugMode{
	ToolTip, Left button clicked! `n %var% `n %A_GuiControl%
	Clipboard = L_%A_GuiControl%(){`n;actions here`n}
GuiContextMenu:	;detects any right clicks anywhere in gui
GuiControlGet, var,, % A_GuiControl
If IsFunc("R_" . A_GuiControl)
;generate function handler to perform actions on button press, and copy to clipboard.
Else If debugMode{
	ToolTip, Right button clicked! `n %var% `n %A_GuiControl%
	Clipboard = L_%A_GuiControl%(){`n;actions here`n}
;Middle Mouse button
#IfWinActive, LRRadialMenuGui
MouseGetPos, OutputVarX, OutputVarY, OutputVarWin, OutputVarControl
IfNotInString, OutputVarControl, Button	;if not a button control ignore middle mouse button
ControlGetText, OutputVar, %OutputVarControl%
activeButtonVar := GetValuePair(OutputVarControl, "Button1|ButtonTop", "Button2|ButtonLU", "Button3|ButtonL", "Button4|ButtonLD", "Button5|ButtonCenter", "Button6|ButtonRU", "Button7|ButtonR", "Button8|ButtonRD", "Button9|ButtonBottom")
;middle mouse button on center button only
IfEqual, activeButtonVar, ButtonCenter
	GuiCreateDynamicButtonStack("a", "b", "c", "Hello", "World")
Else IfEqual, activeButtonVar, ButtonBottom
	GuiCreateDynamicButtonStack("1", "2", "3", "last button...")
	Gui, 2:Destroy
If IsFunc("M_" . activeButtonVar)
Else If debugMode{
	ToolTip, MMButton clicked! `n %OutputVar% `n %OutputVarControl% `n %activeButtonVar%, % OutputVarX + 400
	Clipboard = M_%activeButtonVar%(){`n;actions here`n}
;runs when button submenu is run
	MouseGetPos, guiX, guiY
	If IsFunc(pressedButton)
	Else If debugMode{
		ToolTip, MMButton clicked! `n %OutputVar% `n %OutputVarControl% `n %activeButtonVar% `n %pressedButton%, % guiX + 400
		Clipboard = %pressedButton%(){`n;actions here`n}
	If debugMode
	    tooltip % "IsMouseOverClientArea: " IsMouseOverClientArea(LRRadialMenuGuiHWND) "	ButtonArea:" IsMouseOverClientArea(ButtonStackGuiHWND),0,0,2
	If (!IsMouseOverClientArea(LRRadialMenuGuiHWND) AND !IsMouseOverClientArea(ButtonStackGuiHWND))		;so that when mouse leaves radial menu area, it automatically closes
			Gosub, GuiClose

	If (WinExist("ahk_id " ButtonStackGuiHWND) AND !IsMouseOverClientArea(ButtonStackGuiHWND))		;so that when mouse leaves button menu area, it automatically closes
			Gosub, GuiClose2

SetTimer, CheckCursorPos, off

Gui, Destroy
Gui, 2:Destroy

Gui, 2:Destroy

IsHotkeyPressedHeld(timeoutInSec := 0.5){
thisHotkey := InStr(A_ThisHotkey,"~") ? LTrim(A_ThisHotkey,"~") : A_ThisHotkey
KeyWait, % thisHotkey
IfGreater, A_TimeSinceThisHotkey, % timeoutInSec * 1000	;was pressed for extended period
	Return % "HELD"
	Return % "PRESSED"

;x := 3
;MsgBox % GetValuePair(x, "3|three", "4|four", "three|3")

;given a, b & c where b & c are a pair delimited with | as in "b|c", if a = b then a = c,
;this function simply condenses what would other wise require a rather extensive ternary for a large number of value pair's.
GetValuePair(var, params*) {
	for index,param in params{
		paramArray := StrSplit(param, "|")
		match := ( var = paramArray[1] ? paramArray[2] : match )
	Return match

