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Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 01 May 2018, 16:57
by PoorInRichfield
AutoHotKey newbie here...

I'm creating a script that should run Outlook if the user doesn't already have it open, create an email, and send it... or just create the new email and send it if Outlook is already running. I'm stuck on the part of opening Outlook. The script below will open Outlook, but the call to ComObjActive fails as though it can't find the running version of Outlook. If I rerun the script with Outlook open, the new email is created. Any ideas?

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
Process, Exist, outlook.exe
If !ErrorLevel
    Run outlook.exe
    Sleep 15000
outlookApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
olMailItem := 0
MailItem := outlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 01 May 2018, 17:16
by Vh_
PoorInRichfield, as a guess, try putting this line in after you create your object.

Code: Select all

;Untested, don't have outlook setup on this machine

outlookApp.visible := true
also, this may be more efficient

Code: Select all

If !ErrorLevel
    Run outlook.exe
    WinWaitExist, OutlookTitleName

Hope this helps! ;)


Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM  Topic is solved

Posted: 01 May 2018, 18:08
by FanaticGuru
PoorInRichfield wrote:AutoHotKey newbie here...

I'm creating a script that should run Outlook if the user doesn't already have it open, create an email, and send it... or just create the new email and send it if Outlook is already running. I'm stuck on the part of opening Outlook. The script below will open Outlook, but the call to ComObjActive fails as though it can't find the running version of Outlook. If I rerun the script with Outlook open, the new email is created. Any ideas?

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
Process, Exist, outlook.exe
If !ErrorLevel
    Run outlook.exe
    Sleep 15000
outlookApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
olMailItem := 0
MailItem := outlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
It is easier to just try to hook on to an active Outlook and if it fails, create a new instance of Outlook.

Code: Select all

	outlookApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
	outlookApp := ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
MailItem := outlookApp.CreateItem(0)

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 02 May 2018, 09:02
by PoorInRichfield
Thanks for the replies...

The try/catch block by Fantastic Guru works perfectly. Unlike my code that fired-up the entire Outlook app, FG's solution just creates a new mail window, which is faster (and actually works!)

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 17 Sep 2018, 13:39
by justlee
Can this code always be running? Then trigger creating a new email when a shortcut key is pressed, something like ^+m::

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 17 Sep 2018, 18:20
by FanaticGuru
justlee wrote:Can this code always be running? Then trigger creating a new email when a shortcut key is pressed, something like ^+m::
Yes, just pretty much like any other hotkey.

Code: Select all

		outlookApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
		outlookApp := ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
	MailItem := outlookApp.CreateItem(0)

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 18 Sep 2018, 06:37
by Guest
I really apologize on that FG. Totally new to ahk. I didn't think it through. What I really wanted was slightly different once I thought this all the way through.

I'd like to be able to delay closing Outlook to send the email. I've found (once I did figure out how to keep the script running; apologies on wasting your time there) Outlook closes too quickly after the email is composed and alt+s is pressed to send. This results in the email sitting in the Outbox rather than sending. I'm thinking this is a timing issue. Not sure on that though.

Is there a way to delay the closing so the email sends instead of sitting in the Outbox?

Also, FG, I have to 2nd everyone here: you're what makes the WWW a great place to be. I've shared stuff over the years in answers and blogs and other stuff. But, I've felt that my answers, were not, all that unique or helpful. Yours are.

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 18 Sep 2018, 15:33
by Ahk_fan

for me are this one of best versions to send Email :
See this post: ... ery-ahk-l/

through COM-CDO without opening Outlook --> Credits to Sean and shajul:

Code: Select all

pmsg 			:= ComObjCreate("CDO.Message")
pmsg.From 		:= """AHKUser"" <>"
pmsg.To 		:= ""
pmsg.BCC 		:= ""   ; Blind Carbon Copy, Invisable for all, same syntax as CC
pmsg.CC 		:= ","
pmsg.Subject 	:= "Message_Subject"

