Gui not usable in a110?

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Gui not usable in a110?

05 Aug 2020, 02:17

I tried to take a stab at fixing the compiler for AHK_H v2-a110. I made it up to these 2 errors:

Code: Select all

Error:  RegClass

	041: FileMenu.Add()
	042: FileMenu.Add("E&xit	Alt+F4", "GuiClose")
	043: HelpMenu.Add("&Help", "Help")
	044: HelpMenu.Add()
	045: HelpMenu.Add("&About", "About")
	046: MenuBar.Add("&File", FileMenu)
	047: MenuBar.Add("&Help", HelpMenu)
--->	049: Gui := GuiCreate()
	050: ToolTip := TT(Gui.Hwnd)
	051: Gui.OnEvent("Close","GuiClose")
	052: Gui.OnEvent("DropFiles","GuiDropFiles")
	053: Gui.MenuBar := MenuBar
	054: Gui.AddLink("x287 y10","©2004-2009 Chris Mallet
©2008-2011 Steve Gray (Lexikos)
©2011-" A_Year "  fincs
©2012-" A_Year " HotKeyIt
<a href=""></a>
Note: Compiling does not guarantee source code protection.")
	063: Gui.AddText("x11 y97 w570 h2 +0x1007")
	064: Gui.SetFont("Bold")

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Code: Select all

Error:  Could not create Gui.

	041: FileMenu.Add()
	042: FileMenu.Add("E&xit	Alt+F4", "GuiClose")
	043: HelpMenu.Add("&Help", "Help")
	044: HelpMenu.Add()
	045: HelpMenu.Add("&About", "About")
	046: MenuBar.Add("&File", FileMenu)
	047: MenuBar.Add("&Help", HelpMenu)
--->	049: Gui := GuiCreate()
	050: ToolTip := TT(Gui.Hwnd)
	051: Gui.OnEvent("Close","GuiClose")
	052: Gui.OnEvent("DropFiles","GuiDropFiles")
	053: Gui.MenuBar := MenuBar
	054: Gui.AddLink("x287 y10","©2004-2009 Chris Mallet
©2008-2011 Steve Gray (Lexikos)
©2011-" A_Year "  fincs
©2012-" A_Year " HotKeyIt
<a href=""></a>
Note: Compiling does not guarantee source code protection.")
	063: Gui.AddText("x11 y97 w570 h2 +0x1007")
	064: Gui.SetFont("Bold")

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Yes   No   
This seems like something wrong with GuiCreate() possibly?

In a previous attempt, I changed the GUI var from Gui to myGui, and it didn't seem to help.

I also tried a basic script to just create a GUI and show it, but I get the same 2 errors. Seems GUI is temporarily broken in a110? a108 still works in this regard.
Posts: 2364
Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 18:35

Re: Gui not usable in a110?

06 Aug 2020, 16:52

Thanks, will correct it when I merge latest v2.

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