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About AHK_H question to ask HotKeyIt

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 03:35
by billy036
1.Why the new version must need msvcr100.dll?
I think this change was not conducive to the program runs on other computer.
if other computer has not msvcr100.dll,the program can not run befor copy msvcr100.dll to system32 or same folder.
Is there a way to the program runs not need to rely on msvcr100.dll by next version?
If some function need to msvcr100.dll,We can use fileinstall to includes this file.

2.Why the new version bin size bigger than old version,1.1.19 about 878KB but 1.1.21 about 1684KB(U32)

3.Why the new version not support mpress? In 1.1.19 is ok.

Re: About AHK_H question to ask HotKeyIt

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 21:35
by HotKeyIt
- Because MD version (depends on msvcr100.dll) is the only one fully compatible in multi-threading with AutoHotkey.dll.
- Too many versions confuse most users and the size of download becomes twice as big.
- Requires more time to compile on each release.
- Scripts and functions may rely on MD version and would cause a crash otherwise.
- Everyone can download and compile desired version if needed.
- Because new version includes AutoHotkey.dll and AutoHotkeyMini.dll.
- this makes it much easier to use it with included AhkThread() and AhkMini() functions.
3. Works fine for me.

Re: About AHK_H question to ask HotKeyIt

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 04:40
by Betty
Simply download dll and it will resolve your trouble! After downloading, simply install the components and restart the computer, then start of any game or program will be successful.

Re: About AHK_H question to ask HotKeyIt

Posted: 14 Apr 2016, 06:21
by HotKeyIt
msvcr100 is included in downloads, no need to download it from another place.

Btw this version does not require msvcr100.dll on disk.