Script that turns header and lines of Excel/Calc into a pop up menu

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Script that turns header and lines of Excel/Calc into a pop up menu

01 Nov 2018, 12:34

This script has the same function of a direct mail of windows.

I think it is useful because it allows you to modify any document or change it into a template.

It turns a plan like this:

Name Address Status
Sidartha St. Principal, 33A Processing

into a pop up menu like this:

Name: Sidartha
Address: St. Principal, 33A
Status: Processing

English Code:

Code: Select all


Script to Copy Fields from an Excel or Calc Spreadsheet

This script has the same function of a direct mail of windows.

I think it is useful because it allows you to modify any document or change it into a template.

It turns a plan like this:

Name      Address               Status
Sidartha  St. Principal, 33A    Processing

into a pop up menu like this:

Name: Sidartha
Address: St. Principal, 33A
Status: Processing

How to use:

1) Open the worksheet.

2) Press Control + Enter to start the script.

3) Copy the header line (the first line where the labels are).

4) Copy the line where is the data you want to use.

5) Press Control + Space to show the menu to insert the values

6) It will be shown a list where you can click to insert the data into a document.

You can also insert fields in a document template:

    1) Press Alt+Space to display the menu where you can select the fields to be placed in the document.
    2) To edit the template: positionate the cursor over a field and press Win+A to replace the field with related data.


Menu, MenuList, Add  ; Creates a pop up menu by adding a line

ShowMessage("To start press Control+Enter",3000)



ShowMessage("Please, copy the header.",0)

sleep, 300

ToolTip, Collected: %Clipboard%
sleep, 500

Text01  = %Clipboard%

; Removing quotes
StringReplace, Text01, Text01, `", , All


ShowMessage("Please, copy the line.",0)

sleep, 300

ToolTip Collected: %Clipboard%
sleep, 500

Text02  = %Clipboard%

Text01 := CleaningText(Text01)

Text02 := CleaningText(Text02)

ShowMessage("Click on some place and...`n`nControl+Space to insert the value.`n`nAlt+Space to insert the field.`n`nWinL+A to replace a field.`n`nWin+X to exit.",0)

Arquivo = %A_ScriptDir%\DataFile.txt
FieldsFile = %A_ScriptDir%\FieldsFile.txt

FileDelete, %Arquivo%

FileDelete, %FieldsFile%

; ------ Matching header tags to line values

k1 := 1

Loop, parse, Text01, `r
k2 := 1

	Line01 =  %A_LoopField%

	Loop, parse, Text02, `r

	if k1=%k2%
	ResultantLine = %A_LoopField%

	; Removing line breaks

	ResultantLine := RegExReplace(ResultantLine, "\n","")
	ResultantLine := RegExReplace(ResultantLine, "\r","")
	StringReplace, ResultantLine, ResultantLine, ",,All

	Line01 := RegExReplace(Line01, "\n","")
	Line01 := RegExReplace(Line01, "\r","")
	Line01 := RegExReplace(Line01, "\/","")

	StringReplace, Line01, Line01, ",,All
	StringReplace, Line01, Line01,%A_Space%,,All

	Line01 := LimparCampo(Line01)


	k2 := k2 + 1

k1 := k1 + 1


; ------ END - Matching header tags to line values

Sleep 1000

Menu, MenuList, Add  ; Adds a line in menu


; -->Hotkey to show the colected menu
Menu, MenuList, DeleteAll
sort, Lista01
Menu, MenuList, Show

; --> Hotkey to insert field in a model
Menu, MenuList, DeleteAll
sort, Lista02
Menu, MenuList, Show


; Hotkey to replace field for related values

MouseClick, left
MouseClick, left
sleep, 500
send, ^c
sleep, 500

SelectedFile = %A_ScriptDir%\DataFile.txt

SelectedText = %Clipboard%

    Loop, parse, Lista01, `n
	CurrentText := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,".+\|r\|","")
	StringReplace, CurrentTitle,CurrentTitle,|r|,, All
	CurrentTitle := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\|r\|.+","")
	StringReplace, CurrentText,CurrentText,|r|,, All

