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EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 28 Jun 2018, 18:19
by burque505
I've been wrestling with EPPlus.dll as in this thread..
Although I've had some success, I've been struggling with charts and pictures. Chart types are enumerated values, I'm pretty sure, so I thought I would have luck as I did with shapes and borders. But not so far ...
The problem code for images is (more or less) like this in C#, and works perfectly if compiled in VS:

Code: Select all

            var img = Image.FromFile("image.jpg");
            var pic = ws.Drawings.AddPicture(myPicture, img);
            shape.SetPosition(3, 0, 3, 0)       //Position Row, RowOffsetPixels, Column, ColumnOffsetPixels
From the developer's page on Shapes, Pictures and Charts.
What I've tried is this, where

Code: Select all

pck := Clr_CreateObject(asm, "OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage")

Code: Select all

ws := pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Image")

Code: Select all

picture := ws.Drawings.AddPicture("Picture", "Speaker.bmp")
This error is thrown:
I've tried replacing the path "Speaker.bmp" with ImageFromFile("Speaker.bmp"), where that function is (not that it works):

Code: Select all

	static lib := Clr_LoadLibrary("System.Drawing")
	return Clr_CreateObject(drawing, "Image.FromFile", filename)
All help and suggestions greatly appreciated.

Regarding charts, I should be able to add one with

Code: Select all

chart := ws.Drawings.AddChart("Sample", eChartType.Pie)
, but it throws an error saying the interface isn't supported (but eChartType is a public enum). Using

Code: Select all

chart := ws.Drawings.AddChart("Sample", 5)
, where the enum for "Pie" should be 5, the "interface" error isn't thrown, but instead "the parameter is incorrect".

Again, all help and suggestions greatly appreciated.

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 28 Jun 2018, 18:25
by jeeswg
I thought I'd mention this just in case. When using Excel with COM, sometimes you have to pass numbers as objects e.g.:
ComObject ... Object.htm

Code: Select all

ComObject(0xB, -1) ;VT_BOOL := 0xB

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 28 Jun 2018, 18:28
by burque505
Thanks, jeeswg, although this doesn't use Excel per se (just creates .xlsx and .xlsm), I bet you're on to something. I'll see if I can do something with that.

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux  Topic is solved

Posted: 29 Jun 2018, 00:23
by tmplinshi

Code: Select all

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

EPPlus := Clr_LoadLibrary("EPPlus.dll")
pck := Clr_CreateObject(EPPlus, "OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage", FileInfo("input.xlsx"))

ws := pck.Workbook.Worksheets.(1)

drawing := Clr_LoadLibrary("System.Drawing")
img := Clr_CreateObject(drawing, "System.Drawing.Bitmap", "D:\Desktop\input.jpg")

picture := ws.Drawings.AddPicture("myPicture", img)
; picture.SetPosition(60, 40)
picture.From.Column := 5
picture.From.Row := 5
picture.SetSize(100) ; 100%

pck.SaveAs( FileInfo("output.xlsx") )


	static lib := Clr_LoadLibrary("mscorlib")
	return Clr_CreateObject(lib, "System.IO.FileInfo", filename)

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 29 Jun 2018, 07:37
by burque505
:beer: :beer: :beer: :bravo: :beer: :beer: :beer:
Thank you!
I see you managed not only to get the picture in there, but to load an .xlsx on creating the object!!! Beautiful! Inspired.
You also got the .From.Column and .From.Row working.
I had previously gotten as far as creating a System.Drawing object, but I never would have thought of the "System.Drawing.Bitmap" approach.
EDIT & P.S.: Any thoughts on those charts? :)

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 01 Jul 2018, 08:36
by burque505
Re charts: I've been getting consistent errors trying to use the AddChart method. :headwall: This is sample C# code:

Code: Select all

var myChart = myWorksheet.Drawings.AddChart("chart", eChartType.Pie)
Translated into AHK, this becomes

Code: Select all

chart = ws.Drawings.AddChart("chart", eChartType.Pie)
which I thought probably wouldn't work anyway, because AHK (for EPPlus.dll, anyway) seems to require the integer value for an enumeration rather than its name.
The error I get is

Code: Select all

Error:  0x80004002 - No such interface supported
For 'eChartType.Pie', the corresponding integer is 5.
So I tried

Code: Select all

chart := ws.Drawings.AddChart("Pie", 5)
. The error I get is:

Code: Select all

Error:  0x80070057 - The parameter is incorrect.
Looking at this MSDN page about MSXML DOM I see these same two errors are the probable result of mixing different versions of DOM objects.
Does anyone have any clues how I work around these errors? I have no idea which versions of the MSXML DOM are in use in EPPlus.dll, but considering its OfficeOpenXml, there could very well be a couple of versions.