;sub menu
	Global ButtonStackGuiHWND
	IfWinExist, ButtonStackGui
		Gui, 2:Destroy
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	Gui 2:+HwndButtonStackGuiHWND
	Gui, 2:Color, Green
	Gui, 2:+ToolWindow -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
	Gui , 2:font, s8 bold, Terminal
	;-theme removes the border around the edges of buttons to make them look flat
	for index,param in params
		Gui, 2:Add, Button, w150 h25 vButton%index% gSubmit, %param% 	;& prefix to underline string
	Gui, 2:-caption
	;create gui offscreen to hide flash
	yOffscreen := 100000	;way off screen
	Gui, 2:Show ,AutoSize x0 y%yOffscreen% NA, ButtonStackGui	;create gui offscreen
	WinSet, TransColor, Green, ButtonStackGui
	MouseGetPos, guiX, guiY
	guiX -= 60, guiY -= 20
	Gui, 2:Show ,AutoSize x%guiX% y%guiY% NA, ButtonStackGui	;redraw transparency enabled gui onscreen
	GuiControlGet, var,, % A_GuiControl
	GuiControl,, %A_GuiControl%, %var%	;change button text
	If debugMode
		ToolTip, %A_GuiControl% - %var%
	Gui, 2:Destroy

IsMouseOverClientArea(hWnd, nOption=0) {
    ;   Checks whether the current mouse cursor is within the client area of a specified window. 
    ;   It can check even if the window is inactive or overlapped by other windows. 
    ;   hWnd:       the window handle of the subject window.
    ;   nOption:    
    ;       0:      the normal mode.
    ;       1:      if the window is not active, the function returns an empty value.
    ;[Return Value]
    ;   If the window does not exist, it returns an empty value.
    ;   Returns 1 if the mouse cursor is over the client area of the specified window; otherwise, it returns 0.

    ; AutoHotkey Basic users should uncomment this line.
    ;ptr := ptr ? "ptr" : "uint"    

    ; Check if the window exists.
    if !WinExist("ahk_id " hWnd)

    ; if the option is set to 1, check if the window is active.
    if (nOption = 1) && !WinActive("ahk_id " hWnd)

    ; Retrieve the window position and convert it to the client top-left position in screen coordinate.
    VarSetCapacity(pt, 16), NumPut(0, pt, 0), NumPut(0, pt, 4)
    DllCall("ClientToScreen", ptr, hwnd, ptr, &pt)
    nClientX := NumGet(pt, 0, "int") ,  nClientY := NumGet(pt, 4, "int")

    ; Retrieve the size of client area of the window.
    VarSetCapacity(rc, 16), DllCall("GetClientRect", ptr, hwnd, ptr, &rc)
    nClientW := NumGet(rc, 8, "int") , nClientH := NumGet(rc, 12, "int")    

    ; Retrieve the mouse cursor position in screen coordinates. 
    ; Use the GetCursorPos API function in order not to affect the coord mode of the script.
    VarSetCapacity(pos, 8), DllCall("GetCursorPos", ptr, &pos)
    nCursorX := NumGet(pos, 0, "int") , nCursorY := NumGet(pos, 4, "int")

    ; Return True if the cursor is in the client are of the window.
    nCursorX := nCursorX - nClientX, nCursorY := nCursorY - nClientY        ; Convert it to be client relative
    if (nCursorX >= 0) && (nCursorY >= 0) && (nCursorX <= nClientW) && (nCursorY <= nClientH)
        Return True
        Return False

    ; by A_Samurai 2012/2/16 licence: Public Domain 

	MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, Right Button Bottom function handler example

	MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, Left Button Bottom function handler example

;	MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, Middle Button Bottom function handler example

	MsgBox, 0x40040, %A_ScriptName%, submenu function handler example

Below are two demo's for the functionality that spawns button submenu's...

Code: Select all

SetTimer, CheckCursorPos, 100
SoundGet, vol
GuiCreateDynamicButtonStack("VOLUME_60", "VOLUME_40", "VOLUME_20", "VOLUME_80", "VOLUME_100","======" . Round(vol) . "======")

If (WinExist("ahk_id " ButtonStackGuiHWND) AND !IsMouseOverClientArea(ButtonStackGuiHWND))		;so that when mouse leaves button menu area, it automatically closes
	Gosub, GuiClose

SetTimer, CheckCursorPos, off

Global ButtonStackGuiHWND
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Gui, Color, Green
Gui +HwndButtonStackGuiHWND
Gui, +ToolWindow -Caption +AlwaysOnTop
Gui , font, s10, Terminal
;-theme removes the border around the edges of buttons to make them look flat
for index,param in params
	Gui, Add, Button, w150 h25 -theme vButton%index% gSubmit, %param% 	;& prefix to underline string
Gui, -caption
;create gui offscreen to hide flash
yOffscreen := 100000	;way off screen
Gui, Show ,AutoSize x0 y%yOffscreen% NA, ButtonStackGui	;create gui offscreen
WinSet, TransColor, Green, ButtonStackGui
MouseGetPos, guiX, guiY
guiX -= 60, guiY -= 50
Gui, Show ,AutoSize x%guiX% y%guiY% NA, ButtonStackGui	;redraw transparency enabled gui onscreen

