DateAdd/DateDiff with friendly format

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DateAdd/DateDiff with friendly format

10 Dec 2018, 01:11

- The code uses the approach of start at the lower (earlier) date and add years until you overshoot, then subtract 1. And likewise for months. You then have 2 dates for which a simple seconds difference can be calculated allowing you to work out D/H/M/S.
- The JEE_DateDiffFriendly function was a beast to code simply because there were so many approaches to consider in calculating the difference, and surprising problems and dead ends encountered along the way.
- One basic algorithmic question is: do you start by adding years/months ..., or do you start by adding seconds/minutes ..., I used the former, but the latter has more in common with the standard addition algorithm taught in schools.
- There was also the question of how to define the difference, I settled on the approach outlined at the start.
- The focus was the date diff function. Along the way it occurred to me that code to add a date would really help to confirm that the diff function worked and demonstrate that the principles for how the date difference was defined were sound. Ultimately this became a date add function.
- The functions are very fiddly, so do notify of any issues. Below is some code used for testing. Cheers.

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q:: ;test DateAdd/DateDiff 'friendly' format functions
Loop, 100000
	;vSec1 := Random(0, 2147483647) ;2147483647 / (86400*365.25) ;around 68.04965 years
	;vSec2 := Random(0, 2147483647)
	Random, vSec1, 0, 2147483647 ;2147483647 / (86400*365.25) ;around 68.04965 years
	Random, vSec2, 0, 2147483647
	vDate1 := DateAdd(2000, vSec1, "S")
	vDate2 := DateAdd(2000, vSec1+vSec2, "S")
	vDiff := JEE_DateDiffFriendly(vDate1, vDate2)
	vDiffX := JEE_DateDiffFriendly(vDate1, vDate2, "ymd")
	vDate2X := JEE_DateAddFriendly(vDate1, vDiff)

	vDate1 := RegExReplace(vDate1, "(?<=..)..(?=.)", "$0 ")
	vDate2 := RegExReplace(vDate2, "(?<=..)..(?=.)", "$0 ")
	vDate2X := RegExReplace(vDate2X, "(?<=..)..(?=.)", "$0 ")

	;if !(vDate2 = vDate2X) ;use this to show any date pairs where diff then add doesn't return original date
	;	MsgBox, % "ERROR at A_Index:`r`n" A_Index "`r`n" vDate1 "`r`n" vDate2 "`r`n" vDate2X "`r`n" vDiff ;"`r`n" vDiffX
	MsgBox, % vDate1 "`r`n" vDate2 "`r`n" vDiff ;"`r`n" vDiffX


;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateAddFriendly(20010101, "3y")					;20040101000000
;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateAddFriendly(20010101, "3y 3m 3d")			;20040404000000
;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateAddFriendly(20010101, "3y 3m 3d 8h 8m 8s")	;20040404080808

;vDiff expects 1 to 6 space-separated digit sequences (any non-spaces/non-digits are ignored)
JEE_DateAddFriendly(vDate, vDiff)
	static date := "date"
	vDate := FormatTime(vDate, "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
	vTemp := RegExReplace(vDiff, "[^\d ]") " 0 0 0 0 0"
	oTemp := StrSplit(vTemp, " ")
	vMonth := SubStr(vDate, 5, 2)
	if (vMonth+oTemp.2 > 12)
		vDate += (oTemp.2-12) * 100000000 + (oTemp.1+1) * 10000000000
		vDate += oTemp.2 * 100000000 + oTemp.1 * 10000000000
	Loop, 3
		;if JEE_StrIsType(vDate, "date")
		if vDate is %date%
			vDate -= 1000000
	return DateAdd(vDate, oTemp.3*86400+oTemp.4*3600+oTemp.5*60+oTemp.6, "S")


;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateDiffFriendly(20060131, 20060220)		;0y 0m 20d 0h 0m 0s
;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateDiffFriendly(20060201, 20060220)		;0y 0m 19d 0h 0m 0s
;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateDiffFriendly(20060504, 20070707)		;1y 2m 3d 0h 0m 0s
;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateDiffFriendly(20060504, 20070707, "y")	;1y
;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateDiffFriendly(20060504, 20070707, "ym")	;1y 2m
;e.g. MsgBox, % JEE_DateDiffFriendly(20060504, 20070707, "ymd")	;1y 2m 3d

;note: vFormat expects 1 to 6 characters
JEE_DateDiffFriendly(vDateA, vDateB, vFormat:="ymdhms", ByRef vIsFirstBiggerOrEqual:=1)
	static date := "date"
	vDateA := FormatTime(vDateA, "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
	vDateB := FormatTime(vDateB, "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
	if !(StrLen(vDateA) = 14) || !(StrLen(vDateB) = 14)
	vSec := DateDiff(vDateA, vDateB, "S")
	vIsFirstBiggerOrEqual := (vSec >= 0)
	if !vIsFirstBiggerOrEqual
		vTemp := vDateA, vDateA := vDateB, vDateB := vTemp ;swap variables
		, vSec := Abs(vSec)
	oDateA := StrSplit(RegExReplace(vDateA, "(?<=..)..(?=.)", "$0|"), "|") ;add splits: e.g. 20060504030201 -> 2006|05|04|03|02|01
	oDateB := StrSplit(RegExReplace(vDateB, "(?<=..)..(?=.)", "$0|"), "|")
	;get year difference
	vDiffYear := oDateA.1 - oDateB.1
	if (SubStr(vDateA, 5) < SubStr(vDateB, 5))
	;get month difference
	vDiffMonth := oDateA.2 - oDateB.2
	if (vDiffMonth < 0)
		vDiffMonth += 12
	if (SubStr(vDateA, 7) < SubStr(vDateB, 7))
		if (vDiffMonth = 0)
			vDiffMonth := 11
	;get day/hour/minute/second differences
	vDateB += vDiffYear*10000000000
	if (oDateB.2 + vDiffMonth <= 12)
		vDateB += vDiffMonth*100000000
		vDateB += (vDiffMonth-12)*100000000 + 10000000000
	Loop, 3
		;if JEE_StrIsType(vDateB, "date")
		if vDateB is %date%
			vDateB -= 1000000
	vSec := DateDiff(vDateA, vDateB, "S")
	vDiffDay := vSec // 86400
	vDiffHour := Mod(vSec, 86400) // 3600
	vDiffMin := Mod(vSec, 3600) // 60
	vDiffSec := Mod(vSec, 60)
	vFormat := "{}" RegExReplace(vFormat, ".(?=.)", "$0 {}") ;e.g. 'ymdhms' -> '{}y {}m {}d {}h {}m {}s'
		return Format(vFormat, vDiffYear, vDiffMonth, vDiffDay, vDiffHour, vDiffMin, vDiffSec)


;commands as functions (AHK v2 functions for AHK v1) - AutoHotkey Community

DateAdd(DateTime, Time, TimeUnits)
	EnvAdd DateTime, %Time%, %TimeUnits%
	return DateTime
DateDiff(DateTime1, DateTime2, TimeUnits)
	EnvSub DateTime1, %DateTime2%, %TimeUnits%
	return DateTime1
FormatTime(YYYYMMDDHH24MISS:="", Format:="")
	local OutputVar
	FormatTime OutputVar, %YYYYMMDDHH24MISS%, %Format%
	return OutputVar
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Re: DateAdd/DateDiff with friendly format

14 Dec 2018, 05:58

Thank you Jee
I am not banging my head for the first time with date calcs and youve already helped me.out before to find out Quarter year.
Thanks for this one too

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