Export large icon without shortcut overlay

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Export large icon without shortcut overlay

05 May 2024, 04:46

I'm trying to get a large icon (64x64 or more ideally) without the shortcut overlay from a given lnk file
Here's the (non-functional) code I've written so far

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Off
SHFileInfoSize := A_PtrSize + 4 + 4 + (260*2) + (80*2)
VarSetCapacity(SHFileInfo, SHFileInfoSize)
HImageList := DllCall("Shell32\SHGetFileInfo", Str, A_Args[1], UInt, 0, Ptr, &SHFileInfo, UInt, SHFileInfoSize, UInt, 0x000004000, Ptr)
HIcon := DllCall("Comctl32\ImageList_GetIcon", Ptr, HImageList, UInt, NumGet(SHFileInfo, A_PtrSize, "UInt"), UInt, 0, Ptr)
SaveHICONtoFile(hIcon, A_Args[2])

SaveHICONtoFile( hicon, iconFile ) {                                ; By SKAN | 06-Sep-2017 | goo.gl/8NqmgJ
Static CI_FLAGS:=0x2008                                             ; LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_COPYDELETEORG
Local  File, Var, mDC, sizeofRGBQUAD, ICONINFO:=[], BITMAP:=[], BITMAPINFOHEADER:=[]

  File := FileOpen( iconFile,"rw" )
  If ( ! IsObject(File) )
       Return 0
  Else File.Length := 0                                             ; Delete (any existing) file contents                                                   

  VarSetCapacity(Var,32,0)                                          ; ICONINFO Structure
  If ! DllCall( "GetIconInfo", "Ptr",hicon, "Ptr",&Var )
    Return ( File.Close() >> 64 )

  ICONINFO.fIcon      := NumGet(Var, 0,"UInt")
  ICONINFO.xHotspot   := NumGet(Var, 4,"UInt")
  ICONINFO.yHotspot   := NumGet(Var, 8,"UInt")
  ICONINFO.hbmMask    := NumGet(Var, A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:12, "UPtr")
  ICONINFO.hbmMask    := DllCall( "CopyImage"                       ; Create a DIBSECTION for hbmMask
                                , "Ptr",ICONINFO.hbmMask 
                                , "UInt",0                          ; IMAGE_BITMAP
                                , "Int",0, "Int",0, "UInt",CI_FLAGS, "Ptr" ) 
  ICONINFO.hbmColor   := NumGet(Var, A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:16, "UPtr") 
  ICONINFO.hbmColor   := DllCall( "CopyImage"                       ; Create a DIBSECTION for hbmColor
                                , "Ptr",ICONINFO.hbmColor
                                , "UInt",0                          ; IMAGE_BITMAP
                                , "Int",0, "Int",0, "UInt",CI_FLAGS, "Ptr" ) 

  VarSetCapacity(Var,A_PtrSize=8 ? 104:84,0)                        ; DIBSECTION of hbmColor
  DllCall( "GetObject", "Ptr",ICONINFO.hbmColor, "Int",A_PtrSize=8 ? 104:84, "Ptr",&Var )

  BITMAP.bmType       := NumGet(Var, 0,"UInt") 
  BITMAP.bmWidth      := NumGet(Var, 4,"UInt")
  BITMAP.bmHeight     := NumGet(Var, 8,"UInt")
  BITMAP.bmWidthBytes := NumGet(Var,12,"UInt")
  BITMAP.bmPlanes     := NumGet(Var,16,"UShort")
  BITMAP.bmBitsPixel  := NumGet(Var,18,"UShort")
  BITMAP.bmBits       := NumGet(Var,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:20,"Ptr")
  BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed := NumGet(Var,32+(A_PtrSize=8 ? 32:24),"UInt")
  File.WriteUINT(0x00010000)                                        ; ICONDIR.idReserved and ICONDIR.idType 
  File.WriteUSHORT(1)                                               ; ICONDIR.idCount (No. of images)
  File.WriteUCHAR(BITMAP.bmWidth  < 256 ? BITMAP.bmWidth  : 0)      ; ICONDIRENTRY.bWidth
  File.WriteUCHAR(BITMAP.bmHeight < 256 ? BITMAP.bmHeight : 0)      ; ICONDIRENTRY.bHeight 
  File.WriteUCHAR(BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed < 256                  ; ICONDIRENTRY.bColorCount
                ? BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed : 0)
  File.WriteUCHAR(0)                                                ; ICONDIRENTRY.bReserved
  File.WriteUShort(BITMAP.bmPlanes)                                 ; ICONDIRENTRY.wPlanes
  File.WriteUSHORT(BITMAP.bmBitsPixel)                              ; ICONDIRENTRY.wBitCount
  File.WriteUINT(0)                                                 ; ICONDIRENTRY.dwBytesInRes (filled later) 
  File.WriteUINT(22)                                                ; ICONDIRENTRY.dwImageOffset  