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 01 Jul 2018, 09:32
by tmplinshi
I also tried this but didn't work:

Code: Select all

eChartType := EPPlus.CreateInstance("OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eChartType")
myChart := ws.Drawings.AddChart("chart1", eChartType.Pie)
There are some other strange errors, such as ws.SetValue("B2", "TEST") didn't work, but ws.SetValue(2, 2, "TEST") works.

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 01 Jul 2018, 11:42
by burque505
Looks like both of us have been looking at this page. :)
Yes, you're absolutely right.
Another oddity is that red and blue are reversed in the hex code order:

Code: Select all

should be red, but it's blue!

Code: Select all

should be blue, but it's red.

Code: Select all

Worksheet.Cells.("A1").Value := "General"
works, but

Code: Select all

Worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value := "General"
does not, and neither does

Code: Select all

Worksheet.Cells("A1").Value := "General"
Curiouser and curiouser . . . :)

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 11:04
by burque505
Able to create a ChartSheet object, apparently because that can be done directly from the ExcelPackage object. The object (with no content, so far) displays on the second sheet of the chart in the code below.
Still need to be able to create an OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart object, I think.

Code: Select all

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

#Include CLR_c.ahk

lib := Clr_LoadLibrary("mscorlib")

outfile := Clr_CreateObject(lib, "System.IO.FileInfo", "ChartSheetTest.xlsx")

asm := Clr_LoadLibrary(".\EPPlus.dll")
pck := Clr_CreateObject(asm, "OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage")

wb := pck.Workbook
ws := wb.Worksheets.Add("ChartSheet")
cs := wb.Worksheets.AddChart("PieChart", 5)
;showinfo(cs, "cs")

ws.Cells.("C2").Value := 10
ws.Cells.("C3").Value := 40
ws.Cells.("C4").Value := 30
ws.Cells.("B2").Value := "Yes"
ws.Cells.("B3").Value := "No"
ws.Cells.("B4").Value := "NA" ;works
ws.SetValue(5, 2, "Test")



	static lib := Clr_LoadLibrary("mscorlib")
	return Clr_CreateObject(lib, "System.IO.FileInfo", filename)

ShowInfo(object, objname) {
vartype := ComObjType(object)
name := ComObjType(object, "Name")
clsid := ComObjType(object, "CLSID")
cname := ComObjtype(object, "Class")
msgbox %objname%'s class is %cname%`r`nName is %name%`r`nCLSID is %clsid%`r`nVT is %vartype%

Here's what the blank object looks like on the sheet so far. If anyone knows how to add data to this, I'd love to see it.
ChartObject.PNG (6.65 KiB) Viewed 2669 times

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 15:33
by tmplinshi
Based on your work, I searched for epplus "Worksheets.AddChart". Working example:

Code: Select all

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

EPPlus := Clr_LoadLibrary("EPPlus.dll")
pck := EPPlus.CreateInstance("OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage")

sheet1 := pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1")
sheet1.Cells.("C2").Value := 10
sheet1.Cells.("C3").Value := 40
sheet1.Cells.("C4").Value := 30
sheet1.Cells.("B2").Value := "Yes"
sheet1.Cells.("B3").Value := "No"
sheet1.Cells.("B4").Value := "NA"

ChartSheet := pck.Workbook.Worksheets.AddChart("ChartSheet", 5)
chart := ChartSheet.Chart

r1 := sheet1.Cells.("C2:C4")
r2 := sheet1.Cells.("B2:B4")
series := chart.Series.Add(r1, r2)

; chart.Border.Fill.Color := 0x0000FF ; not working
chart.Title.Text := "My Chart"
; chart.Title.Font.Size := 55
; chart.Title.Font.Bold := true

pck.SaveAs( FileInfo("AddChart.xlsx") )


	static lib := Clr_LoadLibrary("mscorlib")
	return Clr_CreateObject(lib, "System.IO.FileInfo", filename)

Re: EPPlus help needed - redux

Posted: 04 Jul 2018, 17:08
by burque505
tmplinshi, I thank you yet again!
Very nice indeed. :bravo: