AutoGUI Toolbat Dropdown Button

Open source general-purpose IDE, lightweight text editor. Previously known as AutoGUI.
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AutoGUI Toolbat Dropdown Button

21 Nov 2022, 19:48

Any examples on using the drop down button in a toolbar. Can create a toolbar using AutoGUI, but not sure where the list would go for a drop down button in a toolbar. Don't see any detailed help, or examples in AutoGUI. Thank you.
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Re: AutoGUI Toolbat Dropdown Button

02 Mar 2023, 19:20

M3thiu5 wrote:Any examples on using the drop down button in a toolbar. Can create a toolbar using AutoGUI, but not sure where the list would go for a drop down button in a toolbar. Don't see any detailed help, or examples in AutoGUI. Thank you.
Hello, M3thiu5! Sorry for the late reply!

There's actually an example in Adventure of a toolbar button with drop-down menu: the Execute button, but it is not implemented in a simple way, so it cannot be accounted as a recommended example.

Here's a simple one (including the contents of Toolbar.ahk):

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines -1
CoordMode Menu, Screen

Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI
Gui Show, w357 h149, Toolbar Button Drop-down Menu Example

Menu ToolbarMenu, Add, Item 1, MenuHandler
Menu ToolbarMenu, Add, Item 2, MenuHandler

Global g_hToolbar := CreateToolbar()

Return ; End of the auto-execute section.



CreateToolbar() {
    ImageList := IL_Create(1)
    IL_Add(ImageList, "shell32.dll", 4)

    Buttons = 

    Return Toolbar_Create("OnToolbar", Buttons, ImageList, "Flat List Tooltips", "+E0x200", "", 0x10000)

; Event handling
OnToolbar(hWnd, Event, Text, Pos, Id, Left, Bottom) {
    If (Event == "DropDown") {
        Menu ToolbarMenu, Show, %Left%, %Bottom%

    If (Event != "Click") {

    If (Text == "Open") {

; Toolbar.ahk

Toolbar_Create(Handler, Buttons, ImageList := "", Options := "Flat List ToolTips", Extra := "", Pos := "", Padding := "", ExStyle := 0x9) {
    Local fShowText, fTextOnly, Styles, hWnd, TBB_Size, cButtons, TBBUTTONS
    , Index, Button, iBitmap, idCommand, fsState, fsStyle, iString, Offset, SIZE, 

    Static TOOLTIPS := 0x100, WRAPABLE := 0x200, FLAT := 0x800, LIST := 0x1000
    , TABSTOP := 0x10000, BORDER := 0x800000, TEXTONLY := 0, BOTTOM := 0x3
    , ADJUSTABLE := 0x20, NODIVIDER := 0x40, VERTICAL := 0x80
    , CHECKED := 1, HIDDEN := 8, WRAP := 32, DISABLED := 0 ; States
    , CHECK := 2, CHECKGROUP := 6, DROPDOWN := 8, AUTOSIZE := 16
    , NOPREFIX := 32, SHOWTEXT := 64, WHOLEDROPDOWN := 128 ; Styles

    StrReplace(Options, "SHOWTEXT", "", fShowText, 1)
    fTextOnly := InStr(Options, "TEXTONLY")

    Styles := 0
    Loop Parse, Options, %A_Tab%%A_Space%, %A_Tab%%A_Space% ; Parse toolbar styles
        IfEqual A_LoopField,, Continue
        Else Styles |= A_LoopField + 0 ? A_LoopField : %A_LoopField%

    If (Pos != "") {

    Gui Add, Custom, ClassToolbarWindow32 hWndhWnd gToolbar_Handler -Tabstop %Pos% %Styles% %Extra%
    Toolbar_Store(hWnd, Handler)

    TBB_Size := A_PtrSize == 8 ? 32 : 20
    Buttons := StrSplit(Buttons, "`n")
    cButtons := Buttons.Length()
    VarSetCapacity(TBBUTTONS, TBB_Size * cButtons , 0)

    Index := 0
    Loop %cButtons% {
        Button := StrSplit(Buttons[A_Index], ",", " `t")

        If (Button[1] == "-") {
            iBitmap := 0
            idCommand := 0
            fsState := 0
            fsStyle := 1 ; BTNS_SEP
            iString := -1
        } Else {
            iBitmap := (fTextOnly) ? -1 : (Button[2] != "" ? Button[2] - 1 : Index - 1)
            idCommand := (Button[5]) ? Button[5] : 10000 + Index

            fsState := InStr(Button[3], "DISABLED") ? 0 : 4 ; TBSTATE_ENABLED
            Loop Parse, % Button[3], %A_Tab%%A_Space%, %A_Tab%%A_Space% ; Parse button states
                IfEqual A_LoopField,, Continue
                Else fsState |= %A_LoopField%

            fsStyle := fTextOnly || fShowText ? SHOWTEXT : 0
            Loop Parse, % Button[4], %A_Tab%%A_Space%, %A_Tab%%A_Space% ; Parse button styles
                IfEqual A_LoopField,, Continue
                Else fsStyle |= %A_LoopField%

            iString := &(ButtonText%Index% := Button[1])

        Offset := (A_Index - 1) * TBB_Size
        NumPut(iBitmap, TBBUTTONS, Offset, "Int")
        NumPut(idCommand, TBBUTTONS, Offset + 4, "Int")
        NumPut(fsState, TBBUTTONS, Offset + 8, "UChar")
        NumPut(fsStyle, TBBUTTONS, Offset + 9, "UChar")
        NumPut(iString, TBBUTTONS, Offset + (A_PtrSize == 8 ? 24 : 16), "Ptr")

    If (Padding) {
        SendMessage 0x457, 0, %Padding%,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_SETPADDING

        SendMessage 0x454, 0, %ExStyle%,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE

    SendMessage 0x430, 0, %ImageList%,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_SETIMAGELIST
    SendMessage % A_IsUnicode ? 0x444 : 0x414, %cButtons%, % &TBBUTTONS,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_ADDBUTTONS

    If (InStr(Options, "VERTICAL")) {
        VarSetCapacity(SIZE, 8, 0)
        SendMessage 0x453, 0, &SIZE,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_GETMAXSIZE
    } Else {
        SendMessage 0x421, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_AUTOSIZE

    Return hWnd

Toolbar_Store(hWnd, Callback := "") {
    Static o := {}
    Return (o[hWnd] != "") ? o[hWnd] : o[hWnd] := Callback

Toolbar_Handler(hWnd) {
    Static n := {-2: "Click", -5: "RightClick", -20: "LDown", -713: "Hot", -710: "DropDown"}
    Local Handler, Code, ButtonId, Pos, Text, Event, RECT, Left, Bottom

    Handler := Toolbar_Store(hWnd)

    Code := NumGet(A_EventInfo + 0, A_PtrSize * 2, "Int")

    If (Code != -713) {
        ButtonId := NumGet(A_EventInfo + (3 * A_PtrSize))
    } Else {
        ButtonId := NumGet(A_EventInfo, A_PtrSize == 8 ? 28 : 16, "Int") ; NMTBHOTITEM idNew

    SendMessage 0x419, ButtonId,,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_COMMANDTOINDEX
    Pos := ErrorLevel + 1

    VarSetCapacity(Text, 128, 0)
    SendMessage % A_IsUnicode ? 0x44B : 0x42D, ButtonId, &Text,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_GETBUTTONTEXT

    Event := (n[Code] != "") ? n[Code] : Code

    VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
    SendMessage 0x433, ButtonId, &RECT,, ahk_id %hWnd% ; TB_GETRECT
    DllCall("MapWindowPoints", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt", 2)
    Left := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
    Bottom := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int")

    %Handler%(hWnd, Event, Text, Pos, ButtonId, Left, Bottom)
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Joined: 10 Apr 2023, 17:02

Re: AutoGUI Toolbat Dropdown Button

10 Apr 2023, 17:08

Thank you for the reply and example. I just saw this reply a few days ago and when replying the forum said I was inactive. I tried reactivating multiple times, but never receive the email. Anyway, this is a great example and love the Adventure tools. Thanks again for your time.

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