  NumPut( BITMAP.bmHeight*2, Var, 8+(A_PtrSize=8 ? 32:24),"UInt")   ; BITMAPINFOHEADER.biHeight should be 
                                                                    ; modified to double the BITMAP.bmHeight  

  File.RawWrite( &Var + (A_PtrSize=8 ? 32:24), 40)                  ; Writing BITMAPINFOHEADER (40  bytes)               

  If ( BITMAP.bmBitsPixel <= 8 )                                    ; Bitmap uses a Color table!
      mDC := DllCall( "CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr",0, "Ptr" )       
      DllCall( "SaveDC", "Ptr",mDC )
      DllCall( "SelectObject", "Ptr",mDC, "Ptr",ICONINFO.hbmColor )
      sizeofRGBQUAD := ( BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed * 4 )           ; Colors used x UINT (0x00bbggrr)
      VarSetCapacity( Var,sizeofRGBQUAD,0 )                         ; Array of RGBQUAD structures 
      DllCall( "GetDIBColorTable", "Ptr",mDC, "UInt",0, "UInt",BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed, "Ptr",&Var )
      DllCall( "RestoreDC", "Ptr",mDC, "Int",-1 )
      DllCall( "DeleteDC", "Ptr",mDC )
      File.RawWrite(Var, sizeofRGBQUAD)                             ; Writing Color table 
  File.RawWrite(BITMAP.bmBits, BITMAP.bmWidthBytes*BITMAP.bmHeight) ; Writing BITMAP bits (hbmColor)

  VarSetCapacity(Var,A_PtrSize=8 ? 104:84,0)                        ; DIBSECTION of hbmMask
  DllCall( "GetObject", "Ptr",ICONINFO.hbmMask, "Int",A_PtrSize=8 ? 104:84, "Ptr",&Var )

  BITMAP := []
  BITMAP.bmHeight     := NumGet(Var, 8,"UInt")
  BITMAP.bmWidthBytes := NumGet(Var,12,"UInt")
  BITMAP.bmBits       := NumGet(Var,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:20,"Ptr")

  File.RawWrite(BITMAP.bmBits, BITMAP.bmWidthBytes*BITMAP.bmHeight) ; Writing BITMAP bits (hbmMask)
  File.Seek(14,0)                                                   ; Seeking ICONDIRENTRY.dwBytesInRes
  File.WriteUINT(File.Length()-22)                                  ; Updating ICONDIRENTRY.dwBytesInRes
  DllCall( "DeleteObject", "Ptr",ICONINFO.hbmMask  )  
  DllCall( "DeleteObject", "Ptr",ICONINFO.hbmColor )
Return True  
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Re: Export large icon without shortcut overlay

07 May 2024, 09:00

No idea how to remove the shortcut overlay arrows with AHK, but if you are simply trying to eliminate those arrows, there's a simple app called "Windows Shortcut Arrow Editor" that can do that for you that I've been using for years...
image.png (33.47 KiB) Viewed 276 times

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Tech Stuff
Posts: 7
Joined: 20 Jul 2022, 08:10

Re: Export large icon without shortcut overlay

13 May 2024, 20:58

V0RT3X wrote:
07 May 2024, 09:00
No idea how to remove the shortcut overlay arrows with AHK, but if you are simply trying to eliminate those arrows, there's a simple app called "Windows Shortcut Arrow Editor" that can do that for you that I've been using for years...


(Moderators, please delete posting if posted link is against policy)
I'm not trying to remove the shortcut overlay, instead I'm trying to save the icon to a file without getting the shortcut overlay on it.

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