GuiControlGet, var,, % A_GuiControl
;GuiControl,, %A_GuiControl%, %var%	;change button text
;ToolTip, %A_GuiControl% - %var%
If IsFunc(var)
	%var%()	;call function with button name if it exists

IsMouseOverClientArea(hWnd, nOption=0) {
	;   Checks whether the current mouse cursor is within the client area of a specified window.
	;   It can check even if the window is inactive or overlapped by other windows.
	;   hWnd:       the window handle of the subject window.
	;   nOption:
	;       0:      the normal mode.
	;       1:      if the window is not active, the function returns an empty value.
	;[Return Value]
	;   If the window does not exist, it returns an empty value.
	;   Returns 1 if the mouse cursor is over the client area of the specified window; otherwise, it returns 0.
	; AutoHotkey Basic users should uncomment this line.
	;ptr := ptr ? "ptr" : "uint"
	; Check if the window exists.
	if !WinExist("ahk_id " hWnd)
	; if the option is set to 1, check if the window is active.
	if (nOption = 1) && !WinActive("ahk_id " hWnd)
	; Retrieve the window position and convert it to the client top-left position in screen coordinate.
	VarSetCapacity(pt, 16), NumPut(0, pt, 0), NumPut(0, pt, 4)
	DllCall("ClientToScreen", ptr, hwnd, ptr, &pt)
	nClientX := NumGet(pt, 0, "int") ,  nClientY := NumGet(pt, 4, "int")
	; Retrieve the size of client area of the window.
	VarSetCapacity(rc, 16), DllCall("GetClientRect", ptr, hwnd, ptr, &rc)
	nClientW := NumGet(rc, 8, "int") , nClientH := NumGet(rc, 12, "int")
	; Retrieve the mouse cursor position in screen coordinates.
	; Use the GetCursorPos API function in order not to affect the coord mode of the script.
	VarSetCapacity(pos, 8), DllCall("GetCursorPos", ptr, &pos)
	nCursorX := NumGet(pos, 0, "int") , nCursorY := NumGet(pos, 4, "int")
	; Return True if the cursor is in the client are of the window.
	nCursorX := nCursorX - nClientX, nCursorY := nCursorY - nClientY        ; Convert it to be client relative
	if (nCursorX >= 0) && (nCursorY >= 0) && (nCursorX <= nClientW) && (nCursorY <= nClientH)
		Return True
		Return False
	; by A_Samurai 2012/2/16 licence: Public Domain

SoundSet, 100
SoundSet, 80
SoundSet, 60
SoundSet, 40
SoundSet, 20

Code: Select all

debugMode :=True

SetTimer, CheckCursorPos, 100
GuiCreateDynamicButtonStack("a", "b", "c")


	MouseGetPos, guiX, guiY
	If IsFunc(pressedButton)
	Else If debugMode{
		ToolTip, %pressedButton%, % guiX + 400
		Clipboard = %pressedButton%(){`n;actions here`n}
tooltip % "IsMouseOverClientArea: ButtonArea:" IsMouseOverClientArea(ButtonStackGuiHWND),0,0,2

If (WinExist("ahk_id " ButtonStackGuiHWND) AND !IsMouseOverClientArea(ButtonStackGuiHWND))		;so that when mouse leaves button menu area, it automatically closes
	Gosub, GuiClose

