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Create a loop: number of repetitions from Excel

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 18:51
by beginner in macros
PULOVER MACRO QUESTION (how many times a loop is repeated)

I need to create a LOOP inside a PULOVER-MACRO that will loop so many times as the number stored in the clipboard


- my macro in PULOVER includes also an excel file
- with "CTRL + C" a number from EXCEL, between 1 and 100, is stored each time in the clipboard
- the PULOVER macro has a LOOP inside is
- I need this stored clipboard number out of EXCEL to be the number of how many times the LOOP inside the macro in PULOVER is repeated
- When the MACRO is repeated a 100 times the LOOP inside the macro will loop each time differently (according to changing number from clipboard copied from EXCEL)

This shouldn't be very hard for many of you. I'm a beginner. Please answer that I'll understand it. Thanks.