Thanks for explaining guys. I think my workaround is OK. This is what I did with it:
Code: Select all
#singleinstance, ignore
setbatchlines, -1
setworkingdir, %a_scriptdir%
base := _random(-2147483648, 2147483647)
menu, tray, nostandard
menu, tray, tip, XOR+
menu, tray, add, Restore, win
menu, tray, add, About, about
menu, tray, add
menu, tray, add, Exit, guiclose
menu, tray, default, restore
menu, text, add, Load from file..., openfile
menu, text, add
menu, text, add, Save to file..., savetofile
menu, text, add, Save to clipboard, savetoclip
menu, text, icon, Load from file..., SHELL32.dll, 71, 16
menu, text, icon, Save to file..., SHELL32.dll, 71, 16
menu, text, icon, Save to clipboard, SHELL32.dll, 22, 16
menu, mainbar, add, File, :text
menu, mainbar, add, About, about
gui, menu, mainbar
gui, font, s8
gui, +resize +minsize
gui, add, groupbox, x10 y0 w350 h226 vgbxmain
gui, add, edit, vscroll wanttab x20 y16 w330 h170 vtext,
gui, add, edit, x20 y196 w200 h20 vpass,
gui, add, button, x230 y196 w60 h20 vbtnencipher gencipher, Encipher
gui, add, button, x290 y196 w60 h20 vbtndecipher gdecipher, Decipher
gui, show, w370 h236, XOR+
gui, submit, nohide
gui, +owndialogs
if (text = "")
msgbox, 64, Save..., The text field is empty., 10
clipboard := text
msgbox, 64, Save..., Your text has been saved to the clipboard., 10
gui, submit, nohide
gui, +owndialogs
if (text = "")
msgbox, 64, Save..., The text field is empty., 10
fileselectfile, path, s18, *.txt, Save to file..., (*.txt)
if (path != "")
if fileexist(path)
filedelete, %path%
fileappend, %text%, %path%, utf-8
splitpath, path, name
msgbox, 64, Save..., Your text has been saved to "%name%"., 10
gui, +owndialogs
fileselectfile, path, 3, *.txt, Open file..., (*.txt)
fileread, content, %path%
stringreplace, content, content, `r`n, `n, 1
guicontrol, , text, %content%
gui, submit, nohide
gui, +owndialogs
if (text = "") && (pass = "")
msgbox, 64, Encipher..., Both fields are empty., 10
else if (text = "")
msgbox, 64, Encipher..., The text field is empty., 10
else if (pass = "")
msgbox, 64, Encipher..., The password field is empty., 10
stringreplace, text, text, `r`n, `n, 1
ciphertext := _encipher(text, pass)
guicontrol, , text, %ciphertext%
gui, submit, nohide
gui, +owndialogs
if (text = "") && (pass = "")
msgbox, 64, Decipher..., Both fields are empty., 10
else if (text = "")
msgbox, 64, Decipher..., The text field is empty., 10
else if (pass = "")
msgbox, 64, Decipher..., The password field is empty., 10
stringreplace, text, text, `r`n, `n, 1
plaintext := _decipher(text, pass)
guicontrol, , text, %plaintext%
_encipher(text, password)
key := _keygen(text, password)
loop, parse, text
out .= substr("000" . asc(a_loopfield) ^ asc(substr(key, mod(a_index, strlen(key)), 1)), -3)
return _convert(_scramble(out, password), password)
_decipher(text, password)
count := 1
key := _keygen(text, password)
text := _descramble(_restore(text, password), password)
loop, % strlen(text) / 4
chr := ltrim(substr(text, count, 4), 0)
out .= chr((chr ? chr : 0) ^ asc(substr(key, mod(a_index, strlen(key)), 1)))
return out
_convert(input, seed)
global base
table := _scramble(_table(), seed)
min := "1|29|37|45|53|61|69|77|85|93"
max := "28|36|44|52|60|68|76|84|92|100"
stringsplit, table, table
stringsplit, min, min, |
stringsplit, max, max, |
loop, 10
x := a_index - 1
min_%x% := min%a_index%
max_%x% := max%a_index%
random, , base + 2147483648
loop parse, input
pick := _random(min_%a_loopfield%, max_%a_loopfield%)
output .= table%pick%
return output
_restore(input, seed)
table := _scramble(_table(), seed)
min := "1|29|37|45|53|61|69|77|85|93"
max := "28|36|44|52|60|68|76|84|92|100"
stringsplit, table, table
stringsplit, min, min, |
stringsplit, max, max, |
loop, 10
x := a_index - 1
