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Go to webpage and send keys, not simple  Topic is solved

Posted: 17 Nov 2017, 09:28
by Himmilayah
Usually I have either the tag, name, id or other ways to identify a field I need to enter data to.

Now I have nothing except one thing. When the page loads, the box I need to send data to is active as the first thing. How can i send text to it (loads hidden)


Re: Go to webpage and send keys, not simple

Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 13:55
by divanebaba
Easiest way, when you have zero information, try send command.
SendInput is my favorite.

Goto webpage - wait till website is full loaded (or the "box" is active) - send text

Code: Select all

sleep 5000
sendinput hello`, fooled out of education
This is most unprofessional, but sometimes only way, if you want it quick.