Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen Topic is solved

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Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen

29 Dec 2022, 10:50

(Script to keep a static ish video or image moving about slitghtly randomly on one screen to avoid burnin.)

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1
offset := 100                                  ; Distance (pixels) to move the window
freq   := 60000 * MINS := 10                   ; Frequency of moving the window
monNum :=   3                                  ; Monitor number
down   :=  -1
SysGet, mon, MonitorWorkArea, monNum           ; Get the monitor's working area
Process, Priority,, B
MsgBox, 64, Instructions, Press CTRL-F3 to select the active window to move

^F3::                                          ; CTRL-F3 = Select the window to move
WinGetActiveTitle, title
wTitle := "ahk_id" WinActive("A")              ; Define the WinTitle
MsgBox, 64, Window, Your window is:`n`n%title%
SetTimer, Move, % freq

If WinExist(wTitle) {
 SoundBeep, 1900
 down := -down
 WinGetPos, x, y, w, h
 x += down * offset
 y += down * offset
 (x + w > monRight ) && x := monRight  - w
 (x     < monLeft  ) && x := monLeft
 (y + h > monBottom) && y := monBottom - h
 (y     < monTop   ) && y := monTop
 (x + w > monRight ) && w := monRight  - x
 (y + h > monBottom) && h := monBottom - y
 WinMove,,, x, y, w, h
} Else {
 SetTimer,, Off
 SoundBeep, 1000
The script works great but not on intended monitor which is in my case the 3rd monitor. It defaults and moves the window to main screen instead of the intended one despite having the
monNum := 3

Can someone shed some light on what might be the issue? Would be great to get this working on correct screen.
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Re: Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen

29 Dec 2022, 14:47

Show physical disposition of your monitors e.g. see pic.
ThreeMonitors.png (13.68 KiB) Viewed 575 times
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Re: Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen

29 Dec 2022, 18:34

rommmcek wrote:
29 Dec 2022, 14:47
Show physical disposition of your monitors e.g. see pic.
Yes certainly I hope you mean this Image
can you see image?

My main screen is 2
image.png (4.64 KiB) Viewed 551 times
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Re: Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen

30 Dec 2022, 03:36

Can't seem to find any flaw in the code.
Can you describe how it works for you and what does not work as expected.
maxkill wrote:
29 Dec 2022, 18:34
My main screen is 2
What do you mean by "My main screen is 2"? Your " screen 1" is still on the far right, isn't it?
Run this script and make 3 times "PrintScreen" when MsgBox tells you so and post pics.
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Re: Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen

30 Dec 2022, 09:26

rommmcek wrote:
30 Dec 2022, 03:36
Can't seem to find any flaw in the code.
Can you describe how it works for you and what does not work as expected.
maxkill wrote:
29 Dec 2022, 18:34
My main screen is 2
What do you mean by "My main screen is 2"? Your " screen 1" is still on the far right, isn't it?
Run this script and make 3 times "PrintScreen" when MsgBox tells you so and post pics.
Your code made it work almost perfect even in this state it's useful!

Code: Select all

;#SingleInstance Force
;#Requires AutoHotkey v1
offset := 100                                  ; Distance (pixels) to move the window
freq   :=60000 * MINS := 10                   ; Frequency of moving the window
monNum :=   3                                  ; Monitor number
down   :=  -1
SysGet, mon1, MonitorWorkArea, 1           ; Get the monitor's working area
SysGet, mon2, MonitorWorkArea, 2           ; Get the monitor's working area
SysGet, mon3, MonitorWorkArea, 3           ; Get the monitor's working area

Process, Priority,, B
MsgBox, 64, Instructions, Press CTRL-F3 to select the active window to move

^F3::                                          ; CTRL-F3 = Select the window to move
WinGetActiveTitle, title
wTitle := "ahk_id" WinActive("A")              ; Define the WinTitle
MsgBox, 64, Window, Your window is:`n`n%title%
SetTimer, Move, % freq

If WinExist(wTitle) {
 ;SoundBeep, 1900
 down := -down
 WinGetPos, x, y, w, h
 x += down * offset
 y += down * offset
 (x + w > mon3Right ) && x := mon3Right  - w
 (x     < mon3Left  ) && x := mon3Left
 (y + h > mon3Bottom) && y := mon3Bottom - h
 (y     < mon3Top   ) && y := mon3Top
 (x + w > mon3Right ) && w := mon3Right  - x
 (y + h > mon3Bottom) && h := mon3Bottom - y

 ;       . x ", " y "`n" w ", " h

 WinMove,,, x, y, w, h
} Else {
 SetTimer,, Off
; SoundBeep, 1000
The only thing is that it only moves the window back and forth between 2 positions (in correct screen 3), so the random movements are not there. Any idea why it's not moving randomly now?
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Re: Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen  Topic is solved

30 Dec 2022, 12:59

I didn't change the code! Use this Move instead:

Code: Select all

If WinExist(wTitle) {
 SoundBeep, 1900
 WinGetPos,,, w, h
 Random, x, mon3Left, mon3Right-w
 Random, y, mon3Top, mon3Bottom-h     
 WinMove,,, x, y, w, h
} Else {
 SetTimer,, Off
 SoundBeep, 1000
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Re: Autohotkey Screensaver only works on main screen, need to work on extra screen

30 Dec 2022, 13:23

rommmcek wrote:
30 Dec 2022, 12:59
I didn't change the code! Use this Move instead:

Code: Select all

You added the 3 after all the mon and also the other 2 sysget, but other than that no however that did the trick!

Thanks a bunch for solving the last piece of this and also to the original codemaker mikeyww! This will come in handy!

Here is the final screensaver script without the beeps,
simply change the monNum at top and all the mon numbers to your monitor aswell:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
;#Requires AutoHotkey v1
offset := 50                                  ; Distance (pixels) to move the window
freq   := 60000 * MINS := 1                   ; Frequency of moving the window
monNum :=   3                                  ; Monitor number
down   :=  -1
SysGet, mon1, MonitorWorkArea, 1           ; Get the monitor's working area
SysGet, mon2, MonitorWorkArea, 2           ; Get the monitor's working area
SysGet, mon3, MonitorWorkArea, 3           ; Get the monitor's working area

Process, Priority,, B
MsgBox, 64, Instructions, Press CTRL-F3 to select the active window to move

^F3::                                          ; CTRL-F3 = Select the window to move
WinGetActiveTitle, title
wTitle := "ahk_id" WinActive("A")              ; Define the WinTitle
MsgBox, 64, Window, Your window is:`n`n%title%
SetTimer, Move, % freq

If WinExist(wTitle) {
; SoundBeep, 1900
 WinGetPos,,, w, h
 Random, x, mon3Left, mon3Right-w
 Random, y, mon3Top, mon3Bottom-h     
 WinMove,,, x, y, w, h
} Else {
 SetTimer,, Off
; SoundBeep, 1000

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