Pulover's keeps showing tip on startup

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Joined: 21 Dec 2022, 21:05

Pulover's keeps showing tip on startup

21 Dec 2022, 21:22

Hi, I'm new to PMC so I apologize for my ignorance.
So the tips window always shows up on start-up even though I unchecked the "show this window on startup" checkbox. It also by default opens the demo file every time I open the software. The demo file also opens every startup even when I started PMC with my saved files, so basically it overrides my file and opens the demo file + the tips window on every start-up.
Is there a way to fix this? thank you very much
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Joined: 13 Jan 2023, 14:01

Re: Pulover's keeps showing tip on startup

14 Jan 2023, 07:30

Hi @dypsieRypsie !
I had the same problem and was cause during installation i marked to not use the %appdata% folder.
Reinstalled with that configuration and everything working fine.
Posts: 3
Joined: 21 Dec 2022, 21:05

Re: Pulover's keeps showing tip on startup

14 Feb 2023, 21:10

hey @BorjaBlueEyes
sorry for the late reply, I haven't tried that yet but sure will do. I'll give an update once I give it a try.
thanks so much for the reply!
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Joined: 21 Dec 2022, 21:05

Re: Pulover's keeps showing tip on startup

20 Feb 2023, 21:21

it's working now,
at first I reinstalled it and marked the "not use the %appdata% folder but it didn't work. Then I tried to uninstall but my windows failed to find pulovers (maybe because it's in portable mode?) so I just reinstalled by overwriting the current one. At first it didn't launch by saying it has missing language files that I need to download but it keeps asking even if I say yes. Then I ran it as administrator and it's working fine! no popup on startup anymore. Thanks @BorjaBlueEyes! helped a ton

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