min_%x% := min%a_index%
max_%x% := max%a_index%
loop, 10
index := a_index - 1
count := min_%index% - 1
while (count++ < max_%index%)
alpha := asc(table%count%)
num%alpha% := index
loop parse, input
char := asc(a_loopfield)
output .= num%char%
return output
_scramble(string, seed)
random, , seed
length := strlen(string)
loop, % length
random, position, 1, (length - a_index + 1)
out .= substr(string, position, 1)
string := substr(string, 1, position - 1) . substr(string, position + 1)
return out
_descramble(string, seed)
random, , seed
length := strlen(string)
loop, % length
random, position, 1, (length - a_index + 1)
char%a_index% := position
loop, % length
newstring := substr(newstring, 1, char%length% - 1) . substr(string, length, 1) . substr(newstring, char%length%)
return newstring
_keygen(text, password)
seed := _hash(password)
random, , seed
loop, % strlen(text)
random, ran, 1, 1000
key .= chr(ran)
return key
loop, 100
out .= _chr(a_index - 1)
return out
hash := 2166136261
loop, parse, string
hash := 16777619 * (hash ^ Asc(SubStr(string, A_Index, 1)))
return hash & 0xFFFFFFFF
return input = "`n" ? 0 : input = "’" ? 96 : input = "–" ? 97 : input = "“" ? 98 : input = "”" ? 99 : asc(input) - asc(a_space) + 1
return input = 0 ? "`n" : input = 96 ? "’" : input = 97 ? "–" : input = 98 ? "“" : input = 99 ? "”" : chr(input + asc(a_space) - 1)
if (about_gui != 1)
gosub, get_about
gui, font, s8
gui, 2:add, button, x340 y275 w60 h20 ghome_site, Home
gui, 2:add, button, default x400 y275 w60 h20 g2guiclose, OK
gui, 2:add, edit, +readonly vscroll x10 y10 w450 h260, %about%
gui, 2:show, center w470 h300, About XOR+
about_gui := 1
gui, 2:destroy
about_gui := 0
about :=
"Yet to be written..."
msgbox, Home site not yet established...
gui, +owndialogs
if (a_eventinfo = 1) && (flag != 1)
if (!set)
gui, restore
msgbox, 35, Minimize..., Send window to the system tray?
flag := 1
ifmsgbox yes
set := 1
ifmsgbox no
set := 2
if (set = 1)
gosub, win
else if (set = 2)
gui, minimize
anchor("gbxmain", "w h", 1)
anchor("text", "w h", 1)
anchor("pass", "y w", 1)
anchor("btnencipher", "x y", 1)
anchor("btndecipher", "x y", 1)
sleep, 200
flag := 0
toggle := !toggle
if (toggle)
gui hide
menu, tray, icon
gui, show, center
menu, tray, noicon
gui, show
gui, submit, nohide
gui, +owndialogs
if (text != "") && (pass != "")
msgbox, 65, Close..., Text and password will be lost on exit.
else if (text != "")
msgbox, 65, Close..., Text will be lost on exit.
else if (pass != "")
msgbox, 65, Close..., Password will be lost on exit.
ifmsgbox cancel
gui, 2:destroy
about_gui := 0
_random(min, max)
random, var, %min%, %max%
return var
anchor(c, a = "", r = false)
static d
guicontrolget, p, pos, %c%
if ex := errorlevel
gui, %a_gui%:+lastfound
controlgetpos, px, py, pw, ph, %c%
if !(a_gui or px) and a
i = x.w.y.h./.7.%a_guiwidth%.%a_guiheight%.`n%a_gui%:%c%=
stringsplit, i, i, .
d := a ? d . ((n := !instr(d, i9)) ? i9 : "") : regexreplace(d, "\n\d+:" . c . "=[\-\.\d\/]+")
loop, 4
x := a_index, j := i%x%, i6 += x = 3
, k := !regexmatch(a, j . "([\d.]+)", v) + (v1 ? v1 : 0)
, e := p%j% - i%i6% * k, d .= n ? e . i5 : ""
, regexmatch(d, "\Q" . i9 . "\E(?:([\d.\-]+)/){" . x . "}", v)
, l .= p%j% := instr(a, j) ? (ex ? "" : j) . v1 + i%i6% * k : ""
if r
rx = draw
if ex
controlmove, %c%, px, py, pw, ph
guicontrol, move%rx%, %c%, %l%
This appears to work as intended. My only real concern is the _keygen() function. I have it set to generate random asc() characters between 1 and 1000. If I increase that number much beyond 1000 it begins to break the cipher. I believe having the key consist of the widest possible range of characters increases the security of the cipher, so is there a reason it messes up and/or a way to increase it without breaking it?