SetTimer, CheckCursorPos, off
Gui, 2:Destroy
If debugMode

;sub menu
	Global ButtonStackGuiHWND
	IfWinExist, ButtonStackGui
		Gui, 2:Destroy
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	Gui 2:+HwndButtonStackGuiHWND
	Gui, 2:Color, Green
	Gui, 2:+ToolWindow -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
	Gui , 2:font, s8 bold, Terminal
	;-theme removes the border around the edges of buttons to make them look flat
	for index,param in params
		Gui, 2:Add, Button, w150 h25 vButton%index% gSubmit, %param% 	;& prefix to underline string
	Gui, 2:-caption
	;create gui offscreen to hide flash
	yOffscreen := 100000	;way off screen
	Gui, 2:Show ,AutoSize x0 y%yOffscreen% NA, ButtonStackGui	;create gui offscreen
	WinSet, TransColor, Green, ButtonStackGui
	MouseGetPos, guiX, guiY
	guiX -= 80, guiY -= 50
	Gui, 2:Show ,AutoSize x%guiX% y%guiY% NA, ButtonStackGui	;redraw transparency enabled gui onscreen
	GuiControlGet, var,, % A_GuiControl
	GuiControl,, %A_GuiControl%, %var%	;change button text
	If debugMode
		ToolTip, %A_GuiControl% - %var%
	Gui, 2:Destroy

IsMouseOverClientArea(hWnd, nOption=0) {
	;   Checks whether the current mouse cursor is within the client area of a specified window.
	;   It can check even if the window is inactive or overlapped by other windows.
	;   hWnd:       the window handle of the subject window.
	;   nOption:
	;       0:      the normal mode.
	;       1:      if the window is not active, the function returns an empty value.
	;[Return Value]
	;   If the window does not exist, it returns an empty value.
	;   Returns 1 if the mouse cursor is over the client area of the specified window; otherwise, it returns 0.
	; AutoHotkey Basic users should uncomment this line.
	;ptr := ptr ? "ptr" : "uint"
	; Check if the window exists.
	if !WinExist("ahk_id " hWnd)
	; if the option is set to 1, check if the window is active.
	if (nOption = 1) && !WinActive("ahk_id " hWnd)
	; Retrieve the window position and convert it to the client top-left position in screen coordinate.
	VarSetCapacity(pt, 16), NumPut(0, pt, 0), NumPut(0, pt, 4)
	DllCall("ClientToScreen", ptr, hwnd, ptr, &pt)
	nClientX := NumGet(pt, 0, "int") ,  nClientY := NumGet(pt, 4, "int")
	; Retrieve the size of client area of the window.
	VarSetCapacity(rc, 16), DllCall("GetClientRect", ptr, hwnd, ptr, &rc)
	nClientW := NumGet(rc, 8, "int") , nClientH := NumGet(rc, 12, "int")
	; Retrieve the mouse cursor position in screen coordinates.
	; Use the GetCursorPos API function in order not to affect the coord mode of the script.
	VarSetCapacity(pos, 8), DllCall("GetCursorPos", ptr, &pos)
	nCursorX := NumGet(pos, 0, "int") , nCursorY := NumGet(pos, 4, "int")
	; Return True if the cursor is in the client are of the window.
	nCursorX := nCursorX - nClientX, nCursorY := nCursorY - nClientY        ; Convert it to be client relative
	if (nCursorX >= 0) && (nCursorY >= 0) && (nCursorX <= nClientW) && (nCursorY <= nClientH)
		Return True
		Return False
	; by A_Samurai 2012/2/16 licence: Public Domain

live ? long & prosper : regards
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Joined: 31 May 2018, 23:26

Re: RadialMenu Framework [9Buttons & 27possible actions (3 per button) left, right & middle click]

17 Oct 2018, 02:31

For a second there I thought TheLearningOne had out out an update for his RadialMenu. Did you base this idea on the one that he has released? I use that as a regaular part of my workflow at home and especially at work and have felt like sometimes there is just not enough mouse shortcuts for me, so in looking forward to giving this a shot.
Posts: 211
Joined: 27 Sep 2018, 09:58

Re: RadialMenu Framework [9Buttons & 27possible actions (3 per button) left, right & middle click]

17 Oct 2018, 05:18

Thoughtfu1Tux wrote:
17 Oct 2018, 02:31
For a second there I thought TheLearningOne had out out an update for his RadialMenu. Did you base this idea on the one that he has released? I use that as a regaular part of my workflow at home and especially at work and have felt like sometimes there is just not enough mouse shortcuts for me, so in looking forward to giving this a shot.
His RadialMenu was definitely what got me to write this,after i wrote GetMouseGesture() inspired by his MouseGestures i figured why stop there,as much as i love using his RadialMenu,i ALSO wanted something simpler that was easily customisable and i always wanted Left/Right/Middle mouse button click on menu entries & linear submenus,so here it is... It's as customisable as you'd like,visually simplistic & intuitive at the very least. If you need any pointers or examples, light up this thread...
live ? long & prosper : regards

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