	IfInString, SelectedText, %CurrentTitle%
	StringReplace, ModifiedText,SelectedText,%CurrentTitle%,%CurrentText%, All

send, %ModifiedText%



; Functions


TextToClean  := RegExReplace(TextToClean, "\t", "`r") 

return TextToClean

TextToClean  := RegExReplace(TextToClean, "\: ", "") 

TextToClean  := RegExReplace(TextToClean, "\:", "") 

TextToClean  := RegExReplace(TextToClean, "\-", "")

TextToClean  := RegExReplace(TextToClean, ",", "")

return TextToClean

    Loop, parse, Lista, `n
	IfNotEqual, Text, %A_Space%
	CurrentText := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\|r\|"," -> ")
	Menu, MenuList, Add, %CurrentText%, MenuHandlerML
	Menu, MenuList, Add,

Progress, m2 b fs13 zh0,  %Message%

if (time>0){
sleep, %time%
else {
KeyWait, LButton, D

Progress, Off


; ------ Menu Hander ---------

OutPut = %A_ThisMenuItem%
OutPut := RegExReplace(OutPut,".+-> ","")
OutPut := RegExReplace(OutPut,"-> ","")

ShowMessage("Press Shift to insert the value where you want.",1500)


keywait, Shift, D

Send, %OutPut%



Código em Português:

Code: Select all


Script para copiar campos e valores de uma planilha do Excel ou Calc

Este script tem a mesma finalidade do recurso mala direta.
Acho ele prático, pois permite pegar qualquer documento pronto e ir modificando ou transformando-o em um modelo.

Por exemplo, o script transforma uma planilha assim:

Nome       Endereços           Situação
Sidarta    Rua Principal, 33A  Processando

Num pop up menu assim:

Nome: Sidarta
Endereço: Rua Principal, 33A
Situação: Processando

Como usar:

1) Abra a planilha.

2) Pressione Control+Enter para iniciar o Script.

3) Copie a linha do cabeçalho (primeira linha onde estão os rótulos).

4) Copie a linha onde estão os dados a serem usados.

5) Pressione Control+Espaço.

6) Será mostrada uma lista onde se poderá clicar para inserir os dados num documento.

Também é possível inserir campos num modelo de documento:

    1) Pressione Alt+Espaço para mostrar o menu com os campos a serem colocados no documento.
    2) Para edita o modelo: posicione o cursor sobre um campo e pressione Win+A para substituir pelo dado relacionado.


Menu, MenuLista, Add  ; Cria um pop up menu adicionando uma linha

ExibirMensagem("Para iniciar pressione Control+Enter",3000)



ExibirMensagem("Copie o cabeçalho.",0)

sleep, 300

ToolTip, Inserido: %Clipboard%
sleep, 500

Texto01  = %Clipboard%

; Remover aspas
StringReplace, Texto01, Texto01, `", , All


ExibirMensagem("Copie a linha desejada.",0)

sleep, 300

ToolTip Inserido: %Clipboard%
sleep, 500

Texto02  = %Clipboard%

Texto01 := LimparTexto(Texto01)

Texto02 := LimparTexto(Texto02)

ExibirMensagem("Agora clique no local desejado e...`n`nPara inserir texto: Control+Espaço.`n`nPara inserir campo: Alt+Espaço.`n`nPara substituir campo: WinL+A.`n`nPress: Win+X para sair.",0)

Arquivo = %A_ScriptDir%\DadosPlanilha.txt
ArquivoCampos = %A_ScriptDir%\ArquivoCampos.txt

FileDelete, %Arquivo%

FileDelete, %ArquivoCampos%

; ---------- Associando títulos do cabeçalho com os respectivos valores da linha

k1 := 1

Loop, parse, Texto01, `r
k2 := 1

	Linha01 =  %A_LoopField%

	Loop, parse, Texto02, `r

	if k1=%k2%
	LinhaResultante = %A_LoopField%

	; Removendo quebra de linhas

	LinhaResultante := RegExReplace(LinhaResultante, "\n","")
	LinhaResultante := RegExReplace(LinhaResultante, "\r","")
	StringReplace, LinhaResultante, LinhaResultante, ",,All