;You can use either Text or HTML body like
pmsg.TextBody 	:= "Message_Body"
;pmsg.HtmlBody := "<html><head><title>Hello</title></head><body><h2>Hello</h2><p>Testing!</p></body></html>"

sAttach   		:= "Path_Of_Attachment" ; can add multiple attachments, the delimiter is |

fields := Object()
fields.smtpserver   := "" ; specify your SMTP server
fields.smtpserverport     := 465 ; 25
fields.smtpusessl      := True ; False
fields.sendusing     := 2   ; cdoSendUsingPort
fields.smtpauthenticate     := 1   ; cdoBasic
fields.sendusername := ""
fields.sendpassword := "your_password_here"
fields.smtpconnectiontimeout := 60
schema := ""

pfld :=   pmsg.Configuration.Fields

For field,value in fields
	pfld.Item(schema . field) := value

Loop, Parse, sAttach, |, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
an other version:

Code: Select all

run, ist my subject&body=bodytext&attachment="c:\temp\test.txt"
an other version:

Code: Select all

run, Outlook.exe /c ipm.note /a `"c:\temp\test.txt`"
next version:

Code: Select all

	path := "C:\temp\test.txt"
	olMailItem := 0
	MailItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(olMailItem)
	MailItem.SentOnBehalfOfName := ""
	MailItem.To := ""
	olFormatHTML := 2
	MailItem.Subject := "Subjecttext"
	MailItem.BodyFormat := olFormatHTML
	;Text HTLM
	MailItem.HTMLBody := "
	<H2>Head</H2><BODY>text1<br>link: <a href=`'" . A_ScriptDir . "`'>Link</a><br>text2</BODY></HTML>"
	MailItem.Send           ; or MailItem.Display if you wnt only display

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 18 Sep 2018, 20:19
by FanaticGuru
Guest wrote:I'd like to be able to delay closing Outlook to send the email. I've found (once I did figure out how to keep the script running; apologies on wasting your time there) Outlook closes too quickly after the email is composed and alt+s is pressed to send. This results in the email sitting in the Outbox rather than sending. I'm thinking this is a timing issue. Not sure on that though.

Is there a way to delay the closing so the email sends instead of sitting in the Outbox?
Yes, that is a quandary. I always have Outlook running so have not fooled around much with these timing issues of opening and closing Outlook. And it does appear to be a timing issue.

When Outlook is running already and will continue running, no problem.

I can also send an email completely by COM where the script is opening, composing, sending and then closing Outlook. Usually completely in the background without displaying anything.

But when you start Outlook and just display a new email dialog and then put it into the hands of the user to hit the Send button it is out of the control of the script. When that Send button is click, Outlook just puts it in the Outbox where then it is scheduled and sent at a later time. When Outlook is running normally that later time is usually a few seconds later. But in this case Outlook closes down immediatly, leaving the email in the Outbox unsent.

I will have to think about this abit. There is probably a solution but it is a pretty trick problem for such a simple seeming task as a shortcut to bring up the Outlook new email panel (when Outlook is closed).


Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 20 Sep 2018, 11:14
by justlee
FG: I'm reading the documentation and messing around now. It's highly unlikely I'll create a solution before you. If I do solve this quandary (so appropriate), I will post back.

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 07 Apr 2021, 01:39
by jsong55
Need help trying to retrieve formatted text from a word document and put it in the body of an email.

Would like to know 2 ways to do it. 1. Via CreateItem in Outlook and 2. Via Active window

Code I used to copy out formatted word content

Code: Select all

	dir := "E:\Documents\"
		wordfile := dir "\test.docx"
		;wD := ComObjActive("Word.Application")
		wD := ComObjGet(wordfile)
And code for possibly putting it in outlook?

Code: Select all

oL := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
em := oL.Application.CreateItem(0)
em.Display() := ""
em.Subject := "Just An Email"
em.BodyFormat := 2 ; 1 plain 2 HTML 3, rtf 0 unspecified
em.Body := "Hi`nHow are you" 

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 07 Apr 2021, 15:43
by FanaticGuru
jsong55 wrote:
07 Apr 2021, 01:39
Need help trying to retrieve formatted text from a word document and put it in the body of an email.

This is the basics of creating a new Outlook email and pasting a Word document into the body.

Code: Select all

; Copy Whole Story from Word
wdApp := ComObjActive("Word.Application")
wdApp.Selection.End := True

; Create Email and Paste Clipboard to Email Body
olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
olMailItem := olApp.CreateItem(0) ; 0 = Mail Item
wdDoc := olMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor
This example requires both Outlook and the Word document to already be open but that could all be done programmatically if needed. Everything including sending the email could also be done in the background.


Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 08 Apr 2021, 23:37
by jsong55
Awesome works! Thanks @FanaticGuru

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 10 Jun 2022, 08:21
by Jakobus
Dear Friends of AHK-Scripts,

I'm astonished about the nice solution by @FanaticGuru's code above.

"This is the basics of creating a new Outlook email and pasting a Word document into the body."

Kind question:
Is there any solution available to add the WORD document in an open email above - as an answer of an existing mail?

Thanks in advance

Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 28 Jun 2022, 17:31
by FanaticGuru
Jakobus wrote:
10 Jun 2022, 08:21
"This is the basics of creating a new Outlook email and pasting a Word document into the body."

Kind question:
Is there any solution available to add the WORD document in an open email above - as an answer of an existing mail?

How or which email you link to for adding the Word document does not change the process.

Here is an example of getting the olMailItem for the currently open email window.

Code: Select all

; Copy Whole Story from Word
wdApp := ComObjActive("Word.Application")
wdApp.Selection.End := True

; Create Email and Paste Clipboard to Email Body
olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
olMailItem := olApp.ActiveWindow.CurrentItem
wdDoc := olMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor

Word has to be open and an email window must be open.


Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 09 Aug 2022, 18:51
by FanaticGuru
FanaticGuru wrote:
18 Sep 2018, 20:19
Guest wrote:I'd like to be able to delay closing Outlook to send the email. I've found (once I did figure out how to keep the script running; apologies on wasting your time there) Outlook closes too quickly after the email is composed and alt+s is pressed to send. This results in the email sitting in the Outbox rather than sending. I'm thinking this is a timing issue. Not sure on that though.

Is there a way to delay the closing so the email sends instead of sitting in the Outbox?
Yes, that is a quandary. I always have Outlook running so have not fooled around much with these timing issues of opening and closing Outlook. And it does appear to be a timing issue.

When Outlook is running already and will continue running, no problem.

I can also send an email completely by COM where the script is opening, composing, sending and then closing Outlook. Usually completely in the background without displaying anything.

But when you start Outlook and just display a new email dialog and then put it into the hands of the user to hit the Send button it is out of the control of the script. When that Send button is click, Outlook just puts it in the Outbox where then it is scheduled and sent at a later time. When Outlook is running normally that later time is usually a few seconds later. But in this case Outlook closes down immediatly, leaving the email in the Outbox unsent.

I will have to think about this abit. There is probably a solution but it is a pretty trick problem for such a simple seeming task as a shortcut to bring up the Outlook new email panel (when Outlook is closed).


Here is a solution to the email ending up sitting in the outbox when the new email dialog is brought up without Outlook being open to start with:

Code: Select all

; Data
Account := ""
To := ""
Subject := "Test"
Body =
This is HTML body of email.
<a href=""></a><br>

; Create Email with Data
olApp := ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
olNameSpace := olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
olEmail := olApp.CreateItem(0)	; olMailItem := 0
olEmail.SendUsingAccount := olNameSpace.Accounts.Item(Account)
olEmail.To := To
olEmail.BodyFormat := 2	; olFormatHTML := 2
olEmail.Subject := Subject
olEmail.HTMLBody := Body

; ^^^^^ Above is standard stuff to start a new email and display it for the user to finish ^^^^^
; vvvvv Below is the part that waits for the user to finish and then make sure the email is actually sent and not just sitting in Outbox vvvvv

; Wait for olEmail dialog to be closed which will then trigger an error as olEmail will not exist anymore
    Sleep 500
        olEmail.Sent ; check any property

; Closing the olEmail dialog will close Outlook so must restart
olApp := ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
olNameSpace := olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
for olSync in olNameSpace.SyncObjects
    olSync.Start  ; Send/Receive

Basically the key is to wait for the user to finish composing the email and send it manually (which closes Outlook), then reopen Outlook and do a Send/Receive for all groups.


Re: Open Outlook & Send Email Using COM

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 08:00
by Jakobus
Dear FantasticGuru,

Thanks a lot for your help!

"Here is an example of getting the olMailItem for the currently open email window."

Your solution is a really really good.
It's like magic how good it works.

It makes the user happy.
More than I can give back.

Thanks once more.