Pulover's Macro Creator - Gosub not Return(ing)

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Pulover's Macro Creator - Gosub not Return(ing)

16 Mar 2023, 12:17

I'm having trouble with a script that I'm writing using Pulover's Macro Creator. It was my thought that I could write a line with a Gosub to point to a subroutine lable with a name I create. It should go to the start of the subroutine and then when it encounters a Return line, it should then go back to where the original Gosub was written - and continue on from there. Is that correct as I described it?

When my script hits the Gosub line it goes to the subroutine (as if it was a Goto) and when it encounters the Return line, it stops and does not return.

What am I missing?

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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator - Gosub not Return(ing)

21 Mar 2023, 06:49

Hello ArbutisofBorg, can you help with Pulover macro creator? :salute: Need a two line code to save the active window screenshot. I want to insert a few lines of code in my Pulover macro(already pretty long code) to take a screenshot of the active window and save it (in any default directory). Something like so
" win keystroke+scrnprnt keystroke followed by
'save as' " to default folder
would appreciate any help. thanks :)
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator - Gosub not Return(ing)

27 Mar 2023, 12:31


I also have an issue with this. Using "gosub" to another subroutine, the return FAILS is the target subroutine uses a "GOTO". The execution is stopped in the subroutine that uses a "goto".

Are you by any chance using a "goto" in the target subroutine ?

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