Modify shortcut file

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Modify shortcut file

30 May 2016, 01:52

AHK offers two commands to work with shortcut files (.lnk).
FileSetShortcut and FileGetShortcut

I would like to modify the target of an existing shortcut file.

What can be done to modify an existing shortcut file?
Of cause I could delete the old and create a new one.
But is there a way to modify an existing shortcut file?

PS: I am planing to write a short script that searches for broken shortcuts (e.g. due to moving or deleting files) on a server and offers to correct the target or to delete the shortcut, similar to the shareware program Shortcut Doctor. If you have any hint on such a script or other program that does such a task, please post as well. Thanks a lot in advance.
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Joined: 04 Mar 2016, 04:33

Re: Modify shortcut file

30 May 2016, 02:11

The easiest way is probably using the Windows Scripting Host COM interface:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
wsh := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
lnk := wsh.CreateShortcut("<path to existing lnk file or one to create>")
lnk.TargetPath := "D:\"
Otherwise, using the IShellLink(A/W) interface, like FileCreateShortcut does, is an option.
Posts: 868
Joined: 27 Apr 2014, 21:08
Location: Germany

Re: Modify shortcut file

30 May 2016, 10:28


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