[Function] - UnicodeToHex()

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[Function] - UnicodeToHex()

20 Oct 2018, 01:29

Code: Select all

Test := ""
. UnicodeToHex("∞")              "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("∞", "Upper")     "`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("∞", "0x")        "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("∞", "0x Upper")  "`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd")                          "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm(/)")                "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm(_)")                "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("∞∞∞", "Dlm(  _  )")             "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("∞∞∞", "Dlm(  _  ) Upper")       "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("∞∞∞", "Dlm(  _  ) Upper 0x")    "`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm(`r`n) 0x")          "`r`n"
. "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm( - ) Base1")        "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm( - ) Base3")        "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm( - ) Base4")        "`r`n"		;Base4 is what is needed for Unicode (16^4 = 65536 chars)
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "0x Dlm( - ) Base4")     "`r`n"		;Base4 is what is needed for Unicode (16^4 = 65536 chars)
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm( - ) Base5")        "`r`n"
. UnicodeToHex("abcd", "Dlm( - ) Base10")       "`r`n"

gui, add, edit, w450 h350 +HwndEditId,

ControlSetText , , % Test, % "ahk_id" EditId

gui, show


guiclose:	;___________ gui close __________

UnicodeToHex(String, Options := "")		;________________ UnicodeToHex(function) - v1.0 _____________
if RegExMatch(Options, "i)0x")		;"i)" enable case insensitive
Pre := "0x"

if RegExMatch(Options, "i)Upper")	;"i)" enable case insensitive
Opt .= "X"
Opt .= "x"

RegExMAtch(Options, "si)Dlm\((.*?)\)", Match)
Dlm := Match1

RegExMAtch(Options, "i)Base([1-9]\d*)", Match)
Base := Match1

	Char := SubStr(String, a_index, 1)	;"a_index" = pos, "1" = Length

		if (Char == "")		;"==" is case sensitive
		return, HexString
		HexChar := Format("{1:" Opt "}", ord(Char))

			if (Base != "")
			loop, % Base - StrLen(HexChar)
			HexChar := "0" HexChar

		HexString .= Pre HexChar Dlm
		;x or X, Unsigned hexadecimal integer; "x" for "abcdef" format or "X" for "ABCDEF" format.
		;The "0x" prefix is not included unless the "#" flag is used, example: {1:#x}

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