	Linha01 := RegExReplace(Linha01, "\n","")
	Linha01 := RegExReplace(Linha01, "\r","")
	Linha01 := RegExReplace(Linha01, "\/","")

	StringReplace, Linha01, Linha01, ",,All
	StringReplace, Linha01, Linha01,%A_Space%,,All

	Linha01 := LimparCampo(Linha01)


	k2 := k2 + 1

k1 := k1 + 1


; ---------- Associando títulos do cabeçalho com os respectivos valores da linha

Sleep 1000
ToolTip  ; deliga a mensagem na tela.

Menu, MenuLista, Add  ; Adiciona um linha no menu.


; -->Mostrar Menu Clipboard Coletado
Menu, MenuLista, DeleteAll
sort, Lista01
Menu, MenuLista, Show

; --> Usar para inserir campos num modelo
Menu, MenuLista, DeleteAll
sort, Lista02
Menu, MenuLista, Show


; Atalho para substituir campos por item relacionados

MouseClick, left
MouseClick, left
sleep, 500
send, ^c
sleep, 500

ArquivoSelecionado = %A_ScriptDir%\DadosPlanilha.txt

TextoSelecionado = %Clipboard%

    Loop, parse, Lista01, `n
	TextoAtual := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,".+\|r\|","")
	StringReplace, TituloAtual,TituloAtual,|r|,, All
	TituloAtual := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\|r\|.+","")
	StringReplace, TextoAtual,TextoAtual,|r|,, All

	IfInString, TextoSelecionado, %TituloAtual%
	StringReplace, TextoModificado,TextoSelecionado,%TituloAtual%,%TextoAtual%, All

send, %TextoModificado%



; Funções


TextoaLimpar  := RegExReplace(TextoaLimpar, "\t", "`r") 

return TextoaLimpar

TextoaLimpar  := RegExReplace(TextoaLimpar, "\: ", "") 

TextoaLimpar  := RegExReplace(TextoaLimpar, "\:", "") 

TextoaLimpar  := RegExReplace(TextoaLimpar, "\-", "")

TextoaLimpar  := RegExReplace(TextoaLimpar, ",", "")

return TextoaLimpar

    Loop, parse, Lista, `n
	IfNotEqual, Texto, %A_Space%
	TextoAtual := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\|r\|"," -> ")
	Menu, MenuLista, Add, %TextoAtual%, MenuHandlerML
	Menu, MenuLista, Add,

Progress, m2 b fs13 zh0,  %Mensagem%

if (tempo>0){
sleep, %tempo%
else {
KeyWait, LButton, D

Progress, Off


Saida = %A_ThisMenuItem%
Saida := RegExReplace(Saida,".+-> ","")
Saida := RegExReplace(Saida,"-> ","")

ExibirMensagem("Pressione Shift para inserir o dado onde deseja.",1500)


keywait, Shift, D

Send, %Saida%


Last edited by nilsonrdg on 08 Nov 2018, 20:38, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Script that turns header and lines of Excel/Calc into a pop up menu

01 Nov 2018, 14:39

@nilsonrdg, thanks for the script. I've been testing it, and it works fine. For me, I had to change the hotkeys to keep from interfering with Evernote and some others, but that was minor.
Posts: 23
Joined: 16 Feb 2017, 16:05
Location: Brazil

Re: Script that turns header and lines of Excel/Calc into a pop up menu

08 Nov 2018, 20:59

I am happy it works, so maybe it will be usefull to other people.
I posted the script again and finally the Code tag is working, so now it's easier to people copy the code.
Posts: 1
Joined: 10 Mar 2017, 11:41

Re: Script that turns header and lines of Excel/Calc into a pop up menu

16 Dec 2018, 17:25

Works on everything I've tried. Very useful for quick edits, as well as for more normal users who need light templates without coding. Thanks!

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